HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 72 - The Takeover (Pt 2)

With that out of the way, there's one less thing to be concerned about. I have successfully placed the Trade Underworld under my control.

Of course, Borgos will still run the Black Market as the Ruler. There are several reasons for this.

The first is due to the fact that I'm too busy and have many other things on my plate than to be running a Black Market. Of course this establishment has its uses, but I refuse to limit myself and restrict my activities due to my commitment to such a place.

Even with this, the Black Market must continue and it's survival is essential to the equilibrium in Artia, and so I require a Ruler to be in control while I attend to other affairs.

There's also the matter of appearance. Mine as well as Borgos's. As someone who will also be in possession of the Imperius Auction House, It will be a fatal mistake to be associated too deeply with the Trade Underworld.

With the controversy that is to occur due to my sudden possession of Imperius, I can't leave any loose End untied or any form of weakness that can be exploited. As such, I won't make the same mistake Julius made, thinking he could eat his cake and have it, being a member of the Black Market as well as the head of an upstanding institution like Imperius.

There's also the matter of Borgos already being recognized by the other Rulers in the other districts in the Western Kingdom. If I suddenly flaunt my title around, it'll attract unwanted attention. It's not like I view any of the Rulers as a threat to me, but it'll he inconvenient to have them appearing at this point in time. When the time comes I'll deal with them, but for now, it's time to focus on more urgent matters.

Finally, there's the fact that my goals involve being in control of literally everything. I can't possibly be present at every landmark I possess when I obtain control of them. Vassals and stewards are necessary. Trustworthy individuals who would never betray me, whether due to reverence or fear.

I consider Borgos to be the first experiment in that regard.

Besides, he's more experienced than me when it comes to the dealings within the Black Market anyway. It'll be a bother to begin management of such an intricate establishment when I don't even have complete information on this era and I'm not entirely caught up with the times.

In any case, I'll leave things to Borgos and the rest of them to do a good job for me while I focus on my other goals.

After the takeover of the Black Market, the obvious next step would be... Imperius.

To be honest, this is by far the easiest. Using Phobio's authority as a prince, as well as the Royal decree he brought with him from the King, I obtained Imperius immediately.

Of course, there'll still be a lot of intricate matters involved and paperwork as well as meetings with other managers and heads of Imperius who will disagree with my possession of their company branch... But, in the end this establishment is as good as mine.

Not long after I appeared at the Imperius Auction House, I got the appropriate recoetion and was accepted as the new owner.

I walked around the Auction House, having Lorna, the receptionist as my guide. She showed me around the establishment and explained the entire Auction House structure to me.

She explained the huge loss Imperius was going to undertake due to to Julius' sudden disappearance with so many Relics as well as the huge debt Imperius suffered due to his actions.

Of course, the items Julius stole are in my possession, but I have no intention of divulging that information to her. After all, there will be the question of how I came to obtain them. Julius is supposed to be painted as the villain who made away with Imperius' goods and mine as well, leaving everything in ruin.

I, of course will appear as a victim of Julius' selfish actions as well as the savior who will bring Imperius back into the green and cause even greater prosperity for it. With such an image, there's no way my authority and control over Imperius will be questioned. After all, what matters most in a world such as this is Results.

There's also my connection to the Royal family and the King's order.

"S-Sir Rio Xarion... Once again, allow me to congratulate you on your acquisition of this fine establishment. While we are currently not worth much, I believe with your leadership and resources you will be able to turn things around for everyone. Imperius is truly blessed to have you." Lorna said to me with a charming smile.

I smiled at the young lady.

She's as sharp as I remember her to be.

Not only did she efficiently analyze the current circumstances of Imperius to me, she also did so without badmouthing Julius in any direct way. She also used her words to conclude that she has high faith in my abilities and capacity, congratulating me in the process.

While I know she's also trying to sweet talk me and get on my good graces, it's not a bad move for a human. She's going to be a good card I can play in my control of this city. Perhaps even... 

After the tour, I was left alone in Julius' office, now mine. They already refurbished it while I was having my tour, how quick and efficient. Imperius truly deserves the top spot in Artia when it comes to commerce.

And just like that, I have obtained financial control over Artia, possessing the greatest power in both the legal and illegal trade. But... That's not enough.

While I have complete control in the underworld, I only possess financial power in the regular city. What I desire is absolute control. To to that, Artia's every affair must be within my sphere of influence. There are two major options I can choose.

First is to use Hex, but that is one I'm avoiding. Any perceptive person who enters into the city will be able to immediately tell that something is amiss. Besides, I prefer using the will of humans rather than controlling them using Aspect manipulation.

In that sense, there's the second option to choose from... 'Educating' the most powerful person in the city, just as I educated Phobio.

With that, everything and everyone in Artia will be mine.

Then, with that out of the way, I'll finally be able to move on to my next plan and expand my influence outside this city.

"It's about wrapped up by now. I wonder how the slaves are doing... Ana should be doing a good job keeping them company." I mused within myself.

"It won't be long now.... Artia is already mine"

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