Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 130 Don’T Let The Wealth Go To Outsiders

Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe and shouted: "The golden platypus gene chains we obtained previously have not yet been sold. Counting the gene chains harvested this time, there are 19 genes in total.

If we sell it, each of us can get about 50 million. "

"So many?" Liu Chuhe was surprised for a moment, and then realized that the main reason was that Shen Zhaodi had become stronger and they were killing the strange beasts faster.

Moreover, Shen Zhaodi is stronger and can kill more calmly, and can preserve the genetic chain of the alien beasts from being destroyed to a greater extent.

Besides, after killing a lot, you have gained experience. You probably know how to attack without damaging the genetic chain of the alien beasts.

"After this calculation, you have at least 200 million, so you can lend me 50 million." Liu Chuhe calculated, and after selling the gene chain, he got 50 million. He already has 80 million, so he can borrow another 50 million. Ten million should be enough.

"I want to lend you these 50 million!" Shen Zhaodi gritted her teeth and said, "Didn't you see that I made a breakthrough?

Except for the chain skill I just got, all my remaining six chain skills need to be strengthened, and they are all perfectly strengthened!

You are a reinforcement master. Don’t you know how dark you are?

The minimum cost for a silver-quality chain skill to be perfectly enhanced into a gold-quality chain skill is 20 million. This is just the cost of strengthening, excluding the material cost, which is about 30 to 40 million. "

Shen Zhaodi had already thought about it. After she left, she didn't have enough money, so she had to ask Ding Zizi to borrow money. Originally, she wanted to ask Liu Chuhe to borrow some money. After getting the resources from Wuhan University, she would double the compensation to him.

As a result, Liu Chuhe was such a spendthrift that he lost more than 100 million yuan without saying a word, and he still wanted to borrow money from himself.

"So you need about 300 million to 350 million...forget it, you are also a poor man, so I borrowed it without asking."

When Liu Chuhe said he would not borrow it, he already gave Shen Zhaodi two words in his heart - fat sheep.

Strengthen six gene chains, this is 120 million!

If I win them all, wouldn’t I have the money for super perfect enhancements?

Liu Chuhe thought about it in his mind and said again: Well, actually you are missing.

The silver quality chain skill can be enhanced to gold quality. The minimum fee for perfect enhancement is 20 million, but your chain skill can be upgraded to gold quality.

Apart from anything else, your two chain skills, Double Mirror Image and Mirror Image Assault, may not be enough even if you add up to 60 million. "During this period of time, he still took the time to catch up on a certain amount of knowledge about strengthening masters.

Shen Zhaodi didn't speak. Not only those two chain skills, she also had a chain skill that cost close to 30 million to strengthen.

Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi's expression and said, "But, I am an enhancement master. You have also seen that I have a very good relationship with our president, and I still have some respect in the enhancement masters guild."

Shen Zhaodi was overjoyed: "What strengthening masters can you find?"

Liu Chuhe continued the routine: "First tell me what your chain skills are."

He did know what types of Shen Zhaodi's six chain skills were, but he didn't know which one they were. He was so busy that he didn't have time to study them.

Shen Zhaodi started to introduce.

"My first flying dragonfly's sensitive chain skill, but this chain skill is a bronze chain skill. It has been strengthened once. It was strengthened by Master Chu of the Enhancer Guild. I still need to ask him to strengthen it this time.

Do you know Master Chu? "

There is a difference between perfect enhancement and ordinary enhancement.

Ordinary strengthening, once strengthened, there will be no next time.

Perfectly strengthened and can be strengthened a second time.

However, generally speaking, no matter who you choose to strengthen for the first time, it is best to find the same person for the second time. After all, everyone's strengthening techniques are different, and changing someone may not necessarily lead to successful strengthening.

Of course, if you are an enhancer of the same school, you can also successfully enhance if you change someone else. In other words, that reinforcement master is too powerful.

For example, you find a perfect two-star enhancer to enhance your double-sided mirror chain skill.

Then, there is a perfect five-star enhancer who will also enhance the perfect mirror image.

Even if the perfect five-star strengthener is not from the same school as the perfect two-star strengthener you found before, he can still successfully strengthen you. Of course, the fee in this case will definitely be much higher.

"It's not important. You first tell me what chain skills you want to strengthen." Liu Chuhe secretly laughed. Master Chu doesn't know Master Chu. In front of me, Master Peng, there is no chain skill that cannot be strengthened.

That's right, next, I will use vests to strengthen all these chain skills.

Use me?

What if this girl doesn’t pay?

Shen Zhaodi continued to introduce: "There is also the hidden movement of the hidden peacock."

Liu Chuhe felt the chain skill about hiding the peacock emerge in his mind, and complained in his heart, shouldn't a peacock be more beautiful than whose screen is opened? What kind of stealth chain skill does this hidden peacock use...

Um? There is something special about this chain skill. Not only can it become invisible, but it can also move quickly after becoming invisible.

That's why it's called Stealth. This is equivalent to the fusion of stealth and haste. This is a proper TO-level assassin chain skill.

Shen Zhaodi ignored Liu Chuhe and continued: "There is also the blood loss chain technique of the giant tapir that travels through the mountain."

Liu Chuhe nodded slightly, using a bleeding chain technique.

This giant tapir has three chain skills, one is to increase vitality, and the other is a heavy-hit chain skill used by warriors. However, Shen Zhaodi was really lucky to be able to absorb the bleeding chain skill that was suitable for her.

"There is also the armor poisonous scorpion's needle-breaking chain technique."

Liu Chuhe was puzzled. You, this girl, are also guilty, right?

There are three chain skills of the Armored Poison Scorpion, one is a chain skill that increases defense, and the other is a poisonous gas chain skill. Only the Needle Split chain skill is a fatal blow chain skill suitable for assassins, but you absorbed the one that suits you?

Shen Zhaodi said, spreading her hands and saying: "You know the remaining two chain skills."

"Okay, let me ask you something."

Liu Chuhe pretended to open his phone, typed a few words, and after some random operations, he said: "Okay, I have asked a master for you. He can perfectly strengthen all of these chain skills for you. Including your first chain skill, there is no problem."

"One person? All of them?" Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe with disbelief, "Is there such a strengthening master in Huangsang City?"

Every strengthening master has their own chain skills that they are good at strengthening. There are masters who can strengthen many chain skills, but there are too few. At least there are none in Huangsang City, and there are probably one or two in provincial and island cities.

"Can I trick you? You know, I have a very good relationship with President Fang and President Song."

Liu Chuhe started to lie again: "This is what President Fang told me, saying that although the master is a perfect three-star strengthening master, he is the most knowledgeable strengthening master in the entire Huangsang City Strengthening Masters Guild.

He is different from other strengthening masters. Other strengthening masters pursue higher stars. Three-star strengthening masters want to become four-star strengthening masters, and four-star strengthening masters want to become five-star strengthening masters.

But for that master, strengthening is a kind of fun for him. What he pursues is the strengthening of more chain skills. He does not pursue star levels. If he pursues stars, he might already be a five-star enhancement master. "

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