HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 94 - Scheme

"I'll prove it to you" Nathan said to his Adventurer friends who gave him their full attention.

They remained silent after seeing his glare and serious look. Nathan looked around him with suspicion, ensuring no one was paying attention to them.

"Listen to me first... It's quite the story"

Nathan narrated his experience to his friends. How he joined a new party after his last one perished thanks to his usual methods. Marie, his girl, was the one who introduced him to them and so they decided to let him in.

They took a few quests together in order for them to trust him so he could be fully absorbed within their group. Since their party had no definite leader, it was rotated amongst themselves, depending on the quest.

The job in the Forest Of Monsters was one of the quests he decided to take in order to bond with them properly. He knew it would be dangerous, but it is very awry situations that comradeship blossoms.

But, he didn't expect what would happen next. The monsters they initially ran into were weaker ones, like goblins and kobolds.

They easily subdued them and, due to the good vibes they had, decided to venture even deeper. By the time they got in deep and ran into the Minataur, it was too late. Even though Marie and himself managed to kill the first, when the other five appeared, they were already too exhausted.

Nathan narrated how Rio suddenly appeared and destroyed all the monsters within moments. And most importantly... What made him able to perform such a feat.

"He possessed a Relic... The Blade Of Rupture" Nathan said.

"Blade of Rupture eh? Sounds powerful" Karl commented.

"Oh, it is... Very much so! It's a Grade 3 Relic after all" Nathan said with a sly smile.

Karl was taken aback by Nathan's words. He knew so much, but how?

"You seem to know quite a bit about his Relic, don't you?" Karl said with a smirk.

"Heh, of course. That's because... That Relic is mine now" Nathan let out a wide grin.

His friends were surprised by Nathan's statements and it was evident from their facial expressions.

"Oi, you're not kidding, right?" The bald head asked.

"I told you I had proof, didn't I? The blade is currently in my possession. Pretty slick, right?" He boasted.

"But how? Such a Relic isn't just something one gives out like that. How did you manage to get it?" Another friend retorted.

Nathan was met by curious gazes from all of his companions, awaiting responses that would satisfy them. 

"How else? I stole it of course." Nathan smirked.

"The guard, Mr Foryer played his part well. It's so convenient having connections among the guards. The young man didn't even know anything happened, he probably still hasn't figured it out yet." Nathan said.

"W-Whaoh... How did you pull it off?" The bald head asked.

"I made sure to show high interest in his Relic, to the point that he just had to let me handle it and see for myself. That was the first step. I felt up every nook and cranny of it, so I got the accurate lenght, breadth, height, weight... All the features. After knowing all this, I fulfilled the condition of my secret Relic." Nathan replied.

"Ah, The Forger's Stone, eh?" Karl said with a smirk.

The Forger's Stone, a Relic which possessed the ability to duplicate the physical features of any object, as long as the user knows the precise features of the item. However, the items made are entirely ordinary duplicates, having no special ability at all. Also... The duplicate disappears after 3 days.

"Exactly" Nathan smirked.

"I used another Relic to cloak the original and passed it to Foryer who took it with him and inspected the fake.. It's fortunate that he was able to quickly understand what I meant. This isn't the first time we've done something like this, after all... Well, as I was saying, he inspected the fake blade and gave it back to us, as though it was the original. That way, the kid will be certain he still has his Relic with him" He continued.

"Heh, as expected of you, one of the slyest Adventurers in Lamar. Does your girl know about what you do?" Karl said with a wide grin.

Suddenly there was great silence. No one spoke and uneasiness sifted through the air. Suddenly Nathan's face turned dark as he gave a menacing glare.

"Oi... Don't you dare bring Marie into this" He growled.

Sweat appeared on Karl's face as he saw Nathan's scary expression and even the rest of the Adventurers on the table felt uneasy at the tense atmosphere.

"Dude... Sorry, okay? My bad. I was just wondering when you would let her know, you know?" Karl said with a nervous look on his face.

No one liked it when Nathan was serious... Especially after a good harvest. This is because he possessed many Relics, more than a lot of Adventurers, Karl included. And there was no way of knowing just how many he had. He acted like a pushover most of the time, but Karl as well as his comrades knew just how deadly Nathan could be if he wanted to.

"That's none of your concern... She'll never find out. It's better that way" Nathan said as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

Marie was his light, the only thing good about him in the world. He was trash, he knew that very well. But in order to survive in such a cruel world, he needed to dirty his hands. To secure the future where he and Marie would live in bliss and happiness, he would whatever it took.

"Ah, now look at us. The mood is all ruined. I apologize for my outburst Karl. It's just... When it comes to Marie, I can be a little emotional" Nathan quickly snapped back to his usual self.

"N-No... It's cool. I was the one being insensitive" Karl muttered awkwardly.

There was a short and awkward silence, then suddenly.


They all laughed as the silence broke. They let out their voices heartily, forgetting the tense moment that existed not too long before.

"Oh, Nathan. As usual, you're one wild guy" Karl said, returning to his usual cheerful self. He didn't want to return to the sour topic that left them all on edge.

"So... What are you gonna do now?" He ventured further.

"Hmmn... Well, that's what I want to discuss with you guys.

They all paid rapt attention to his words.

"Are you boys interested in a job?" Nathan smiled.

"What do you mean by that? What job?" The bald head asked.

Nathan smirked as he placed his hands on the table and intertwined his fingers, showing he meant business.

"The effects of my Forger's Stone will wear off in less than two days... In that moment, the kid will realise that something went amiss somewhere..." Nathan began.

"Yeah, that's certain. But there's no evidence it's linked to you... So what's he gonna do?" Karl said with a chuckle.

"True. There's no proof I did anything. I have enough alibis and he wouldn't even suspect me in the first place. But... I would like to avoid any unnecessary commotion in Lamar at this time, especially since everyone is on edge these days... Because of 'you know what'. It's best if he and his friends... Disappear" Nathan said, lowering his brows to indicate seriousness.

"Oh? So that's what you had in mind... I see. So, what's in it for us?" Kyle said, looking at the rest of the men who now seemed eager.

Nathan smiled now that he had their attention.

"You know... That kid had a Relic which he so openly flaunted about... And some really nice wears to boot. He and his friends are clearly not ordinary. So, I've been wondering... Chances are that he's not the only one with a Relic. Plus, the Blade might not be the only Relic he has.... You catching my drift?"

"That means... They'll be loaded for sure yeah?" An Adventurer comrade said with his grin growing wider.

"Exactly. You're getting it" Nathan said.

"If my assumptions are correct, those guys will be a gold mine" 

"But, Nathan... Do 'THEY' know about this... The organization I mean" Karl said, suddenly changing his grin to a sterner look.

Nathan shook his head.

"Are you out of your mind?! You know what will happen of we're caught don't you?" Kyle said in agitation.

The rest also became furious that Nathan had failed to tell them of this very important detail.

Nathan remained calm as they expressly showed their displeasure. They continued for a while but he patiently waited for them to settle down.

"Are you done?" He calmly asked.

"What? Don't treat this matter so lightly. 'They' are informed of any of our activities within Lamar and you know it. How could you not let them know?" The bald head asked frantically.

"If I did... It wouldn't have been a job for you guys anymore. The organization would take it for themselves and just compensate us with scraps, saying they did the heavy lifting and we are only entitled to a small token for our 'information'." Nathan said, banging his hand on his table, obviously aggravated.

"We'll be doing this by ourselves... Without having them involved. So I ask you once again.... Are you in?"

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