With the enthusiastic help of President Fang, Liu Chuhe finally selected a female assistant named Wu.

If nothing else, the main point is that the two assistants are both named Wu, so there is no fear of confusion. They are both called Xiao Wu, so there is no mistake.

But don't mention it, this new Xiao Wu is more like Wu Xiaoxiao's sister than Shen Zhaodi.

At this time, President Fang seemed to have finished the operation. He looked at Liu Chuhe and said, "Give me a surname for your new identity. It's best not to use the surname Liu anymore."

Liu Chuhe thought for a moment and then said: "Let's call him Master Peng."

Song Manxin was curious: "Why Peng?"

Liu Chuhe said with contempt: "Have you heard of Peng Zu? Longevity."

Song Manxin: You are so confused. Now you dare to despise me.

Huangsang City No. 2 Middle School.

All high schools in Huangsang City will have a huge competition field, and Huangsang City No. 2 Middle School is no exception.

The competition ground is naturally used by students to compete.

Senior high school students take major vocational classes in the afternoon, and they are also in the competition field. One class occupies the area where one or two arenas are located. Moreover, when taking vocational classes, they can go to the arena to compete in the double ranking challenge.

Professional courses are just for actual combat, and the challenge in the arena is the best challenge.

As soon as classes started this afternoon, all the students were surprised to find that Shen Zhaodi, the leader of the school, was back, and there were people challenging her!

Crazy, challenging...

Um? The one who challenged her was her teammate Sun Shengnan, so there was nothing wrong with that.

Shen Zhaodi didn't even make a move and just gave in. She dropped from second place to 219th place.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Zhaodi did not come down from the ring, but directly called out: "Duan Yanchao, come up."

We all have classes in the competition ground, and if we shout loudly, all the students can hear it.

All the students in class suddenly became excited.

"I'm coming!"

"Sister Shen, you will take revenge as soon as you come back!"

"Look at the murderous aura in this body, Duan Yan is so miserable."

"I've said it before, what are you going to do to offend those two people? How can Shen come back here without taking revenge?

If you can watch other people's teammates and play, they can watch your entire team. "

In the position of the assassin class, Duan Yanchao listened to the voices around him, his face turned pale. These voices mainly came from other classes, but no one in the assassin class could not think of committing such a crime against him.

On the side, Qi Zhisi patted Duan Yanchao's shoulder slightly and said one word: "Endure."

Bear with it a little longer and give him a day or two. When his father comes back, he will have the money to strengthen the gene chain. When the gene chain is strengthened, the old and new accounts will be settled together.

Now, let Shen Zhaodi be rampant for another day.


Duan Yanchao understood that he and Shen Zhaodi were both assassins, and his confrontation with Shen Zhaodi was purely a one-sided beating. He raised his hands very sincerely and said: "I surrender."


"It's boring, I'm giving up now."

"You should at least resist!"

"It's so boring, keep training."

Waves of ridicule came from all around.

In the distance, Jia Tai's smooth face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Liu Chuhe, that kid skipped class again!

After half of the afternoon class, Liu Chuhe finally returned to school.

In an instant, he successfully attracted the attention of all the students.

"Liu Chuhe?"

"He's finally back in school!"

"What day is today? Are Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chuhe back?"

"Liu Chuhe is back, so hurry up!"

"Yes, speed challenge, I want to challenge Liu Chuhe!"

"I also challenge Liu Chuhe!"

For a time, voices challenging Liu Chuhe kept ringing throughout the competition arena.

Liu Chuhe is number one on the personal strength list, but the key is that there is still a lot of room for being number one.

The situation about Liu Chuhe has already spread throughout the school. He is a bastard tank.

Isn’t it easy to fight a tank? Just fly a kite.

Although he can get to the first place, he should have some abilities, but compared to Shen Zhaodi, he is far behind.

If Liu Chuhe is not number one now and challenges quickly, he will have no chance of getting number one in the future.

So what if you can't hold on to first place?

Then I am also the first person to have reached the first place. If I don’t hurry up and have fun, how long will I wait?

Liu Chuhe's whole face was blue, I am RMB, right? To be liked by everyone? When I come back, are they all rushing to challenge me?

"Challenge me, right? That one, it's you, that stupid guy, don't look, I'm talking about you.

Don't you like to challenge our team?

Why, taking advantage of my absence to bully my woman? It's just you, come up here and watch me beat the scum out of your nose. "

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to Duan Yanchao.

They didn't understand the other words. To challenge the people in his team, no one else but Duan Yan could surpass him.

Duan Yanchao's lungs were about to explode with anger. This bastard, this is the second time he called me stupid, and it was in front of so many people!

Give your woman back, and the people on your team are your women?

I didn't plan to challenge you, but now you are seeking death on your own, so you can't blame others.

Duan Yanchao took a step towards the direction of the ring.

Many people around looked enviously. Duan Yanchao was about to be ranked number one. This guy was really lucky.

More people are looking down upon Shen Zhaodi. They were just submissive when they saw Shen Zhaodi, but now that someone has changed, they are attacking hard.

Below the ring, several teammates of the Justice Division quickly approached.

Sun Shengnan looked at Liu Chuhe with a worried look and shouted: "Why are you fighting with him when you have nothing to do?

Duan Yanchao is on the fourth level of Juyuan. It is said that he is about to break through to the fifth level of Juyuan. You are only on the second level of Juyuan. How can you fight him? Come down quickly. "

"I am now on the third level of Juyuan." Liu Chuhe looked disdainful. He, a small assassin, came to challenge my big human shield in a duel?

I stood still and let him beat me. If he beat me to death, I would lose!

Ding Zizi looked at Liu Chuhe's confident look and recalled what her uncle had said. She looked at Shen Zhaodi with curiosity and asked, "Does Liu Chuhe have any hidden killer moves?

Can you beat Duan Yanchao to avenge us? "

Liu Chuhe has been out training with Shen Zhaodi, and Shen Zhaodi should be the one who knows Liu Chuhe's strength best.

"He doesn't have a killing move, he's drifting." Shen Zhaodi glanced at Liu Chuhe on the ring with disdain, "You and I are killing five-star alien beasts and drifting."

Your chain skill is quite evil, but what's the use in a duel?

Letting someone else heal you underneath the ring absorbs it? That also requires treatment to be able to fly up.

With so many teachers here, can treatment be flown safely? It’s not like the healing chain skill can’t be broken up!

Can you carry it?

No matter how good you are, if you can't hit others, you're not simply being abused.

Ding Zizi was stunned: "Huh? Then he... isn't he going to let Duan Yanchao take the three kills of our righteous master? He is giving away his head!"

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