Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 70 Super Soldiers Are Coming? Can’T Even Enter Cyberpunk City? Don’T Give Face To Anyone!

Chapter 70: Super soldiers are coming? Can’t even enter the cyberpunk city? No one will give you face!

Beautiful country strategic center.

At this moment, many of the strategic leaders of Beautiful Country are still discussing the matter with Mr. Su.

Now, under the powerful deterrent of their beautiful country to other countries.

Many countries no longer dare to complain about their plans for human testing of super soldiers.

At this moment, the whole world was almost silent and no longer discussed the issue of the beautiful country's super soldier experiment.

Therefore, on the fishing boat condemned by the international community, the beautiful country once again returned to its usual calm.


International voices regarding human testing of super soldiers have been suppressed.

However, there is still no clue about the competition between Loongson and Mr. Su’s killing.

For this reason, many senior officials in the beautiful country are discussing this.

"Nowadays, the matter of human testing of super soldiers has been suppressed, but I think countries around the world are only superficially unmoved, and are actually formulating corresponding countermeasures for our super soldier experimental plan."

"That's for sure. From the moment our super soldier plan was exposed, we were destined to stumble on this matter. What we need to consider now is how to restore our previous strong position."

"You're right. The series of operations in Daxia have caused our beautiful country to lose all face. Now its international status is no longer as dominant as it used to be. It is indeed not conducive for us to conquer the world's nine vegetables in the future. .”

"All of this is Mr. Su's fault! But damn, we still haven't killed Mr. Su!!"

"We haven't killed Mr. Su yet. What are the Security Bureau and FBI doing? How long has it been? Why is there still no specific Q?!"

"Contact the Security Bureau now and ask them what the situation is now and how long they plan to take to get things done!"

Whenever Mr. Su is mentioned, all the senior executives in the conference room will get angry almost reflexively.

Especially when they thought that Mr. Su not only did not die, but was also likely to continue stealing their things and technology, they became even more angry.

This is simply riding on their faces!

And they still can’t do anything about it!

It was precisely because their emotions became extremely angry again because of Mr. Su.

So at this moment, the senior officials of Beautiful Country contacted the Security Bureau again.

They couldn't wait any longer.

The Security Bureau must give a clear answer!

At the same time, the beautiful National Security Agency.

Now, 05 is facing pressure from his superiors, and the Security Bureau is also anxious.

Previously, they changed the city owner of Cyberpunk City.

I originally thought that by changing the city lord, the city lord could act as a spy and dismantle Sabopunk City from within.

But I didn't expect that even if they replaced the city lord, it would still have no effect at all!

From this, they realized that the entire Cyberpunk City had become the property of the forces behind Mr. Su.

A mere city lord is just a shell of the cyberpunk city.

No matter how much I change it, it’s useless.

Only by truly using various means to completely defeat all the forces in Cyberpunk City can they achieve their previous goal of letting the FBI enter the city!

Otherwise, if you want to simply let the FBI enter the city, it will be extremely difficult.

Even if the FBI were let in undercover, there would be no chance!

Nowadays, the guards in Cyberpunk City are really too strict.

At this moment, I was faced with a pressure call from my superiors.

The director of the Security Bureau had another headache.

I was worried about how to explain it to my superior, but my superior called me.

This is simply killing him!

But after all, this is also a call from a superior.

If you don't answer it, the problem will definitely be more serious.

For this reason, facing the call from the top management of the beautiful country, the director of the Security Bureau had no choice but to answer the call with helplessness and bitterness.

"Hello, boss?"

"You loser! What are you really doing? Why haven't you reported the situation to us yet? Is there still no new progress in your investigation of Mr. Su?!"

After the call came in, the senior management of Beautiful Country directly cursed at the director of the Security Bureau.

Hearing the angry tone on the other side, the director of the Security Bureau suddenly felt bad.

After finally brewing it, I don’t know how to speak now.

"Why don't you say anything?! Hurry up and tell the truth! How is the investigation of Mr. Su going? If the FBI people can't investigate, can't you lead the FBI investigation?"

On the senior management side, the mood is still very angry.

The director of the Security Bureau was even more afraid to answer.

But he also knew that if he didn't answer or lied, there would definitely be no good things for him in the future.

For this reason, the director of the Security Bureau could only reply with some embarrassment: "Um... boss, Mr. Su has indeed not been found in the search now. The entire Cyberpunk City has been bought, and there are still... There is really nothing we can do if there are guards!"

The director of the Security Bureau finished his words with a tearful voice.

The higher-ups were slightly surprised after hearing the cry from the director of the Security Bureau.

He couldn't help but curiously asked the director of the Security Bureau: "In other words, your actions in the past few days have been lonely?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, boss, we did act lonely, but you have to know that we really tried our best. There were many guards in Cyberpunk City, and we even asked the FBI to have a few simple rounds with them. After a few fires, it turned out to be useless.”

The director of the Security Bureau still said without tears.

My heart is filled with all kinds of grievances and discomforts.

And after he finished speaking.

The higher-ups could not help but fall into silence.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, the senior management thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I understand. You can continue the investigation and remain on standby. If this matter is not handled well, all of your relevant personnel will still be punished." .”

"Yes, boss!"

At this moment, the director of the Security Bureau almost collapsed.

But I can only answer so honestly on the phone.

Otherwise, he believed that he would definitely take bullets for disobeying orders and accidentally commit suicide with fifty bullets in the back.

Afterwards, the director of the Security Bureau hung up the phone with the senior management.

Then continue to think of ways to start planning your next actions.

At the same time, the strategic center of the beautiful country is here.

After receiving the latest news from the director of the Security Bureau, the senior officials of Beautiful Country frowned again.

They have conducted further analysis on the current situation.

"Now it seems that there is still something wrong with the capabilities of the Security Bureau and the FBI. They have managed so many things well."

"It's not all a problem with the Security Bureau and the FBI. It's mainly because the forces behind Mr. Su in Cyberpunk City have bribed the entire Cyberpunk City. The guards in the city are a huge obstacle to the investigation by the Security Bureau and the FBI. "

"Yes, the key problem is that the guards of Cyberpunk City are not officially owned by us, and our military base there only has secret researchers and is not usually open to the public. This adds a huge layer of complexity to our investigation. difficulty."

"It makes sense, and we are still not sure whether Mr. Su is really in Cyberpunk City. Plans for human testing of super soldiers are available in many secret military bases. It is difficult for us to determine whether Mr. Su is actually in Cyberpunk City. Instead of diverting our attention, let us focus all our attention on Cyberpunk City, thus easing the investigation of other areas."

"Damn Mr. Su, you are just like a cockroach, why don't you just die!"

As everyone continued to discuss.

They were all once again gritted their teeth by Mr. Su.

If it had been before, it would have been possible for them to launch a missile directly towards Cyberpunk City and kill Mr. Su, even if Cyberpunk City didn't want it.

Of course, this is just their emotional decision.

After all, Cyberpunk City is the most cutting-edge city in their beautiful country. Even if it is bought by a mysterious force, it is still very important to their beautiful country. What's more, there are many high-tech mechas in it. How can it be destroyed?

Moreover, the key is that they cannot be sure that Mr. Su must be in Hanbo Punk City!

Had the experience of being cheated for the first time.

Nowadays, they no longer dare to act rashly like before in anything they do.

It is precisely because of this.

At this moment, many senior executives were in trouble again and didn't know what to do.

At this time, a senior executive suddenly suggested: "Let me see, let's just dispatch the super soldiers. Although our super soldiers have not been successfully cultivated yet, after all, there will be a strength test soon, so why not let the super soldiers pass and complete it?" The mission to kill Mr. Su and test him?"

As the senior executive spoke.

Suddenly, the other senior executives around him showed incredulous looks and looked at this senior executive one after another.

"Sending out super soldiers directly? I'm afraid that's not a good idea. This incident has already caused our beautiful country to cause big waves around the world. Now that we are sending out super soldiers, isn't that adding fuel to our own fire?"

"I also think it is not good to dispatch super soldiers directly. After all, we have not cultivated real super soldiers at all. The physique of super soldiers is still in the initial stage of training. If we just test it rashly..."

"Indeed, this plan sounds good, but it still feels a bit reckless."

Many other senior executives objected to the opinion put forward by the senior executive just now.

The senior executive had no choice but to shut up and stop mentioning the matter.


Different from other senior executives.

The top leader sitting in the highest position fell into deep thought after hearing the suggestion from the senior executive just now.

After thinking for a long time.

Just when other senior executives felt that this proposal was inappropriate, the top leader spoke up.

"No, I think the plan to activate the super soldiers to eliminate Mr. Su is very feasible."

After hearing this, all the senior executives in the conference room immediately cast a surprised look at the top leader.

Bo, boss, what do you mean by this? Do you plan to let us study the initial stage of super soldiers to fight against Mr. Su?"

*Boss, I don’t think this is feasible. Super soldiers are one of our beautiful country’s secret weapons. If we send out super soldiers so hastily, wouldn’t our secret weapons be exposed to the outside world?”

"I hope the boss can think twice about this.

This plan is indeed somewhat inappropriate.

At this moment, many senior executives urged the top leaders to think more about it.

However, in the face of their dissuasion, the top leader did not take it seriously and said:

"Is it possible that nowadays, besides super soldiers, can you think of any other better solutions?"

"Super soldiers are not only the best solution to the problem, but also the most secure solution. With the super soldiers here, do we still have to worry about not being able to kill Mr. Su?

?Let our super human face off against Mr. Su, and Mr. Su will be unable to escape no matter what. "

"Furthermore, our super soldier training program has now been exposed to the whole world, and there is nothing left to hide."

"Moreover, through this operation, we can also let people all over the world see how powerful our country's super soldiers are, thus once again forming a threat to other countries.

become a physical deterrent. "

Following the words of the top leader.

Many senior executives in the conference room couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a short period of reflection, they suddenly felt that what the top leader said seemed to make sense?

After all, their super soldier plan has been exposed to the outside world, and they are still worried about another exposure!

Now that the super soldier secrets have been leaked.

Maybe the best choice is for them to blow themselves up and let the world know how powerful their super warriors are!

Then again, there's super soldier action.

Maybe they can take Mr. Su's plan to the next level!

And once Mr.Su is killed.

Then their beautiful country can achieve their dream goal!

After realizing this.

Many senior executives no longer objected to their previous opinions.

They all agreed to send the super soldiers trained by their beautiful country next!

Although the body of the super soldier is still in the development stage, it is not really completed.

But for them, just killing one Mr. Su is enough!

They want to let Mr. Su experience the fear of death through super soldiers!

Subsequently, with the unanimous consent of many senior officials in the beautiful country, they directly began to make arrangements and plans.

It took almost no time.

They contacted the military biological research base in Yate State, a beautiful country.

There, there is the super soldier they cultivated, Wright!

Wright is a senior soldier in the military of their beautiful country.

Because of his obsession with combat effectiveness, Wright voluntarily accepted the super soldier human experiment program, hoping that the beautiful country officials would cultivate him into a super soldier.

Of course, the experiments he accepted were all done on other people's bodies, and were beyond Lei's experiments.

Therefore, even after many experiments, Wright's body is still very good, with almost no rejection reaction.

It's just that now, Wright's genes seem to have been modified, and they no longer look like humans.

On the surface, Te is just a healthy person.

But in fact, even if Wright were to lift a car with one hand, it would be effortless.

The beautiful country of Yate State, the military biological experimental base.

At this time, Super Soldier Wright had received the latest instructions from his superiors.

Ask him to go to Cyberpunk City as an ordinary person.

He went there to find and kill the genius who killed Daxia, Mr. Su!

After receiving this order from superiors.

Super soldier Wright also felt very excited immediately!

He has been subjected to experiments in the biological laboratory for a long time, and he has had enough of it.

He had long wanted to show off his talents outside, and his superiors just gave him instructions.

And he still went to kill that legendary figure, Mr. Su!

Naturally, I know something about Mr. Sulett.

He knew that it was Daxia's super genius. Some time ago, the beautiful country spent a lot of energy to kill it, but they couldn't kill it. 257

For this reason, Wright also ignited a strong murderous intention in his heart!

If he could kill Mr. Su, that would be a great achievement in his life!

You know, Mr. Su may not be able to be killed by their entire beautiful country even if they try their best.

He killed Mr.Su "Wouldn't that be a global sensation?

So, after accepting the order from his superiors.

Wright wasted no time.

He first reported to his superiors at the base.

Then he immediately took the plane and flew to Cyberpunk City!


Yate State is not far from the location of Cyberpunk City.

After taking the plane, Wright quickly arrived at his destination.

However, when Wright came to the gate of Cyberpunk City.

He was suddenly dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, when he entered the city as an ordinary person, he would be blocked by Lianbo Punk guards?

"Sorry, please show your identity. Those whose identities are not verified are not allowed to enter this city!"

At this moment, outside the gate of Cyberpunk City, the guards were still blocking people entering the city as usual.

As for Wright, after being blocked by the guards, he did not break through directly.

After all, the requirement given to him by his superiors was not to force his way in, so as not to alert the enemy and allow Mr. Su to run away.

But without alerting the enemy, it was obviously difficult for Wright to enter here easily.

For this reason, Wright had no choice but to reveal the identity that Meiliguo had forged for him.

Then he said to the guards: "I am a staff member here and a relative of your city lord. If you don't believe me, look at my driver's license."

There is no ID card in the beautiful country, and identity information is generally identified through passports, driver's licenses, etc.

In order to prove to the guards that his identity was not suspicious, Wright showed the forged information given to him by the authorities.

Unfortunately, the guards remained unmoved when faced with the documents handed over by Wright.

Instead, he said with a serious face: "Sorry, after our face recognition verification, your information does not match the original information in the database, so you still cannot enter!"

The guards said with a very serious attitude.

The hacker "god" has sent them the personnel database information of Beautiful Country.

They can determine the real information of that person through face recognition.

This information has been collected by the hacker "god" for a long time, repeatedly confirmed, and will not change. All suspicious information has been eliminated.

Therefore, the guards can directly investigate the true identity of any person whose information is being recorded by verifying their face.

If they can be found out through investigation and are not suspicious, the guards will conduct a strict body search before letting them in.

If the investigation cannot reveal it, or if the identity is suspicious, the guards will not let him go.

At this moment, it was precisely because the guards recognized Wright as a beautiful American soldier through his face.

So they intercepted it directly and issued the most serious warning.

"We have determined that you have falsified your identity. Your identity is a soldier, so please leave immediately. If you continue to stay here, don't blame us for shooting!"

"You actually know that I am a soldier?"

At this moment, when Wright heard what the guards said, he was suddenly surprised.

It turns out that the guards at the door can identify people’s identities!

I don’t know what method was used!

Of course, this is not important to him.

The important thing is that he couldn't even enter the Cyberpunk City without alerting the enemy?!

Even if he is a soldier from a beautiful country, it won’t work?!

Damn it, if you look at it like this, whoever he goes to now probably won’t give him face!

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