Hidden Assassin

Vol 6 Chapter 8: Into the night

The sky in the west burned into a brilliant red glow, rolling in waves, and the dazzling sunset glow on the roofs and streets of this neighborhood.

It is the time when the school is out of school and the workers are off work. There are a lot of people on the streets and in the market. The bells of bicycles and the horns of motor vehicles may sound. The game room is full of students with schoolbags or older In the hustle and bustle of the setting sun, two student girls mingled in the crowd were waiting for a truck to cross the road and running towards the game room.

The two girls are about sixteen or seventeen years old and have fully developed bodies. Among girls of the same age, they are relatively taller and slimmer. Their beautiful faces make them the most attractive people in the crowd. One woman had a lake-green coat with a white lining on the upper body, and a white long dress with tiny flowers on the lower body. Her long hair was floating and her appearance was quiet and soft. The other woman was a white casual dress with black straight stripes. The dressing of sports shoes and the ponytail flying behind her head made her whole person full of vitality and freshness. With the same schoolbag on their backs, they walked towards the game room while talking.

In the game room, a few high school students who also carried school bags noticed the two girls first, but they did n’t belong to Sacred Heart College. They wanted to come and play games from other schools. Looking at the long hair of the two girls in the golden sunset, several people laughed and said for a while at the door of the game room. When the two girls approached, one of the tall men rushed out of the game room. Seeing that she was about to hit the girl in a floral dress. The woman reached out her hand, blocked him, and frowned slightly.

"Hey, beauty, you hit me." Such a collision can easily be seen to be intentional or unintentional. The teenager carrying the schoolbag laughed and talked, but one of his companions in the back was ridiculous. Whistled. Before the finger left his lips, a figure appeared behind him, a slap. Pleasant to the ear. At the same time, he snored directly, shaking his body several times, looking back. But it was a tall man with scars on his face. At the same time, a lot of people in the game room came around.

Looking at the posture of these people, they are obviously more professional hooligans. The two students who are still studying are totally different from the two concepts. Five or six people turned around. Can't help but take a few steps back, and the teenager who ran out and hit someone was also jerking on the face: "Here, this big brother, we didn't do anything ..."

"*!" The next moment, the guy was kicked by the Scar Man on the road, and several bicycles and pedestrians on the roadside quickly bypassed, "Of course you didn't do it. If you really did something, just It ’s not me who hit you! "

"Sick ..." He looked at the boy who was kicked to the ground with a disgusted look, and the two girls instructed to turn to the stairs next to the game room to go to the second floor. Thank you, don't fight too hard. "

The girl with a ponytail in the back turned back and smiled: "Give them some blood, just calm down, it really can't be too powerful, haha."

Later, there was a mournful street, and several high school students carrying schoolbags were dragged into the dark back alley in the setting sun, bearing a bunch of gangsters ... violent AND 蹂躏.

Although the girl with such a quiet appearance is relatively gentle, she is usually considered to have heard a lot of stories and rumors. For such seemingly boring men, there is not much concealment at all. They may have been fun at first. Got a strong beating, but if you meet a girl with little strength, it may be the woman who loses, and most of the indecent and **** cases may ultimately be played out of such fun little things. At the door of the second floor, she took out the key to open the door, and the aroma of cooked rice floated out of the room. The two girls let out a sigh of relief: "Jiaming, are you home?"

Entered the living room and put on slippers. The teenager with water stains on his hair came out of the kitchen. It looked like he had just taken a shower, had changed his clothes, and saw the two returning with a mild smile. "There was something in the afternoon, so I came back first I did n’t finish the exam. Shasha, did n’t you say there was a volleyball match to play after the exam? ”

Throwing off his schoolbag, Shasha sat on the bench and took off his socks, and shrugged with a smile: "What's more, after running the exam, I ran to find you, and it turned out that you offended some foreign woman and was chased to Houshan. Where can I take care of the game? I was pulled back by Ling Jing and ran back. "

"Is it okay?" Ling Jing smoothly removed the apron with a robot cat pattern from the wall next to the kitchen door, and tied it, asked softly.

"Little things, you're done." Jia Ming made an O gesture to the two, and then said to Ling Jing, "Are you cooking the vegetables? Those vegetables have been washed, and some ribs have been chopped. See if you like them how to eat."

Shasha jumped from the bench: "Break vegetables and cook lean broth! Braised pork ribs!"

"You will eat it." Ling Jing fastened the apron and smiled back.

"Anyway, I don't have much time to cook ribs." She said as she took off her coat. "The kitchen is left to the two concubines. I sweated at noon, I took a shower first." From the room. He took the clothes and hurriedly ran into the toilet.

With a smile, Jia Ming and Ling Jing walked into the kitchen. He took the knife and moved the ribs on the cutting board to the side. He took the green leaves from the water basin and started to chop them. Jia Ming covered the fire and faintly heard outside. The sound came and hesitated: "It looks like someone is fighting in the back alley ..."

"Oh, Shasha and I just came back and were almost teased at the door of the game room. It should be Shuige who pulled the group into the back alley." Lingjing smiled, her hair drifted, and the setting sun shone in from the window. , Rendering a beautiful and playful side face, she said softly, "Oh, no one has ever run into school to find you like this, is it okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a small accident, but I have to go there tonight." Holding Ling Jing's slender waist from behind, he bumped him with a quiet smile. He held his hands tighter. Smelling the aroma of the girl's hair from behind.

"Are you coming back that night?"

"Come and come back, not too long."

There was a rustle in the bathroom while singing, singing quietly, and laughing quietly: "I don't want to know what you're doing, but you beware, I and rustle are worried about you ..."

In the setting sun, the aroma of meals was heard from every household, which was a warm and cozy atmosphere. Of course, in the dark back alley, some people are coming out fiercely. The wounded were still moaning inside. Together with the aroma of the meals of that family, the world is different ...


"... Speaking like this, Gu Jiaming got into Houshan. Then he dumped them and ran home?"

When the sunset converged, the same doubts appeared in the mouths of many people in Jianghai City. Fangtiantian, there is the East Linghai. There was a rainy day, and a man named Yingzilandi who arrived in Jianghai in the past two days was in front of them.

The same information, and the ensuing questions.

Fang Zhitian is currently staying in the villa of the Oriental family, like the last trip to the Jianghai, and has already eaten dinner. He accompanied Dongfang, who was in a wheelchair, to chill on the balcony of the villa while drinking tea while listening Received intelligence. If in the past, he did not try to let the sickly niece participate in such things, but it seems that the niece is also interested in the young man named Gu Jiaming. This time there is no violent and **** scene. So I listened to her.

"Speaking like this, the reason given by Miss Kelly Vernim is that our younger brother Ming Jia lied to her for two years. What did she lie to her ..."

This kind of question is almost like talking to himself. I didn't expect someone to answer him. Fang Zhitian glanced at Dongfang Ruo who was sitting next to him, because this niece did have some difficult to explain to Gu Jiaming. Selfish. Since this year, he seems to have noticed from certain conversations that the niece has a rather special concern for the teenager who has only met a few times, why it is difficult to say clearly. But as a teenage girl expressing curiosity about another boy, it is difficult for him not to associate this feeling with love.

It's possible that the niece had a slight affection for the boy, or something else--at least in Fang Zhitian's mind. For him, Dongfangruo is more prone than his own daughter. On the other hand, her situation is very special. After the wrong power test, her niece ’s life is at any time. On the verge of disappearance, he would pay attention to anything that would interest her. Even in the information of Yan Huang Awakening, Gu Jiaming was an emotional liar who walked on three boats. He didn't care. What the niece could get was not long-lasting, so as long as she could have a good opinion of a young man, and then let her If you feel happy, the other person's conduct is not a problem, as long as it can leave a trace of happiness in her short life.

Of course, it is too early to draw such a conclusion. He thought about it and asked his niece softly: "If you have any impression of Miss Kelly who is going to treat you?" You have met one last night. "

"Uh ... very interesting foreign sister ..."

"Interesting?" Fang Zhitian frowned. The niece's feeling was always the most keen, but this description was too general. However, if Dongfang nodded and seemed to have no idea, he wouldn't follow up. Dongfangruo's illness comes from the brain's powers. For her, any thinking is equivalent to burning her life. Instead of guiding her to think about these things, let her quietly carry out some love and happiness. This kind of beautiful fantasy may be more valuable.

"But ... Gu Jiaming runs fast, doesn't he? It's Jian Suyan's disciple ..."

"Yeah, I think he can run away."

Dongfang smiled and nodded.

The sun finally wiped out the last light on the western horizon, the sky was dark, the lights near and far, outside the villa, you can see the huge city that finally lights up from farther away, the girl ’s eyes are empty, just as quiet Looking at the whole world, it reflects the light that seems to have insight into everything ...

Time passed, and then pushed back for another half an hour. In a room of the Homeland Hotel, eight men were rubbing wounds in the room. Some of them were shirtless, some were wearing only a pair of shorts, and their bodies were different. There were amazing redness, swelling and blood stasis all over the place. These injuries were originally covered under clothing, so that they could come back as if they were all right. When they were nowhere, they would have time to apply medicine to their bodies. And aftertaste the thrilling battle process in just a few minutes.

With her chin in her hands, the girl named Kelly sat on a small bench in the corner and watched a bunch of macho men show her explanatory body in front of her. Although her sexual orientation was homosexual, these people exercised well She is very good. Every muscle in her body is full of strength. She also enjoys it.

"Nah, I told you long ago that to kill him, even if you can't get rid of it, at least you have to take a killing attitude. Now you know it's wrong." While having fun, she was talking coldly, " When I did n’t come, one or two acted as if they were the first person in the block. As a result ... eight people! They were so ashamed! Know what it means to be someone outside of heaven? Now you can admire me, I ’m here He yelled in front of him and couldn't treat me like that. "

"This is not a life-and-death duel, and if you use a gun ..."

"Use a gun?" As a genius with an IQ of more than one hundred and eighty, Kelly has always implemented the habit of sneer and interrupting others' speech quite thoroughly. "If I tell you his firepower suppression skills are almost as skilled as Yuan Lai Chaochuang, Do you dare to use a gun in front of him? You are excellent in physical skill. When it comes to using a gun, eight of you will have the confidence to face Yuan Lai Chaochuang? "

"Anyway ..." She stood up angrily, pouting. "This time, you must keep secret from anyone. You chase into the woods, and then you can't find anyone ... Don't take this. Secret is not taken seriously, and an old saying goes, I don't want you to like me, but you must obey me, because only a genius girl like me can give you the guarantee of survival ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you don't realize it ... I'll kill you first! "

Her voice had just fallen, and the sound of wind in the air was tense. The bodies of the three people in front suddenly slumped backwards. It was very embarrassing, because at that moment, Kelly's figure was almost ghostly, and her slender fingers swept to three Although the neck of the individual is only symbolic, the speed of that moment, even the three of them, could not escape!

The doorbell rang suddenly.

The crowd was frightened by this moment's shot, and still in surprise, the girl ran to the door with a happy step, and appeared outside, a hotel manager, and a waiter holding many videotapes. : "Miss Kelly, this is the Sophie Marceau's video tape you asked for, should we send it to the small movie room or your room ..."

"I don't need you to take it. I'll take it back by myself. Come and give it to me."

Holding a bunch of black boxes from the waiter, she had some difficulty hooking the door with her feet and heading all the way to her room: "Say I'm like Sophie Marceau ... I don't know if it's beautiful, if I dare Hurt me, hum ... "She was very pleased with Jia Ming's description before. I'm afraid no one thought that she didn't know too much about the name Sophie Marceau.

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