Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 99 The Beautiful Country Is Furious! The City Is Closed Within A Radius Of 100,000 Miles! No

Chapter 99: The beautiful country is furious! The city is closed to a radius of 100,000 miles! No one can escape!

"No way? Professor Moen was actually killed?!"

"Oh my God, it's really unbelievable. Where are there so many protection personnel outside? Where are the other people in the base? Where have they gone? Why is there only the body of Professor Moen left?!"

"It's over now. Professor Morn is dead. Now my beautiful country's super soldier experiment may not be able to proceed as scheduled!"

"It's really a bit uncertain! The development of the super soldier serum is currently mainly led by Professor Morn. Without him, our experiments will definitely come to a standstill!"

"Now it's not a question of whether the experiment should stop. It's a question of why Professor Moen was killed and by whom!"

At this time, in the biological center laboratory.

The FBI members looked at the bodies on the ground in front of them, and they all didn't know what to do.

The superiors gave them this order, and the results they have now concluded are that Professor Moen is indeed dead.

This makes them dare not accept it no matter what!

Who knows if the senior officials will be angry with them because of this matter.

When they thought of this, they felt very headache.

But at the moment, there is nothing they can do.

Professor Mohn is dead.

What they need to do now is to quickly conduct an autopsy to see how Professor Moen died, so as to further speculate on what Professor Moen experienced before his death!

For this reason, at this moment, the FBI director also immediately ordered to the people around him: "Hurry up and seal off all the surrounding places. We must investigate the cause of Professor Xun En's death!"


After receiving the order, the FBI members immediately divided their work.

Some people went to seal off the scene, some "590" people went to look for other clues, and some people were here to protect the scene and investigate the scene.

The FBI also has a lot of powers at its disposal.

Immediately, they also immediately contacted various advanced criminal investigators, forensic personnel, etc., and asked them to rush to the scene quickly to investigate the body!

In the middle of the night, people from all parties arrived quite quickly.

Soon, several advanced criminal investigation experts, forensic experts, etc. called by the FBI all rushed to the scene.

They all brought the corresponding inspection equipment and started analyzing and investigating Moen's body on the spot!

For a moment, the expressions on everyone's faces were extremely nervous, as if they didn't want to know the next result at all.

But as time goes by.

In the end, the forensic doctor came to the conclusion at the scene.

"Director, after testing, Professor Moen seemed to have been poisoned by acid in addition to being shot before his death. I'm afraid he didn't die very honorably."

"In addition, based on relevant investigations of various cell tissues, it can be determined that Professor Moen was poisoned a day ago and died half a day ago."

"As for the bullet hole in the head, it seems that when Professor Moen was about to detoxify himself, the murderer found the right opportunity to hit him."

"In addition, judging from the pinholes and strangulation marks on Professor Moen's body, Professor Moen should not have committed suicide, but committed suicide."

After what the forensic doctor said.

The FBI director's face suddenly turned ugly.

He didn't expect that even medical experts would die from poison.

Moreover, the other party seemed to have deep contact with Professor Moen, otherwise he would not have killed Professor Moen so easily.

But the question of who killed Professor Moen and Director F is still at a loss.

It was at this time.

The criminal investigation experts who were investigating in the base, as well as other FBI investigators, have also rushed back.

"How's it going? Have you got any results from your investigation?"

Seeing these people coming back, the FBI director asked straight to the point.

However, when faced with the FBI director's inquiry, all of them shook their heads.

"Sorry, Director, according to our investigation, there are no clues here. It seems that the perpetrators deliberately eliminated all evidence."

"You said you couldn't find any suspicious clues?"

At this moment, the FBI director became shocked again.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at the people in front of him in disbelief.

However, these people in front of him all nodded this time and said with certainty: "Yes, Director, there really are no clues at all, including all the research results and information in the Biological Center. Fly away."

"The various research results and materials here have also disappeared?!"

Hearing this, the FBI director became even more shocked.

At this moment, he almost doubted his life.

What the hell.

Not only is Professor Mohn dead.

All the research results here are gone!

This time I lost more than a little bit!

At this moment, the FBI director didn't know how to report this terrible situation to the senior officials.

However, thinking that this is not his responsibility after all, and Professor Moen has been dead for a long time, it must not have anything to do with him.

Therefore, the FBI director is not very worried about being scolded by senior officials.

At the moment, he no longer hesitated.

He quickly contacted the higher-ups and informed them of the news.

at the same time.

The top management of the beautiful country is here.

For this matter of super soldiers, the senior officials of Beautiful Country have been so anxious that they have not slept, eagerly waiting for the results of the FBI's investigation.

As a result, they received a collective call from the FBI.

When they saw the phone call, the senior executives of Meiliguo immediately answered it and then listened to it together on the network channel.

However, when they finished listening to the reports from the FBI members, they were stunned.

I almost fainted!

They never expected that Professor Moen from their beautiful country would actually die?

The top executive of their beautiful country's biological center, the main cultivator of super soldiers, is actually dead?!

How is this possible!

I'm afraid this is not a joke!

Where are the many protective military personnel outside? Are they all dead?

Now it seems that he is indeed dead.

Because they all learned from the FBI that there is no one in the base now.

There is only one corpse of Professor Mohn!

And apart from that, they couldn't find any other clues at the scene!

And this also made the senior officials of Beautiful Country even more incredible.

At this moment, they obviously have not accepted this fact in their hearts!

They couldn't help but ask the FBI again.

"Have you made a mistake? Professor Moen is really dead? Could it be someone else pretending to be Professor Moen? No matter what, it is unlikely that the enemy will kill Professor Moen!"

None of the other personnel were at the scene. Maybe the person who died at the scene was not Professor Moen?

The senior officials of Beautiful Country couldn't help but think so in their hearts.

However, their idea was quickly dispelled by people from the FBI.

"Boss, we have determined that the person who died is Professor Moen himself."

"Through fingerprints, physical characteristics, and other characteristics, we can determine that the deceased is Professor Moen."

"If you don't believe it, then we will send you the survey data now and show you the tragic death of Professor Moen.

After speaking, the people at the FBI did not hesitate and immediately sent all relevant investigation information to the communication equipment of the senior executives.

At this moment, when the senior officials of the beautiful country received the information from the FBI.

As they read and browsed, they were dumbfounded again.

No matter from which point of view, the dead person is definitely their Professor Moen.

And all the information points to that person being Professor Moen!

In addition, FB also sent over some other relevant information.

After they all finished reading it, they felt that their lives were about to be overturned.

How can this be!

How could Professor Moen die so suddenly?!

Why did everyone in the base suddenly disappear?!

What kind of huge force is behind the scenes?!

At this time, the senior officials of Beautiful Country were almost going crazy thinking!

"Okay, you can arrange for some people to continue to protect the scene. This matter will be like this for now, waiting for our next order."

The senior executives also no longer want to continue contacting the FBI people.

None of them want to be hit by this reality any longer!

At this moment, they all quickly lost contact with the FBI.

Then, many senior executives started dedicated line encrypted network video conferencing.

Let’s delve deeper into this incident together!

The first person to speak was their top leader.

"What do you think about the murder of Professor Moen? What are your plans?"

Facing inquiries from top leaders.

At the moment, the senior officials of Beautiful Country immediately began to express their opinions.

"Boss, I think this incident is inextricably related to the death of our super soldier!"

"I also think it is related to the death of the super soldier. The mastermind behind the scenes may be the same person, but we don't know who that person is now!"

"Boss, my attitude is a bit pessimistic. I feel that we may be finished now. Various research materials in our biological center have been stolen by the other party. In the future, the other party can also develop their own products based on our experiments. A super soldier!"

"Really damn it, how come everything is happening at this time? The vitality of our beautiful country has just been restored. I guess this is still Da Zhong's fault.


"That's right, boss, I also think that the people of Daxia are behind this. Maybe it's because of Su Yan's death that they are very unwilling, so they have been looking for opportunities to retaliate against us!"

"It seems that the various crises brought to us after Su Yan's death have still not been eliminated!"

At this moment, after some discussions among the senior officials of Beautiful Country...

They all realized that this must be Daxia's fault again!

It is very likely that it was all done by Su Yan’s remaining forces!

When they thought of this, their emotions burst out again!

Before, every time they talked about Su Yan, they would get extremely angry.

It's hard not to get angry anymore when talking about Su Yan.

As a result, now Daxia has come to them like this.

They can’t even get angry if they don’t want to!

Boss, what should we do next?"

At this moment, the senior officials of Beautiful Country couldn't help but ask the top leader.

Each of them was in a bad mood.

We are eager to act quickly to prevent this crisis.

The top leader, faced with inquiries from other senior executives, obviously did not intend to do anything more.

Things to know

Dao, this matter is an extremely important matter, even related to the fate of their beautiful country!

Their country's super soldiers were killed by the other side!

Their related technologies were also stolen by the other party!

This is technology related to the development of super soldiers!

Never let the other party steal it!

It is precisely because of this consideration.

So at this moment, the top leader directly issued his top order!

"Instruct all subordinates, anyone who has participated in the super soldier experimental project, as well as related contacts, to be investigated!"

"Unless the crime can be completely washed away and there is no doubtful evidence, you can let it go."

"Others will be dismissed from their current occupations and placed under house arrest!"

"In addition, use our entire nation's strength to seal off the city. Let me spread it around along the biological center, sealing off the city within a radius of 100,000 miles!!"

"Everyone and every place within a radius of 100,000 miles must be investigated, and no omissions are allowed!!"

"I don't believe we can't catch the suspicious forces behind this time. Even if we can't catch us, we will catch them. Catch them hard!!"

"Even if they are immortal, I still have to let them shed a layer of skin!!"

After the top leader finished speaking these words.

The other senior executives were all filled with disbelief!

They never expected that the top leader could be so strict and decisive in issuing orders!

Taking the biological center as the starting point and sealing off the city for 100,000 miles towards the periphery is the maximum limit they can currently investigate without missing anything.

They don't know now whether the other party has left this range at the end of 4.8.

But they believe that as long as the other party does not leave this circle, they will definitely be able to find the other party!

As the top leader said, even if they don't die, they will make each other take off a layer of skin!

No big deal, I'll have another river egg when the time comes!

Let’s see who dares to play with whom!!

So, at this moment, after receiving the order from the top leader.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country also immediately gave new instructions to their subordinates!

All of them are asked to pass on the order as quickly as possible.

“Even if it’s dark now, don’t let me slack off!!”

"All departments and levels should enter a wartime state!!"

"People from the army team came to me immediately and conducted a large-scale search within our officially planned area!"

"No matter how long it takes, you must investigate and find all suspicious persons!"

"Use your best energy to completely seal off the city for a hundred thousand miles. Don't let any living thing go, no matter flies or mosquitoes!!"

When the senior officials of the beautiful country gave them a nationwide order.

At this time, the whole beautiful country was completely shocked!!

Each of them is full of doubts and completely confused about the official purpose of doing this!

The previous closure of New Testament City had already made them feel boundless terror.

This time, with such a large area of ​​the city closed, it was really hard for them to imagine the horror!

And this kind of battle was something they had never seen before!

When did anyone get the attention of beautiful country officials than Su Yan?!

Who is that person who is enough to seal off the city of a beautiful country with a radius of 100,000 miles?!

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