Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 110 Ordering Arrest? ! No! Activate The Original Plan! !

Chapter 110: Order the arrest?! No! Activate the original plan!!

While beautiful country investigators investigate a murder in a bar.

Su Yan also arrived at the new capital at a very fast speed.

Because there has been an invasion here before.

So when Su Yan came here.

Everything here is already under his secret control!

"I have arrived at the new capital, you can prepare to evacuate."

Upon arrival, Su Yan sent a message to the people in Heishui.

The Blackwater personnel in the city did not waste any time after receiving the order and immediately retreated secretly.

While the Blackwater personnel were retreating.

Su Yan also began to walk around in the city, looking for some relatively hidden places.

And told the hacker "God" to record these scenes of his movements.

When the time comes, the real-time situation will be broadcast to the senior officials of Beautiful Country.

For this operation, the hacker "god" is also a veteran.

Following Su Yan's order came over.

He also immediately changed the various images of the places Su Yan passed by controlling the surveillance network in the new capital city.

Because the place where Su Yan walked was originally a relatively remote place in the new city.

So at this time, it is not very troublesome for the hacker "god" to deal with these pictures.

Under his operation.

All the needs have been fulfilled by him.

Next, wait for the senior officials of the beautiful country to watch those "real-time" pictures.

"Master, I have left traces of you in the surveillance system of New Capital City. In order to ensure your safety in the future, you can evacuate here in advance and leave it to me."

At this moment, after completing the task through monitoring the network program, the hacker "god" reported to Su Yan.

After hearing the report from the hacker "god", Su Yan nodded and said, "Well, I'll leave it to you.


In order to prevent Meiliguo from really throwing river eggs at this place, Yinyan was also ready to leave here quickly.

After all, even if the beautiful country does not decide to launch river eggs here by then, it may still adopt large-scale blockade measures.

At the moment, he still stayed away from here, the further away the better.

that's all.

With anticipation for the next decision of the beautiful country's senior officials, Su Yan quickly evacuated out of the new capital city!

Let’s talk about Xiusi City.

As the female cashier told investigators her previous experience.

At this moment, the investigators were still feeling shocked.

And while they were shocked.

They also realized that the information gained this time was extremely important to them, and even to their beautiful country!

"I didn't expect that Breaking Bad Master would actually go to New Capital City! He is really looking for death!!"

"You may not be looking for death! Breaking Bad has gone to the new capital, and our beautiful country must be in great danger too!"

"This is definitely very important news. We must report it to our superiors immediately!"

After some urgent and hasty discussion.

Many investigators did not dare to hesitate any longer.

At that moment, the leading investigator immediately reported the information he had investigated to his superiors.

When the superiors received the news, they were immediately surprised.

While surprised, they also checked with their subordinates again to understand the authenticity of the news.

After they all confirmed that the news was true.

They did not dare to waste any time before reporting the news to their superiors.

In this way, officials at all levels reported the matter one by one.

Eventually, the news reached the highest level of the beautiful country.

Beautiful country strategic center.

When many senior executives in Beautiful Country learned that traces of Breaking Bad had been found, they were all shocked.

They quickly started browsing the information sent by their subordinates!

Soon, the footage of the Breaking Bad crime scene was uploaded to the big screen in their conference room!

"This...it turns out that Breaking Bad is a mixed race. It looks like he is a mix of Daxia and Meiguo. He has connections with Daxia and has no chance of running away!"

"Hiss, I finally saw the way Breaking Bad commits crimes. It turns out that Breaking Bad injects people with drugs to cause the human skin to quickly erode!"

"This person is definitely the one who harmed our Professor Moen, and he definitely stole the relevant technology from our biological center, that's why he has become so scary now!"

"Damn it! He stole our technology and used it on our territory! We just don't know what his purpose is, and we don't know it very well yet!"

Whatever the purpose, it must be related to Daxia, I need to kill him!"

For a time, many senior executives watched the pictures coming from their subordinates.

They were all shocked by what they saw.

And when they were shocked by the horror of Breaking Bad.

Then, they also learned the purpose of Breaking Bad through the information passed by their subordinates.

What a good guy, he actually wants to come to their new capital for experiments!

This news immediately confused the senior officials of Beautiful Country!

"WTF?! That Breaking Bad guy actually wants to come to our new capital to do experiments?!"

"Good guy, you're not going anywhere, just come to us!"

"This is troublesome. Since he is coming to the new capital, wouldn't the plan we made before be wrong?"

"Indeed, we have already destroyed a Holy Shield City. We can't launch another river egg and destroy our new capital city, right?"

"If the new capital city is also destroyed, then the first two big cities in our beautiful country will really be gone!"

At this moment, when the senior officials of Beautiful Country realized that Breaking Bad was heading towards the new capital, they all immediately frowned.

I always feel like this is a bit difficult to handle!

For this reason, they all once again turned their attention to their top leaders.

I want to know what the top leaders are planning now.

At this time, the top leader was also frowning in deep thought.

Facing the gazes of many senior leaders, the top leader also began to think and murmur to himself.

"As for the decisions we made before, when I think about it carefully, it is indeed a bit hasty."

"After all, no matter which city is easily destroyed, it will be a huge blow to our beautiful country."

"In addition to being hit by the economy and production, it will also be criticized by the domestic people. After all, this thing is not just killing Breaking Bad, it also includes tens of millions of beautiful people."

When the top leader said these words.

Many senior officials nodded in agreement.

At this time, a senior executive thought for a moment, then looked at the top leader and said: "Boss, you think we should stop throwing river eggs in this city. It's not worth it. Or we can find a way to arrest Jue." Poison Master, what do you think?"

As the senior executive finished speaking.

Many other senior executives also nodded in unison.

Indeed, they feel that arresting Breaking Bad is the best way.

You can't throw another river egg, right?

If it were another city, they would still be able to accept it.

But now it’s the new capital that’s going to be blown up!

They don't want to cause the beautiful country another heavy loss.

However, in the face of many suggestions from senior executives, the top leader did not directly agree.

At this time, the top leader had a speculative tone and asked many senior executives: "What do you think is the probability of our arrest being successful?"

"Since the other party is a Breaking Bad actor, and since the other party has escaped from our strict blockade once, do you think the other party can let us arrest him easily again?"

When the top leader asked this question.

Many senior executives present were silent once again.

It does make sense for the top leader to think so.

Although they all feel that arresting Breaking Bad is better than recklessly blowing up the city with river eggs.

But they may not be able to arrest him!

They all failed once last time.

Breaking Bad, who experienced the last incident, will definitely be more careful.

He must always be on guard against everything around him.

Under such circumstances.

Wouldn't it be very difficult for them to arrest each other?

At this time, the top leader said again: "And there is another thing that I care about very much, that is, what has Breaking Bad become now? Has he become a super soldier?"

After hearing what the top leader said, many senior executives in the conference room immediately shrank their pupils.

Something suddenly came to their mind, but they were not sure, so they couldn't help but ask the top leader: "Boss, what do you mean?"

Faced with inquiries from many senior executives, the top leader continued to speak out and expressed his current inner thoughts.

"Yes, just as you think, what I mean is that the Breaking Bad Master is very likely to be the super soldier."

"Why do you say that? It's because it's very simple. Based on our previous judgment, we can now almost conclude that it was Breaking Bad who killed our Professor Morn and took away all the information in our biological center."

"And the fact that he took away the information there means that he is likely to have mastered the manufacturing technology of the super soldier serum."

"Although at present, not everyone can inject the super soldier serum, but what if Breaking Bad has a suitable physique and can inject the serum?"

"Originally, I didn't really believe this. After all, it's a little outrageous that Breaking Bad became a super soldier in such a short period of time. But after watching the scene just now, I think Breaking Bad is The possibility of super soldiers is very high.

After speaking, the top leader controlled the computer on the big screen in their conference room.

Then the screen jumped to the scene when Su Yan committed the crime.

"Look here. Isn't Breaking Bad very powerful? The victim didn't have the strength to break free at all. It's obviously not in line with common sense."

"And the moment when Breaking Bad took out the victim's eyeballs, wasn't the punching speed also very fast? This shouldn't be something that normal adults can do.

When the top leader also showed the clues of the picture.

At this time, many senior executives in the conference room all had shocked expressions on their faces.

For a moment, they all opened their eyes wide, and they still couldn't believe it psychologically.

But with the graphic evidence in front of them.

They all realized that the Breaking Bad guy was probably a super soldier now!

The only impossibility in their eyes was because they had not seen it with their own eyes.

In other words, at this moment, they all believe that Breaking Bad is the super soldier!

"This...it's a bit difficult to handle now."

"If Breaking Bad is a super soldier, let alone arresting him, even if we just ask someone to point a gun at him, it probably won't work!"

"What should I do?

?Since the other party is a super soldier, shouldn’t we just use river eggs to destroy this place?”

"Or should we give up attacking Breaking Bad and just let him conduct experiments here?"

The senior executives in the conference room were all talking to each other, each holding their own opinions in the discussion.

But as they discussed.

Gradually, they also found that they still could not come up with any results from their discussions.

They are all in various tangles.

Under such circumstances, they had no choice but to look at the top leader again and wanted to know what the top leader was thinking at this time.

The top leader, after some thought, also made an important decision.

"I think it's better to act according to our previous plan."

"Although, launching a river egg here will indeed have a huge impact, from domestic to foreign countries."

"But have you ever thought about what it means for Breaking Bad to be a super soldier?"

"It means he can train other people into super soldiers in the future!"

"The day that Breaking Bad trains a large number of super soldiers will be the day when our beautiful country will be destroyed. By then, who will care about the new capital city, and who will care about the various fishing boats in the international community?!"

"So I decided to follow the plan we made before, don't be stingy, just kill the Breaking Bad guy. In this way, it can be regarded as getting rid of him.

A major hidden danger has emerged. "

"As for our own safety, of course we don't have to worry about it. Just evacuate and evacuate as we did last time. No civilians will stay, only the elites and upper class people will stay."

Following the words of the top leader.

Many senior executives in the conference room did not ask any more questions.

They just sighed slightly.

At the moment, I had no choice but to agree to the idea of ​​the top leader.

After all, it is true that apart from this, they can't think of any other way.

Ever since Daxia Su Yan appeared in the beautiful country, they have been very unfavorable in everything they do.

They also hope that this unfavorable situation will not continue to spread.

From a long-term perspective, it would be better for everyone in their beautiful country to stop losses early!

"Oh, if I had known that this would be the case today, we would have just let Su Yan go back to Daxia."

At this time, a senior executive sighed sadly.

As he spoke these words.

The other senior executives around him seemed to have heard his own voice, and they immediately felt the same and felt extremely regretful in their hearts.

However, the top leaders are not as pessimistic and depressed as they are.


At that moment, the top leader coughed dryly and then said:

"Don't look back at what happened before. Su Yan is already dead. There's no point thinking about him anymore!"

"Now we all start to prepare, first find the location to capture the Breaking Bad Master, and then prepare to destroy the city!"

"Each of us should make preparations in advance!"

Following the leader’s orders.

At this moment, other senior executives also became serious and agreed: "Yes, boss!!".

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