HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 74 - The Delegates

This is it!

Seated before me are the ones I expected... The Imperius delegates. They are two in number, but from their attire and entourage it's clear that these are very important people in the Imperius Structure.

They only have one goal... To recover the Artia branch that is in my possession, and to do that, they will stop at nothing. However, they do not understand one crucial factor...

These jokers have no idea who they are messing with.

[Moments Ago]

After leaving the Mayor's residence, I decided to return to the Imperius Auction House.

While there are carriages available for convenient transport, I find myself desiring to walk more often these days. And since my body feels no exhaustion or pain, there's no downside to it.

After a while, I got near the premises of the Imperius Auction House. I saw a few sets of carriages parked by the sides of the Auction Houss, as well as a couple of people waiting around the building.

Also, from outside, I could sense unrest emanating from within the Company. The sign on the entrance also read 'Closed'.

"Clearly something is wrong" I muttered to myself.

"Looks like they are here"

I entered the Auction House and immediately the workers turned their attention to me as I walked in.

"W-Welcome Sir..." They said with hesitant looks.

Immediately, Lorna ran to me as she looked relieved by my presence.

"They... They are here sir..." She huffed as she bowed to me.

"I see... How many?" I asked her.

"Two of them. About an hour after you left, they arrived here. They made quite a commotion when they entered. They have about 30 elite men with them. Fortunately, I was able to calm them down and take them to the highest tier lounge where they are currently staying in." She explained.

As expected of Lorna, she's quick and precise on the uptake. That's why I told her beforehand of their arrival and left the preparations to her, while I went to see the Mayor.

For them to have caused a scene which made the workers be so hesitant and on edge, it means they have chosen to retrieve this property by force and not in a coaxing manner.

"Fools" I muttered to myself.

"Good job Lorna. I'll be in my office. Tell them I have returned and if they have business with me, they should come to see me there." I told her.

"S-Sir? B-But... They are..." Lorna said in weak protest.

She is probably intimidated by them and is not in support of my decision. Usually, as the manager of this Artia branch, I'm supposed to go to them in the lounge and welcome them. But... Doing that will only encourage their impudent behavior. Right now, I am neither an employee of Imperious, neither do I owe them any form of courtesy. Therefore, should they desire to meet me, they ought to be the ones to make an effort to reach me, not the other way around.

"Do not fret Lorna. Didn't you say you trusted me? Were those empty words?" I asked her with a slight smile.

"N-No, of course not Sir" She said, now composing herself to resemble the Lorna I prefer.

"Good. Trust me then. It will all be fine" I said, leaving her.

I went to my office and sat on my chair.

"Just as I thought... This is not nearly as comfortable as the Mayor's own." I commented.

Well, it's not like that matters. I won't be sticking around for much longer.

"Any moment from now..." I smiled as I relaxed on the chair.

Then I heard it.

Loud noises of protest and annoyance coming from outside my office, in the hallway. There's no doubt about it, it's them!

"That man sure has some gall!"

"How dare he? The audacity!"

"How come we're the ones who have to see him?! Does he not know even the most proper of etiquettes?" 

They say that, yet they approach the door to my office. They can try to hide it as much as they want and give a guise of superiority, but it's plain as day to me... They are desperate. Desperate to recover their lost branch. After all, Arita is a trade hotspot in the kingdom. Losing such a vital asset... Even a company as large as Imperius wouldn't want that.

"Just wait till I show him!" Their gruffy voices continued.

The handle suddenly tilted as the door to the office flung open. Standing and fuming at the entrance were none other than the two Imperius delegates. Their glare and annoyed looks overshadowed their regal attires and dignified persona.

"So it's you... You fraud!" One of them who had a mustache grunted.

"You dare to make us wait, and then order us to see you in your office? You impudent little..." The other one with a unibrow responded, also in a cross tone.

They were very much surprised as they saw me. My young looks shocked them.

"You may leave us, Lorna" I said to the receptionist, whom I promoted to be my personal secretary.

She nodded and gave an uneasy smile before leaving the entrance. It seems she is still soemwhat worried about my condition. Such an ignorant girl. Well, it's time to show her, and them, just how inconceivable it is for me to be at a loss.

"You brat... Don't tell me... It's actually you?!"

"Gentleman, please have your seats... Let's talk" I said to them.

"Pshh, you don't tell us what to do! You should respect your elders and superiors, you little brat." Mr Unibrow stated as he took his seat grudgingly.

I'm way older than these guys though... Millions of years in fact.

"It's only natural for us to seat anyway. We aren't doing it because you told us to or anything!" Mr Mustache said, also seating down on his chair.

I smiled gently.

There are many ways I can take care of these arrogant imbeciles. One of the best ways is to reorientate their minds and make them subject to me, just like the Mayor and Phobio. But, that doesn't solve the problem.

The main issue lies in a scope wider than these two that are here. The entire Imperius Market body... They are the true ones behind everything. Even if I get rid of these ones or win them over, they'll still keep causing trouble for me until I yield this branch. I can't very well remain in Artia due to their constant interference, now can I? 

A permanent and efficient solution is necessary.... And I have just the thing.

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