Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 72 Aid From Daxia And Su’S Father! Go To The Meeting Alone! Enter The Mecha Warehouse Again!

Chapter 72: Assistance from Daxia and Su’s father! Going to the meeting alone! Entering the mecha warehouse again!

After making a decision.

There is no time to waste at the strategic center of the beautiful country.

They immediately began to formulate the relevant invitation statement.

Completed in the fastest possible time.

After confirming that it was correct, Meiliguo directly announced their invitation statement to the public.

"Invitation statement for the beautiful country's cyberpunk city military base."

"Dear Mr. Su, hello, we would like to sincerely apologize to you here. We deeply regret the assassination we have done. We hope that Mr. Su can forgive us."

"In order to express our apology and to end our dissatisfaction with each other, we have decided to compensate you in return. We hope that you can completely settle the matter with us after accepting our return, and we will forget about it from now on.

"As for our compensation method, we invite you to go to the most cutting-edge city in our beautiful country, Cyberpunk City, where there is one of the most advanced military bases in our country. You can visit our military base at will. !”

"Finally, I once again implore Mr. Su to give us a chance to change things. You must accept our compensation, otherwise we will always feel bad about the past,"

"If you are willing to agree to our request for repayment, but do not want to show up, then you can hack into our media platform again and inform us of your agreement. We will certainly entertain you grandly at the military base. .”

"Of course, as long as you agree to our invitation, even if our military base is left empty, that's not impossible. We can also agree to let you go in alone to visit and study."

"To sum up, the beautiful country is externally dedicated to our respected Mr. Su!"

When the beautiful country announced this statement to the public.

Suddenly, the global crowd exploded!

For them, this is simply explosive global news!

You know, many of them had only guessed that Mr. Su was not dead.

But they don't know whether Mr. Su is really alive.

And now?

When people around the world saw this announcement from the beautiful country, they all realized one thing.

That means Mr. Su is definitely still alive, and there is no doubt that he is alive!

On the other hand, what shocked them even more.

Beautiful Country actually mentioned “invading our media platform again” in the announcement statement!

This means.

The information they saw last time about the super soldier experimental plan [was exposed by the invasion of the forces behind Mr. Su!

After realizing this.

Many people around the world are once again shocked. They feel very frightened and admire the power behind Mr. Su!

Mr.Su is not only a genius himself, but also very powerful.

The talents under him and the power behind 887 are also very powerful!

However, these things were not what shocked them the most.

What shocked them the most was the statements released by the beautiful country.

At this moment, people all over the world began to have crazy discussions on this topic!

"WTF?! What's going on? The beautiful country actually apologized to Mr. Su and even said that they would invite Mr. Su to their cyberpunk city military base?!"

"Oh my gosh, Beautiful Country's move this time is really grand! If you invite Mr. Su to their base in Cyberpunk City, aren't you afraid that Mr. Su will steal all their technology?!"

"This just shows the sincerity of the beautiful country! Do you think that if the beautiful country doesn't be more generous, Mr. Su will accept their forgiveness, thus making the previous series of things completely different?!"

"Brothers in front of you, you are all wrong! Do you really think that the beautiful country really wants to give its technology to Mr. Su? In Daxia's words, this is probably not the Hongmen Banquet! The beautiful country wants to give Mr. Su Introduce Tiger II and then kill Mr. Su!"

"You're right, the beautiful country is willing to do human experiments, how can it be so kind and want to apologize to Mr. Su? In my opinion, 80%, no, 10% of the beautiful country has no good intentions!"

"I also think that the beautiful country has bad intentions. Now I can see the beautiful country clearly!"

At this moment, under the discussion of many people around the world.

Some people think that Meiliguo really wants to show sincerity to Mr. Su.

But most people think that Meimeiguo is just saying some nice words and doesn't really want to apologize to Mr. Su at all.

The number of the latter is obviously much higher than that of the former.

So at this moment, many people around the world are looking forward to it, eager to know how Mr. Su will respond in the future.

For this reason, many netizens stopped playing games and just waited for Mr. Su's response.

At the same time, this statement from Beautiful Country naturally spread to Daxia as soon as possible.

When Daxia got the news, almost no people would think that the beautiful country was really kind.

Especially for the netizens in Daxia, they have long been tired of seeing the little tricks of the beautiful country.

They knew at a glance that the beautiful country must have good intentions and wanted to trick their Su Zi.

However, they are not very worried about this.

Because they believe that with Su Yan's intelligence, he will definitely not fall into the trap of the beautiful country.

Of course, they don't know whether Su Yan will find a way to agree and go to the appointment.

However, they also believed that even if (afbh) they made Su Yan go to the appointment, they must have had other plans.

But they still hope that Su Yan can refuse Meiliguo's request and not go to the military base for the appointment.

at the same time.

Su's father naturally noticed the situation in Beautiful Country.

For this reason, Su's father quickly called Su Yan and asked about Su Yan's current situation.

At this time, Su Yan had returned to his residence in the cyberpunk city. After taking a shower, he was ready to lie down on the bed to rest.

When she saw her father's order, Su Yan answered the call immediately without hesitation.

"Hello, Dad?"

"Are you okay now? I heard that you went to the military base in Cyberpunk City this afternoon?"

"It's okay, dad. It's just that it was a little dangerous when I escaped, but it's not a big deal. And now the entire military base in Cyberpunk City has been invaded by me using artificial intelligence. Now every move there is completely Under my control.”

"What did you say? You have used artificial intelligence to invade the entire military base of Cyberpunk City?"

Now, when Su's father heard what Su Yan said, he was a little unbelievable!

But based on his judgment of his son, his intuition told him that his son should not be lying to him!

"Yes, Dad, the entire military base is now under my control. Do you want me to send it to you?"

Facing his father's surprise, Su Yan also said with a little pride.

"Yeah, Takumi."

Su's father would naturally not refuse this.

After all, with the control of the scene at the military base, he can help his son more conveniently.

And Su Yan didn't hesitate after her father agreed.

Immediately let the artificial intelligence relay all the scenes at the military base to Dad.

With the operation of artificial intelligence.

In almost no time, Su's father saw the real-time picture of the Cyberpunk City military base through the screen of his mobile phone.

After seeing the picture, Su's father was shocked again.

He knew that such highly confidential things usually required a local area network connection, and there was no way for the outside world to enter.

And his son Su Yan?

Although he had the help of the hacker "god", he could still invade the entire military base, which really shocked him.

At the same time, after seeing these scenes, Su's father also felt a little relieved.

From this point of view, even without his son having to tell him, he could guess that f was probably not just monitoring the entire military base now.

It is very likely that the military personnel in the base can already be manipulated by his son.

What Su Yan said next also confirmed his idea.

Just listen to Su Yan continue on the phone: "Dad, regarding the external statement issued by the beautiful country just now, I want to agree to them, because I just suddenly thought of a better way to develop mechas, so I hope it can be done as soon as possible Enter the base and upgrade the mechas whose core information I have modified.

I heard what my son said.

Su's father couldn't help but secretly thought to himself, as expected, what his son did was even more amazing than he imagined.

Unexpectedly, all the core information of the mechas in the base has been modified.

It seems that his son is full of confidence in his control of the military base there.

For this reason, in the face of what his son had just said, Su's father was not too worried, but said: "If you feel confident that you can safely accept the invitation from the beautiful country and freely enter and leave the base, then you can go .”

After hearing this, Su Yan couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Dad is actually willing to agree to him?

Dad's trust in his strength is also a great encouragement to him!

It's a pity that he is still not completely sure at the moment.

At this moment, Yinyan told his father what he was thinking.

"Dad, if it's just safe and free access to the beautiful country's military base, then I'm really sure, because I've let artificial intelligence control the chips in that military base. From dark to now, I've let artificial intelligence control them. Implanted into the bodies of all military personnel in the base."

"The function of that chip is to control the human body, causing the human body to be stunned or even killed in an instant. And the artificial intelligence I have now is almost comparable to human IQ.

Therefore, I can let artificial intelligence protect me in real time and eliminate everyone who is hostile to me. "

"They can't kill me even if they use a gun now, because the moment they decide to touch a gun, they will be killed immediately by my artificial intelligence."

"Of course, the beautiful country has also promised to let me visit the military base alone, so I don't need to worry about the military personnel in the base."

"It doesn't matter if they break their promise, I can still use artificial intelligence to grasp and analyze any situation in the military base at any time, and use artificial intelligence to change those situations.

"The beautiful country invited me to the military base. I guess they may want to use the mechas to mess with me, but all the mechas have been controlled by me."

"In other words, I am not worried at all about internal factors in the military base."

"However, I am not sure about external factors now.

Dad, do you understand what I mean?"

When Su Yan finished speaking a long paragraph.

Because Su's father had been listening carefully, he immediately understood Su Yan's current situation after listening.

In other words, his son can solve the internal problems in the military base.

However, there is still no way to guarantee external safety factors.

So now the son needs his father to help.

After understanding this, Father Su couldn't help but smile and said: "As for external factors, you can rest assured that I have arranged more Blackwater mercenaries.

"And I also obtained a lot of advanced weapons and equipment through Daxia, and the people from Blackwater have brought them to our Cyberpunk City."

"In addition, the guards in Cyberpunk City are now firmly under our control, and they are now obeying the arrangements of the Blackwater mercenaries.

"And the arms dealers in our Cyberpunk City are all ours now. The various advanced thermal weapons inside can help you resist external attacks at any time."

"Of course, if these things really start a war with the beautiful country, you may still be in danger. In this regard, I still hope that you will not act rashly. You

Think about it, I respect your thoughts. "

After hearing what my father said.

Su Yan also began to feel relieved.

Only then did he realize that his father could now mobilize Daxia's help.

And the entire Cyberpunk City does not belong to anyone else, it belongs to them now!

With the help of Dad, Daxia, and Cyberpunk City.

Su Yan believed that nothing would happen to him even if he entered the beautiful country's military base.

After all, he can definitely guarantee the internal security factors now. If the internal safety factors cannot be guaranteed before entering the base, then he will definitely not enter.

However, there is another thing Su Yan cares about about these external factors.

That's the super soldier!

Previously, Su Yan had learned from the intelligence obtained from the think tank building that a person suspected of being a super soldier had come to him.

However, it seems that the super soldiers did not enter the cyberpunk city because they did not want to alert the enemy.

Su Yan was still a little afraid of the super soldier from Beautiful Country.

He has learned from the beautiful country's confidential documents that super soldiers are existences that exceed the limits of human physique.

People cannot underestimate super soldiers, let alone look at super soldiers with normal eyes.

Because of this, Yinyan was a little worried about the super soldier near Cyberpunk City.

Of course, worry is worry.

Su Yan also knew that the super soldier was just an incomplete work and could not exert its strongest power.

Instead of worrying about the attack of the super soldiers, it is better to enter the mecha warehouse as soon as possible and use the latest mecha upgrade method he just thought of to quickly build the Nuwa!

When the time comes, with the help of Nuwa, he believes that he can give it a go with that super soldier.

At least you won't die if you die, and you can definitely escape if you run away.

For this reason, after some consideration.

In the end, Su Yan decided to enter the mecha warehouse again to develop and upgrade his Nuwa!

Anyway, he will definitely develop the Nuwa number sooner or later.

And he must also meet the super soldier.

Instead of grinding and grinding now, increase the risk for yourself.

It's better to take advantage of the situation and develop the Nuwa number quickly before the beautiful country discovers the problem.

Even if it cannot be completely developed in a short time.

He developed a semi-finished product, which is very nice!

After all, you must know that the previous "Adam" in the mecha warehouse, which is now the Nuwa, is not even a semi-finished product now.

It's not even a semi-finished product, but it already has super combat performance.

If he develops a semi-finished product, it will be a big deal!

Therefore, after some thinking.

Su Yan said to his father: "Don't worry, Dad, even if I fail then, I will definitely be able to escape, so I decided to enter the mecha warehouse again to get what I wanted to study."

Study and understand the things you want to study!”

At this moment, hearing his son's firm words, Su's father could not say anything more.

After all, this is his son's dream, and his son is very sure of winning.

So, at that moment, Su's father agreed: "Okay, then I will wait for the good news about my son, and I will also help you arrange enough personnel to ensure that your actions are safely protected.

After what dad said.

Su Yan also felt more relieved.

Then, he and his father chatted about home affairs for a while, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone.

Su Yan also quickly contacted the hacker "God" again, and asked the hacker "God" to invade the media of Beautiful Country again and issue a statement that he agreed to the invitation of Beautiful Country.

Faced with Su Yan's request, the hacker "god" immediately began to comply.

Soon, it didn't take long.

Under a series of operations by the hacker "god".

The major mainstream online media in the beautiful country have once again been invaded by hackers!

What was displayed in those hacked pictures was a string of white characters on a black background.

The content is not long, only two lines, but it is concise and comprehensive——

"I, Su Yan, would like to attend the meeting alone!"

"But if the beautiful country dares to speak false words, I will punish all those involved in the future!!"

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