HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 92 - Void Dark

"I don't believe it! That little runt finished before me?!" Talia protested.

"It is quite surprising though, to think he was the first... That's a little..." Ana also added.

They doubted the possibility of Shamac ever beating them.

"... It's true. He was here just a moment ago, but he said he was quickly going to use the restroom for a bit. Oh wait, there he is" Nadia said, pointing behind us.

We all turned back and saw Shamac waving nervously at all of us. I can tell he is obviously satisfied that he finished first, but he's trying to hide it. Plus, he probably has mixed feelings of finishing before me. However...

"Congratulations Shamac, It looks like you've once again proved yourself to be worthy of your mantle" I told him with a smile.

"Haha... You flatter me. Besides, if not for you... If not for 'It' I wouldn't have been able to pass so easily" He muttered awkwardly.

I smiled. That's right. It's all thanks to the 'thing' I gave him yesterday, after everyone went to sleep.

Shamac is weaker during the day. He mostly relies on his Shapeshifting during this time, which he clearly isn't used to when it comes to combat. He is more skilled in Shadow manipulation when he fights, that much I have noticed. In order to compensate for this glaring weakness, I decided to help him.

After all, I gave Talia extra wings and my Cocoon of Darkness. It is only fair I invest as much in Shamac since he will be of use to me in the future. And to that end... I gave him 'that'.

[Last Night]

"T-This is..." Shamac muttered as he looked at the glowing blue Amulet on his hand.

"It's called Void Dark" I said with a smile.

He looked surprised and stared at the amulet once again, drawn to it's charm.

"It contains an ernomous amount of darkness within it, and it can also be refilled during nights such as this. Incredibly useful for Creatures of The Night such as yourself"

"You like it?" I asked.

"... Erm, well... I-I do..." He stuttered, unsure of how to respond.

"It is yours now" I told him.

"W-Whaaaa?!" He let out in surprise.

He covered his mouth and quickly cautioned himself so as not to wake the others who slept in their various rooms. I doubt they will get up due to his exclaim though, they are all plenty exhausted after all.

"Listen to me Shamac... Despite how things went during our first meeting, I actually cherish you quite a bit. If I didn't, I wouldn't have bought you in the first place" I said.

His face exhibuted surprise by my words. It's obvious he never expected this. Good.

"You're a very rare specimen, and I want you to know that you're equally as valuable to me as Talia and Ana. You're unique and no one can do what you're capable of. That is why I want you to know that you are qualified to receive Treasures from me. Because you are a treasure to me" I lowered my gaze and let out a soft smile, using my hand to caress his hands which he used to hold the amulet.

His hands trembled and his face turned red a bit. Looks like it's working. As a teenager, Shamac is at a very delicate stage. It reminds me of my siblings when they were all growing up. Leviathan was quite the responsible one, but the others, like Sol and Gilga always required my attention and encouraging words. In that regard, I am very experienced in dealing with troubled youths.

All I have to do to Shamac is to give him a 'big brother' image and he is bound to be entirely loyal to me. Not out of just fear alone, which seems to currently be his driving force, but also out of a strong sense of attachment.

"D-Do you really mean that..?" He asked hesitantly.

"Of course. You're a precious person to me after all" I said with a smile.

Yes, a precious tool. As a master, It doesn't mean well for my slaves to be working sub-par to their potential. Shamac has potential, but he isn't living up to it. In that case, it's up to me to give him the motivation he requires. A motivation greater than fear is love, after all.

"That is why I'm giving you this. It's a one of a kind Treasure that I can't even reproduce, so this is the only one in existence" I said to him, drawing closer to him as my breath touched his neck.

I can smell his sweat caused by his nervousness. He is in that phase after all, his hormones are sure to run wild, causing him to produce morr fluids than normal.

"B-But such a precious Relic, I-I can't possibly" Shamac stuttered

"Remember what I said... You're precious to me as well" I said, locking eyes with him as our faces were directly in front of each other.

"T-Then... I accept it" He muttered, slowly turning his head down to hide his redened cheeks.

I smiled. Looks like I was successful. Slowly, I'll make Shamac grow more attached to me. He will see me as a big brother, a friend... He will voluntarily give me his undying fealty. The greatest strenght a person can draw is when they are fighting for the sake of the one whom they cherish. That is how most humans and races in this world are wired. It's incredibly stupid, but that works in my favor.

"Urk... Why won't it... Come on..." Shamac struggled in frustration, trying to attach the chain properly behind his neck.

"Let me help you with that" I said, taking the dark colored chain with a warbling dark blue colored jewel delivlcately hanging at the center.

I skillfully attached it for him as my hands grazed his skin and he shivered with our touch.

"All done, let me see" I said to him from behind.

He slowly turned to face me and his features became even more pronounced as I gazed upon him in the darkness.

"H-How does it look?" He asked me hesitantly.

I smiled.

Even though Shamac is a Shapeshifter and could easily attach the Amulet by himself if he really tried, he unconsciously didn't even rely on it. He must have desired that I helped him, though he probably isn't aware of that.

"Perfect. It looks perfect on you Shamac" I told him.

"Thank you Master... Erm, Hexa... Err, Rio..." He muttered, unsure of what to say.

"Call me whatever you want. Don't worry about it, so long as we are not in the company of outsiders you can address me as you wish" I said.

"T-Then... Boss! You're the boss!" He beamed with a smile.

Boss uhh? Well, that's not so bad. I was hoping for something more personal, but Boss will have to do for now. In any case, I have made considerable progress with Shamac this night. Soon, I will be all he ever desires. He will do anything for me, because he is precious to me and I am precious to him.

"I initially thought it was only humans, but it turns out that even other races are very naive. It just depends on one's methods, but it's very easy to tame any of them." I thought to myself.

Ana, Talia, Shamac... They are only the start. Pawns in this little game I play.. The final goal is still somehat far way, but as I connect these little dots, in the fullness of time, all will be revealed.

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