Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 91 A Major Change In The Base! Now They Are All My People, Su Yan! !

Chapter 91 A big change in the base! Now they are all my people, Su Yan!!

Later, after contacting my father to confirm.

Su Yan contacted the medical staff in Maple Leaf Country.

He gave them all the cooperation to be done next.

And let them continue to keep in touch with him to get the latest news in real time.

The medical staff in Maple Leaf Kingdom are also very cooperative with Su Yan's actions.

At Su Yan's request, each of them is now serious and ready to face the FBI's next pursuit.

After that, I contacted the medical staff in Maple Leaf Country.

Su Yan then contacted the director of the FBI and asked the FBI to prepare for action.

"Let's start taking action and go to Maple Leaf Country. I need all the members of Maple Leaf Country's Weiss medical team to bring them to me."

"Yes, get it!"

The FBI agents immediately began arranging operations after receiving the order.

that's all.

A cross-border illegal arrest begins!

Su Yan, on the other hand, continues to stay in his biological center laboratory to further study the super soldier serum.

And in the meantime.

Su Yan also began to think about countermeasures to find a way to deal with those beautiful national military personnel outside.

After all, his hope is that the center of this entire creature is his.

There are those military personnel protecting him outside, which is really hard to bear.

Thinking of this, Su Yan's original plan was to use biological agents to attack them.

But after thinking about it, doing so will definitely attract huge attention from the senior officials of the beautiful country.

Instead of using biological agents to attack those military personnel, it would be better to find a way to remove them.

It is safest only to be completely replaced by your own people.

For this reason, Su Yan's plan is to let the people from Heishui impersonate them!

He can first use biological agents to make the military personnel outside hallucinate.

Then, while the military personnel were confused.

He then asked the people from Blackwater to take advantage of the opportunity and replace them with those military personnel.

Anyway, there are no special defense devices outside this biological center.

Military personnel are just patrolling everywhere with a gun and helmet.

The real protection measures are all within the biological center.

The computer program inside the biological center is now under his control.

That is to say, under such circumstances.

He only needs to use medicine to hallucinate the military personnel.

You can quickly get Blackwater personnel into action and replace them.

As for the issue of identity checks by beautiful country officials in the future, he doesn't have to worry.

He will definitely let the hacker "god" modify all kinds of identity information in advance.

Those military personnel are not as important as him, and the American officials will probably not investigate thoroughly.

What's more, the power to thoroughly investigate those people is in his hands, and he will naturally not betray those people.

So, after some thinking.

Su Yan immediately told Blackwater personnel and the hacker "god" about his plan.

After learning the news, the people in Blackwater had no objections and directly agreed.

And as the people of Blackwater agreed.

Su Yan also began to arrange the hacker "God" operation to modify various information of military personnel.

At the same time, he also contacted Heishui by going out and handed over the biological medicine to the people of Heishui.

This process was completed under various investigations and precautions by Heishui and Su.

Therefore, when Su Yan successfully handed over the potion to the people in Heishui.

No one noticed anything unusual about Su Yan’s behavior!

Later, Su Yan returned to the Biological Center again.

While continuing to do experiments, he waited for Blackwater's actions.

Outside the biocenter.

Many military personnel protecting Su were holding guns and observing everywhere.

But what they don't know is.

Not far from them, there was a large number of small electronic metal devices, slowly flying towards them, like flies.

Of course, those flies didn't approach directly.

After all, if a large wave of flies approaches rashly, it will arouse people's suspicion, especially metal flies.

For this reason, those metal flies began to move forward slowly in batches along the low-lying areas on the ground.

Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for people to detect it.

These metal flies are also advanced weapons developed by Su Yan.

You can carry out assassinations without others knowing.

Before coming to the Biological Center, Su Yan passed this technology to Daxia.

The people of Blackwater naturally mastered this technology, quickly mass-produced it, and then carried it with them.

Therefore, at this moment, the people in Heishui are not short of these metal flies at all.

Of course, they didn't use these metal flies for assassination purposes.

But to use the medicine carried on the metal fly to hallucinate the military personnel outside the biological center!

Wait until the hallucinations occur.

They can walk up to the military personnel blatantly, use words to hypnotize them, and take them away to other places.

Until then.

They then used the identity verification information disguised and modified by the hacker ""God"" to act as soldiers of the beautiful country outside the biological center.

In this way, the real protection of Su Yan is achieved, rather than the military personnel protecting Professor Moen.

"Buzz buzz."

"Buzz buzz."

These metal flies flying on the surface of the ground make subtle flying vibration sounds, just like real flies.

At this moment, they quickly approached the military personnel outside the biological center.

Under the control of Blackwater personnel in the distance.

They also quickly arrived at the feet of the military personnel and were not noticed by the military personnel.

And after resisting the foot.

They continued to fly upward cautiously.

Fly into the shoe.

Then, a tiny needle came out.

Prick secretly into the skin!

It's like a mosquito bite.

The military personnel felt nothing at all.

And when tiny pinholes penetrated the skin of military personnel.

It also began to gently inject the medicine contained inside.

The amount is not much, but it is highly poisonous!

The entire injection time was not very long.

After the injection of the medicine is completed.

The metal fly quietly flew out of the shoe again.

Return to where you started!

Because these metal flies do not act at the same time.

Therefore, the entire pharmaceutical injection process also took a long time.

But the good thing is.

Finally, when the time reached evening.

All military personnel have been injected with the drug!

At this time, the effect of the medicine is about to take effect.

But the people in Heishui are still not in a hurry.

It's almost evening.

When the time comes, they will take advantage of the darkness and take quick action!

At the same time, in the biological center laboratory.

Su Yan, who was conducting experiments, also learned about the current situation through reports from Blackwater personnel.

After understanding it, Su Yan immediately issued orders to his artificial intelligence.

"Start modifying the entire biological center's monitoring system so that no one from Heishui will appear on the screen."

"Good master."

The artificial intelligence responded immediately.

Then, it began to schedule the monitoring system it had invaded before.

Modify the monitoring screen here.

This can be regarded as a black technology developed by the hacker "god" with the help of Su Yan.

You can use the algorithm of the program to make some things disappear in the real-time monitored picture, and no flaws can be seen.

In other words, the things previously captured in the surveillance footage are merged with the real-time footage to completely turn the surveillance footage into fake, thereby achieving the purpose of concealment.

The method Su Yan uses for artificial intelligence is the latter.

By executing programs previously programmed by the hacker "god".

Let the images in the surveillance camera show that the military personnel remain normal and continue to watch safely.

This obscures the actual footage of Blackwater personnel in action.

With the intrusion of artificial intelligence into biocentric surveillance.

Time also came to night unknowingly.

At this moment, the medicine used by the Blackwater personnel also began to take effect.

Outside the biocenter.

Those military personnel were all lost at this moment.

Although he was still standing there normally, he seemed to be guarding something.

But in fact, they can no longer distinguish things and become like a fool.

He just held the gun and stood there stupidly, doing nothing.

This scene was also noticed by the Blackwater personnel in the distance.

Immediately, after seeing this scene, the Blackwater personnel immediately realized that the time had come!

"start to act!"

The captain of the Blackwater team immediately gave orders to his men.

After hearing this, the Blackwater team also immediately started to take action, quickly heading towards the direction of the biological center!

Because at this time, their personnel or electronic equipment are conducting surveillance and exploration in various places nearby.

Therefore, the people in Blackwater are not worried about outsiders coming here to interfere suddenly.

What they have to do now is to replace these military personnel as soon as possible in a short period of time!

For this reason, taking advantage of the darkness, their movements were also extremely fast.

When they arrived near the biological center and came in front of the military personnel.

The thing is the same as what Su Yan said.

The military personnel were completely defiant and showed no reaction to them at all.

Faced with this, the people from Heishui stood in front of the military personnel and ordered: "Take off your clothes."

With command.

The next moment, something happened that shocked the Blackwater personnel.

These military personnel actually started to take off their clothes!

Seeing this, the Blackwater personnel couldn't help but take a deep breath. Fortunately, it was a man.

Of course, this incident was actually something they expected. Su Yan had told them before.

But at this time, they still felt very incredible when they saw these military personnel being so obedient.

And now, as the military personnel were taking off their clothes.

Blackwater personnel began to do the same thing.

The purpose is to change into the clothes of military personnel as soon as possible.

Then he officially disguised himself as a member of the beautiful country's military.

Soon, with the obedient cooperation of the military.

The people in Heishui finally successfully changed their clothes and changed into the clothes of military personnel.

When they came here, they were determined based on the body shape and appearance of each military personnel.

Therefore, there will be no problems such as inappropriate clothes.

Even in terms of faces, they are somewhat similar to the military personnel they are replacing.

This was all arranged and looked for by them in advance. After all, they are Blackwater

There is no shortage of people either.

""Okay, you can leave. "

"Take these clothes off the floor."

"Then keep walking in the direction my hand points. There will be someone to help you there."

At this moment, the Blackwater personnel looked at the military personnel in front of them and continued to give instructions.

Facing the orders of the Blackwater personnel, the American military personnel acted like fools.

Just follow the arrangement and walk towards the distance.

Everyone was naked and looked extremely eye-catching.

And after ordering the military personnel to leave.

After a while, the entire biological center was filled with Blackwater personnel who had changed their clothes.

They continue to be armed outside the biological center to protect Su Yan's safety.

As for the military personnel walking towards the distance, they were naturally accepted by other Blackwater personnel.

After being accepted, the Blackwater personnel first collected the clothes they brought over.

Then, continue to lead the military personnel forward.

Be prepared to take them to a hidden place and deal with them.

At the same time, in the biological base laboratory.

At this moment, Su Yan couldn't help but feel happy when she learned the news that Blackwater personnel had successfully replaced the military personnel.

Now, the military personnel outside have also been replaced.

Next, it depends on the actions of the FBI agents.

All the medical staff in Maple Leaf Kingdom were brought here by the FBI to become his subordinates.

Then the people in this entire biological center base will be his people.

It’s very exciting just thinking about it!

Of course, just in case, Su Yan still doesn't want to stay here for a long time.

Although now, he is always ready to escape.

But after all, this biological center contains the advanced instruments and necessary elements he needs to make the super soldier serum, which is difficult to take away.

So he can only continue to experiment here for the time being.

It can only be said that speeding up is his best choice at the moment.

This is why Su Yan needs to arrange for people from the FBI to bring a medical team to (Li Qianhao) Maple Leaf Country.

Only by bringing helpers can his subsequent experiments progress faster and more smoothly.

For this reason, at this moment, while doing experiments.

Su Yan also began to hope that the actions of FBI members would not disappoint him.

And just when he thought of FBI members.

The FBI director's phone call came suddenly.

Seeing this, Su Yan also answered immediately.

"Reporting to the boss, we have successfully sneaked into the central base of the Weiss Medical Team and successfully hijacked all high-tech personnel. We are now arranging aircraft to lead them.

Hurry back!"

When Su Yan answered the phone, the FBI director immediately sent Su Yan the good news.

Su Yan couldn't help but feel happy, but she still asked in a serious voice: "Are you sure you brought them all? Those people didn't disobey? Didn't anyone else notice?"

Faced with the inquiry, the FBI director immediately answered truthfully on the phone:

"Report to the boss, they disobeyed fiercely, but we have already knocked them unconscious."

"As for other relevant personnel, someone must have discovered our actions, but those are not important. After all, they don't know who we are, and even if Maple Leaf Country investigates,

Even though I'm here, I don't dare to make any noise in front of our beautiful country. "

After the FBI director finished speaking, Su Yan couldn't help but feel relieved.

He knew that Maple Leaf Country officials did not know the origins of Weiss's medical team.

Except for his father, no one outside really knew, not even some members of the medical team.

In other words, if the Maple Leaf Country officials discover that people from their country have been taken away, they will not think of ways to recall the people in the face of pressure from the Beautiful Country.

His next experiments can still proceed smoothly.

If that's the case, then he has nothing to worry about.

So, at that moment, Su Yan ordered to the FBI director: "Then rush back as soon as possible and pay attention to safety."

"Yes! Boss, we promise to complete the task!".

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