HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 86 - Character Profile: Hexarion

Name: Hexarion

Identity: Primordial Of The Void

The Evil One

The Demon god

Age: Unidentifiable

19 Years (Current Look)

Affiliations: The Primordials (Formerly)

Artia's Black Market

Imperius Auction House 

(Artia Branch)

Lamar Adventurer's Guild

The Royal Family (Phobio)

Height: 6ft plus

Hair color: Black

Eye Color: Red/Purple

Notable features: Handsome look, young and smiley facial expression, dignified and regal-looking appearance.


- Talia

Shamac's first slave and companion after his revival in his new body. She is a fairy who lost her wings when she was nearly sold to slavery. Fortunately, Hexarion rescued her and she pledged her entire self to his service. Hexarion cares about her as a property of his, mostly because she amuses him and is very invested in her, contrary to his usual style. She was initially weak and helpless until Hexarion grants her an evolution, causing her to grow very powerful. She is capable of flight, light manipulation and plant control. She has a very intimate connection to nature.

- Shamac

Shamac is Hexarion's second slave. He is a hybrid shifter. He possesses the properties of both Shapeshifter and Shadowshifter. Hexarion is mostly neutral about him, but considers him useful and observes him regularly. He is able to alter his shape however he wishes. He is also able to control his shadow and create different structures from it. He is weaker during the day, but at night he is extremely powerful and dangerous.

- Ana

Ana is a former Apostle and Hexarion's third slave. As a former enemy, she battled Hexarion and lost woefully. After this, Hexarion manipulates her mind, showing her altered memories. She pledges her entire existence to Hexarion and worships him as her god. She is very devout and faithful to Hexarion. She possesses the grace of Hades which allows her to swallow objects into a separate space and being those objects out at any location she pleases.

- Phobio

A prince of the Royal family of the Western Kingdom. He was initially an enemy of Hexarion and attacked him with the aid of an Apostle. Eventually, he was defeated and captured by Hexarion. After using unknown methods to reconstruct his mind within ROOT, he became a loyal servant of Hexarion. Hexarion uses him to take gain connection with the Royal family, giving him leverage.

- Borgos

The Ruler of the Artia Black Market, that is, until Hexarion took over. He is currently one of Hexarion's subordinates, and is the acting Ruler of the Black Market since Hexarion leaves Artia for Lamar.

- Arita's Mayor

Artia's Mayor is one of Hexarion's later pawn as he takes control of Artia. He is member of a high noble family, making him a valuable asset to Hexarion. He also undergoes the same reconstruction process as Phobio, and so is a loyal slave to Hexarion.



The Primordial of the void who was stripped of his power and Aspect after waging war against the gods and fellow Primordials in the Heavenly Realm. His goal is to exact revenge on his younger siblings, the Primordials, as well as to destroy the world.


Hexarion is a cold blooded and entirely rational person. As someone who has no single shred of human values and morals, he is not bound by emotions and sentiment. He is very driven and will do whatever he wants to achieve his goals.

He also has a friendly and soft side of himself, which he expresses from time to time. However, he mostly uses this as a front to attract people to him and allow them to trust him. He is highly manipulative, able to use people however he wishes with the big picture in his mind.

Hexarion is also a master of deception. He is able to fool both his allies and enemies and orchestrates scenes and events to suit his purposes.

He is highly intelligent and mature, able to discern situations very quickly. He is also able to predict the thoughts of anyone he comes in contact with and the most likely issue that would arise in a given situation.

Hexarion possesses attachments and a deep love for his works. He also has a strong sense of possession when it comes to his properties, including his slaves. He sometimes acts on his whims, without paying heed to logic. However, he always makes contingencies and preparations made to accommodate the decisions he makes on the spur of the moment. 

He is very confident of himself, considering every other being lower than himself. He hardly pays any heed to anyone unless for his amusement. Since he is unfamiliar with a lot of things in the new world he wakes up to, he finds nearly everything intriguing which sometimes leads him to make certain decisions.

He is also extremely cautious and meticulous. If he senses danger, however slight it is, he prepares countermeasures. However, this is very rare as he finds most struggles to be amusing.



Hexarion's most basic special power. A system of his invention which is highly powerful and versatile. Hex was created when Hexarion was still a Primordial. Using the Aspects as a base, Hex interferes with the system of the world, the Aspects, allowing Hexarion to manipulate the elements of existence however he wishes, depending on the Hex used. Hex isn't all powerful since it requires certain conditions to activate. Hex cuts across several Aspects and is applicable in many areas.

There are currently 100 Hex tecniques that exist. It ranges from #99, being the weakest to #0.


Root Of All, also referred to as ROOT, is Hexarion's most used object. One of Hexarion's most prized inventions. It is a ring which has a purple gem on it, made of properties that have currently not been revealed. It operates in a system which arranges Hexarion's treasures in an orderly fashion, based on its inbuilt programming.

ROOT contains several Treasures of Hexarion, with different grades ranging from Sacred to even Primordial Grade, each having various levels of power. 

It also contains Hexarion's treasury, containing money and miscellaneous items that prove useful from time to time. Objects such as clothes, accessories and even seemingly mundane items are also within ROOT.

It also contains other compartments, like Trash and Failures. Hexarion feels a strong attachment to the Treasures contained in ROOT, calling them his most personal items.

ROOT also contains a very bast and nearly limitless pocket dimension. This massive space can be used however Hexarion wishes. He is also able to alter the properties, appearance and structures of the pocket dimension inside ROOT.

Most important to note is ROOT's self consciousness. As an artificial intelligence made by Hexarion, ROOT is designed to automatically act under certain conditions, one of which is when Hexarion is under attack and needs a defensive measure. It is also capable of responding to Hexarion's commands and queries, though it is devoid of emotions and common sense.


Hexarion's new body is composed of non Aspect properties. How this is possible has still not been revealed since everything that exists in the world is comprised of Aspects, making Hexarion's body an anomaly within the world. Since his body is independent of Aspect, normal concepts of existence do not apply to it, unless he wills them to. General laws and concepts such as exhaustion, distance, physical limitations etc. do not affect him. 

Most importantly, he is able to act without the monitoring or control of the Primordials and gods, since they control and are aware of all things under the Aspects they control. This way, he is able to evade the surveillance of the Primordials, keeping his identity a secret.


Hexarion is older than all the Primordials, who are said to have existed since the beginning of the world. With a vast amount of knowledge and an inconceivable amount of experience, it is safe to assume that he is the most knowledgeable being in existence. This makes him highly intelligent and a perfect schemer. He is aware of the laws that make up the world, the true nature of everything that is. Using this knowledge to his advantage, he sets flawless plans into motions and is rarely ever caught off guard or placed at a disadvantage, even as a Primordial.


Hexarion's body was made by him, and since it wasn't created naturally, he is able to alter any and all properties within his body and without. His shape, height, weight, appearance... Everything about his body is under his control and can be changed whenever he pleases. This gives him an unfathomable advantage in combat since he is able to adjust his strength to suit whatever style he wishes.


Hexarion is highly skilled in combat, far greater than even the most seasoned warriors. Other than the unimaginable strength of his artificial body, he also posseses countless knowledge on fighting and is most likely well versed in all styles of combat since he is able to adapt to any situation he finds himself in.


Hexarion possesses maximized physical abilities due to the nature of his artificial body. His strength, agility, durability etc. are beyond the realm of any human and most creatures in existence. Most high level attacks are unable to damage him or even put a scratch on him. His strength has shown no limits, and his high sensory abilities greatly exceed that of anyone else.


One of Hexarion's abilities that come with his new body. He is able to entirely collect the memories of his target so long as he maintains physical contact with them. The transfer of memory information is instantaneous, and this makes most of his targets unable to bear the strain of the transfer. His targets lose their minds and enter vegetative states, or become insane. Hexarion is able to sort through the information he receives at any given time, or simply skim through it.


Hexarion is a master inventor, capable of creating many things which cintain great power. He has made many treasures, those within ROOT, and many others. He also bult several dungeons to keep his treasures in. His inventions are severely powerful.


- Overconfidence

While this has not been shown to be a fatal flaw yet, Hexarion's ego is something that makes him unable to see himself defeated in any way since he views everyone as beneath him. This caused his defeat at the hands of the Primordials, allowing them to catch him off guard.

- Divine Power

Divine power is a major weakness of his. It is able to prevent the activation of his Hex and also interfere with it once it has been activated. It is also possible that they can be able to damage him, but that has yet to be revealed.

- Arts

The Art of Hex and the Art of Grace exist in the current world, which differ from the world he used to know. Since he invented Hex, he is familiar with it's structure and capabilities. However, he still seems cautious when he sees another using it. This implies that Hex is capable of harming him. Grace uses Divine Power to function, and so it is dangerous to him.

- Aspects

The Aspects that the Primordials control are everywhere. Since Hexarion's body is compromised of non-Aspect properties, he is not bound by them. However, they can still be dangerous to him since he is currently existing in the world. He is currently avoiding the attention of the gods and Primordials for this very reason, since if he is found out, Aspects can turn against him which will end up in his loss.

- Mortality

Unlike before when he was a Primordial, Hexarion is a mortal being now, with a far weaker body than the one he possessed as a Primordial One. He is capable of dying or getting destroyed. The awareness of this makes him careful not to draw unnecessary attention to himself when it concerns the Primordials.


- The Primordials

- The gods

- The Apostles

- The Heroes

- The World

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