HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 88 - Adventurers Of Lamar (Pt 2)

"Very well" I said in affirmation.

"T-Then, I'll bring the forms. Once you are done, please submit them here along with your fee"

Nadia brought out 5 forms. Four are for Individual Registration, the last one is for Party Registration.

We each took our forms, and I took the Party Registration form. The contents are standard I suppose, none are outside my expectations.

After reading through it, I filled the form with ease. I looked at the content and nodded in satisfaction. It looks good.

[Adventurer Registration Form]

Name: Rio Xarion

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 19

Affiliations: Imperius Auction House (Artia)

Relations (If any): Nil

Next Of Kin: Nil

Specialty: Trade

Brief Introduction: I am a young merchant, who suddenly found an interest in Adventuring. The employer of my party members.

Reason For Choosing To Become An Adventurer: By encountering monsters and obtaining Relics, I will be able to discover new things. The Relics and monster parts I obtain will also be used as commodities for my business.


I should also to check the forms of the rest to see what they have written so far, just in case. I'm very fortunate I decided that, because... Just what is this?!

[Talia's Form]

Name: Talia

Gender: Female

Race: Fairy

Age: 176

Affiliations: Hexarion's Servant

Relations (If any): Hexarion (Master)

Next Of Kin: Erm... Hexarion

Specialty: Anything Hexarion wants me to be

Brief Introduction: I am a banished Fairy, but I am currently Hexarion's Servant

Reason For Choosing To Become An Adventurer: Because Hexarion wants me to.


Just what is this nonsense. And it doesn't just end here. The foolish even continues.

[Ana's Form]

Name: Ana

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 24

Affiliations: Master Rio

Relations (If any): Master Rio

Next Of Kin: Master Rio's loyal Servant

Specialty: Anything Rio wants me to be

Brief Introduction: I am Lord Rio's blade and shield.

Reason For Choosing To Become An Adventurer: Because Lord Rio wants me to.


How is this any better than Talia's own? She has the sense not to put my true name, but still. At this rate, won't my plan suffer? I should check Shamac's work before taking action.

So far his is the most surprising.

It is... Blank!

[Shamac's Form]






Relations (If any): 

Next Of Kin: 


Brief Introduction:

Reason For Choosing To Become An Adventurer:

I looked at him and from the look on my face, he knows I demand an explanation for what he has done or rather, what he hasn't.

"I... I can't read" He muttered in an embarrassed tone.

My expression changed when I heard this. His words are true. After all, Shamac grew up all alone, away from normal civilization. Later on, he got captured and became a slave. He has received no formal education and as such, can't read.

"Very well, I understand" I said to him.

As for the other two, Talia and Ana... Their forms are unusable. As they looked at me with expectant and proud faces thinking they have pleased me, I sighed. Foolish children.

"HEX #39, Causality Reversal" I whispered.

The forms became blank once again.

They both made protesting looks, but one glare from my face was enough to caution them.

I corrected the errors within them until It became consistent with what I expected.

[Talia's Form]

Name: Talia

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 16

Affiliations: Imperius Auction House (Artia)

Relations (If any): Nil

Next Of Kin: Nil

Specialty: Unarmed Combat

Brief Introduction: I am Rio Xarion's employee, as well as colleagues to the rest of our party. 

Reason For Choosing To Become An Adventurer: For adventure and treasure. I'm going to be rich!

[Ana's Form]

Name: Ana

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 24

Affiliations: Imperius Auction House (Artia)

Relations (If any): Nil

Next Of Kin: Nil

Specialty: Armed Combat

Brief Introduction: A guard and emoyee of Rio Xarion, as well as colleagues with the other members of our party.

Reason For Choosing To Become An Adventurer: To protect Rio Xarion during his Adventuring.

[Shamac's Form]

Name: Shamac

Gender: Male

Race: Shifter

Age: 14

Affiliations: Imperius Auction House

Relations (If any): Nil

Next Of Kin: Nil

Specialty: Race Attribute

Brief Introduction: A former slave, freed by Rio Xarion and a fellow companion of his. Also a friend and comrade to the rest of the party.

Reason For Choosing To Become An Adventurer: To support his friend and sworn big brother, Rio Xarion. To taste the thrill of Adventure.


This is satisfactory. I'll have to remember to teach Rio how to write.

We went back to the counter to submit our forms. The receptionist, Nadia read the forms and then faced us.

"This is perfect. But, I'm sorry... You'll have to give us an identification that you are truly affiliated with such a big organisation as Imperius." She stated.

"That's not a problem" I said.

I brought out my Imperius Coin Card as well as my newly obtained Grandmaster Card and showed her.

"T-This is..." She said in surprise.

"I'd appreciate it if you keep all of this confidential... Especially this Grandmaster Card." I whispered to her.

"Of course sir. The Adventurer Guild is known for its confidentiality among clients and an Adventurer's personal information. Only the Guildmaster and the Receptionist know of such information, and we are bound not to reveal it, except under special circumstances" She answered.

"Special?" I asked.

"Well, in states of emergencies like natural disasters or monster invasion where such information is crucial, or a Royal order commanding the release of such information" She replied.

"Ah, I see. Thank you then"

My identity as Grandmaster of Imperius may attract the wrong kind of attention, which I'm not ready for now. But eventually... It will become very useful.

After submitting our forms, I paid 40 gold with the Coin Card and Nadia directed us to the Examination room. From the looks of it, we'll be taking our exams separately.

"Don't disappoint me" I told them, as we each went to our designated zones, secluded from the other.

I entered mine, Room E-09. As I opened the door and got in, I felt another strange sensation within the room. It is similar to the one I noticed earlier, but slightly different. I tried not to show any reaction and behaved normally.

I saw a man already waiting for me in the room and he beamed as he saw me. His smile widened as his eyes narrowed toward me. I can tell he has been anticipating this.

"Welcome to your Adventurer Test!" He grinned widely.

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