Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 89: Found The Mole? Su Yan’S Routine! Provide Advice To Senior Management!

Chapter 89: Found the mole? Su Yan’s routine! Advise the top management!

The way Su Yan wants to verify the mole is actually very simple.

It is to study the previously problematic super soldier serum to determine whether the medicine inside has been altered.

If it has been changed.

Then he can check who was responsible for changing some of the potions based on the changed parts.

In this way, he can also find out the mole based on relevant clues.

Of course, Su Yan knew very well whether there was actually a mole.

His current actions are just preparations for further plans.

Everything has just begun!

At this time, because the senior management had already sent the potion to Su Yan in the morning.

So now, I don't plan to waste too much time.

It would be better for everyone to test the potion as soon as possible and end this as soon as possible.

Moreover, he can't wait for the next planned action.

At this moment, Su Yan is still in his own biology laboratory.

At this time, Su Yan was facing the forward camera, slowly speaking to the researchers in the biological base, the senior officials of the Beautiful Country Strategic Center, and everyone in the distant Super Soldier Second Experimental Military Base:

"Dear everyone, now I am going to start the experiment. I believe there must be no insider among us. It may be that the potion has not been tampered with, but there is something wrong with the potion I developed myself."

"Now I will do an experiment to verify the true medicinal properties of the serum. Please believe in my strength. I will never misjudge the mole."

"Of course, if the mole is in a distant military base, then I may not be able to find the mole. I hope the senior officials can understand me."

After Su Yan finished speaking.

The senior officials of the beautiful country, the researchers at the biological center, and the military personnel at the military base for the second super soldier experiment had no objections.

For them, this is just a normal process to find out the "Fifty-Three" ghosts.

Anyway, they are not moles. Isn’t it nice to see the verification test conducted by Professor Moen on the live broadcast screen?

As for the reason why Professor Moen himself is a mole, they don't know.

Because of this live broadcast, Professor Moen wore a mask.

This is an official requirement to prevent Professor Moen's appearance from being leaked to the military, which would cause unnecessary trouble and hidden dangers.

In this regard, the people at Guofu Base don't really care.

After all, they also believe that the official side can definitely confirm that there is no problem with Professor Moen.

They just need to watch Professor Moen do the experiment, and then find out who is the mole.

At this time, in front of the crowd.

Su Yan also began to openly research and verify the super serum in his laboratory.

"As for the symptoms that would-be super soldier Bess had before, they were mainly caused by nerve and artery problems.

"As for what characteristics of the drug can be used and reflected in this aspect, I will briefly explain and verify it to give everyone a demonstration."

"For example, I am now..."

At this moment, during the research and certification of the super serum.

Su Yan will also use some simple explanations to let people who watch his public experiments understand what is going on.

Even if they don't understand, at least they should feel like they understand, and those who know medical knowledge should feel a little more understanding.

The purpose is to gain more trust from the senior officials of Beautiful Country!

Otherwise, if he finished the experiment dryly here.

Then he directly said that a person was a mole.

Who knows if he is lying?

Who knows if he deliberately concealed the side effects of his serum and wanted to pass the blame on others?

It is precisely because these situations were taken into consideration.

So at this moment, Su Yan gave a simple explanation and demonstrated some biochemical phenomena to everyone.

In order to demonstrate more concretely, Su Yan even used various electronic equipment in the laboratory to explain molecular structure formulas, etc., which made the senior officials of the United States and others stunned.

And this also made the senior officials of Beautiful Country even more confirmed about Professor Moen's attitude.

They believe that Professor Moen really wants to find out the mole through research.

Just like that, under the live broadcast of many people.

Su Yan studied the serum bit by bit.

During the research process, several living white mice will also be found for experiments.

The reason why he used mice is because he can't find any living people now.

And he doesn't want to find a living person, because after all, he is not that fond of life.

Of course, when using mice for experiments, Su Yan doesn't have to worry about anyone being suspicious, because Professor Moen himself often uses mice for experiments.

Experiments on human bodies are usually done by his hands.

during this process.

Su Yan's acting skills have not stopped yet.

Because he only wore a partial mask, everyone could still see his expression through the upper half of his face.

At this moment, Su Yan was in the process of research, sometimes frowning, sometimes relaxing, looking extremely focused.

This scene also made both laymen and experts praise it.

Sure enough, Professor Moen is Professor Moen!

I really put too much effort into doing experiments.

Still so serious when explaining to them.

It’s impossible not to admire me!

And this scene also convinced the senior officials of Beautiful Country that there was no suspicion in Professor Moen.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary person, who could do such an operation and still act like it?

With Su Yan's continuous research.

Almost twenty minutes have passed.

Because they couldn't understand it, everyone was a little tired.

But that's about it.

Suddenly, Su Yan said in a very surprised tone: "It's so annoying, it turns out! The serum I was researching was stolen by someone else!"

These words of surprise immediately cheered up the senior management of Beautiful Country and others.

And just when they cheered up.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yan said something that shocked them very much!

"No, it's not that the package was swapped, it's that someone added substances that can harm people!"

As Su Yan finished these shocking words.

At this time, everyone watching the live broadcast in the laboratory suddenly began to be shocked.

"What? Someone added harmful substances to the serum potion bottle?"

"I see, let me tell you, how could Bes have such a strong reaction at that time!"

"This is intriguing. There is actually a mole who can add harmful substances to the serum without Professor Moen paying attention?"

"The person behind it is absolutely terrifying. I believe that this kind of drug cannot be developed by ordinary people!"

For a time, people from the Biological Center and the Second Super Soldier Experimental Military Base were discussing this one after another.

And during their discussion.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country also felt extremely incredible in their hearts.

Of course, as a senior executive.

Rather than being unbelievable, they are now more angry!

Unexpectedly, it was because of the appearance of a mole among them that they lost a super soldier!

Although this is their fault for dereliction of duty, it does not mean that they cannot make amends, and it does not mean that they can easily let go of the mole!

For this reason, at this moment, they all immediately asked Su Yan!

"Professor Moen, have you found out who the mole is? Now tell us, our armed personnel surrounding the outside will arrest the mole immediately!"

Following high-level inquiries.

Some people in the biological center and military base also started to become a little nervous.

After all, although they all know that they are not moles, if they are misjudged, how will they explain it at that time?

Can you explain it?

And at the same time.

The armed personnel outside the biological center and the military base also immediately arranged for a group of people to start approaching inside, preparing to kill the moles when the time came.


Faced with inquiries from senior management, Su Yan did not act according to common sense.

Because it's simple.

Su Yan naturally also considered the consequences of his bloody words.

If he pointed out a random person and called him a mole, that person would definitely make excuses!

If that person's sophistry arouses the suspicion of the senior officials of Beautiful Country, wouldn't he be in danger?

Therefore, at this moment, Su Yan's answer was: "I'm sorry, boss, I don't dare to say it.

"Don't dare to say?"

After hearing this, the senior executives and others were suddenly in disbelief.

But they didn't need to think too much. The senior executive who spoke to Su Yan immediately said: "It's okay. I won't punish you for speaking out, and I can make a decision based on your opinion.

Hearing this, Su Yan was secretly overjoyed!

This is what he was waiting for!

At this time, Su Yan pretended to be very embarrassed and said slowly: "That's it, boss, blame me for being incompetent. I can't analyze who is the mole based on those harmful chemicals."

"This is not because I have not locked into the research module that everyone in my biological center is responsible for, but because..."

"It's because, after my repeated deductions, I came to the conclusion that only with the participation of all members of the Biological Center can harmful chemicals be researched and synthesized. This is also beyond my expectation."

"But I believe that it is impossible for all the researchers in my biological center base to be moles, so I feel that I am incompetent and cannot tell who the moles are."

"I'm sorry boss, if you want to punish me, just punish me."

Su Yan's words can be said to have directly pushed the modesty level to the maximum, showing his helplessness to a great extent.

After hearing this, the senior officials of Beautiful Country were unable to react for a while.

Good guy!

Originally, they all expected Professor Moen to tell them the identity of the mole.

As a result, now, Mo Enshou actually said that there was nothing he could do?

This makes the senior officials of Beautiful Country a little confused.

They believed that Professor Moen would not lie to them based on his attitude.

And if Professor Moen doesn't lie to them, then what Professor Moen said must be right?

In this regard, they think not necessarily.

After all, it is impossible for the Biological Center to be all moles, otherwise they would have no chance of living.

Moreover, Professor Moen himself said that he also believed that there could be no mole in the Biological Center.

For this reason, they all thought that there might be a spy at the military base?

After all, it can only be explained if there is a mole at the military base...

It means that other experts developed harmful substances and then put them into the super serum.


If we go to find the mole at the military base, it seems like there will be some trouble!

After all, they had already searched for it last night.

except one

Some people are inextricably related to Su Yan.

They found no suspicious clues that anyone was a mole!

Under such circumstances, how can they find the mole?

at the same time.

Everyone on both sides of the biological center and the military base was a little panicked.

If the senior officials want to make a misjudgment and directly eliminate the suspicious persons, that will be troublesome!

At the moment, each of them was extremely nervous and didn't know what to do.

At this time, Su Yan spoke again.

"Boss, I think it's unlikely that the people here are moles. They're probably from the Biological Center, but..."

"But I still have something to say that I want to talk to you alone. I hope you can give me a chance, boss."

Su Yan's two sentences once again attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone in the biological center breathed a sigh of relief.

But everyone at the military base is already crying for their father and mother.

Damn it, Professor Moen doesn’t play like this!

Don't throw the blame at their military base.

But at this time, the senior officials of Beautiful Country nodded seriously and said: "Okay, now you can cut off the live broadcast line over there, and we can just talk to each other."

Following the instructions from the senior officials.

People in the biological center and military base couldn't help but become a little nervous.

Are the senior executives going to have a private conversation with Professor Moen?

This is a secret that none of them can hear!

God knows what will happen!

No one knows whether Professor Moen will give ill-judged advice, causing senior executives to make wrong decisions, thereby inadvertently hurting them!

In this regard, each of them prepares for the worst in their hearts.

I hope that by then, Professor Moen and the senior officials will not misjudge!

Later, after Yan cut off the connection with the biological center and military base.

He also began to follow his own plan and trick the senior officials of Beautiful Country.

"Professor Moen, what do you want to say to us alone?"

At this moment, the senior management all felt that Professor Moen might have discovered something, so they were all attentive and ready to listen carefully to what Su Yan said next.

Facing the inquiries from senior executives, Su Yan couldn't help but smile.

Then he continued to pretend to be serious and said in a very serious tone: "Boss, actually, I still think that the people in our biological center are very suspicious.

"I can't describe this feeling, but my intuition is that I'm afraid there is really no possibility of a mole here in the Biological Center, because there are many harmful substances that contain harmful substances.

These technologies are only possessed by our biological center. "

"But I'm still confused. In my opinion, the mole is definitely very concealed and has definitely done enough homework on the mole, so we may never find it."

"So, boss, what I'm thinking now is that I can replace the researchers in my biological base, and also replace the 1.6 people in the military base."

"Because I don't want people I don't trust to be with me when I'm doing research, and I don't want me to hand over my technology to moles."

"And as long as we replace a group of people who can be trusted enough and remove all the previous people, then no matter how rampant the insider is, it will no longer interfere with our experiments [let alone

Will steal our technology again. "

"I know it's easy to replace people in the military, but it's hard to replace people in the biological center, so I hope, boss, you can give me a chance to make my own plans and make my own plans.

Select a suitable batch for those who will assist me in researching the super serum. "

"This can be regarded as my own atonement. After all, I am partly responsible for not handling this matter well and not finding the culprit. I feel a little guilty in my heart."

When Su Yan finished saying these words.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country couldn't help but become a little silent.

They all thought for a moment.

I didn't doubt Su Yan, but I was a little hesitant about Su Yan's method.

After all, if these things are easy to say, can they be easy to do?

It’s not easy to do this!

However, if they don't do this, there seems to be nothing they can do.

You know, they searched all night last night and couldn't find the mole.

It means that they will probably not be able to find it later.

For this reason, after thinking about it for a while.

In the end, the senior officials of Beautiful Country felt that the method mentioned by Professor Moen seemed feasible.

Since it is difficult for them to find out the mole.

Then simply replace everyone, and then bring in a new group of people, replacing them with people they trust enough. Is that okay?

Therefore, in the end, after some hesitation.

The senior management of Meiliguo still chose to adopt Su Yan’s suggestion.

Immediately he agreed: "Okay, Professor Moen, let's do it according to the method you said."

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