Hidden Assassin

Vol 6 Chapter 7: not much time

You lied to me for two years! "

Kelly's emotional burst was really shocking. When this sentence was shouted with tears, the scene in the entire examination room was truly spectacular, although the students of the Sacred Heart were more open than ordinary children of the same age, and many of them fell in love early. However, I have never seen a woman with a status and status ran to school and shouted such a word to a student. For a time, they all looked at them in unison.

In the past ten minutes or so, from the attitude of Yahan and the eight bodyguards following Kelly, you can already see the unusual origins of this woman. It is even more like a person who knows the details of a girl like Dongfang Wan. Seeing stunned, I don't understand why Jia Ming has such energy. Looking at this wicked attitude of Kelly Fonim, it is as if Jia Ming has played with her and abandoned him. The eight bodyguards in black didn't move, and although Yahan was a little overwhelmed, she saw her emotionally excited and hurried up: "Miss Kelly ..."

"That's not enough to talk about? You just guess ..." Jia Ming shrugged, and said softly, but in his heart he did not believe that Kelly's judgment was entirely based on intuition. In fact, during the whole process of inference, Many questions were not mentioned, but it is conceivable that Kelly could come to him. These questions must have been answered. He frowned, thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of him. Kelly had broken Yahan's hand lightly, and she leaned down, her face full of tears, but a proud smile: "But I have a chance to confirm ..."

A stunned look returned to her face, and she stood up and took two steps. Holding her hand to tears on her face, Yahan still wanted to help her, but she waved her hand and said, "Thank you, I'm fine ..." Turning around, he opened his mouth to the eight black bodyguards, "You help me kill It's him! "

Her words were straightforward, and from the desk she suddenly stood up, and Xun's cold, knife-like figure followed. Ya Han also showed a stern look: "Miss Kelly! This is in China!"

"I know." Taking a breath, Kelly raised her chin. "So go and call the police!"

By this time, the noise of the classroom was loud. The proctor's teacher doesn't know what to do, and a student with a sense of justice, like Dongfang Wan, doesn't know if he should come over and say something right, and more students are moving forward happily. Table, ready to make room for the upcoming scene. The eight bodyguards only accepted Kelly's order and took a few steps forward. A semi-circular enveloping posture had been formed, and the smoky lichen sleeves were shaken. A little Taidao brush slipped out and looked back at Jiaming, but saw that Jiaming made a "Nothing. You don't care" gesture.

"Miss Kelly. What the **** do you want to do?" Seeing several big men already blocking the front. After all, Ya Han didn't quite believe that the other party would be so crazy. She knew Jia Ming's ability. But I also know that Jia Ming always wants to keep himself secret. If things can be suppressed, it is best to suppress them.

Ahead, Kelly reached out and wiped away her tears, raising her chin and saying, "He's not good for me, so I'm going to kill him, leave it alone."

Yahan also wanted to talk, but Kaoru came over from the side and pulled her sleeves to the outside. Although the Japanese girl was no longer ready to shoot, she still stared coldly at Kelly ahead. Ya Han glanced back, and after touching the calm eyes of Jiaming, she gritted her teeth and walked past those bodyguards: "Miss Kelly, I hope you know what you are doing, and we will not give up on this matter. ... "

She walked past Kelly in two steps, took out her mobile phone on the balcony, and started to call. Her gaze was still staring at the situation in Jiaming's side of the classroom, no matter how powerful Kelly Vernim ’s identity was, in She was really angry when something like this was going to happen to her.

The voice in the classroom quieted down gradually. After the initial excitement calmed down, these students obviously realized that it is not glorious to let foreigners beat their classmates in person. However, looking at the appearance of the eight professional bodyguards, it is estimated that Even if the entire class rushes up, it won't take any advantage. Besides, when Jia Ming did not deal with everyone on a weekday, Kelly's attitude was because Jia Ming was "not good for her", and for a while, she didn't know what to do. Only Dongfang Wan had already taken it. Most people call out to call their father or brother. Jia Ming reluctantly stood in the sunshine of the window, watching the bodyguards stand in front.

The eight people selected by Kelly at the moment were former boxing champions, black market boxers, mercenaries under Dark Lyra, and even abilities. At this time, they were ordered to face a body Gao's young man acted and obeyed the order. At the same time, there was obviously some confusion in his eyes, but since Kelly said that she was going to be killed, the extent of the shot was really without reservation. The first person to prepare for the shot, but It was the heavyweight boxer that Dongfang Wan said before, shaking his body, and Shen said, "Areuady?"

At the rear, Kelly explained happily: "He asked if he was ready!" Jia Ming couldn't help but smile slightly, and if he still couldn't hold Kelly's idea, it would be too slow, this crazy Women simply don't care about anything, they only care about what they like. She is now trying to get these eight people to shoot at herself without reservation. If she can handle it, of course, she is equivalent to proving her identity. If she is n’t really simple, she may be killed directly. .

The two have communicated on the Internet for two years. With Jiaming's grasp of subsequent resources, it is certainly not difficult to find topics that interest each other. It is not an exaggeration to talk to each other as friends who have nothing to say. Just follow Kelly's aesthetic view has always been deeply obsessed with the fact that he must be a "beauty" and does not accept other answers. Since Jia Ming's appearance at first gave her a great sense of mystery, it is estimated that this woman has been playing the biggest puzzle game for two years. Since she has already reached this step, she can honestly say something. It's inevitable, but even if you lose. It's impossible to be frightened by her, and she won't fool herself. This level of communication requires strength.

There was a bitter smile of innocence of humans and animals. He grabbed a coat and threw it at the boxer, and then Jia Ming drank loudly and rang in the classroom.

"Follow me!"

When the sun was violent in the afternoon, he sat by the window and took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair. This is a smooth wave, just like a banner, which just blocked the boxer's sight.

Qu, the giant from Europe subconsciously reached out and pushed. With a sound in the classroom. Jia Ming shouted beautifully, but he picked up the chair and got it over. Although the quality of the wooden chairs used by these students was not very good. But after all, the four feet were also made of thin iron pipes. At this time, he severely smashed into the boxer's hand across the clothes, and even the two stool feet were smashed and bent, flying out towards the rear. Smashed the glass and fell downstairs.

Jia Ming's dress flew back under the wave of the King of Fighters, and he might have fallen downstairs. Jia Ming pulled it back. Seeing this big man loosened his muscles and bones. His eyes were timid, and he stepped back two steps: "Hey. Really?"

"Uh-huh." Kelly stood behind and spread her arms gracefully.

"Don't come over!" The chair was also blown away, and Jia Ming stepped back, and completely reached the wall. When he turned around, he climbed directly onto the window sill, glaring at the boxer who was pressing closer, "You I'll jump over here. "

The big man kept walking, Jia Ming shrugged with a smile.

"The second floor ... Do you think I dare not jump?"

"catch him!"

When Kelly's cry came out, Jia Ming had turned and jumped off the playground in the rear. A group of students crowded in front of the window to see him, but Kelly ran to the window sill with a smile, watching the teenager straighten with a **** below. After running to the mountain, she put her hands around her mouth and laughed and shouted, "You run, see where you can go!" Looking at her, it seems that from the beginning she did not expect this fight to be in the classroom. Expand here.

As soon as she turned around, the smile disappeared on her face, and she gently slammed her fingers. The girl said quietly, "From now on, catch him and kill him!"

In daylight, eight bodyguards in black suits jumped off the windowsill and chased after the boy who entered the school after the mountain.



For some special reasons, Kelly's position in the gloomy Lyre, at least for now, is not high. She just agrees with Natalie-Annis, and occasionally confuses in the laboratory, too. For this reason, this time when she came to China, this was the first time that she officially arranged the action in the name of the gloomy lyre. Most of the local people still felt a little confused about her.

For example, these eight fighters all have top-rated bodyguards in the gloomy Tianqin organization. They have no trust in Kelly's command, especially this time, in a school, they do not need guns and other lethal weapons. The order to kill a person is a bit ridiculous in itself, and even if the Chinese give face again, it will not allow you to kill people in the public. Of course, the order can't be disobeyed, but you can try to figure it out. The people they want to deal with are mostly masters of Yanhuang Awakening, saying that they want to kill, but they let them go all out. As a little child, they really felt a little ignorant of how to be good, and therefore gave Jiaming such a calm opportunity to cope.

When the master Ming ran into the back mountain of Sacred Heart College, eight people chased after him. In fact, there was still some doubt in his heart. As soon as he entered the woods, the heavyweight boxer named Andrew lowered his voice and said, "What a joke, really kill Got that kid? "

"This is an order," said Howard, who is good at Muay Thai next to it, adding a moment later, "You haven't killed anyone."

"I haven't killed such an inexplicable person today. It is estimated that we have to secretly leave China at night, so what are we here for ..."

"I don't know what to do, anyway ... let's hit half dead first and then say, if the woman has to say kill, we have to kill and go back immediately ..."

The goal is too weak, such a task is too stupid, so everyone has some weird emotions. The figure in front of it occasionally appears, occasionally disappears, and is walking deep into the woods. The eight people use the fastest speed. Some couldn't keep up, but between the dense forests, they completely lost the trace of the target, but it can be concluded that the boy must be nearby. One of them made a gesture, and the eight separated, increasing the scope of the search.

On the other side, Ya Han is also actively using the relationship and is preparing to protest to the Side delegation this time. However, after Xun Xun called and contacted Tian Yuzheng, she came to stop Ya Han. This kind of meaningless action.

A few minutes later, the people in the woods finally felt that this matter was a bit tricky. The figure they were hunting suddenly showed up, and suddenly there was no trace. In the absence of a gun, they were held by the other party several times. It is a shame to run off the familiarity of the terrain somehow. After a while, the eight people were roughly dispersed in the woods, separated by dozens of meters from each other. Occasionally, they could see each other, and occasionally they could only hear sound. After a while, Andrew the boxer suddenly shouted, "Catch you!"

Not far away, Howard turned his head abruptly, and when he looked far away, a piece of clothing covered the amazing Andrew again in the woods, and the boy's shouting in the air reminded him: "Big smasher!"

Seems to be the same scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Andrew has lost his patience, his left hand blocked a wave, the strong and strong right fist has been thrown out like a thunder, although the power is controlled, but with that fist, the momentum It is truly amazing. In front of him, the rushing teenager has leaped up high. This time, instead of holding a bench or other weapon, he waved his right hand directly, facing the amazing heavy punch, and slapped it.


Howard, who was more than 20 meters away, flashed this thought. The original tight body had also relaxed, but he just looked at it slightly and could see each other. The next moment the teenager would vomit blood and fly out, and then fell into a coma. . In this imagination, he heard only a bang.

The ground floor of the woods was full of early leaves and branches, which became extremely soft. At that moment, the bulky body was like an unguarded stab meat, and it slammed down like that, the shell was sinking like a cannonball. Go on ...

The next moment, the boy pulled up the coat that had fallen to the ground, and walked towards Howard without stopping, shaking his right wrist quickly, bringing out a rush and pressing rhythm.

"I reminded him, but ... hurry up, I have a headache, and we don't have much time ..."

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