HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 73 - Artia's Mayor

It is a race against time.

My original schedule for the takeover is 24 hours. Within 24 hours I am to take control of the entire City of Artia. With a day gone, I currently have less then 6 hours remaining. But...

"That's plenty enough!"

Using Lorna's explanation and my connection as the Manager of Imperius, I easily obtained access to see the Mayor of Artia. Since I can't wait for a long period of time to be granted an audience with the man, I had to speed up the process.

The office of the mayor was initially hesitant when faced with the urgency of my visit, but due to the prestige Imperius carries, and the fact that I'm a new Manager, they became more complacent and caught and they agreed to let me meet the mayor within an hour.

"All these unnecessary formalities. The mayor isn't even that busy a man in the first place" I smirked as I spoke to myself.

Most likely, the major work of managing the town is done by the assistant to the Mayor, while the mayor himself reaps the reward of the assistant's hard work. It's not uncommon in this human society.

According to the memories I obtained from that Duke in the faraway region, what's his name again? Northenheim, I've learned the true nature of governance in this Kingdom.

Most nobles and governors hardly do anything. They leave the trivial and important tasks to their subordinates, giving them more than enough time for leisure and depravity.

With this in mind, I'm certain this Mayor is no different. Therefore, they have no right to make me wait and waste my time. I'm glad they decided to allow me to see the man early, if they hadn't... Then things could have gotten messy.

I stepped into the office of the most important man in Artia. It was a large office, more than twice as big as Julius' own, with even greater decorations and more luxurious designs.

"Oh oh, You must be the new Manager of Imperius." The mayor said to me, noticing me observing the office.

His grin widened as he thought I was impressed by his status.

"I never liked that Julius anyway. Heh, but with you... Perhaps you'd be more sensible. That's why I agreed to meet with you so quickly despite my busy schedule." He added.


This man must know I am in possession of Ancient coins, plus I have connections with the Royal Family. He's most likely trying to form a beneficial relationship for himself. It's not like that necessarily irks me in itself, but there's one thing he is getting wrong.

He's talking to me with an air of superiority.

"Oi oi, say something. You can speak, can't you?" He said impatiently.

I slowly turned my gaze toward him. Immediately he met my eyes, his arrogant smiley face quickly turned into that of shock and fear. He couldn't move and he felt a gnawing sense of darkness creep around him.

"Who are you to tell me to do anything?" I asked him.

"You fool... By the time I'm done with you, I wonder whether you'll be able to utter such drivel anymore."


I used Root to absorb him into the alternate world within it. Due to me being pressed for time, I increased the time flow within ROOT.

"Increase time flow ratio to 100:1" I said.


<<Time flow within Root will be augmented>>

<<100 seconds will move within Root per one second on this planet>>



And so, with a passing hour here, 100 hours would have passed within ROOT. That should be enough for him. Men such as these, sheltered, pompous and lazy... They break very easily.

I went to his chair and sat on it as he was currently receiving his orientation within ROOT.

"Hmmmn, it's comfortable." I noticed.

I toured his office and made myself at home. I checked his library, his collections, his records. They were all beneficial to me. I obtained some interesting information.

"Mr Mayor... You're quite the corrupt man, aren't you?" I smiled.

Well, it's not like that matters to me. Besides, the mayor's true name is Alfred. D. Dormantio. Dormantio is a noble family, a prestigious one at that. It's no wonder he was made governor of this city. With such a background as that, his depravity counts for nothing.

Before long, an hour passed.

I summoned him back, and of course he was as I expected him to be. He had bulging eyes, salivating mouth and a throbbing body. His tongue rolled around.

"I-Im S-Sorry.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...." He muttered endlessly.

Ah, he broke too much. But, I suppose this is also beneficial to me.

"Mr Mayor. Do you recognize me?" I said to him.

At the sound of my voice, his body immediately reacted as he looked up and saw me seated on his own seat. His eyes beamed as his mouth watered even more.

"My master! M-Master!" He said, licking the floor of his office as he prostrated to me.

"Ah, Root... Just what did you do to this guy?" I asked within myself.

"<<Commencing analysis report>>" Root stated.

"No, no. That was just rhetorical." I said.

Root has no form of common sense, since it is basically programmed to act according to my commands. Also, due to it also being able to read my thoughts, It offers an answer to anything I don't understand or whatsoever I require so long as it within it's capacity. Usually it's a good thing...

But, sometimes it just gets tiring.

"Good. Now, you'll still be mayor of this city. But you'll run it according to how I want it. Do you understand?" I asked him.

"Y-Yes master. I'll do my best!" He said, wagging his tongue in excitement and obedience... Just like a dog.

I smiled.

"Now then, come and have your seat... The seat I have given you" I said, standing up from my position and leaving it for him to occupy.

He stood up slowly as he walked toward the chair.

"You only have one purpose now... Everything you do will be for me. You will live for me. You will rule for me. You will die for me." I said.

"With pleasure... Master!" He said as he sat down on his chair in a subservient and bowing manner.


"With this, I'll take my leave. Do well until when next you hear from me" I told him, turning toward the exit.

"My Lord... A-Are you going somewhere?" He asked me.

I turned back to look at his distressed face. As soon as I gazed at him, he bowed his head and shook in outright fear.

"F-Forgive me master... I dared to question your decision and ask such an impudent question." He quickly added.

I smiled.

"I'll be leaving this city soon" I told him.

He raised his head with a surprised, yet somewhat sad expression. It feels weird since we've only met for a little while, but as my servant, he must be dreading my absence. No matter...

"Run Artia well until my return. Till then... Do well to please me Mr Mayor" I said to him.

He remained speechless as he throbbed with inexplicable emotions. I opened the door and exited the office, heading toward Imperius to address the last piece of the puzzle before leaving.

"I'll.... I will do my best... MASTERRR!!!"

I heard his loud voice from the hallway and smiled. Whatever ROOT did... I'm impressed.

"<<Confirm, shall Root explain?>>"

Sigh, this little... Well I can't complain since I made it this way.

"Nope" I smiled and walked away.

"<< :'( :'( :'( >>"

Now for the final piece, the only thing holding me back... The Imperius board.

Any moment from now they should be arriving at the branch I own in Artia, or at least their representative will.

Their purpose is but one... To kick me out of my ownership of Imperius. Whether they will do that by persuasion, negotiation or threats... I can't wait to find out.

"Come, you lowly worms.... I'll show you how to do business" 

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