Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 111 The New Capital City Is Destroyed! ! This Wave Is Not A Loss At All!

Chapter 111: New Capital City, destroyed!! This wave is not a loss at all!

Following the orders from the top leaders of the beautiful country.

All lower-level personnel began to take action immediately.

Start to call up the current real-time monitoring of Xindu City, as well as the monitoring of other surrounding cities.

And after retrieving the monitoring, we carefully and quickly analyzed the real-time pictures.

The purpose is to find the location of the Breaking Bad Master as soon as possible!

Fortunately, their efforts did not disappoint them.

After their search.

In the end, they were surprised to find that they found traces of the Breaking Bad character in a small town on the outskirts of Xindu City!

"It's him, it's him! He's rushing from the suburbs towards the new capital!"

"You are actually eating an ice cream with an ice cream in your hand? It looks quite pleasant, as if you are taking a stroll!"

"He hasn't realized that he has been monitored by us, hahaha!"

"Stop delaying and report this news to the higher-ups quickly! We don't have many surveillance cameras in New Capital City, and we will catch them soon!"

At this moment, when I noticed Su Yan's figure in the surveillance screen.

The subordinates who were responsible for the monitoring immediately became excited.

Then, they also realized that the number of surveillance in their new capital was not very large, but there were quite a lot of deaths.

For this reason, they did not dare to waste any more time and quickly reported the news to their superiors!

"Report to the headquarters! Breaking Bad was found on the outskirts of New Capital City! He is eating ice cream at this time, very comfortable, and has not yet realized that he is being targeted by us!"

After the subordinates reported the news.

The next moment, they suddenly discovered that the Breaking Bad character in the picture had disappeared!

Seeing this, they all realized that it was because Breaking Bad had entered the blind spot area they were monitoring.

For this reason, they couldn’t help but grit their teeth!

"Damn, sure enough, he knows where the surveillance blind spots are in our new capital city, and he is also paying attention to the surveillance!"

The subordinate personnel who were watching the surveillance said angrily.

After saying that, he immediately sent another report to the headquarters, telling the senior officials that Su Yan had disappeared from the surveillance screen.

At this time, the strategic center of the beautiful country C.

Many senior officials from beautiful countries are also very happy.

Unexpectedly, the Breaking Bad actor has already arrived in their new capital.

That would be great!

They don't need to wait too much, they just need to directly order to launch the river eggs.

Because there is a He weapons site more than 300 kilometers away, they are not very worried about the launch time of He Dan.

As long as Breaking Bad is in New Capital City, they can definitely prevent Breaking Bad from leaving alive!

As for the issue of escape, they don't have to worry.

Just as the subordinates were searching for surveillance footage, they had already notified various departments and asked elites from all parties to go to the New Capital City shelter.

Now, only them and some other related personnel are left.

As long as they retreat now, after hiding in the shelter, give the order.

Then the life of Breaking Bad will be ruined!

"Let's not waste time here, let's leave quickly!"

In the conference room of the Strategic Center, the senior officials of the beautiful country all said the same thing.

Then, they did not dare to delay and quickly left the conference room.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of various bodyguards outside the conference room, they quickly walked towards the underground base.

Anyway, the shelter is just under their strategic center, so their escape is not difficult.

As for the other New Capital City elites, because they escaped early, they all entered the shelter through the refuge passages in other locations.

Of course, throughout their actions.

They were still doing it in secret like last time.

Although, some of them may be shocked and hate the official decision of the beautiful country.

But under the pressure of time and life, they all know that it is important to save their lives.

For this reason, elites from all walks of life in the new capital did not dare to complain.

He had no choice but to follow the relevant secret evacuees honestly and enter the shelter.

With their evacuation.

For a time, the entire New Capital City began to become depressed!

This vision also more or less attracted the attention of ordinary people in the new capital city.

After all, the large-scale evacuation of the entire city's elite will still attract the attention of some people.

At this time, when some ordinary people in the new capital noticed this phenomenon.

They all became curious and didn't know what happened.

Underground shelter.

Under the leadership of many bodyguards, the senior officials of Beautiful Country arrived here quickly.

Upon arrival.

They also immediately contacted the lower-level personnel responsible for observation and monitoring through communication equipment.

The lower-level personnel had also taken refuge in the shelter at this time.

Facing orders from senior officials, they immediately investigated the external surveillance connection equipment in the shelter, observing and searching for Breaking Bad.

"Report to the boss, the figure of Breaking Bad will occasionally appear in the surveillance screen. He is currently on the edge of the urban area of ​​Xindu City, and it seems that he is not aware of our current actions~!"

On the intercom, lower-level personnel reported to senior executives.

Hearing this, many senior executives became excited again.

"Good, he hasn't left yet and doesn't realize the seriousness of the situation!"

At this moment, the senior officials of the beautiful country were very happy.

As they walked towards the command conference room of the shelter, they sent contacts to the military base hundreds of kilometers away.

Because they had said hello in advance, when they called the military base over there, the Jueshi base was immediately ready for action.

"Boss, all actions are ready. The power of the river eggs launched this time is a little smaller than the last one. This is mainly to prevent certain radiation effects on our place. After all, in addition to people here, there are also other rivers. Weapons storage.”

The general person in charge of the military base reported to the top leadership.

The top leaders don't care much about this.

"No problem, this thing doesn't need to be large, it just needs to cover the urban area of ​​Xindu City.

"I don't have anything else to say. You can take action now. Just fire your weapon directly here. Don't feel any pressure."

The top leader didn't say much, and immediately issued an order directly to the person in charge of the military base.

After receiving the order, the person in charge of the military base looked a little heavy.

But there is nothing we can do, this is an order issued by the senior officials.

If he doesn't dare to do it, someone will definitely take his place in the future.

He has nothing to hesitate about doing this kind of thing.

For the sake of his own career and the future of the beautiful country, that’s all!

"Everyone obeys the order, countdown to destruction!"

"Ten, ninety-eight-seven,..."

At this moment, the commander-in-chief of the military base began to tell his men resolutely about the countdown.

His men also obeyed orders with a very firm attitude and were ready to light the fire.

After that, the general manager shouted zero as the countdown started.

All personnel at the military base did not hesitate and immediately activated the physical weapons launch mechanisms they were responsible for!


Many personnel in the base said in unison!

Just when their words finished.

Suddenly, a huge noise came from outside their base!

Boom boom boom!!!


The bombing sound of burning ammunition and the sound of propellers were deafening to them!

For a moment, their ears almost exploded!

But it's okay.

Because the weapon launches very quickly.

So this huge roar did not last long.

As the weapons continue to go away.

The sounds they could hear also became smaller and smaller, gradually reducing to an acceptable level.

"Oh my God, this weapon was sent out like this!"

"Xindu City will also suffer disaster later, and I feel a little bit of a lie in my heart right now!"

"I can't help it. It's actually to kill the Breaking Bad Master last time. To destroy a city for a Breaking Bad Master, I can't say whether it's worth it."

"I can't tell you whether it's worth it or not? Let me tell you, it's worth it! Breaking Bad deserves to die. The sooner he dies, the better!!"

"That's right, let me see, that Breaking Bad Master is definitely the remnant force sent by Daxia. Of course it would be best if he died!!"

At this moment, many personnel in the beautiful country's military base were discussing among themselves.

At the same time, they are also looking forward to it in their hearts.

I hope this action can really kill that Breaking Bad character.

After all, the existence of Breaking Bad is indeed very detrimental to each of them.

They are also worried that one day they will be poisoned by the Breaking Bad Master and die!

Over the new capital city.

At this time, the people in this city were still extremely calm, without any disturbance at all.

However, many people are looking forward to the next plan of their beautiful country.

They all hope that the beautiful country will quickly destroy the Breaking Bad Master of Daxia and suppress Daxia with firepower!

Eager to get benefits from it!

Little did they know that their senior management had already sold them.

At this time, bursts of roaring sounds gradually came from the distance.

They looked up and gradually noticed that something seemed to be coming from the distance!

"Look, what is that flying in the sky?!"

"Crashed plane? Landing meteorite? Oh my god, it's so fast!!"

"It looks like a thermal weapon! Everyone, run!!"

"What? A thermal weapon? I bought it, run quickly!!"

Under the attention of the people of Xindu City.

Soon, they realized something was wrong.

At this moment, they all immediately began to scatter crazily in the distance, escaping for their lives!

But unfortunately, it was too late.

How can they escape safely in the face of hot weapons?

Immediately afterwards, the missile was launched.

A white light enveloped the entire land!

It was accompanied by a loud noise and thick smoke.

The next moment, the beautiful country’s new capital was destroyed!!

at the same time.

In a dark room.

The Hacker "God" looked at the disconnected screen in front of his computer and couldn't help but sigh: "All the network systems in New Capital City have lost contact. It seems that the city has been destroyed now." "

Because it happened very quickly.

So at this time, even if some countries around the world have military satellites monitoring it, they will not be able to get the news in the first time.

Therefore, at this moment, the network signal in New Capital City lost contact.

The hacker "god" is almost the first in the world

Knowing that the new capital city has been destroyed.

For this reason, the hacker "god" immediately sent a message to Su Yan and reported the news to Su Yan immediately.

Let’s talk about Su Yan.

Today, Su Yan has long been far away from the new capital city.

The picture that the relevant personnel of Beautiful Country saw in the surveillance just now was also forged by the hacker "God" using previous pictures for him.

Now he is drinking coffee in a high-end coffee shop in Chicago, a beautiful country.

As a result, he received a message from the hacker "god".

It is said that the beautiful country's plan has been completed and the new capital has been destroyed.

After hearing the news, Su Yan was a little surprised and a little pleasantly surprised.

"Good guy, I never thought that the senior officials of Beautiful Country would dare to do this."

Faced with this news, Yinyan couldn't help but sigh.

Since it was Meiliguo's decision, it was none of his business.

After all, if he really went to the New Capital City and was discovered by the beautiful country officials, then the New Capital City would definitely be destroyed by now.

Even if the new capital city is not destroyed, other cities will still be destroyed.

"Next, I can continue my previous actions."

“I just don’t know what new plans the beautiful country has next.

At this moment, while drinking coffee, Su Yan began to think about the next plan.

While thinking about it, he became even more curious about Beautiful Country's next plans.

"Don't worry, young master, this matter hasn't started yet. The whole world should know about this matter in the beautiful country soon. By then, we will continue to watch the good show."

The hacker "god" laughed during the call.

In response, Yinyan nodded in agreement.

Indeed, the new capital city has just been destroyed, and the news about this matter has not spread around the world.

He believes that after this, there will be another annual drama!

at the same time.

Beautiful new capital city, underground shelter.

At this moment, when the matter is done.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country also felt a little bleeding in their hearts.

It's impossible not to feel sad that their huge city is just gone!

Inside the shelter meeting room.

Many senior executives have some doubts about life.

They were sighing and discussing this matter among themselves.

"Oh, this wave is really uncomfortable, and it cost one of our cities another life."

"Last time it was Su Yan, this time it's Breaking Bad. Nothing else will pop up after that, right?"

"Reappearing again? Don't worry, it's definitely impossible. Don't forget that we have gained a lot in exchange for our losses. After our action spreads, people all over the world will

The capital will once again be agitated for us. "

"Yes, by then, who among them will dare to act arrogantly in front of us again? This time we will lose at our own expense, but we will also gain a very high level of deterrence!"

"Oh, there is some truth in what you said, but I still can't bear to lose two of our own cities in succession!"

"There is nothing to be unwilling to do. This time Breaking Bad has been eliminated by us, and Su Yan is no longer around. What else should we not worry about?"

Under discussions among many senior executives.

They all gradually sighed and then relaxed.

Gradually, they felt that this short-term pain was not so disappointing to them.

At this moment, they all vaguely agreed with a point of view.

That is, even if this wave of self-damage is 100 million critical hits, they will not lose money!!

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