Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 90: Purge Of All Employees! Father Su, Help! I Want This Entire Base To Be Mine!

Chapter 90: Purge of all members! Father Su, help! I want this entire base to be mine!

Regarding Su Yan's suggestion, the senior officials of Meiliguo also felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Regarding substitutions at the military base, they can be easily transferred from other military bases.

Even after that, the third super soldier was no longer conducting experiments at the second super soldier's military base.

Then they can also select a group of trustworthy people in advance to form a base dedicated to super soldier experiments.

In the past, they would let those military bases find people with suitable physiques for the super warrior serum and conduct super warrior experiments at that military base.

It is indeed a bit lax and it is their dereliction of duty.

For this reason, they now decided to select a group of trusted soldiers to form a super soldier training center.

Put the super soldier plan into a specific location for research, instead of being distributed in various places like before.

Soon after taking this into consideration, the senior officials of the beautiful country felt that it was feasible.

So they decided to arrange for subordinates to perform this task.

As for the Biological Research Center.

As high-level decision-makers, they really don't know much about biochemical research.

But they believe that with Professor Moen's ability, he can definitely change people.

After all, most of the researchers in the base were mentored by Professor Moen.

It is not difficult for Professor Moen to find some trustworthy people.

They just need to check the identities of the new researchers and see if there is anything fishy about them.

As long as things go well, there will definitely be no moles again.

"Professor Moen, just go ahead and act with confidence. If you have any questions, just contact us.

"As for the researchers in your biological center, we will remove them all shortly, transfer them to a place that does not involve any confidentiality, and place them under covert house arrest and supervision for further investigation."

"As for the replacement of new personnel, it's up to you. If you need our help, feel free to ask.

At this moment, the officials said to Su Yan with concern.

Su Yan felt a little embarrassed when she heard this.

05 Su Yan couldn't help but start to wonder, what would the senior management of Beautiful Country think if they learned that Su Yan was not dead and that they were talking to Su Yan now?

Of course, in the face of what the officials said, Su Yan did not just stay happy and remain silent.

At that moment, Su Yan told his next thoughts to the senior officials of Beautiful Country.

"Thank you boss for your concern, but boss, I still have an idea that I want to tell you."

"That is, can you help me mobilize some FBI agents? I hope they can help me, because I have a better plan."

After Su Yan finished speaking.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Do you have a better plan?"

The senior person in charge of the dialogue asked Su Yan curiously.

In this regard, Su Yan explained: "It's like this, boss, in order for our beautiful country to develop a better serum, I hope I can get a better medical team."

"But a better medical team means greater experimental risks, because it is currently difficult for us to find a trustworthy medical team. Even if it is domestic, it is difficult to ensure that they do not leak information to the outside world during the experiment."

"So my idea is that the researchers this time should be from abroad. As for which country they are from, I haven't thought about it clearly yet. Boss, you can also give me a reference."

"I hope you will lend me some FBI agents to capture them through illegal means, and then use drug injection to make them addicted. In this way, they may be forced to become addicted to drugs and let me Be at your mercy and obey my arrangements."

"In other words, I want people from abroad to be my chess pieces. After the super soldier experiment is over, we can kill them. This will also prevent the technology of the super serum from being leaked."

"If it were domestic medical staff doing this kind of thing, as a professor at the National Biological Center, I would not be able to bear it. After all, the domestic medical staff are all my colleagues.

These words of Su Yan can be said to perfectly simulate the character of Professor Moen to the extreme.

Because he knew that Professor Moen was a decisive person, but also very concerned about his country's medical personnel.

This is also a special personality habit of Moen, and it belongs to the syndrome of caring for fellow countrymen?

Su Yan is not clear about this either.

But he believed that the senior officials of Beautiful Country should also know about these characteristics of Moen and have investigated them secretly.

That's why he spoke these words.

It is also for him to achieve his future goals.

The facts were just as Su Yan expected.

His words once again made the senior officials of Beautiful Country believe even more.

Professor Moen is the same Professor Moen. His character has not changed at all and he cannot be a traitor.

At this moment, they also understood what Professor Moen meant by what he said.

That is to say.

Professor Moen is worried about the relevant medical researchers and is worried that untrustworthy people will appear again.

So he hoped that by injecting drugs, medical staff would become addicted and go crazy, unable to extricate themselves.

By then, when the drug addiction has passed, Professor Moen can use the temptation of drugs to make those people willingly work for him and assist in the research of super serum.

After the super serum is developed, there will be no need for those medical personnel to stay.

Just erase it directly.

In this way, they can also prevent their super plan from leaking.

This is why Professor Moen proposed to use foreigners.

After understanding this.

The senior officials of Beautiful Country couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Because it is very simple, they all think that the method taught by Professor Moen is feasible!

After all, although in terms of military personnel, they can find people they trust enough.

But when it comes to top medical teams, they may not be able to easily find people they trust enough.

Under such circumstances.

Instead of struggling to find the right person.

It's better to use drugs to force some people to work for them!

Anyway, wouldn’t it be enough to steal some talents from abroad?

By doing this, we can also attack some medical services abroad and cause some serious damage to foreign countries.

Very nice!

Therefore, at this time, the senior officials of Meiliguo all agreed and agreed to Su Yan:

"Okay, Professor Moen, let's follow your idea. We will transfer some FBI agents to you. You can use them to sneak into other countries and secretly arrest the people you want.

"When it comes to FBI agents arresting people across borders, those people really haven't lost much. You can rest assured to give orders."

With the agreement of the senior officials of the beautiful country.

Su Yan also secretly chuckled again.

It’s finally done!

What he wants to do is to catch his own people by arresting foreign medical personnel!

As for why he said it was his own, it was very simple. It was naturally because of his awesome father.

Before coming to the biological center, he had talked with his father.

I learned that under my father, there is more than one strong and trustworthy medical team, almost all over the world!

Just in the northern part of the beautiful country, that is, the Maple Leaf Country, there is also a medical team under his father who can be absolutely trusted!

That team may not be the most famous in Maple Leaf Country, but it's actually not that small.

Because no one knows that it belongs to his father, he can use his father's help when the time comes and ask FBI agents to catch those people in the Maple Leaf Country.

It must be a bit difficult to catch it under normal circumstances.

But by saying hello in advance, he can let the medical team in Maple Leaf Country take the initiative to be caught by the FBI and reduce the difficulty of being caught.

Of course, the difficulty cannot be lowered too low to avoid arousing the suspicion of FBI agents.

However, he will naturally make detailed arrangements for this when the time comes, so there is no need to worry too much now.

"Thank you, boss. I will definitely work hard to conduct experiments and strive to develop the super soldier serum so that our beautiful military can completely popularize it!"

At this moment, Su Yan also firmly asked the senior officials of the United States for their assurance.

Hearing Professor Moen's assurance, the senior officials of Beautiful Country felt very satisfied again.

Afterwards, they stopped talking to Su Yan.

Instead, he hung up the contact and arranged for FBI personnel to assist Su Yan in her next actions!

At the same time, they also arranged for their subordinates to remove all researchers at the biological center and other related personnel and transfer them to other places.

The next biological center will be controlled and managed by Professor Moen, accommodate a group of new talents, and continue to develop super serum.

In addition, they also arranged for some subordinates to formally handle and plan the affairs of the super soldier military base.

From now on, all soldiers who are confirmed to have super soldier physiques will be sent to that super soldier military base for experiments.

To ensure that no insiders will cause trouble again!

Just like that, under the arrangement of the senior officials of Beautiful Country.

People from all parties also began to take action immediately.

Su Yan's side.

When the researchers at the Biological Center all realized that they were about to be dismissed and left here for two days, they were suddenly very sad.

But there is nothing we can do.

In their opinion, this may be the result of Professor Moen's good words to them.

They guessed that if it weren't for Professor Moen's good words for them.

Then maybe they are all destined to die now.

For this reason, they have no complaints about Professor Moen.

Just a little bit sad.

They were reluctant to leave this biological research center that they had been doing for several years.

At the same time, they also realized.

This departure may result in them being secretly placed under house arrest and surveillance for life.

Unless one day they die or prove their innocence.

But how can they prove their innocence?

After all, they are innocent to begin with!

No one knows where the real mole is.

For this reason, under the arrangement of the superiors.

Finally, after a whole morning, everyone in the biological center was evacuated.

The military personnel who were protecting Professor Moen outside were also replaced by a group of people who were very trusted by the beautiful country.

At this moment, everyone in the entire biological center experimental base except Su Yan was purged.

Su Yan is naturally very satisfied with this.

After all, now, the entire experimental base of the Biological Center belongs to him.

The program network system here has already been invaded by him.

Maybe except for the military personnel protecting him outside, everything here belongs to him.

As for those military personnel, Su Yan is still not afraid.

He also has countermeasures to deal with, and he will implement them in the next step!

At the moment, he needs to complete the replacement of personnel in the biological center first, and then talk about other things.

The time comes in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, the FBI agents arranged by Meilibao Gaokang and others also arrived here.

"Boss, we are here at the request of our superiors. Please give us your instructions on what to do next!"

At this time, in the reception yard outside the biological center, people from the FBI reported to Su Yan and asked for orders!

Looking at what was in front of her, Su Yan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because he discovered that the person responsible for this operation was actually the FBI director who had been arresting him before!

When he saw the familiar face of the FBI director, Yinyan immediately became happy.

Unexpectedly, it was the person who had been arresting him back then.

Now he actually bent down and stood in front of him respectfully, leading a group of agents, ready to follow his instructions?

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

Su Yan can already imagine the expression on the FBI director's face when he later finds out that he is actually Su Yan.

"Ahem!" 453

At this moment, Su Yan didn't dare to be happy.

He looked at the FBI director and said with a serious face: "I haven't made a plan yet. Now you can just find a place outside the base and wait for my next move."

command. "


After hearing the order, the FBI director's attitude remained very respectful.

After agreeing, he immediately took his men with him and prepared to evacuate the welcoming courtyard outside the biological center.

Because they all know that there are various dangerous experimental products inside the biological center.

Therefore, they did not dare to enter without Professor Moen's order.

They came here just now to ask for orders from Professor Moen, so they met.

After that, if there are no special circumstances, they will be ready to directly follow Professor Moen's network command.

At this moment, after giving Professor Moen a respectful salute.

Soon, the FBI director led his agents and left here quickly.

Seeing the FBI personnel leaving, Su Yan just smiled and said nothing more.

Afterwards, he returned to the interior of the biological center.

Started to contact his father.


"Hey, Dad, how did that thing I told you about earlier go?"

After walking back into the house and getting on the phone with her father, Su Yan sat on the bed and asked straight to the point.

From the other side of the capital, Su's father's voice also came slowly.

"Don't worry, son, your father and I have made arrangements for you. The medical team in Maple Leaf Kingdom are very excited now and are ready to take your non-toxic medicine. When the time comes,

Just be gentle. "

"Dad, don't worry. Although I will let them take drugs when the time comes, it will actually only make them take harmless performance drugs, which will only deepen the exaggerated reality of their performances.

Sex is just to prevent their secrets from being exposed, and it will not cause any damage to their spirits. "

"And this kind of exaggerated authenticity is also controlled by their rationality. If they want to perform, they will perform it truthfully, and if they don't want to perform it, they will perform it untruthfully."

"Oh? Really, your kid can actually synthesize such a drug? Your father, I really underestimated myself. I didn't expect that I could raise such a powerful son."

At this moment, the conversation between father and son was also very harmonious.

They are all further discussing the issues discussed before.

And after some exchanges between them.

Su Yan also learned from his father that the medical team in Maple Leaf Country was ready.

Just wait to be caught by the FBI, and then go to his location to cooperate with the research on the super soldier serum.

After learning about these situations.

Su Yan couldn't help but feel happy.

Everything is ready, all it takes is action!

At that moment, he quickly asked for the contact information of the Maple Leaf Country’s medical team from his father!

Then he began to command the medical team in Maple Leaf Country and asked them to cooperate with this operation as required!

The next chess piece is here!

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