HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 87 - Adventurers Of Lamar

The next day came earlier than expected. Sunlight pierced through the windows, stirring everyone who slept on their respective beds. Since they all had different rooms, they turned in their various places, not wanting to wake up from their blissful sleep.

I snapped my fingers and immediately they yelled from their various rooms, causing them to rise from their sleep and hurry to get freshened up.

"You have 30 minutes" I said to them, already dressed and ready.

It's finally time to address the issue we came to Lamar for. 

[Moments Later]

We walked steadily to the giant structure that seems visible no matter where one stays in the city. The massive Adventures Guild building.

Shamac, Talia and Ana still look like they require sleep, but they've rested well enough. I didn't even sleep at all last night, but I suppose I can't compare myself to them.

"Let's get this over with" I said to myself.

It didn't take us very long to reach our destination, since our residence is not far from the Guild building. The large structure appears even more impressive now that I look at it up close. I opened the door to the building and my slaves followed behind me.

Immediately I entered, I sensed some an energy interference of some sort. Is it a barrier made by a Relic? I looked behind me to observe the others who came with me. None of them look fazed, meaning I'm the only one who felt the strange sensation.

"How curious" I muttered.

I decided to ignore the feeling I got and approach the Receptionist desk. There are about 5 receptionists stationed at each stand, so it's up to me to pick the one I want to go to. I picked the one to my far left.

She beamed a bright smile as she saw me approaching her.

"Welcome to the Lamar Adventurer's Guild. How may I be of service?" She asked me with a smile.

I also returned her gesture.

She looks younger than the rest of her colleagues, also more inexperienced. For her to be stationed at the far left also means she doesn't have many patrons and customers. Her inexperience and young age must have something to do with it. In which case, she'll definitely be overjoyed I chose her station over the rest. 

I'm certain the receptionists get paid according to how much work they do and the patrons they receive over a period of time. For her, who has very little customers, meaning smaller profit, she is definitely going to be excited to have someone like me.

As usual, I wore my very exquisite outfit, dark and red, with shades of purple. Just my style. and my servants dressed no less, making us look like very prestigious customers.

I can tell due to my heightened senses. All eyes are on us. From the Adventurers within the reception area, and those lurking about, to even the other receptionists who shot the one I went to a jealous look.

They all have an opinion of me which is fundamentalky wrong though. I am not a customer or a patron. I am someone interested in something else.

"I want to register as an Adventurer" I told the young lady.

I looked at her chest region. She had a name tag pinned on her dark purple outfit, a uniform for the receptionists here. 

"Nadia eh?" I said to myself.

"S-Sir? Did I hear you correctly? You want to register as an Adventurer?" She asked, repeating my words.

She looked surprised, looking at me carefully. My young looks and expensive looking attire, with similarly dressed companions do not look like one who would say something of the sort


I heard cackles of laughter coming from behind me and glanced back to see what the matter was.

The Adventurers were laughing, all looking at my direction. They snickered and chuckled with amusement, most likely because of my earlier statement.

"The lil' kid wants to be an Adventurer!"

"Isn't he just a rich brat? I mean, look at his outfit"

"Pfft, classic. The guy thinks Adventuring is as nice as it sounds."

"Buzz off kid, this place ain't fun and games"

They all made demeaning comments and wagged their tongues unnecessarily, jeering me.

They look like a rowdy bunch. Adventuring is a rough work, and a highly dangerous one at that. But the dangers are worth it, so it's a high risk, high return venture. A successful Adventurer is highly respected and honored. This makes many individuals aspire to become Adventurers too, unfortunately greatness isn't for anyone.

The annual mortality rate of Adventurers is close to 40 percent. This means every year over One third of registered Adventurers die, mostly as a result of quests.

Still, many aspire for this incredibly dangerous career. Some seek thrill, some seek exploration, but mostly it's because of the fame and money associated with the job.

So for someone who looks so young and rich, it's only natural for them to look down on my interest in Adventuring and make jests. Since it appears I do not have any need for money or glory, the only assumption they have left is that my reason is for fun and thrill. Someone like that is certain not to last very long in Adventuring.

A perfect sentence to certain death.

"S-Sir. Are you sure?" Nadia, the receptionist asked me.

Is this girl retarded? How many times do I have to state a simple sentence.

"Yes, I am. All of us want to register as Adventurers. Not only that, but we want to form a Party together." I told her, referring to Shamac, Talia and Ana.

Parties in Adventuring, are groups of Adventurers who work as a team, share their profits evenly or based on agreements with one another and are officially recognized by the Guild.

"O-Okay sir. Since that's the case. You'll have to fill some forms. There is a separate form for registering as Adventurers which you all have to fill separately. Then there's the Party form you are expected to fill together. After that, you all will be taken to the examination room for your proficiency tests and rank determination. The forms will be processed after your exam, and you'll return after three days to see the results." Nadia said.

"Also, the fee for registration is 10 gold coins" She added.

"10 gold?" I asked.

That much is nothing to me, but I'm surprised. The value of money here is very strange. I didn't expect this much for registration. Most people who register as Adventurers are those of humble backgrounds, with no other job to look to and a knack for the rough life. Having 10 gold coins is not something an average person achieves easily.

If I am to guess the reason for this absurd price, it's due to the sudden surge in many individuals who desire to be Adventurers. To thin out the herd they must have raised the price to discourage many from registering.

Of course, that doesn't apply to us. After all, I'm rich!

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