Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 71 A Strong Breakthrough! Beautiful Country’S Plan? Please Enter The Urn? Is Unit 1 Going To

Chapter 71 A strong breakthrough! The beautiful country’s plan? Will you please enter the urn? The No. 1 unit is about to be tested?

Because I was blocked outside Cyberpunk City, I couldn't enter.

In addition, his superiors required him not to act in a hurry.

So at this moment, Super Soldier Wright couldn't help but fall into a headache.

Although he is a super soldier, he is not a superman!

He can't fly.

And even if he wanted to fly there with a hot air balloon or something, it would probably be impossible.

As the most cutting-edge city in the beautiful country, Cyberpunk City itself has various reconnaissance equipment for the outside world.

This naturally also includes aerial reconnaissance devices.

This made Wright even more depressed.

This is simply a bad start!

As soon as I came out to perform the mission, I encountered this problem.

Out of helplessness, Wright had no choice but to inform the authorities of his plan.

The official side, after receiving Wright's report, was not surprised.

Regarding the news about Cyberpunk City guards intercepting outsiders, the Security Bureau had also reported to them before.

I just didn't expect that the identity verification of the guards could be so accurate.

For this reason, the officials had no choice but to let Wright wait outside temporarily to find a place to rest.

Let them give it more official consideration before making a decision on whether to let him go and alert others.

After receiving the order from his superiors, Wright felt a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do about it.

I had to find a place to stay nearby and follow the next instructions above.

At the same time, the Cyberpunk City military base and mecha warehouse.

At this time, Su Yan was still intensively studying the practical and theoretical knowledge of various mechas here.

And as he learns.

Gradually, Su Yan learned less and less things here.

Many of the new things I learned were things Su Yan had learned and mastered before.

For this reason, Su Yan also realized that his study might have to end here.

There is nothing worth learning here.

At this time, Su Yan was also ready to find a way to leave here.

Just before preparing to leave here.

There was still one thing that Su couldn't erase.

Those are the various experimental equipment in this mecha warehouse.

To be honest, Su Yan was even more impressed by the experimental equipment here than by the mechas.

Because he discovered that these experimental equipment in the mecha warehouse were developed using extremely complex workmanship and extremely complex synthetic materials.

It can be said that many of the equipment in the mecha arsenal are more high-tech than the mecha itself.

This is why Yinyan is so fond of these experimental equipment.

In addition to these, another thing that Su Yan can't let go of is the difficulty of building these devices.

If the mecha here is built, the difficulty is 1.

Then the difficulty of building the entire mecha library experimental equipment may be 3 or 4.

After all, the mechas Su Yan has seen so far were all built using the experimental equipment in this mecha warehouse.

If he is allowed to go out now.

Then he can’t build a real Nuwa number!

He also wants to use the equipment here to conduct experiments on Unit 1!

If you want to develop and upgrade mechas, you must use the experimental equipment in this mecha library.

If he were to develop it himself, it would definitely take a lot of time to develop it.

But even if the same experimental equipment is developed, it will not be as easy as conducting experiments directly here!

Because it's simple.

In this mecha library, there are also a large number of mecha development materials, energy sources, physical devices, chemical substances, etc.

After he gets outside, he may not be able to collect so much research and development materials in a short period of time!

Not that he couldn't draw on his father's strength.

Rather, these development materials, energy sources, devices, etc. also require precision processing and polishing.

Apart from the relevant personnel of Meili Country, only he has mastered these precision processing and polishing technologies.

Even if his father collects all the relevant materials and gives them to him, it will still take him a long time to polish the materials that are truly suitable for developing mechas.

In terms of time, this is a huge cost.

How can it be comfortable to conduct experiments directly in this mecha warehouse and use ready-made things?

Isn’t it okay to just prostitute it here for free?

After considering this, Su Yan began to get entangled.

He couldn't take away the experimental equipment in this mecha warehouse.

It seems that he can only come here again in the future.

As long as he has the equipment here, it won't actually take him too long to develop the mecha.

At this time, Jia Yan couldn't help but ask the artificial intelligence: "Have all the networks in the military base been invaded now?"

"Reporting to the owner, all permissions have been obtained. As long as you want to invade, you can invade at any time."

Faced with the query, the artificial intelligence responded immediately.

After hearing this, Su Yan thought for a moment and said: "Then let's invade completely. We must also pay attention to the external disguise so as not to be noticed by the military personnel.

"In addition, activate the mini tracking chips in the base and secretly place them on every military member in the base."

The mini tracking chips in the base [are ten harmful small weapons deliberately built by the military for invaders.

It's said to be a chip, but it's actually a super weapon that can shock and explode.

Mini chips are located in every corner of the base. They can be secretly shot out from the corners without others noticing, and then attached to other people's bodies.

And it’s meaty!

The chip can paralyze other people's skin nerves, and then enter the person's body without the other person feeling anything and relaxing their vigilance!

Because chips are generally inserted into hidden parts of the body, people are generally unaware that the chip has entered their bodies.

If any suspicious person enters the base, the military will attach the chip to that person and then observe him remotely.

Although the chip is inserted into the flesh, you can no longer see what the person is doing, and it does not prevent military personnel from investigating the other party's location and listening to what the other party says.

After all, the military can use all available resources to obtain the information they want.

If the military finds that the other party is someone who is unfavorable to it, then the military will use the chip to numb that person through remote control.

You can even stun it directly, or let the chip swim through the human body and explode in the fatal location of the human body!

Su Yan learned this information when artificial intelligence stole the secrets here.

However, because this kind of chip is extremely complicated to develop and has an extremely short lifespan.

Therefore, beautiful country officials are currently unable to achieve mass production and can only place them in some important military locations.

And now, the base where Su Yan is located has this kind of chip.

In order to be able to enter here easily next time, and just in case, Su Du gave his artificial intelligence an order to implant a chip into this humble military personnel.

In this way, he can more conveniently observe the movements of military personnel in the future.

At the same time, he can also determine which people in the base can control their lives at any time.

"Okay master, received!"

After listening to Su Yan's order, the artificial intelligence was immediately ready to do it.

However, Su Yan stopped it and said: "Let's do it at night when the military personnel are not paying attention. It is getting late now and I have to prepare to leave."

"Don't worry, Master, I will never let the military personnel here find out that I have implanted chips in their bodies!"

"Even if they conduct metal detection on their own bodies, they won't be able to detect it, because I can control the entire base and modify their detection data in real time!"

The artificial intelligence confidently assured Su Yan.

Su Yan couldn't help but feel relieved after hearing the guarantee from artificial intelligence.

Anyway, this artificial intelligence has been completely conquered by him under the influence of the system, and will never betray him.

He made two copies of the artificial intelligence, one on his walkie-talkie and one at the military base.

The system told him that no matter how many artificial intelligences he copied, they would not be betrayed.

For this reason, he has nothing to worry about.

So, that's it.

After some communication with artificial intelligence.

Su Yan asked the artificial intelligence to reassemble the mechas in the mecha warehouse.

After confirming that nothing went wrong, Su Yan stopped staying here.

Through the emergency passage, he left the mecha warehouse and quickly evacuated towards the outside of the base.


When Su Yan walked into the emergency exit and evacuated.

However, the artificial intelligence sent a report to Su Yan, saying: "Reporting to the master, there are military personnel outside who are fully guarding it. It seems that it is because the base had a power outage before, so they are guarding it very tightly. It would be a little awkward to go out rashly. Danger."

Su Yan couldn't help but frowned after hearing the artificial intelligence's report.

Before, he created a blackout and then looked for opportunities to sneak in.

Now that he wants to escape, he can't look for opportunities by creating blackouts, right?

If he still does that, it will definitely attract the attention of military personnel, and it will be more difficult for him to escape by then.

But if he doesn't do that, what other opportunities can he use to create riots?

Should we use those mini-chips in the base?

It's okay to deal with the military personnel inside, but there is little hope for dealing with the soldiers outside.

After all, it's still daytime.

Especially now that military personnel are on alert.

By doing that, he could easily attract the attention of military personnel.

Thinking of this, Su Yan began to hesitate for a while.

He can't spend the night in this military base, can he?

That was definitely impossible. It would be very dangerous for him to stay in the military base for any longer.

Only after tonight, when artificial intelligence implants all those technological chips into the bodies of military personnel, would he be able to find a chance.

For this reason, after some thinking.

Finally, Su Yan decided that he would make a strong breakthrough!

Anyway, we have reached this juncture.

If he doesn't leave, when the beautiful country discovers that something is wrong and the communication signal simulated by the pseudo base station is really broken, he will definitely be in trouble!

The location he is now is not a safe place, but a tiger's mouth!

"Hey, is this Black Water?"

"I am now inside the military base, about to prepare to escape. Help me create a little chaos and create opportunities for me."

At this moment, Su Yan directly contacted the personnel at Blackwater.

The mercenaries of Blackwater are always surrounding the outside of the military base, ready to rescue Su Yan at any time.

Therefore, at this moment, after receiving Su

After Yan's order, the mercenaries of Blackwater immediately took action.

Shoot directly outside the base and attack the military members outside the base!

Da da da da!!!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!!

At that moment, there was a burst of gunshots outside the entire military base!

"There is an assassin, everyone pay attention!"

When gunshots were suddenly heard, the members outside the military base immediately panicked.

They immediately became alert and headed to a safe place to avoid the attack!

But it is a pity that because the gunshots were fired too suddenly and the bullets of the firearms used by Heishui were very penetrating, several people unfortunately lost their lives.

And the place where they died.

It is also the place where Su Yan and Heishui have agreed to escape!

When the outside surveillance called by artificial intelligence saw that the base personnel had been eliminated.

Su Yan didn't hesitate and immediately passed through the emergency access door and ran outside the base!

At this time, there are no other military personnel around, so Su Yan is safe for the time being.

But it’s only temporary!

At this time, the military members inside the base had received news of the raid, and immediately rushed outside!

There is not much time left for Su Yan!

Fortunately, because of Su Yan's perception of various data, he can clearly judge the distance of each military personnel from him.

So after escaping from the base.

Su Yan ran away as fast as possible, along the safest route, and towards a safe place!

Subsequently, the escape was also successful.

Su Yan managed to escape safely without being noticed by others.

And when he escaped.

In order to save strength and avoid casualties, the mercenaries on Blackwater's side also immediately stopped attacking the military base.

Then quickly evacuated the place.

Some of them continued to protect Yan secretly.

However, things are obviously not so peaceful here at the military base.

With the evacuation of Su Yan, the military personnel who just came out were also very confused.

Why was it that as soon as they came out, the wave of people who attacked them withdrew?

Who are those people and what do they want to do?

For this reason, everyone in the military base was confused.

The surveillance was tampered with by artificial intelligence, and they couldn't see any footage related to Mr. Su.

Because they were confused, the military personnel in the base could only report the matter to their superiors.

Ask for instructions from your superiors.

Because of Su Yan's withdrawal.

Therefore, Su Yan has canceled all the communication interference from the pseudo base stations nearby, and all signals have returned to normal.

The people in the military base also successfully passed on the news.

The official side of Beautiful Country also quickly received a report from the Cyberpunk City base.

After receiving this report, the officials of the beautiful country did not dare to neglect and immediately held a relevant meeting to discuss the matter.

"It seems that Mr. Su should be in Cyberpunk City. He wanted to sneak into our base in Cyberpunk City, so he opened fire on the base."

"But unfortunately, Mr. Su seemed to have discovered that the base was not easy to break through, so he quickly retreated."

"Retreat? I'm afraid Mr. Su only retreated temporarily. From my point of view, Mr. Su will definitely prepare to enter the military base again until he enters, otherwise

You won’t let it go!”

"Then can't we take advantage of Mr. Su's unwillingness to give up and use his tactics to kill Mr. Su?"

"This method is inappropriate. Mr. Su must have thought of this, so his subsequent infiltration method must be more complicated than we imagined [definitely not that simple."

At this moment, after many high-level discussions.

They all agreed that the gunshot sound just now was caused by Mr. Su.

Mr.Su wants to enter their cyberpunk city military base through force.

But after the trial, I felt that I was not strong enough, so I gave up and entered.

They were originally thinking about whether to take advantage of Mr. Su's desire to enter the military base and take the opportunity to kill Mr. Su?

But as they thought deeply, they all felt that this method was definitely impossible.

After Mr. Su was exposed outside the military base, he would never easily enter or get close to it again.

Of course, they also believe that Mr. Su will never give up entering the Cyberpunk City military base.

For this reason, many senior executives also began to continue discussions.

What means can they use to take advantage of Mr.Su's psychological factors to kill MrSu?

While writing, Tan suddenly said: "I have an idea (Zhao), what do you think?"

"Mr.Su must be eager to enter the Cyberpunk City military base, and we can use this trick to invite Mr.Su directly to our military base!"

"As for the reason, I said at that time that I was apologizing to Mr. Su, so I wanted to let Mr. Su enter the base to visit, and then we will no longer owe each other."

"Mr. Su will definitely doubt our motives, but we don't need to be afraid. Don't forget that there are so many mechas in our military base."

"Although those mechas are still being tested, there is still no problem if you want to activate them to kill individuals. With the existence of those mechas, we don't have to worry about killing Mr.

(Su? Could it be that those machines are still rebelling?"

"We can even ask all the military personnel in the base to disarm and face Su Yan empty-handed, and let Su Yan bring his own weapons in, giving Mr. Su the greatest sincerity.

meaning. "

"In addition, Mr. Su is very eager for the things in our base. I don't believe that Mr. Su will not agree?"

"In any case, even if there is not a single military personnel in the base, we can still control the mecha to kill Mr. Su. Then the mecha will be our trump card.


When the senior executive finished speaking.

The other senior executives in the conference room couldn't help but cast approving glances.

Because they realized that this method seemed to work!

No matter what method Mr. Su plans to use to deal with their countermeasures.

As long as their military base contains mechas, their winning rate is very high!

What's more, there are so many killing chips living in the military base.

Once Mr. Su enters the military base, "Don't you believe he will survive?"

And because Mr. Su failed to enter the military base just now.

So they also believe that they have a high chance of inviting Su Yan to their military base!

For this reason, after realizing this.

Many senior executives in the strategic center began to get excited.

It's like discovering a new continent.

At this moment, the top leader also issued orders to other senior officials.

"Immediately arrange for relevant personnel to issue a statement, saying that our beautiful country must put aside the past grudges and hope to clear things up with Mr. Su."

"Thus, we hope to invite Mr. Su into our military base, and we hope that Mr. Su can agree!"

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