Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 43: Mortal Body Is A Secret! ! The Whole Country Is Shocked! God's Death? ! [Begging Fo

Chapter 43: Mortal body is a secret!! The whole country is shocked! The death of God?! [Kneel down and beg for customization]

Everyone noticed it in the live broadcast.

At this time, Su Yan could actually walk in the storm as if nothing had happened!

After seeing this scene, not only the people in the live broadcast room were surprised.

The FBI members and Marine Corps members at the scene were even more surprised!

"W-what's going on? He can actually walk freely in the storm?!"

"Don't distract, be careful not to let Mr. Su escape!"

"Watch out for the storm!!"

At this moment, the storm blew even more violently!

The FBI and Marine Corps have no time to take care of - Su Yan's side.

Two Marines wanted to get close to Su Yan and catch Su Qi directly.

But it's a pity.

Before they could get close to Su Yan.

He just raised his legs and took a step.

Their other foot is unsteady!

Whoosh whoosh!!!

Under the violent blow of the storm, the Marines were blown up!

They didn't even have a chance to scratch the ground with their hands, and were immediately blown up by the wind with their heads down!


After being swept into the air by the storm, several marines screamed heartbreakingly.

However, it is impossible for other companions to help them!

One is because they have been swept very far away by the wind, and their companions on the ground cannot save them at all.

The second reason is that their companions have also been severely hit by the storm!

"Oh, Shet, the storm is getting stronger!!"

"Damn it, I can't hold on anymore!!"

"OhMyGod, I can't stand anymore, I can't stand still...ah!!"

"Also remember to protect the director, we still need to accept the command from the top leader through him!!"

At this moment, on the ground, the FBI and Marine Corps members have been so devastated by the storm that they can no longer take care of Su Yan!

They all feel very uncomfortable!

Squat on the ground and grab the ground with your hands to prevent it from being blown away by the strong wind!

They noticed that the companions who had just taken a step and were blown away had all hit a building in front of them!

The impact was so violent that even if he survived, he would probably be shattered to pieces!

And under the ravages of violent storms.

Soon, everyone present fell down!

Don't talk about taking care of Su Yan.

It would be great if they could keep themselves from being blown away!!

Compared to the embarrassment of the FBI and Marines.

Su Yan has always seemed very relaxed.

During the violent attack of the storm.

Su Yan always held the hand of her assistant and walked calmly and steadily.

To outsiders, it looks like an ordinary stroll!

This scene also aroused discussion among everyone in the live broadcast room.

"How do you explain this? Why can Su Yan walk calmly in the storm?"

"I don't know how serious it is. Could it be that Su Yan is really a god who can control the power of nature and prevent the storm from blowing him?"

"I don't know. Let's wait for the big guys in the live broadcast room to analyze it for us!"

During the discussion among the audience in the live broadcast room.

The experts in the think tank building also became very shocked.

As industry experts, even if they don't know the reason why Su Yan can easily walk in the storm, they can guess it.

Su Yan can walk freely, maybe it's not because he is in the eye of the storm!

When the storm comes.

Generally, there is an eye of the storm in the very center of the storm.

There is no storm in the eye of the storm, everything is peaceful and peaceful.

But the problem is that the eye of the storm is not so easy to find!

And it’s subject to change all the time!

There is a saying that goes like this: When you are in the eye of the storm, don't think you are safe, because the next moment will be your death.

Although the eye of the storm is safe, its unpredictable nature makes everyone fearful!

If you are not careful, you may escape from the eye of the storm and be violently swallowed by the strong wind around the eye of the storm!

The eye of the storm is only an objective phenomenon and cannot be used as a place of refuge for people.

Therefore, when think tank experts saw this scene, they were all surprised!

If Su Yan really came out of the eye of the storm, doesn't it mean that Su Yan can calculate the data of the eye of the storm in real time based on the wind force?!

at the same time.

In the satellite live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room also had a big boss explain this phenomenon.

"Everyone, take a look at Su Yan's walking trajectory. It is obvious that it is completely inconsistent with normal walking. I guess he is walking in the eye of the storm!"

As the big boss stood up and explained.

Many people in the live broadcast room who knew this knowledge were immediately surprised.

"I'm going to the eye of the storm?! No way, the location of the eye of the storm is extremely changeable and extremely difficult to find. How could Su Yan find it?!"

"Why is it impossible to find it?! Have you forgotten Su Yan's powerful computing power? Since he can create a powerful storm with a coin, it means that he can definitely calculate the location of the eye of the storm!!"

"But... this is still a bit exaggerated, isn't it?! Do you know how difficult it is to calculate the position of the eye of the storm? And not only is it calculated, it is also calculated in real time, without any errors!! "

"You're right. This is too scary no matter how you think about it. If it was calculated by a computer, then I might still believe it, but it was calculated by a human... Are you sure that humans can really calculate such a complicated thing?!"

"No, let me tell you, no computer can calculate things in such real time, even a supercomputer will take a lot of time!!"

"It will take a super computer a long time to calculate?! This..."

The discussion in the live broadcast room can be described as stormy.

Everyone was shocked by this incredible scene in the live broadcast.

That's when they were all shocked.

Suddenly, someone started posting barrages to refute the rumors.

"You are all wrong, this is not a calculation!!"

"It is definitely impossible for ordinary people's brains to calculate such a thing. To me, Su Yan is rehearsing this!!"

"Don't you ever wonder why Su Yan is so calm all the time? It must be because of the rehearsal! Su Yan is rehearsing all of this!"

Following this barrage, rumors began to be refuted.

In the live broadcast room, many people immediately believed it to be true without any doubt!

After all, only rehearsals can explain these things.

I'm afraid Su Yan had anticipated everything before triggering this storm!

That's why Su Yan is always so calm!

Because it’s all under Su Yan’s control!!

After realizing this.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more shocked than before.

If Su Yan really has the ability to rehearse.

Wouldn't that be more terrifying?!

This is definitely beyond the scope of human talent!!

For a time, the people of Daxia began to feel more worried about Su Yan.

At the same time, I also gnashed my teeth and hated the beautiful country!!

Su Yan obviously did nothing wrong!

But they will be surrounded and suppressed!

They even used the Marine Corps openly at all costs of honor!!

It’s so shameless!!

While hating the beautiful country.

The people of Daxia also prayed in their hearts, hoping that Su Yan could survive this crisis.

Of course, it is not just the people of Daxia who pray.

At this moment, half of the world's top figures are worried about Su Yan's safety!!

Now let’s talk about Su Yan’s side.

At this moment, the surrounding storm continues, and it can blow a person into the sky at any time!

The FBI and Marine Corps present were in complete chaos. Most of the Marines were blown up by the storm, hit many things, and were seriously injured!

Others who were not injured were also unable to move and struggled to find a place to hide!

At this moment, they could no longer take care of Su Yan!

As for Su Yan, it was particularly relaxed compared to them.

But it’s only superficially relaxing!

His brain is not feeling well!

Under the extreme calculation, Su Xin's brain was already overloaded!

Much needed rest!

If his assistant Xiao Lu hadn't been caring and supporting him, he might not be able to hold on now.

"Brother Yan, are you okay?"

Seeing Su Yan's extremely weak state, Xiao Lu looked at Su Yan anxiously, feeling very distressed.

"It doesn't matter, the storm is about to end, we can leave here quickly before it's too late.

Su Yan endured the dizziness and said with some effort.

Now, the storm has lasted for ten minutes.

According to Su Yan's calculations, the storm went away as quickly as it came.

Now is when the storm is about to weaken.

It is also the most suitable time for him to escape!

Be sure to hurry up!

In the anxious situation, Xiao Lu also supported Su Yan and quickly fled to Wuling Hongguang parked in front!

After all, it is a car modified by Su Yan.

Withstanding the ravages and destruction of the storm, there is still no problem.

While Su Yan quickly fled forward.

The surrounding storms have also begun to weaken rapidly!

FBI members and Marines have suffered numerous casualties, but there are still some left.

For Su Yan, the remaining people are no longer enough to stop him from leaving.

For this reason, the Dazhen audience in the live broadcast room could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But unfortunately, it didn’t take long for them to breathe a sigh of relief!

Through satellite photography, they quickly noticed new problems!

"I'm going, look quickly, there seems to be another Marine Corps coming from the east direction?!"

"It's true!! There are a large number of Marines in the east direction, and they are coming here to support!!"

"Damn it, I just finished one batch, and there's still another batch left!!"

"No, I finally saw hope, but I can't let it suddenly disappear again!"

"Please pay attention, the surrounding storm has begun to dissipate quickly. Su Yan's situation will be very dangerous next!!"

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw the Marine Corps approaching from the east.

They all became desperate again.

I absolutely shouldn’t, but just when the storm was about to end, I let these people come here!!

Although Su Yan was excellent, it only took a little time!

0…Please give me flowers…………

Delaying for such a short time will not create many opportunities to escape!

After all, the whole process just lasted no more than fifteen minutes!

This also made the audience in the live broadcast room even more worried!

Neither do they

I have to admit in my heart that the Marine Corps' operational efficiency is indeed very fast!

The situation Su Yan is currently facing is more urgent than before!!

Now let’s talk about Su Yan’s side.

The Marine Corps of the beautiful country is not vegetarian either.

this moment.

As the storm quickly dissipated.

The Marine Corps support coming from the east arrived as quickly as possible!

As well as the FBI and Marine Corps members who had survived some previous storms, they all stood up from the ground quickly and hard.

Subsequently, everyone involved.

Using the fastest speed, he immediately surrounded Su again!

The siege was so fast that Su Yan was unable to find an opportunity to escape.

After all, he is only very capable of calculation now, and his physical fitness is far from reaching the level that can defy the heavens.

At this moment, surrounded by many relevant members.

The FBI director, who survived being protected by the Marines, walked up to Su Yan again.

He looked at Su Yan and said: "Mr. Su, give up! Don't run away again, you have no chance to escape this time!!"

The other Marines pointed their guns in Su Yan's direction again.

At this moment, Su Yan couldn't escape even if she had wings!

The FBI director looked at Su Yan and continued: "Mr. Su, don't force us to give you a final announcement!!"

"Now you have only two choices before you, either be transported to Daxia as a corpse, or continue to live in our beautiful country as a living person. The conditions provided for you here are

The items are absolutely generous. "


As the FBI director finished speaking.

The other marines also aimed their guns more accurately.

They were waiting for Mr. Su's reply.

If Mr. Su is still so stubborn, then we can't blame their guns and bullets for being ruthless.


Facing the coercion and inducement of the FBI director.

Su Yan just sneered and said nothing.


When he first chose to come here, he came here with the determination to hand over chip technology to Daxia at all costs.

Now, let him obey the arrangements of the beautiful country and be manipulated by the beautiful country?

Absolutely impossible!

Even if he dies, he will not give his skills to the beautiful country!

What's more, on the escape route, although there was systematic help, he was already prepared to die!


At this time, Su Yan turned to look at his assistant Xiao Lu, still a little unbearable.

It's a pity that he has also affected Xiao Lu.

When she saw Xiao Lu, Su Yan felt mixed emotions.

But at the moment, he didn't think too much!

Because he wants to take advantage of this time to continue to calculate and deduce all possibilities!

Don't waste your thoughts elsewhere!

After all, only in this way can he seize the last glimmer of hope!

For this reason, at this moment, Su Yan did not answer the FBI director's question at all. Instead, he continued to overdraw his brain, combined with various surrounding data, and quickly deduced various scenarios.

Plant something!

Hope to find a glimmer of hope!!

"Oh, is that really the case?"

At this moment, Director Shen Honghong couldn't help but sigh when he saw Mr. Su.

In this case, we can't blame them for being rude.

Thinking of this, the FBI director was ready to order the Marines to end it all.

But that's it.

Suddenly, the FBI director called on his cell phone!

Hearing the call, the FBI director's heart trembled!

This is a call from the top leader!!

At this moment, everyone present should observe the situation first and don't rush to take action!

Then, I immediately answered the call!

"Hello, boss?"

When the FBI director answered the call.

On the other side of the phone, there was great anger immediately!!

"Fake Squid, your brain is broken, are you ready to kill Mr. Su??!"

"Without my order, you must not kill Mr. Su, do you understand?"

"Remember not to act hastily! We must catch Mr. Su alive. Such a existence, such computing power, and such a performance that is close to God, this is the treasure of the beautiful country!


"We must let Su Yan stay in the beautiful country!!"

When the top leader scolded him angrily.

The FBI director was immediately frightened!!

"I'm sorry boss, I acted recklessly just now!!"

"Mr. Su has fallen into our hands. I promise that we can capture him this time, immediately!!"

At this moment, the FBI director apologized repeatedly on the phone and said that he would never act recklessly again!

Also guaranteed.

He will definitely send Su Yan to the headquarters alive within half an hour!!

ps: I beg for an automatic subscription and a reward. If there is one, the author will continue to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!

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