Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 44 One Person Vs One Country! ! ! Let The War Begin! ! [Begging For Customization]

Chapter 44 One person VS one country!!! War begins!! [Begging for customization]

When the FBI director hung up the phone to the top leader directly under him.

Immediately order everyone to capture Mr. Su alive!

However, because of the need to capture him alive.

So they didn't dare to act easily, lest Mr. Suii commit suicide!

For this reason, at this moment, many FBI members and Marines were cautiously approaching Su Yan step by step, holding their guns!

During this period.

After being surrounded by these people, Su Yan has been mobilizing the surrounding data and calculating various possibilities.

But it's a pity.

Because of continuous measurement.

Now Su Yan has almost exhausted all his energy!

His mind was like a paste, and he had no idea!

The whole brain is buzzing, as if something is beating gongs and drums inside!

For a moment, Su Yan was dizzy and staggered, but she almost didn't fall. Fortunately, she was supported by Xiao Lu.

At this time, with the support of Xiao Lu.

Although Su Yan was able to stand up.

But it is no longer possible to speculate further.

The mathematical consumption of LV8 is so intense that Su Yan’s whole body and mind can no longer support it!

Seeing that Su Yan was not in good health, Xiao Lu was also very anxious.

The FBI and Marines are closing in!

What awaits them both may be death!

at the same time.

In the think tank building.

Think tank experts from all parties are also anxious and anxious.

"Think of a solution quickly. Is there any other way to help Su Yan get out of the crisis?!"

"I haven't come up with any new countermeasures yet. I can only wait for the Blackwater Security Company to arrive. It should be soon. They are already approaching!!"

"Although they currently plan to keep alive, after Su Yan is caught, nothing can be said. Even if Su Yan doesn't die, we don't want to see him suffer inhuman torture!"

“I hope it’s too late and nothing happens!!”

The experts in the think tank building are constantly analyzing the current situation.

At the same time, I kept praying, hoping that the security personnel of the Blackwater Security Company would arrive quickly to help Su Yan "560" get out of trouble!

at the same time.

In the capital, in a magnificent courtyard.

At this time, Su's father was more anxious than anyone else, and also angrier than anyone else!

Looking at the satellite live broadcast, the Marines were constantly approaching his son, Su's father clenched his fists!

I have already said hello to Blackwater Security Company before.

If Blackwater Security Company can save his son, even if it can change the current situation, then he will definitely reward him heavily!

But if the current situation is not changed because of being late, he swears that he will make the Blackwater Security Company evaporate overnight and leave no trace behind!!

Of course, all the people involved in the world in the beautiful country can't escape either!

After he rescues his son, he will settle the account with Meili Country properly!!

New York City Square.

As the Marines continued to approach.

Su Yan couldn't help but start to smile bitterly in her heart.

Unexpectedly, he still couldn't escape in the end.

But his mind was made up.

He will not give in to these people in the beautiful country!

"Xiao Lu, run away quickly. As long as I don't run away, they can let you go. I don't want to hurt you.

At this time, Su Yan looked at the assistant and said with concern.

He has decided.

Wait until Xiao Lu escapes.

He used the weapon on his body to kill himself!

Till death do us part!!

However, facing what Su Yan said, Xiao Lu shook his head and said, "No, Brother Yan, let's die together."

Xiao Lu also has weapons on her body.

At this moment, she obviously made the same decision as Su Yan.

After hearing what Xiao Lu said, Su Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly again.

Sure enough, Xiao Lu's decision was the same as his.

For this reason, Su Yan couldn't help but feel a little sad.

I felt very sad that I had caused Xiao Lu to suffer.

At the same time, I also sighed in my heart that it all ended like this.

Now I just hope that his father will not continue to be sad after his death.

Just when Su Yan felt sad about his current fate.

Suddenly, he noticed that there seemed to be changes on the FBI and Marine Corps side!

In response, Su Yan immediately cheered up and began to pay attention to everything around him!

As long as there is still a little hope, as long as there is still a glimmer of life, he will not give up!

After all, he not only carries the life of himself and Xiao Lu, but also the lifeblood of Daxia's development in the next few decades!

At this time, for Su Yan, he was always paying attention to every move around him.

As for the FBI and Marine Corps members, they are also paying attention to Su Yan's every move.

In order to capture Su Yan alive and prevent Su Yan from impulsively committing suicide, they acted very carefully.

But just as they cautiously approached Su Yan.

Suddenly, the FBI director received urgent news from the Logistics Intelligence Department!

"Report to the director, there are currently unknown armed men approaching quickly, please be more careful!!"

"The number of armed personnel is also extremely large. It seems to be a team that cannot be underestimated!!"

Because it was the news from the Logistics Intelligence Department.

So at this moment, all FBI members and Marine Corps members present were informed of the news.

When they heard the news, they were all shocked!


There was actually a huge armed force approaching them?!

Apart from them, there should be no other team of Marines around, right?!

What on earth is going on with this special code?!

Suddenly, everyone present was stunned.

Just when they all felt confused.

Suddenly, warning sounds from loudspeakers began to be heard from all directions around!

"Serious warning, please FBI and Marine Corps members stop their current actions immediately, otherwise don't blame us for opening fire!!"

"Warning to everyone at the scene not to use your gun and discharge it, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!!"

"Everyone put down their weapons and surrender immediately!!!"

When these warning sounds came from all directions.

The FBI members and Marines present were even more confused.

what's the situation?!

There are still people threatening them?!

Just when they all felt incredible about this.

Suddenly, they noticed a large number of mighty armed troops coming from all directions!



These mighty armed armies, wearing steel helmets and holding firearms, are rushing towards this side!

For a time, all the members of the Marine Corps were stunned.

at the same time.

All the viewers in the global satellite live broadcast room were also stunned.

Regarding this sudden scene, none of them knew what happened.

"Holy crap, where did these armed armies come from? I've never seen them before!!"

"At first glance, it doesn't look like a regular army. I'm afraid this is a special armed force organization!!"

"A special armed force organization?! I'm so confused, that's the territory of the beautiful country! How can a special armed force organization come to help Su Yan?! It's impossible no matter how you think about it!!"

"It's nothing to do with the beautiful state-owned special armed forces. The main thing is that they are actually helping Su Yan. This is the most incredible thing!!"

"I'm completely confused. Is this all part of Su Yan's plan?!"

At this moment, the audience in the satellite live broadcast room were all dumbfounded!

Looking at the sudden arrival of armed forces, they didn't know whether the other party was a friend or an enemy!

But now, looking at this scene, the other party seems to be a friendly force!!

However, they were still curious.

What kind of beautiful country's armed forces are willing to help their Su Yan in Daxia?!

It was also during the period when many people in the live broadcast room were curious about this.

Soon, someone in the live broadcast room found out where these people came from!

When they found out the source, they were immediately surprised!

Then quickly break the news in the live broadcast room!

"Brothers, you may not believe it, but this is actually the third-ranked Blackwater security company in the world!!"

"It's the security personnel of Blackwater Security Company who are armed, and now they are fighting against the beautiful Marine Corps!!"

"As for why they are said to be from the Blackwater Security Company, it is very simple. Pay attention to the clothes and clothing behind their armed clothes!!"

"Those are the clothes of Blackwater Security Company! There is absolutely no mistake. As the third largest company in the world, no one would dare to wear their company's clothes so neatly, lest they cause death!"

"As for whether it is possible that the top two security companies deliberately pretended to be pretentious, it is even more impossible. Naturally, their top colleagues will not play such little tricks with each other!!"

"That is to say, the armed forces coming here are indeed people from the Blackwater Security Company. They are the top mercenaries in the world!!"

When those who found out the information about the armed forces broke the news.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was shocked instantly!!

Blackwater Security Company!!

They all know that it is the world's top mercenary gathering place!

Among them, there are a large number of professional mercenary masters!

Responsible for handling various dangerous security work around the world!!

And it ranks third among the world’s security companies!!

And this is what surprised them!!


Why did Blackwater Security Company, ranked third in the world, suddenly deploy such terrifying force to help Su Yan?!

How much capital and power must be behind it to do all this?!

Is Blackwater Security Company sincerely helping, or does it have another hidden agenda?!

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room became even more confused.

Totally confused!!


at this time.

For the senior staff in the think tank building and the top talents in half the world, they are not too surprised.

They believe that it must be the one who took action!

Only that person can shake such a huge power in a very short time at the same time!!

New York City Square.

At this moment, the mercenaries from the Blackwater Security Company arrived.

The FBI members and Marine Corps members present immediately recognized him as someone from the Blackwater Security Company.

They never expected that people from the Blackwater Security Company would actually go against them?!

Don’t they all interfere with each other?!

What kind of wind is this that brings them here?!

Although, they F

BI and the Marine Corps have greater power than Blackwater.

But now, everyone in the Blackwater Security Company is rebelling against them and confronting them head-on.

Even if they are the FBI and the Marine Corps, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive!

Not to mention, the opponent's number is now greater than theirs!

"The FBI warns us that we are the state authority of the beautiful country, and your Blackwater mercenaries have no right to interfere with us, otherwise they will be punished for disturbing official business!!"

"We know that Blackwater is the third largest security company in the world. In terms of size, we really have to be wary of you, so if you withdraw your troops, we will also

Let’s forget the blame!”

"I hope you will evacuate immediately and not hinder us from doing business!"

The FBI and Marine Corps immediately gave the Blackwater mercenaries a warning!

However, in the face of their warning, the Blackwater mercenaries simply ignored it!

"You have been surrounded by our Black Water. We only advise you for the last time to release him immediately and let Mr. Su return to his own country!!"

"Our Blackwater Company is now affiliated with the forces behind Mr. Su. If you go against Mr. Su, you are going against our Blackwater!!"

When the mercenary leader from Blackwater said these words...

On the FBI side, the FBI Director's face suddenly showed a horrified expression!!

Blackwater is now affiliated with the forces behind Mr.Su!!

What kind of terrorist force is this that can cover the sky with one hand to such an extent?!

While feeling surprised.

The FBI director also realizes that the current situation may not be changed.

Unless the Blackwater mercenaries are dealt with, their next actions will not go smoothly!

Think back to the anger of the top leader just now.

The FBI director is anxious!

If he continues like this, he himself will not end well!

For this reason, at this moment, faced with an unchangeable situation, the FBI director also gave a direct order!


Give an order!

The FBI members and Marines immediately opened fire on the Blackwater mercenaries without any hesitation!

The Blackwater mercenaries had obviously anticipated this step!

However, this is not a big surprise to professional mercenaries like them who have been fighting for a long time!

Da da da!!!

Da da da!!!

Suddenly, the scene immediately entered a state of chaos!

Blackwater mercenaries are directly at war with the FBI and Marine Corps!!

For a moment, a large amount of bullet smoke filled the air!

People from all sides were looking for vehicles or road signs to avoid while firing at each other!

There is no way to take care of Su Yan, because once they divert their attention, they are likely to die!

Now, this is the battlefield!!

This is no joke!!

And when the two sides suddenly started exchanging fire.

On Su Yan's side, he didn't have time to think too much, he immediately grasped the situation and prepared to escape!

Some of the calculation energy he had just recovered began to be used by him at this moment.

Everyone's footsteps are moving towards speed.

Everyone controls the strength of the firearm and the direction of the muzzle.

Number and hardness of nearby road signs.

All kinds of data are incorporated into Su Yan’s brain!

Combining these data, Suji used some of his newly recovered brain power to calculate!

He needs to calculate each person's position and the direction of the bullet based on the calculations of the surrounding data!

In order to avoid in time to prevent bullets from accidentally injuring him and Xiao Sheng!

And under Su Yan's careful calculation.

Su Yan also quickly calculated the best escape direction!

He already knows which places are less likely to be hit by bullets, which places are easier to escape from, and which places are least likely to be disturbed when hiding!

For this reason, Su Yan immediately found a place to hide near the front based on the direction he judged!

"follow me!"

The next moment, Su Yan held Xiao Lu's hand and quickly evaded in one direction!

Seeing Su Yan's escape, several members of the Marine Corps immediately prepared to chase him!

Some people even wanted to shoot Su Yan directly in the leg, even if Su Yan was injured and lost blood!

Unfortunately, their action was interrupted by the Blackwater mercenaries before they started.


After several rounds of shooting, those who had Su Yan's ideas were all shot!!

As for the Blackwater mercenaries.

Because the Marine Corps was so difficult to deal with, they didn't bother to take the initiative to protect Su Yan. 4.9 On the other hand, they did not dare to get too close to Su Yan, lest they cause harm to Su Yan!

They believe that Su Yan now has his own plans!

This also makes them feel more at ease and can better deal with the FBI and Marine Corps!

As for Su Yan.

When Su Yan and his assistant successfully found a place to hide.

Su Yan also felt very unbelievable!

Because from the calculation just now, he came to the conclusion that no one from Blackwater was targeting him!

Blackwater Company is really here to protect him, not for any other purpose and wants to take him away somewhere else!

This made Su Yan even more surprised.

The other party is the world's third largest security company, Blackwater!

It can be regarded as an extremely huge force in the world!

But why should such a huge force help him?!

From the beginning to now, it seems that it has always been like this, with people he doesn't know lending a helping hand to him!

Could it be that Daxia really sent out its forces?!

But it won’t penetrate so quickly!!

Su Yan is puzzled!!

And when Su Yan successfully evaded.

In New York City Square, the battle between the FBI, Marine Corps, and Blackwater mercenaries has not stopped!


Da da da!!!

Under the fire of various machine guns, the entire battlefield was devastated!!

Originally, the FBI and the Marines wanted to escape and track down Su Yan.

But they discovered that the fighting power of the Blackwater mercenaries was too strong!

The overall combat effectiveness of those people is almost comparable to that of top soldiers!!

In addition, their number is originally smaller than that of Blackwater.

For a while, they couldn't escape at all!

What’s even worse is that now, it’s no longer impossible to escape!

As the firepower of Black Water continues to suppress!

Their casualties keep growing!!

They can't stand it now!!

ps: I beg for an automatic subscription and a reward. If there is one, the author will continue to publish 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!

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