Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 100 Searching Everywhere? Terrifying Means! Shocked People!

Chapter 100: Searching everywhere? Terrifying means! Everyone was shocked!

Following the orders from the top leaders of the beautiful country.

Hardly too much time has passed.

All within a radius of 100,000 miles with the Biological Center of the Beautiful Country as the dot are blocked by members of the Beautiful Country's army team.

This time, the lockdown in Beautiful Country was not as absolute as the last lockdown in New York City.

Instead, it retained part of the communication and continued to maintain information contact with the outside world.

After all, if such a large area is completely cut off from the outside world, let alone losses, the people inside may not be able to bear it and cause riots.

And as they sealed off all areas within a radius of 100,000 miles.

At this time, the whole world has once again turned its attention to the beautiful country.

Major media platforms around the world immediately contacted relevant reporters in their blocked areas and asked them to broadcast it live globally so that everyone could learn about this "grand event" at the first time!

Fortunately, many low-level reporters from media platforms do have branches in that blocked area.

At this moment, although the entire area has been blocked, they are not allowed to go out or enter.

They can still broadcast the internal situations to the outside world through network communication in the blocked area.

As for the top leaders of the beautiful country.

Because when Su Yan was encircled and suppressed last time, Su Yan got in touch with the outside world through network satellites.

So they felt that even if they blocked the signal here, the mole they were looking for would definitely have a way to contact the outside world.

Because of this, they have no intention of blocking external contact this time.

And it's precisely because they didn't block the signal here.

Therefore, at this time, journalists within the blocked area can transmit information to the outside world in real time through live broadcast.

Netizens from all over the world also came to the live broadcast rooms of major media platforms at this moment.

Through each live broadcast room, understand the implementation status of each region.

And while watching the live broadcast, their discussion on this matter became more intense.

"I'll go, no way. It's 05 in the middle of the night, around one in the morning, and people from all walks of life in Beautiful Country are actually starting to get busy, and the lights are brightly lit everywhere!"

"After seeing this place, I really plan to seal it off. It is said that the Marine Corps soldiers are also coming here. Now there is a good show to watch!"

"What a show? What a show! This is an area of ​​100,000 miles! Can you grasp everything here in real time? You can't! Neither can I! So we can only look at our own luck. Only those who are lucky can watch it. Get the picture we want to see!”

"You're right, but I don't know who the beautiful country wants to search for in such a large-scale blockade this time? Is it to search Su Yan? But it shouldn't be, after all, Su City has already assigned it!"

"Yes, I am also very confused now. Why on earth is the beautiful country suddenly going to engage in such a big war?!"

"I don't know how powerful it is!!"

At this moment, through the live broadcast from the beautiful country, netizens around the world were still in a state of confusion, not knowing the purpose of the beautiful country's move.

At this time, the pictures they could see were all relatively dark.

Except for some lights in the night market, they could only see marines walking in one after another, checking everywhere.

However, this scene is not uninteresting to them.

Because they all discovered that when the Marines from the beautiful country came here.

The intensity of their search is really great.

Whether it is the reporter who is responsible for broadcasting their live broadcast, or the homeless man sleeping on the street corner, both are subject to the most exposed inspection.

It made the reporters who were doing the live broadcast red in the face, and they had to continue the live broadcast for the sake of traffic.

Even if they deliberately avoid the scene, they may still be captured by the cameras of other media reporters!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that today's live broadcast would include paid content. I have to admire the search efforts of the beautiful Marine Corps!"

"You have to say that, I admire you. If it were me, I would probably kill him directly!"

"Death to the community? I'm afraid I just want to beat someone! Didn't you notice? Now the Marines are raping people's houses and going straight in to investigate!"

"Even if it's a trash can on the street, they will dig it out and let the military dogs go everywhere!"

"It seems that this is really a compulsory search. The people in the blockade area are going to suffer. I don't know why, but it feels a little exciting. I'm afraid there will be a lot of Minotaur plots in this, right?!"

"Made, why am I not a member of the Marine Corps of Beautiful Country? Why can't I go on this search operation?!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all amazed at what the beautiful Marines were doing at this time, and they were deeply impressed by it.

This manhunt is quite interesting!

However, they also believe that this attraction will not last long.

After all, a body search is nothing more than a basic inspection.

Compared to these body searches.

What they want to see more now is the battle between the real mole and these Marines!

Half past one in the evening.

In a remote small town in the beautiful country.

Su Yan headed towards the He weapons storage base and found an ordinary small town hotel to rest.

As a result, in the middle of the night, while sleeping, I heard an urgent message from Heishui.

It is said that the area where he is located is now blocked.

The Marines of the beautiful country are rushing to the blockade area in large numbers to conduct large-scale personnel inspections.

After hearing the news, Su Yan couldn't help but be shocked.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that the beautiful country could suddenly make such a big move.

The city is closed within a radius of 100,000 miles, which includes the area where he is now.

"Do you have the direction and location of the beautiful Chinese army? I want to calculate how long it will take for them to reach me.

At this moment, Yinyan asked the people in Heishui on his phone.

"Master, please wait a moment, we will send you all the information we have collected right now!"

The staff at Blackwater said something.

Not long after, the current distribution location, direction of advance, etc. of the American Army were all sent to Su Yan.

After seeing the map information sent, Su Yan couldn't help but frowned again.

Because he found that those armies seemed to be quite close to where he was?

If nothing else goes wrong, the American Army will search his direction within an hour at most.

In addition, to make matters worse, Su Yan also discovered that part of the location where the beautiful soldiers were located was extremely close to the people in Heishui.

If the beautiful country catches Heishui's people by then, they may also find some clues from it.

At the moment, facing this urgent situation, Su Yan couldn't help but ask the people in Heishui: "Have you learned and mass-produced the body erosion weapon potion formula that I gave you before?"

As Su Yan asked.

The staff at Blackwater also nodded immediately and said, "Don't worry, young master, we have mastered the production of those things and have successfully mass-produced them long ago.

"Combined with the metal flies we mass-produced before, we can use this to break through a line of defense and escape secretly. Please don't worry about us, Master."

"And we are now almost breaking through the blockade defense line of the beautiful Chinese army, and we have not been discovered by them until now."

After hearing what the Blackwater staff said, Su Yan quickly felt relieved.

When he was at the biological center before, in order to wait for the reaction time of the medicine, he also tried to study various other drugs.

Among them, there is a kind of drug that can make people's skin erode to death, which is extremely terrifying.

In order to prevent something from happening in the future, Su Yan gave the recipe for this potion to the people in Heishui so that they could use it in conjunction with his metal flies in an emergency.

Although metal flies are named after metal flies, they are actually much smaller than flies and cannot be seen with the naked eye without looking carefully, not to mention that it is still dark.

Therefore, Su Yan is no longer worried about the safety of those in Blackwater when everyone in Blackwater is well prepared.

At the same time, he also carried some metal flies on his body, which were filled with erosion potion.

At that time, he will also use these things to quickly break through the army's defense line.

This potion is harmless to him anyway.

During the design, he made improvements to Daxia's genes so that they would not affect Daxia people, who would have no effect at all.

In addition, the Blackwater personnel who have received immune injections are not afraid of those corrosive potions.

For this reason, at this moment, all of them can use the erosion potion to break out secretly.

As for the plan of forcing his way out, Su Yan didn't need to consider it.

Although he can indeed use the mecha or the physique of a super soldier to forcefully break through this place.

But in order not to alert others, and in order to make the senior officials of Beautiful Country know little about his existence, he still planned to act covertly.

And the next breakout method used by the Blackwater people was the same as him.

In other words, in the periphery of this closed area, there are more than one military personnel who will suffer from body skin erosion and then die.

By then, the senior officials of Beautiful Country will be confused and at a loss.

Let alone find him or catch up with him.


"Oh, the Marines are approaching here quickly. Now I can't sleep peacefully in the middle of the night!"

Su Yan knew that no matter where people lived or where no one lived, members of the US Marine Corps would search vigorously.

Nowadays, more and more marines are pouring into this blocked area, searching for others everywhere. He has almost nowhere to escape.

Even the aerial realm has been under the surveillance of the beautiful country.

As well as various rivers and flowing water, they have been strictly blocked outside the circle, and laser scanning has been carried out.

Under such circumstances, Su Yan felt that it would be better for him to leave this blocked place and then find a way to have a good rest.

So, at this moment, after hanging up the phone with the people from Heishui.

Su Yan took advantage of the night and jumped out of his hotel.

Wearing a black coat, he quickly moved towards the outer perimeter of the blockade in the night.

at the same time.

In the process of Su Yan moving towards the blockade perimeter II.

Some other places in the cordoned off area.

A scene that made the army team feel incredible gradually began to appear.

A city street with relatively few people.

At this time, everyone on this street has been eliminated as a suspect.

On the streets, apart from the Army, there were only some media reporters filming live here.

Looking at the empty and dark streets, the audience in the live broadcast room became more and more excited.

It feels more and more boring.

After all, after spending half a day working on the content, in addition to searching, it was still searching.

Although some people resisted, they all cooperated honestly in the end.

It doesn't look interesting at all.

And the other blocked areas have almost the same picture.

At this moment, the Marines in the picture couldn't help but yawned, preparing to go to other places to explore.

"Haha, I'm so sleepy. Try to feel the action and finish it as soon as possible."

At this moment, a Marine yawned long and couldn't help but murmured.

The other companions also nodded and prepared to go to the next place.

But that's about it.

Suddenly, they all felt that their whole bodies seemed to be a little itchy!

"Hey, my neck feels so itchy!"

At this moment, a Marine couldn't stand the itching feeling on his neck, so he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and scratched his neck hard.

This catch is nothing.

There was no pain, but I felt a little comfortable.

However, the moment the Marine finished catching him, his whole body trembled!

"Oh Shet, what is this!!"

At this moment, the Marine's palm was filled with blood stains and cortical residue!

It looks like a palm that has been in troubled waters!

“Oh no, my skin!!”

At this moment, the other tickling Marines nearby had obviously noticed this strangeness and became frightened!

Because they have all discovered that as long as they scratch an itch, their skin will be scratched directly!

And those skins are not fresh, but rotten!

Even the blood that was scratched out was black and murky, looking like rotten water that had been left for a long time!

"Oh my god, brother, why did your face start to erode?!"

"Dude, you too, oh my God, the skin is falling off your face!!"

"It's so itchy! Hiss! Ah! It's so itchy. I can't stand it anymore!"

At this moment, the many Marines on the street seemed to be dreaming.

Their whole body felt extremely uncomfortable, they could not feel any pain, they could only feel a burning itching!

And they all noticed that the epidermal skin of their companions was rapidly eroding and falling off!

For a moment, they couldn't even see each other's face clearly!

This scene should have frightened them.

But at this moment, because their bodies were so itchy, they didn't even have time to panic.

Instead, they all seemed to have lost their minds and started scratching their bodies!

Just, with their scratching.

What happened next was also very obvious.

Unable to feel the pain, they fell to the ground unconsciously, scratching off the skin on their bodies bit by bit!

Because the blood had dried and coagulated, they would not have died on the spot.

But as time goes by.

Each of them died horribly while being tickled!

Didn’t make any waves!

Even they themselves won't even know.

They died so hastily!

He died so mysteriously!

Of course, for them, their brains are really itching and losing their minds.

After all, the effect of drugs will have a certain psychedelic effect on their brains.

But for the reporters nearby who are filming the live broadcast, as well as the viewers in the live broadcast room who are watching the live broadcast.

They wouldn't think so.

At this moment, the reporters in the distance and the audience in the live broadcast room all had their pupils suddenly shrunk, and they were extremely surprised!

This horrifying and shocking scene even made each of them so shocked that they were speechless!

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