Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 98 Shock! Professor Moan Was Killed? Things Are Going To Change!

Chapter 98 Shocked! Professor Moen was killed? Things are about to change!

"No, nothing unusual?!"

Upon hearing the reports from the military personnel who rushed back, the general manager was dumbfounded.

Obviously, his subconscious could not accept this result.

"Yes, boss, we are also very confused about this. We asked people in the laboratory to check it several times, and we also investigated the surveillance. We can be sure that the bottle of soda has not been switched.

Military personnel reported truthfully to the general manager.

This report immediately made the general manager feel like a bolt from the blue.

In fact, everyone here is not feeling very well right now.

Let them accept this result?

They can't accept it!

After all, Harut was fine all night last night, and he was still very energetic when doing activities this afternoon.

Why is it that it's dark now and something suddenly happens?

And before anything happened, how many sips of soda did you drink?

If there is no connection, they definitely don't believe it.

But now the facts and evidence are before them, and they have to accept this result.

In desperation, they had to give up the entanglement in their hearts.

It was decided to report the matter to the authorities as soon as possible.

Ask the senior management to contact Professor Moen, maybe they will know what is going on.

For this reason, at this moment, the person in charge no longer dared to waste any more time.

We can only bite the bullet and tell the top management the news.

Immediately, when the senior officials of Beautiful Country learned the news.

While they were surprised, they all immediately became furious!

"What did you say? Our super soldier died again?!!"

"And he died just now?!"

"You bunch of useless things! We still think you are reliable people, but you are so useless!!"

"Wait for our subsequent orders! You will not be exempted from punishment for this matter!!"

At that moment, the senior officials of Beautiful Country scolded everyone.

It was already evening, and they had no choice but to conduct high-level group meetings on mobile phones through encrypted networks.

Many people expressed their views and opinions on this unexpected situation.

"It's really surprising. Why are our super soldiers gone again? Our entire experiment was conducted live, and the military base also had all-round surveillance. Why did the plan still fail?"

"Yes! I'm also very confused in my heart. Why did Harut suddenly die when he was still alive and well yesterday?!"

"It is said that Harut drank a bottle of soda water before his death, but the bottle of soda water was tested by professionals in the base laboratory and there was nothing abnormal. It was just a bottle of ordinary water!"

"Through the monitoring, we can also see that the bottle of soda water has not been dropped. Maybe there is a problem with the soda water being transported in?!"

"That doesn't make sense! The key is that there is nothing wrong with the ingredients in soda water! This is the most puzzling thing!"

At this moment, with the continuous discussions among the senior officials.

They all gradually changed the topic of discussion to the bottle of soda that Harut drank before his death.

But it's a pity that they didn't come up with any good results at all.

After all, all clues point to soda being okay.

For this reason, they could only order and decide to investigate the source of soda water.

Starting from the production of that bottle of soda water, anyone involved in the production needs to undergo strict investigation.

After this series of strict orders were issued, the senior officials of Beautiful Country felt a little better.

Of course, their actions will not stop there.

The death of super soldier Harut is undoubtedly another huge blow to their beautiful country.

Under such a blow, they must completely find out the mole hiding behind it.

Otherwise, if we don’t kill the inner ghost, wouldn’t it be the end of the world?

Therefore, at this moment, in order to conduct a more in-depth investigation to find out the insider of this incident.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country once again chose to contact Professor Moen.

They wanted to know what Professor Moen thought of this matter.

Maybe after asking Professor Moen, they can learn more about the truth.

So, immediately, the senior officials of Beautiful Country also contacted the Biological Center.

Just, as they typed out their words.

Then, something unexpected happened to them.

Professor Moen at the Biology Center didn't even answer their call!

This made them feel a little incredible.

In the past, when did Professor Moen not answer their calls immediately?

This time, they fought for a long time, but the other party didn't answer?

For a moment, all of them were confused.

However, they also speculated that it might be because Professor Moen was busy and therefore did not answer the phone for the time being.

After all, it is impossible for everyone to have idle time all the time.

With this idea in mind, the senior officials of Beautiful Country did not call Moen again for the time being.

Instead, choose to wait five minutes before calling again.

Just, as five minutes passed.

Immediately afterwards, they made a second phone call.

There was still no one on the phone.

This made the senior officials of Beautiful Country feel even more incredible.

Although it is indeed the middle of the night now.

But Professor Maughan shouldn't be sleeping at this point.

And today is a working day, Professor Moen will definitely not go out to have fun.

But why doesn't Professor Moen answer the phone?

After waiting for five minutes.

A phone call from Beautiful Country came over again.

Unfortunately, no one answered.

At this time, the senior officials of Beautiful Country couldn't sit still.

They discussed this matter one after another.

"What's going on? It's so good, but Professor Moen stopped answering our calls?"

"In the past, there were indeed situations where Moen would not answer the phone, but even if Moen did not answer the phone, his researchers would answer the phone!"

"Is it because the researchers were injected with drugs and forced to obey certain orders from Professor Moen, so they didn't dare to answer the phone after hearing the phone ring?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible!"

Now, after some discussion.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country still think that Professor Moen may not answer the phone because something happened.

The researchers under him may not answer the phone because they are obeying some orders.

For this reason, the senior officials of Beautiful Country decided not to contact Professor Moen yet.

They went to contact military personnel outside the biological center base.

If you ask military personnel to answer their calls, no one will stop answering, right?

Thinking of this, the senior officials of Beautiful Country immediately took action again.

Start contacting the military personnel responsible for protecting Professor Moen outside the biological center.

It's just that with their connection.

The next moment, something that dumbfounded them happened again.

Because they were all surprised to find out.

Outside the biological center, the military personnel could not be contacted either!

Obviously the signal is all normal and there is no disconnection!

But it’s as if there is no one at the biology center now!

At this time, the senior officials of Beautiful Country were completely stunned.

They have no idea what's going on!

"What's going on? Why can't Professor Moen be contacted, and neither can the military personnel outside?"

"It feels like something is wrong. I always feel like something bad is going to happen."

"I feel the same way, the current situation is definitely not normal!"

"Where did Professor Moen go? Why are there no military personnel outside? Why was there no news before?!"

"I don't know! It's so strange! But I believe that this matter is definitely related to the super soldier project we are studying!"

At this moment, the senior officials of Beautiful Country began to look heavy.

A bad premonition came to all of their minds!

Reminiscent of the death of their super soldier just now.

They all felt that they seemed to have neglected something important!

"Hurry up and contact your subordinates and ask them to go to the biological center to find out what is going on!"

At this moment, the top leader immediately gave orders to other senior officials.

"Yes, Boss!"

Other senior executives also agreed immediately.

Then quickly arrange for subordinates to go to the location of the biological center to investigate!

Many subordinates did not dare to disobey orders, so they had to give up their nightlife and quickly set off for the biological center.

The time came to eleven o'clock in the evening.

Meiliguo Biological Center Experimental Base.

The FBI investigators arranged by the senior officials of the beautiful country have now arrived here.

Participating in this operation was still the Director of the FBI and his group of agents.

When approaching the biological center.

The FBI members in the distance couldn't help but become a little curious.

"Hey, this is really strange. Why is there no one outside the Biology Center?"

Seeing the base in the distance, the FBI director couldn't help but murmured.

Immediately, he continued to move forward with his men.

Just, as they move forward.

0...Please give me flowers...

They were even more shocked.

"Oh my god, there seems to be no one outside the biology center!"

"How could this happen? Aren't those people outside trying to protect Professor Moen's safety? Where are they now?"

"I heard that the senior officials had no information about this before. You can only imagine how terrifying the planners behind this are!"

"I don't know who the person behind the scenes is. It couldn't be that Su Yan again, right?"

"Su Yan, please, brother, Su Yan is dead! If you say he is from Daxia, it is still possible, except Su Yan!"

At this time, in the process of approaching the biological center.

The members of the FBI were discussing quietly while moving forward.

The expressions on everyone's faces were a little shocked, and they couldn't believe what they were seeing now.

"Stop discussing it and move on quickly. Remember to be careful around you at all times to prevent any enemies!"

Seeing the discussions among his subordinates, the FBI director couldn't help but give a reminder.

After hearing this, the other FBI members had no choice but to stop talking.

Continue towards the biocentre.

After a while.

The FBI director led his men and came here.

After coming here.

Because the senior officials of Beautiful Country gave them the highest authority to pass, they can easily enter the interior.

However, even though I have permission to enter.

But they are still very careful to approach here, lest anyone is there

Conduct a sneak attack on them secretly.


Fortunately, under their rigorous investigation.

They didn't notice anyone lurking around.

For this reason, they were all temporarily relieved.

Then a group of people walked into the biological center together with guns raised.

When they walked inside, they were still very cautious.

But they soon found out.

Their caution seemed to be in vain.

Because there is no one in this base at all!

After being careful here for a long time, they didn't see anyone there.

There was no sound of anyone moving elsewhere.

Now, they all became puzzled.

"What's going on? There's really no one here? It shouldn't be!"

"Such a large-scale population migration, no matter what, the senior officials will know the news, right? But before we came here, no one seemed to know that there was no one here?

"My mind is getting more and more confused. Where is true love? Where is Professor Moen?"

"Yes! Professor Moen! Let's go find Professor Moen now and take a look inside his laboratory!"

At that moment, all members of the FBI suddenly woke up.

Then, under the order of the FBI Director.

All of them immediately rushed towards the direction of Professor Moen's laboratory!

Each of them is very concerned about how Professor Moan is doing now.

After all, it doesn't matter what happens to others.

Professor Moen is the protagonist of this biological center!

Soon, with the advancement of FBI members, they arrived at the entrance of Moen's laboratory.

The door to the laboratory was open, but they did not dare to move forward rashly.

"You two, explore the way ahead."

At this time, the FBI director pointed at the two people beside him and ordered.

After hearing this, the two people who were ordered suddenly looked helpless.

But there was no choice but to lead the way.

Immediately, under the guidance of the two of them.

Other FBI members followed, heading into the laboratory.

And that's when they all moved forward.

Suddenly, the two FBI members walking at the front couldn't help but exclaimed loudly!

"Oh no! Professor Morn!!"

"Oh my God, Professor Moen is here?!"

When they heard the two FBI members screaming, the other FB members behind them were also stunned.

Then, immediately look forward to see what is in front of you.

And as they looked at it.

The next moment, they were shocked!

Because they all noticed.

On the ground ahead, lies a corpse!

The expression on the corpse's face was dull and lifeless!

And there was a deep bullet hole on the corpse's head!

In other words, the person in front of them is completely gone!

And that person is none other than their Professor Moen!!

For this reason, at this moment, everyone in the FBI has their pupils constricted!!

This scene made them realize that their beautiful country might be about to change again! Work!

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