The school's single-player battle arena is much smaller than the team battle arena, about half the size of a football field.

Liu Chuhe just stood in the middle of the ring.

Soon, a figure appeared in front of him.

Teacher Dianguang Zhou.

Student arena battles naturally require referees.

The referee's main job is to prevent accidents from happening. When a student is in danger during the ring battle, the referee is responsible for taking action and saving the student.

Of course, if the student is saved, that also means failure.

Because there are many arenas, sometimes there will be two or more arenas at the same time with students competing and challenging each other. Therefore, the teachers in the school do not serve as referees on a fixed day, but take turns to be referees.

This time it's Dian Zhou's turn to be the referee.

"Stay back." Dian Guangzhou raised his hand and pointed at a circle behind him and said, "Back to the circle."

Liu Chuhe turned around and retreated into the circle with a diameter of about two meters. He looked at Duan Yanchao who had already stepped onto the ring, pointed his hands downward and said: "If you leave the circle, I will lose!"

Duan Yanchao didn't speak, just sneered, turned to look at Dianguang Zhou and asked, "Teacher Zhou, can we start?"

Dianguang Zhou looked back at Liu Chuhe again and asked, "Are you ready?"

Liu Chuhe didn't want to talk. I said in front of so many classmates that if I walked out of the circle, I would lose. Shouldn't you respond domineeringly, "If you walk into the circle, you would lose?"

Don't you want to lose face? Not even a harsh word?

While he was complaining, a lightning-like voice came from his ears: "Now that everything is ready, let the challenge begin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he retreated to the edge of the ring.

Liu Chuhe:? ? ?

Electronic Light Week, do you have any misunderstandings about getting ready? Did I speak?

The moment Duan Yanchao's voice fell in the electric light, he walked a few steps forward, and then his whole figure began to gradually become blurred, and within a moment, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Stealth chain skills!

A chain skill that every assassin must learn.

Liu Chuhe was holding two sticks and looking at the empty space in front of him, looking very bored.

He even crossed one of his legs, holding a stick on the ground like a crutch, and put another stick on his shoulder with his other hand.

Below the arena, all kinds of exclamations suddenly broke out.

"Boss, are you sure you are here to compete?"

"Would you like me to light a cigarette for you?"

"This is blatant disregard!"

"Are you giving up on yourself? You can't beat him anyway."

"You can't beat him, but you still take the initiative to find Duan Yanchao?

Maybe Liu Chuhe is really a hidden master, and we were all wrong. After all, he was the man who ranked first in the school's trials. "

Suddenly, without warning, Liu Chuhe's seemingly lazy body suddenly tensed up, his body suddenly turned 180 degrees, and a stick on his shoulder suddenly swung into the air in front of him.

Do you think I just pose casually?

What I was doing was luring the enemy deep, showing the enemy weakness, and surprising the enemy...

What else can these assassins do if they become invisible? It was nothing more than a sneak attack and a wipe on the neck.

Shen Zhaodi and I have been outside for so many days. If we no longer understand the assassin's thoughts, I will commit suicide by jumping into the Zhulong River.

This blow was extremely sudden.

The long stick was waved, and there was a whine like an eagle flapping its wings. This stick even had a vague momentum of sweeping thousands of armies.

"Bump!" Liu Chuhe's body was hit with a stick, but it hit nothing. His body was still unstable and he stumbled forward.

"Pfft haha..."

"What is he doing?"

"A break from loneliness."

"Does he want to laugh Duan Yanchao to death?"

"That's it? Who said he was a master just now?"

Below the ring, everyone burst into laughter.

In the crowd, the expression on Jia Taiping's face remained unchanged, but his eyes fell in front of Liu Chuhe. This kid had not been beaten for so many days in vain.

With this fighting intuition, he almost hit Duan Yanchao.

Duan Yanchao looked at Liu Chuhe who was staggering, only about thirty centimeters away from him, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Almost, if he had been faster, he would have been hit by Liu Chuhe's blind scan!

Unfortunately, an almost-miss was also a close call. He soon learned what it means to make one wrong step and one wrong step after another.

When facing an assassin, it was indeed right to use a blind scan attack. The only mistake was that his own body was unstable because of the blind scan.


Duan Yanchao's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly jumped forward. A dagger in his hand suddenly stretched out and stabbed directly towards Liu Chuhe's chest.

The next moment, the sharp sword tip penetrated Liu Chuhe's chest without any obstruction, and Duan Yanchao's body also emerged.

Under his feet, a silver wolf head shadow appeared. Although it was just a fleeting shadow, you could still see the two huge fangs that were extremely conspicuous on the wolf head shadow.

Below the ring, screams of surprise sounded instantly.

"It's the three-star alien beast, the chain skill of the Horrible Tooth Demonic Wolf, the chain skill Fang Charge!"

"Silver quality fang charge, this is a chain skill with a penetrating effect!"

"Appearing from the invisible state is a chain-penetrating technique. Duan Yanchao is so proficient in using chain techniques!"

"Tanks are most afraid of penetrating attacks!"

"The gap is too big!"

While everyone was exclaiming, Liu Chuhe's staggering body did not stop, but continued to lean forward and pressed down heavily.


Liu Chuhe pressed Duan Yanchao and fell heavily to the ground.

"What...what is going on?"

"Is this okay? Is he committing suicide?

Duan Yanchao's dagger originally only hit him, but when he pounced, I seemed to see the dagger penetrate his body and come out! "

Duan Yanchao was stunned. I stabbed him with a sword, but why was he pinned down?

After Liu Chuhe suppressed Duan Yanchao, he immediately stretched out a hand and suppressed Duan Yanchao's body.

He just did it on purpose. Aren't you an assassin? Aren’t you good at wandering?

I'll press here for you and let's see how you move around!

He is not a fool. He and Shen Zhaodi have killed so many strange beasts outside. No matter how good he is, he is not a good person. He can swing a stick by himself to the point where he almost falls.

The stagger was just to lure Duan Yanchao into being fooled. At the same time as he staggered, he started to press down. This was a set of coherent movements, so Duan Yanchao had no time to react.

Of course, he was gambling.

If Duan Yanchao was not nearby, or if Duan Yanchao was actually behind him, so that he did not overwhelm Duan Yanchao and instead fell straight to the ground, he would definitely become a piece of fish for Duan Yanchao to slaughter.

But so what?

We are just flesh and blood, and we can be slaughtered as you please.

If I make a mistake ten times, I'm not afraid. If you make a mistake once, you'll be unlucky!

Still using penetrating chain skills?

I don’t have defensive chain skills, my defense is basically zero. In front of me, there is no difference between penetrating chain skills and normal attacks!

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