HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 93 - The Suicide Plunderer

"Well then, please return in three days for your test results" Nadia said with a nervous smile.

We all glanced at her which made her squeak a little. A ball of sweat formed on her face as she stared at us in curiosity, wondering what manner of people we are.

The Adventurers around the Reception area who didn't know the details of what happened continued to make jests and give jeering comments.

"Heh, looks like they chickened out before they could complete the test"

"There's no way anyone would finish the test in such a short time, even if you suck up to the moderators"

"Kekekeke, what else did you expect? A bunch of rich kids think they can just become Adventurers" 

They kept wagging their tongues, making useless banters as we walked past the reception area and headed outside. I ignored most of their words. After all, they are all speaking out of ignorance. 

Just as humans pay no heed to ants when they speak and can not understand their words, I am unable to relate with the conversation of such lower beings. However, we are going to be colleagues soon enough so it's unavoidable that we will meet again.

"Maybe I'll have a little chat with them then" I said to myself.

After we left the Guild Building, I felt the strange feeling I received when I entered leave me. As I thought, there is definitely some sort of Relic that's causing a reaction within me. I'll be sure to find out next time we visit. Other than that... There's someone watching me.

No, not just one person. They're a few. They are all mixed in with the crowd, and they're taking special care not to get noticed.

It's too bad. My heightened senses are above their capability of stealth, so I can still sense their presence and locations.

It seems Ana has also picked up the traces of our watchers, since she is looking at me with a cautious expression. Well, with her Apostle abilities, that is no surprise.

"Let's leave them be for now" I gestured to her.

Fortunately Ana is astute and very discerning, so she understood what I meant. If it was someone like Talia, I can only imagine how she would react. 

She nodded her head slowly and then continued conversing with Talia as though nothing was wrong. Talia was still going on about Shamac, suspicious of how he finished so soon.

Perhaps I should tell her... Well, maybe another time.

I'm in an especially good mood today, especially after I completed the test. I glanced at the blade by my hip and smiled.

"This is a first" I muttered to myself.

The Blade of Rupture in my possession is not the original one. It is a duplicate made by ROOT. Since the original is so weak that it has been labelled as Trash, I used ROOT's resources and upgraded it's features. This upgraded blade has greater abilities, for example the 'Mutilate' I used in the test. It has also been promoted to 'Sacred Grade' within ROOT. 

Since the project was successful, and I succeeded in making my very first Relic upgrade, I had no need for the original anymore. So I have invested it somewhere else. If my calculations are correct, it should be bearing fruit soon.

We walked through the busy streets and went to our residence to begin preparations for what would come next.


"Yo, Nathan! Where have you been all day. You missed quite the spectacle" An Adventurer called for Nathan as he entered the Guild Building. 

"Oh, hey Karl. What's up?" Nathan asked, moving closer to the Adventurer. Clearly they were familiar with each other.

"The rest of the boys are at the bar. Come join us" Karl said with a rough smirk.

Wearing a leather vest, with thick trousers, a couple of weapons affixed by his hips and backs, Karl looked like a professional Adventurer, even more so than Nathan.

"Y-Yeah, that's cool too" Nathan conceded, following Karl as they took a sharp corner within the Guild Building.

The Adventurers Guild boasts of the largest structure within Lamar. This is because, not only does it take care of all Adventurer Related businesses in Lamar, but it also provides certain facilities within it. Restaurants, Offices, Residences and even Pleasure spots are all present within the building.

"So, tell me where you've been. Off to another Adventure with your girl?" Karl asked as he kept his face forward and on the road.

"Well... Something like that. But things didn't turn out the way I expected... It got really dangerous" Nathan explained.

"Yeah yeah. Too dangerous for you? Come on! Wasn't it one of the tricks you usually pull?" Karl snickered.

"No, this time it was serious. We ran into several Minataurs. I really thought I would die. Marie even fainted, but I just couldn't leave her and the valuables behind, you know? Plus I was in a pretty terrible state myself" Nathan replied.

"Oh, wow. That sounds serious. How come you're still alive though. If it's as you said, then shouldn't you be dead?" Karl said, smiling at Nathan.

Clearly he didn't believe Nathan's words, but still he listened to his friend.

"I'm serious Karl! Everyone else died, except Marie and myself... I know how that sounds, but I'm telling you, this time it wasn't intentional. I had nothing to do with it!" Nathan protested, trying to convince Karl.

"Then tell me what happened. Hold on, let's settle down first."

They entered the bar, and looked around them. There was the familiar smell of brewries and masculine sweat which sifted through the air as usual. Then there were the sounds that reverberated through the large room. Adventurers arguing, laughing and generally conversing among themselves. Some gambled and some narrated experienced they had. This usual scenery of Adventurers was burned into Nathan's head, as well as the minds of any veteran Adventurer in Lamar. If one claimed to be a veteran they must have stepped foot in the bar at least once, if not more.

Karl and Nathan looked around for their comrades and found them gulping down booze and laughing among themselves. Naturally, they moved in the direction of the familiar faces Karl grinned widely.

"Hey fellas. Have you been waiting long?" Karl said, waving toward a group of Adventurers who sat down at the bar.

"Oh, Karl.... You're back already? Oh? If it isn't Nathan. Been a while bro" 

The Adventurers grinned as Nathan and Karl sat among them, bringing their total number to six.

"Yeah! C'mon guys, tell Nathan the sight we witnessed this morning. Let him know what he missed" Karl said to the Adventurers who sat together with them.

"Ah, that's true. Yeah, Nathan. Some jokers came here earlier today. We were all at the Reception to collect out Quest reward when a group of rich kids entered the building" The cleanly shaved headed man said with a laugh.

"Yeah! They wanted to register as Adventurers. I remember their leader. Acting all high and mighty with his little group of friends behind him" Another one said.

"Yeah, bunch of idiots! They couldn't even pass the test I'm sure. Hehehehe, serves them right. They couldn't even reply our comments, they must've been so ashamed of themselves" Karl said with a hearty laugh.

Nathan's eyes bulged when he heard this.

"Could it be...?!" He asked himself 

"Oi, why the long look Nathan? You feeling alright?" They asked him.

"Ah, don't mind him. He just survived a near death experience, so I guess he's still shaken over that, or so he claims. Hahahaha" Karl said to his fellows who joined him in laughter.

The reason they all laughed was because they knew the kind of Adventurer Nathan was. Not many knew his true identity and nature. But Nathan was an infamous character among the Adventurers. Many did not know his face or identity as an Adventurer, but there was no experienced Adventurer who didn't know of the name 'Sucide Plunderer'.

An Adventurer who parties with other Adventurers, only for the party members to be found dead, killed by monsters or wild attacks. Of course, the Party would be incomplete and the last member would escape, along with the possessions and valuables of his party members. This person was none other than Nathan.

"I'm serious, you guys. This time I was in real trouble. I was nearly done in. But I was saved..." Nathan protested.

"Oh yeah? By who? Minataurs are Grade 3 Monsters. Not many Adventurers are able to even stand a chance against it. Even parties have a difficult time fighting them because of their huge mass and monstrous regenerative factor." Karl retorted.

"All five of them were defeated by one person. A guy not more than 20 years old. He finished them in a single strike!" Nathan said to his listeners.

They all glanced at him, a short moment of silence ensued amongst then. Then the first snicker was heard, and before he knew it everyone burst into laughter at Nathan's words.

"Aren't you going a bit too far Nathan? This is just too... A lil brat rescued you from bloodthirsty Minataurs? You could've at least tried to make your story more believable" Karl laughed even harder.

"You know, his discriprion kinda matches one of the brats that showed up in the reception" A comrade laughed.

"Yeah, I overheard some of their conversation. I believe that one, their leader's name is..." Another retorted, trying to spell out the name he had heard.


"Yes, Rio. That's the name. Wait, how did you kno-" The bald Adventurer said, suddenly realizing Nathan knew the name of the person they were referring to.

The others also glanced at Nathan with surprise in their eyes.

"Hey guys. This sounds crazy, but hear me out. I think... I think it's the same guy who rescued me that came by earlier today... If what I'm thinking is right, he is definitely not an ordinary rich brat, and he didn't fail the Adventurers test as you people claim..." Nathan said to his companions.

They all began to make weird looks at him again, but he quickly raised his hand up, demanding their silence and looking serious.

"That man is dangerous. And if you still don't believe me... I can show you proof." Nathan said with a glare.

He wasn't messing around anymore.

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