Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 112 The Whole World Is In Shock Again! Angry People Of The Beautiful Country! !

Chapter 112 The whole world is in shock again! The people of the beautiful country are outraged!!

Due to military satellite exploration by other countries in the world.

So as the new capital city was destroyed by the beautiful country's weapons.

Countries around the world soon discovered this amazing scene under satellite observation.

When they first saw this scene, they even wondered if they were dazzled and saw it wrong.

But as they watched and confirmed repeatedly.

They were all surprised to realize that they were right!

The beautiful country really used their weapons to destroy a city again!

"How could this happen? Has the beautiful country been sealed off now? How dare you come here?"

"Has it already dealt a huge blow to them after the previous Holy Shield City was destroyed? The new capital city that is now destroyed is their former New York City!"

"Destroying another city without any warning? I'm afraid you're not treating reality like a game!"

"Hiss, Meimeiguo's actions are too unpredictable. Su Yan from Daxia has disappeared. Who are they still killing? Is it the Breaking Bad guy from before?"

"I don't know how serious it is, but I can only say that the beautiful country is very scary and not worth messing with!"

"Crazy! Beautiful Country is really crazy! I can't understand their behavior at all now!!"

For a time, relevant people from various countries around the world began to have shocking discussions about this matter.

While they were shocked to discuss.

Their media outlets also reported the news through official channels.

"Shocking the world! Just now, the beautiful country's new capital was destroyed!!"

"The latest big news! The beautiful country's new capital is gone! What's the reason for this?! Let's get into the article and discuss it together!"

"The mysterious force appears again? The beautiful country has really taken great pains to suppress this person!"

"Oh my God! What happened in this world! After reading this news, the editor was completely shocked!"

When the media broke the news.

Suddenly, the entire world was once again shocked.

A large number of netizens have clicked on articles from major media, browsed, repeatedly viewed and tasted the content in the articles.

When they noticed the images captured by military satellites, they were simply stunned.

They never expected that Meiliguo would be so courageous and that Kuang's writings would be so ruthless!

You know, before this, their beautiful country had just committed a bloodletting and destroyed a Holy Shield City!

What the hell, for some reason, they even admire the beautiful country!

"Oh Fake, is this a beautiful country that is extremely rich? It is really rich!!"

"A beautiful country? I would like to call it a country with a big heart! This heart is too big! Another city was destroyed so quickly!"

"I feel comfortable now. The two largest cities in the beautiful country are gone now!"

"I can only say, I'm convinced! I really admire the beautiful country's way of killing people. If it were me, I would definitely not dare to do that!"

Netizens from all over the world are discussing this matter crazily.

During the discussion.

In addition to admiring the courage of the beautiful country.

They also admired the person who could make the beautiful country show such courage!

For this reason, they all speculated who was the person who could make the beautiful country so generous?

"Do you think there is a possibility that Su Yan is not dead, but just exists in the beautiful country with another identity? Maybe Su Yan is Breaking Bad?"

"Su Yan? No, I don't think it's possible. Su Yan's era has passed, now is the era of Breaking Bad!"

"No, the era of Breaking Bad has passed. This wave of operations by Beautiful Country must have killed Breaking Bad. After all, they don't do anything that is uncertain!"

"What I'm more concerned about now is the legitimacy of our suspicions. Is it because of Breaking Bad that the beautiful country launched the river egg?"

"It's not very clear, but based on the results we have speculated so far, we can only say that it is very possible!"

Everyone has different opinions on what Beautiful Country does.

But no matter what views they hold, they can always arouse heated discussions among other netizens.

For a time, their discussions could be seen around the world in almost any place with an Internet connection.

However, the style of painting is different from that of netizens in other countries.

At this time, the beautiful country was not as harmonious as they discussed.

After all, the weapons exploded in their own country’s yard!

In this matter, they are just clowns, not people watching the fire from the other side!

Because of Meiliguo’s behavior this time, many netizens in Meiliguo once again protested crazily on the Internet!

"Fake! Why?! Why did you destroy the new capital?! Not only do we need compensation, but we also need a sincere explanation!!"

"You all want to explain? But I don't need to explain (affe)! Now I just want to go to offline pvp and use my fists to vent my anger!!"

"It's so abominable! It's enough to destroy the city once, but now it's coming to us a second time. Do you really think I don't have any relatives or friends in the new capital?!"

"My mentality has collapsed! My girlfriend is in Xindu City! As a result, a decision made by those people directly made me single again!"

"Single is very depressing?! Sorry, there are many more people who are devastated than you. My anger has burned to billions of degrees Celsius!!"

There was a huge storm on the Internet in the beautiful country.

People from all walks of life have condemned it on the Internet!

They had already forgiven the officials once last time.

But this time, he actually came?!

If they can forgive me this time, they will never be able to live peacefully in the future!

After all, how can they guarantee that one day they won't suffer the same fate as New Capital City and Holy Shield City?

Just thinking about it makes them feel terrible!

And when people in the beautiful country condemned this incident one after another.

Underground shelter, strategic meeting room.

Many senior officials of Beautiful Country have also learned about the domestic situation on the ground at this time.

They didn't care at all about these situations.

Because all this was within their expectations!

At this time, they also began to discuss this matter, thinking about how to solve the problem next to appease the emotions of the people.

"As expected, fishing boats around the world are making a splash again."

"It's expected, so don't be surprised. We don't need to worry about foreign affairs. We just need to use force to scare them. As for the country, it's better to find someone to take the blame like last time."

"That's right. In my opinion, we should also use the method we used to suppress the fishing boats last time to divert the people's hatred and attention."

"The general direction of this decision is in the right direction, but I think it needs more consideration and thinking. After all, if a solution is used twice, some people will definitely choose not to buy it."

At this moment, with the discussion among many senior officials of Beautiful Country.

They all decided unanimously to use the method of transferring conflicts last time to solve the problem.

But considering that if a method is used twice, it may not work.

So at this moment, they began to continue thinking about how to optimize this plan in detail.

And after some thinking.

It didn't take long for the senior management to come up with a new plan.

The senior executive looked at the top leader and said:

"Boss, in my opinion, it's better if we don't transfer the conflict of this incident to Breaking Bad."

"Of course, what I mean here is not to deliberately emphasize the importance of the death of Breaking Bad to our beautiful country like before."

"We can make a slight change. This time we won't talk about the benefits of killing Breaking Bad. Instead, we will focus our emphasis on Breaking Bad's plan."

"To put it simply, we can lie to the outside world and fabricate evidence, saying that Breaking Bad is preparing to use his poison to destroy our entire beautiful country, and is already planning to do so."

"Under such circumstances, the people in the country will definitely not continue to make noises. After all, this thing is related to the lives of each of them. They can't make noises anymore, right?

When the senior executive told him his plan.

The other senior executives present nodded immediately and felt that this method was feasible.

Even the top leader immediately nodded in agreement after thinking for a brief moment.

"However, the method you came up with is very good, just follow what you said."

The top leader nodded in agreement.

Other high-level officials naturally had no opinions.

Now, as they all finalize the decision.

They also began to make arrangements for their subordinates immediately.

Ask them to fabricate a fake confidential document and write on it that Breaking Bad is the remnant of Daxia and wants to destroy their entire beautiful country.

They had no choice but to give up their love and sacrifice an entire city in exchange for Breaking Bad's life.

If we don't change it like this, I'm afraid the entire country will perish by then.

After the order from the highest level is conveyed.

The lower-level personnel also immediately started to act according to the order.

Forging documents is much easier for them.

To this end, it took almost no time for them to fabricate fake documents.

Then, an announcement was made immediately.

"Beautiful Country's statement regarding this operation."

"This action is indeed rash, and our officials have learned from the experience and are reflecting on our shortcomings."

"But regarding this action plan, we officials do not have any regrets, because everything we do is for all the people of the beautiful country.

"The following are the secret documents we have collected related to Breaking Bad. In the secret documents, Breaking Bad stated that he is a member of Su Yan's remaining forces and plans to eliminate us within the next five years. Everyone in the beautiful country.”

"Because Breaking Bad's plan is too terrifying and targets everyone in our beautiful country, we have to make a decision and take decisive and necessary measures to deal with Breaking Bad.

"The good news now is that we have indeed solved Breaking Bad, and we have put an end to Breaking Bad's horrific plan."

"Of course, we also feel very sorry for those who died in this incident. They are the heroes of our beautiful country and we will always remember them."

After the beautiful country issued these announcements to the outside world.

Many people immediately responded to the announcement.

And as they read.

Gradually, they all began to become very surprised.

They never expected that the Breaking Bad master was actually Su Yan's remnant force!

It also plans to eliminate the

Kill everyone in their beautiful country?

After learning this, the people of the beautiful country couldn't sit still.

They all recalled the tragic situation of those military personnel who were killed by Breaking Bad!

The skin all over the body has fallen off, and there is no humanoid shape.

It’s scary just thinking about it!

"Damn Breaking Bad! I didn't expect him to be so hateful and want to make us all suffer extremely horrific physical injuries!"

"It seems that our official handling of the problem is correct, because Breaking Bad is not easy to kill! If you seize one opportunity and don't kill it, there may not be another one!"

"This means that our officials also had no choice but to destroy the new capital?! Alas, it seems that Breaking Bad is not an ordinary horror!

"Damn, I didn't expect that Breaking Bad would still be Su Yan's remaining force! Damn Su Yan! Damn Breaking Bad! Damn Daxia!!"

At this moment, almost all the people in the beautiful country believed the official announcement.

In their opinion, it is true.

If Breaking Bad didn't have such a heinous plan, how could the officials destroy Breaking Bad at the cost of destroying a city?

If they are not eliminated, will Breaking Bad be allowed to kill people in their beautiful country?

After realizing this.

People in beautiful countries no longer denounce their officials.

Instead, they began to criticize Breaking Bad on the Internet, transferring their hatred and conflicts to Breaking Bad!

"Even if Breaking Bad is dead, Daxia should give us an explanation!!"

"None of this is our fault, it's all caused by Daxia's Breaking Bad! We are innocent!!"

"I beg the authorities not to take things lightly! The former Su Yan and the current Breaking Bad actor have both caused serious harm to us, and we must receive compensation!"

"The abominable Su Yan and the abominable Breaking Bad have caused so much misery to us! Who are their families? We must find their families and kill their entire family!!"

"Oh Shet! I'm so angry! My anger can't stop burning in my heart now, and it can't be extinguished at all! Even if Breaking Bad and Su Yan are dead [I can't get Anqiu in my heart!!"

For a time, people throughout the beautiful country began to hate Su Yan and Breaking Bad.

I wish I could cut them into pieces!

However, because both Su Yan and Breaking Bad are dead.

So even if they are very angry, they have no other choice.

After all, Su Yan and Breaking Bad both died under the river eggs, and they were bombarded to the point of leaving nothing behind.

Under such circumstances, even if they wanted to whip the corpse, they couldn't!

For this reason, at this moment, they had no choice but to direct their anger towards Daxia!

Because it was Daxia that gave birth to existences like Su Yan and Breaking Bad!

All of this is a good thing Daxia did!

After realizing this.

At this time, all the major online platforms in Beautiful Country, including netizens and the media, began to criticize Daxia one after another!

Their anger was ignited to the extreme!!.

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