After Jia Taiping returned to Wuhan University in Rongcheng, he fell into despair. Later, he even disappeared.

He disappeared without graduating from Wuhan University in Chengdu.

Principal Ding, also due to family reasons, returned to his hometown of Huangsang City to teach in the next year. He thought he would never see Jia Taiping again.

Who knew that he would meet Jia Taiping in the first year after returning to Huangsang City.

Although Jia Taiping was still decadent at that time, he came to teach at Huangsang No. 2 Middle School.

It was only later that he discovered that Huangsang City No. 2 Middle School was the alma mater of teacher Jia Taiping!

Jia Taiping was decadent at first, but gradually, he didn't know if he was infected by these children because he came into contact with them every day.

Jia Taiping is no longer so decadent, but has become what he is now, speaking safety first.

In fact, based on Jia Taiping's performance, the class he leads is at the bottom every year. Jia Taiping should not be qualified to continue teaching students. At most, he can be a teacher of a shield class.

But he always made Jia Taiping the class teacher, and even sent his niece to Jia Taiping's class, and also sent Shen Zhaodi, the most talented student in the school, to Jia Taiping's class.

But Jia Taiping has never improved at all.

He also thought that Jia Taiping might be depressed like this for the rest of his life.

Who would have thought that everything happened so suddenly.

A new overlapping space suddenly appeared in Huangsang City. Two students in Jia Taiping's class, Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chuhe, seemed to have entered the overlapping space.

Jia Taiping came to ask for leave.

All this seems like a reincarnation.

The difference is that Jia Taiping was a student back then, but now Jia Taiping is a teacher.

Unknowingly, it had been nearly two days since the overlapping space of the Zhulong River appeared.

At this time, people were still coming in and out outside the largest entrance. Occasionally, a team would come out of the space with a few embarrassed people, or even a few corpses, and at the same time, messages would be delivered one after another.

Suddenly, there was another slight fluctuation at the entrance.

A team of five people came out.

It's just that unlike other teams, this team is not composed of five soldiers or five pioneers, but one soldier, two men and two women.

And the soldier even held a corpse.

A middle-aged woman with plain appearance but full of elegance said to the person in charge: "I'm really sorry, he was already dead when we arrived.

In addition, the pioneer teams from the provincial capital and the island city have discovered clearly that the strongest alien beast in the overlapping space of the Zhulong River is the ten-star alien beast, the double-headed Taipan snake.

Most of the strange beasts in the overlapping space of the Zhulong River are unique to the Oriya Kingdom. This does not seem like an overlapping space that can appear in our country. "

"Sigh..., looking around the world, wherever a new overlapping space appears, countless people will go there, wanting to seek their opportunities, but in the end..."

The person in charge, with a Chinese character face and a tall and majestic posture, sighed and said to the side: "First check his identity and notify his family."

After speaking, he remained silent for a while before continuing: "In the past ten years, or even in the past thirty years, the Olia Kingdom has not destroyed any overlapping space. I don't know why this overlapping space will appear in China."

Among this team, another pretty woman said: "In recent years, there have indeed been some weird overlapping spaces.

At the beginning of the year, most of the strange beasts in the overlapping space that appeared in England were from Samba. No one could figure out why this happened.

Okay, we have conveyed the news, we will go back immediately, maybe we can save some people. "

The person in charge said solemnly: "Thank you all."

"We are all Chinese, as we should. Besides, although some of us do not teach in Qilu Province, we are all from Qilu Province."

In this team, an imposing-looking man replied, and the team of five quickly returned and entered the overlapping space again.

Because the alien beasts in the overlapping space of the Zhulong River are too strong for Huangsang City to handle alone, Huangsang City began to ask for help early.

In addition to the two strongest teams of pioneers from the provincial capital and the island city, there were also teams from all over Qilu Province.

What they are responsible for is not to pioneer, but to follow the path that the pioneer team has already walked, and to take out all the people who entered.

And the strength of this team is among the strongest among all the teams that came to the rescue.

It's just that their composition is a little strange.

Except for one soldier, the other four were all teachers.

One is a teacher from No. 1 High School in the provincial capital, one is a high school teacher from Daocheng No. 2 Middle School, one is from Daocheng Haiyang Wuhan University, and the other is a teacher from Chengdu Wuhan University.

In the overlapping space of the Zhulong River, Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi stayed here for nearly two days.

They have been killing golden platypuses, and in addition to harvesting a lot of golden platypus genetic chains.

After constant fighting and soaking in golden rain liquid, he could clearly feel that the origin energy in his body had grown and his stick skills had also improved a lot.

As before, the two found five golden platypuses and started fighting. But not long after, a roar came from the golden platypus's cave.

A strange beast appeared that was a little different from other golden platypuses.

Golden duck-billed monster (six stars)

Chain skill:

Rain of Life (Gold Quality): Releases rain full of vitality within a certain range, continuously restoring vitality, with a small recovery effect (+).

Rapid healing (gold quality): Release a healing radiance to restore a small amount of vitality in an instant.

Ferocious impact (gold quality): Strike forward with all your strength, causing a small amount of (-) damage to the person hit, as well as a slight (-) stun.

Comments: If you love it, you will sting it.

"If you can't bear it, let's go!" Liu Chuhe saw the golden duck-billed monster appear, turned around and left.

In the past two days, this was the third time that they encountered a team with a golden duck-billed monster.

The Golden Duck-billed Monster is a six-star alien beast. It also has gold-quality attack chain skills and a higher IQ.

When they first met, Liu Chuhe wanted to challenge her, but under the command of the golden platypus, all the golden platypuses paid no attention to Shen Zhaodi and did not heal them when they were injured. They just kept attacking Liu Chuhe.

Especially the ferocious impact of the golden duck-billed monster is really fierce.

The two turned around and ran away, and a group of golden platypuses naturally chased after them. Even the golden platypus also chased after them.

Suddenly, five figures appeared in their sight.

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