HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 63 - Slave Fight

"This is your last chance, tell me where your master went to!" Gerund asked, pointing his spear toward Talia and Shamac.

Shamac sighed and shrugged.

"Oi, geezer. Are we going to fight already or what?" He asked.

Gerund was really enraged by the casual and disrespectful behavior of a slave, one who wasn't even human to begin with.

"Commander, commander... Can't we just slice them up and carve them into beautiful bloody sculptures? Maybe they'll be willing to talk then?" Pheobe said with an obsessive smile as she glanced over to Shamac.

Immediately Shamac shivered at her gaze.

"They'll be too dead to answer anything, you little..." Gerund said as he sighed.

"I can't deal with this girl" He groaned to himself.

Having lost every other member of his best forces, leavinng only her standing, he needed cooperation with her. Pheobe was often known as a 'wild card' even among her peers. One of his deadliest subordinates, and if he was being frank with himself, she also gave him the creeps occassionally.

"But... Despite her oddities, she always gets the job done. She's the perfect killing machine, and it's good I have her by my side now" Gerund thought.

Seeing as conflict was inevitable, he took his stance, same with Pheobe and readied himself.

"I'll deal with the cheeky brat. You handle the girl" He told Pheobe.

"Hehehehe, roger that sir." She grinned.

"You must be quite confident in your skills if you think you can beat me-" Shamac smiled smugly.

However, before he could complete his statement, a concentrated gust of wind blew to his direction, sending him flying far away from Talia. The wind came from none other than...

"Gale Spear" Gerund muttered.

"I've separated the both of them now. Make sure to deal with her quickly. Don't mess around too much" Gerund said.

"I'll try my best sir" She replied.

Gerund nodded. That was good enough for him. He immediately dashed to the location where he sent Shamac flying to, leaving Pheobe with Talia, who silently watched the whole exchange.

With both teams separated and conditioned to fight one on one, they steeled themselves for battle.


"Ahhhhh, that was too sudden" Shamac groaned, rising from the ground.

"Damnit, now my outfit will be all stained. Oh wait, it isn't. Ah, Master Hexarion's clothes sure come in handy in situations like this" He noticed.

"Looks like you must be fine since you still have the energy to speak so casually" Gerund said, appearing before Shamac.

"Ahh, you! You blew me quite a great distance from Talia. I can't even see her from here." Shamac said.

"I suppose that works in your favor. After all... You won't experience as she gets brutally killed" Gerund replied.

"Uh? Killed? Talia?" Shamac said in a bit of confusion.

The suddenly he let out a hearty laughter.

"Hahahahahahaha. Oh, you guys are just too hilarious. Sorry to break it to you, but even though I'm not sure of the outcome of my fight with you, I can definitely say for sure... Talia will win!" Shamac smiled confidently.

Gerund was surprised by his certainty. Was there something about her he didn't know?

"Well, that doesn't mean I won't try my best as well. To be honest I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here since it's just evening. But, the master said we should do this and I can't afford to disappoint him." Shamac said, readying himself.

"Cheh. Cheeky brat. Do you really hope to defeat a Commander in the Imperial Forces? How conceited can you be?" He said, raising his Gale Spear for combat.

"You guys are the conceited ones in my opinion. It's not like that matters though, since you're going to die here anyway." Shamac said with a grin.

"Come, kid... I'll show you the difference between us!" Gerund challenged.

Shamac smiled, but a bead of sweat dropped from his face.

"If I'm being honest here, I'm at a complete disadvantage. His weapon has a longer reach and wider range of damage as well as area of effect. Plus, it may have other properties I'm not aware of. Then as a Commander, I'm sure his skills are no joke. Ahhh, what a pain." Shamac thought to himself.

"Right now, since It's evening, I can still use my shadows, but their abilities will be very limited, meaning my main weapon for this battle is my shapeshifting ability. Ah, I wish I practiced using that for fights more instead of playing silly tricks. But it can't be helped. From this point on, I won't only be fighting battles in the night time, but also during the day as well. I need to get stronger!" He added.

"Now is the perfect opportunity! I'll win this fight for sure!" He resolved.

Immediately, he transformed himself into a menacing tiger and crouched.

"Grrrrrrwlllllll" He growled.

"Here I come!" He said to himself.

Immediately, on all fours he ran toward Gerund, ready to devour his prey.


"So I guess that leaves us girls" Talia said as she glanced at Pheobe.

"What's your name?" She asked.

Pheobe was surprised by the sudden question.

"Why do you want to know? You're going to die here anyway" She replied.

Talia sighed.

"Good point. There's no point in exchanging names when one of us is going to die anyway. Though it still feels strange. Fighting someone I don't even know... Weird" Talia mumbled.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Enough talking! I wanna Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!!!!" Pheobe grinned maniacally.

"All this talk of killing... How can you say it so easily? To tell you the truth, I don't want to kill you, or anyone for that matter... But... But..." Talia said with a sad expression on her face.

Her hands shook slightly as she was losing composure and giving in to emotion. Pheobe saw this and grinned widely.

"This is a perfect chance"

Without any form of warning, she immediately dashed toward Talia and brought forth her dagger to strike.

Talia saw this and quickly reacted by leaping away from her location, dodging the initial strike of the dagger. However...

"Wake up... Shino...." Pheobe grinned with a sick smile.

Suddenly the little dagger enlarged, and from its sides it brought out blade extensions like branches. The blade extensions shook slightly as she pointed the now enlarged dagger toward Talia who was in midair.

"Butcher her!" She said with excitement.

The branches of blades were immediately launched and lunged at Talia, who lacked the mobility to dodge the blow. However...

"Vines" Talia whispered.

Suddenly, the plants on the flat plains they were on rose and grew larger. They immediately surrounded Talia and parried all the blades that were launched at her, protecting her from harm.

"W-What?" Phoebe let out in surprise.

She retracted her blades back into the dagger as it returned to its original shape.

"I truly do not want to fight you, not to talk of killing you. But... If that is 'His' wish... Then I have no choice..." Talia said, rising to the air.

Immedaitely, she unlocked the first seal and her brilliant wings emerged, shining brightly. Phoebe was dumbfounded by the sight before her that she couldn't speak, only make amazed expressions.

"So beautiful... So bright... So pure!" He mind rang.

Talia sighed, as she slightly raised her hands.

Immedaitely, the plants around he grew and with her strengthening essence, they changed their colors to silver. Their numbers and size made Phobe seem so small in front of them.

"Amazing... So amazing..." Pheobe said as her entire body trembled.

Her face blushed as she gazed excitedly at Talia.

"Y-You... You're strong!!! Ah, finally. You're so strong and so beautiful! Ah, I can't wait... How will those wings look like as they are dyed in your blood. How will your body look like in tiny pieces, ah, how your blood will greatly satisfy Shino! Finally, we have someone fun to play with" Phoebe declared excitedly to Talia.

A bead of sweat fell from Talia's face due to the discomfort she felt by the words Pheobe spoke. They were... Disturbing.

"My name is Pheobe... What is yours?" She asked excitedly.

"It's Talia" She answered, surprised she suddenly wanted to share names.

"Ah, Talia... Want to know a secret? I love strong people. I love beautiful people. I love how they look after I carve them up. I love killing them and seeing their innards come out with such hue of red as the blood gets taken in by Shino... Oh, such bliss. And you, Talia, are both beautiful and strong... Let's have some fun Talia." She said with aroused excitement as she drooled with pleasure.

"I wonder... I wonder what kind of face you'll make when you die... Oh, I can't wait. Shino can't wait too! Big brother Gwain, I've found a strong one! I'll kill her real nice!!!" She licked her blade.

Talia remained silent as she watched Pheobe's depraved expressions and behaviour. She still didn't want to kill, but...

"I will gladly do anything for Hexarion!" She said to herself.

After granting her this power, he gave her a task to do for him. She wanted to carry it out without fail, and that is why, even though she didn't want to, she was going to do it! She didn't want to be worthless to him. She didn't want him to throw her away. She would do just anything to please him. Because to her, Hexarion was, is...

"He is... My Everything!"

And so she readied her strengthened vines, while Pheobe prepped her dagger.

Only one was going to live.

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