Han Xinnian listened to the discussion of his teammates, but his fair face was full of sadness and said: "So, the two of them are prohibited from entering Helian Lake, where will they go? They haven't come back all morning, no way..."

"Probably not... They are just students, what are they doing to create a new overlapping space?" Ding Zizi said, but she didn't believe what she said.

The two of them went hunting for bloodthirsty creeps every night, and because they ignored other people's treatment, they made people angry and were reported to be blacklisted. Is that something ordinary students can do?

If they really enter the newly added overlapping space, then... I'm afraid the situation is already in danger.

Today's meal was the most tasteless meal the three of them had eaten since they formed a team, and they waited until school was over, but they didn't wait for the two of them to show up.

In the chairman's room of the Strengthened Masters Guild, President Fang Ennian was pacing back and forth anxiously.

"What's going on, kid? How long has it been since school? It's not yet?

He didn't even look at it. What day is it today? It is a three-star enhancement and an assessment! All the chain skills he wanted were delivered to him, so it would be best for him to just disappear! "

President Fang had already complained so many times. He looked at Song Manxin and asked, "Isn't that guy's phone number connected yet?"

"It doesn't make sense." Song Manxin shook her head helplessly.

"Where's that girl's phone number? She's the beauty who's on the same team as him and gets angry."

"Can't get through either."

"Both two people have entered the overlapping space? Doesn't he know that today is the day of his three-star enhancement master's assessment? Why go to the overlapping space! What on earth does this kid want to do?"

Today's mobile phones can be charged with various energies. There is no such thing as shutting down when there is no power, because what is used is not electricity at all.

There is basically only one reason why the phone cannot be connected, and that is that it has entered an overlapping space.

The next day, the three members of the Justice Division team came to the school, but still did not see their teammates. For a moment, the three of them were really worried.

If he didn't come yesterday, it's possible that he entered another overlapping space and went crazy killing. He killed for too long and was too tired. He didn't come to school, but went back to rest.

But I haven’t come to class today, so it can’t be two people killing each other all the time.

They also need to rest and eat, so they can't keep fighting. They also needed to come back to rest, and they all left messages for the two of them. They would definitely contact them when they came back.

Even if they didn't contact Sun Shengnan and Han Xinnian, they would definitely contact Ding Zizi to sell the gene chain.

Now, none of them have received a reply from the two of them.

Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chuhe may really have entered the newly emerged overlapping space of Zhulong River!

All the students in the class also noticed Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi who still had not come to class.

After the first class, Jia Taiping finally couldn't help but come over.

"Do you three know where Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi went?"

Jia Taiping had a headache on his face. Those two guys had skipped class once or twice. He was somewhat used to it, so he didn't pay much attention to them since he didn't see them yesterday.

Today, the two of them did not go to class again, so he had to pay attention to it.

Those two people always skipped class for one day, but they never skipped class for two consecutive days.

The three of them looked at each other, worry appearing on their faces again.

Ding Zizi hesitated for a moment, then said: "They should have gone to the overlapping space."

Jia Taiping immediately said anxiously: "I knew they must have gone to the overlapping space. Those two guys were more aggressive than the other. Do you know which overlapping space they went to?"

Ding Zizi continued to answer: "They should have gone to Helian Lake before."

"Holland Lake? How could you go to Holland Lake and not come out for two days in a row? Those two guys, how deep did they go? Is the depth a place they can go!"

"They should not be in Helian Lake now." Ding Zizi said with a sad face, "We only found out yesterday that the two of them were on the blacklist of Helian Lake and were banned from entering."

Jia Taiping was stunned. What did these two people do? Can two students be blacklisted?

Ding Zizi did not explain, but continued: "They should be on the blacklist from the day before yesterday. They went to Holy Lotus Lake every night for the past two days."

"The day before yesterday? Didn't the night before yesterday happen to be the day when the overlapping space of the Zhulong River appeared? They happened to be on the blacklist, so..."

Jia Taiping was in a panic: "Are they two crazy and running into the overlapping space of the Zhulong River? That is an overlapping space where the weakest five-star alien beasts are, are they going in there to seek death?"

Opposite, Ding Zizi and the other two nodded, they thought so too.

"You three go back to class first. Don't worry about their affairs for the time being." Jia Taiping left in a hurry.

At noon, seeing that Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi still had not returned, he found Principal Ding.

"What? Asking for leave?"

Principal Ding looked at Jia Taiping in surprise: "Why do you suddenly need to take leave? You are in charge of Class 1, Grade 3, which is the top class in our school. Grade 3 is the most critical period. If you, the class teacher, take leave, the impact will be considerable." .

Especially now, why haven't the two students in your class come to class? What were the two of them doing? "

"I'm asking for leave just to go find them." Jia Taiping showed the air of a warrior who never returns when the wind is rustling and the water is cold.

Principal Ding stared at Jia Taiping for a long time. He finally nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I'll give you three days. After three days, if you can't find them, come back by yourself. Don't..."

Principal Ding opened his mouth, but the last words remained unsaid.

He had known Jia Taiping for a long time. At that time, he was an assistant coach at Wuhan University. Jia Taiping did not know him, but he knew Jia Taiping.

It is even said that almost everyone in Chengdu Wuhan University, which ranked 13th in the country that year, did not know Jia Taiping.

Not only is Jia Taiping a true genius, but also because Jia Taiping and his team are the most desperate team in the school.

They never seemed to know what danger was, just like Shen Zhaodi now, who went crazy to experience in various overlapping spaces.

Finally, one time, they went to a mountain city to practice. That is the area with the densest overlapping spaces in the country, and the chances of new overlapping spaces appearing are greater.

That time, Jia Taiping and the others encountered a new overlapping space, and they entered it immediately before the overlapping space was blocked.

After that, they didn't return for three days.

Jia Taiping, the teacher of his team, finally couldn't bear it anymore and headed to the overlapping space alone.

Then, three days later, Jia Taiping came back, but he was the only one who returned.

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