"Sure enough, the world is so big that there are all kinds of people."

Shen Zhaodi didn't doubt what Liu Chuhe said. Strengthening teachers were originally a group of weird guys. Besides, she had a strange person like Jia Taiping who was very powerful but was willing to be a teacher in an ordinary high school. When she met someone else, Strange people, but also quite normal.

"That master is so powerful, so his fee should be very high, especially since my agility chain skill was enhanced by Master Chu. If he strengthens it, the fee will definitely be higher.

Or, should I ask him to strengthen the other five chain skills for me? "

"No, his fees are not high. I'm afraid you don't know that I am strengthening the status of the Master Guild." Liu Chu was so anxious, how could I let your wealth flow to outsiders? This is twenty million!

As Liu Chuhe said this, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "The question is, how much money do you have to give him now?"

On the other hand, Shen Zhaodi also quickly clicked on her mobile phone. She thought for a while and said: "I can probably spend 120 million for strengthening."

Liu Chuhe nodded lightly. Fortunately, it's not too little. If you make less, just make less. Anyway, as she becomes stronger, she can kill monsters and distribute money faster. This is considered an advance. Invested.

He pretended to type on his phone and asked for a moment, and then said: "The master said, for my sake, the six chain skills, no matter what the chain skills are, will charge the lowest strengthening fee, all of which are two thousand. Ten thousand."

"So low?" Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe in surprise. Are you so proud?

Liu Chuhe shrugged proudly and said, "What's this? I asked him to strengthen my Baizhe Poison Chain Skill. But guess what, that master only charged me half of the fee.

There was no way, the master saw that I had talent and just liked me. But don't tell anyone about this. The master is low-key and doesn't like others to disturb him.

He has also been traveling for a long time, and President Fang worked hard to invite him. If too many people disturb him and make him unhappy and leave, President Fang will go crazy! "

"No, no, what am I disturbing him for?" Shen Zhaodi made assurances again and again, and then asked with some expectation, "Did that master say when he will strengthen me?"

"Well, send me back to the Strengthening Masters Guild first. I'll talk to the master and I'll give you the contact information of the master's assistant. Just tell me that you want to strengthen the six chain skills."

Shen Zhaodi was curious: "Aren't you with me?"

"No, you've been sleeping for a while. I really can't open my eyes anymore. Go back to sleep."

I will go with you?

I'll be with you, who will strengthen you!


Wu Yuya has been very excited in the past two days. She was actually selected by a master and became his assistant.

So what if you, Wu Xiaoxiao, were chosen by the master?

You are just following a two-star fortifier. I am a great and perfect three-star fortifier. Apart from President Fang, I am the strongest master in the entire Huangsang City fortifier guild!

It's just that this Master Peng seems to be a little withdrawn. Even if she sends messages, let alone others, Master Peng doesn't reply.

She even received an order today. Someone wanted to ask Master Peng to strengthen the chain skill. For that chain skill, no one in Huangsang City could strengthen it, but Master Peng.

But when it came to the order, she asked Master Peng, but Master Peng didn't reply to her.

Finally, at night, she received a message from Master Peng.

"A woman will contact me soon and ask to strengthen the six chain skills. The master asked me to take the person directly to his room. The master has already given me permission to the room.

A master is a master, and he will take six orders directly! Strengthening the six chain skills, this must have just broken through to become a galaxy level. "

Wu Yuya immediately made a judgment, and she did not forget to quickly reply to Master Peng: "Master, please take a look at the previous message. Someone wants to ask you to strengthen the chain skill. This is the other party's message, please take a look."

Strengthening by a fortifier is so unequal. You cannot know the true identity of the fortifier, but the fortifier must first know your true identity.

Who knows who you are? What if it’s someone on the blacklist? What if you are a tainted person, what if the strengthener just doesn’t like you and doesn’t want to strengthen you?

This kind of thing has happened before. Strengthening masters have a high status, so they have become a group of people with the weirdest personalities.

Once upon a time, there were strengthening masters who promised to strengthen people, but after meeting them, they stopped strengthening them.


Because you are too white.

That's right, it's white skin.

There is no other reason, I just don’t want to strengthen you because of you.

If there is anything else that I see as a love rival, I will not strengthen it. The opponent's clothing makes the strengthener uncomfortable and he refuses to strengthen it, and there are all kinds of weird reasons.

So, later, the Strengthening Masters Guild made a rule that the strengthening masters should first see the other party's information. After reading it, if you agree, then you have to strengthen. If you don't give reinforcement, it will be recorded in the record.

Liu Chuhe was immediately happy, is there anyone else asking me to strengthen him?

We were short of money, so someone came to our door to pick it up. We had to pick it up.

Bronze quality chain skills enhanced to silver quality?


A chain skill that increases vitality?

I searched... It's only five million, forget it, it's better than nothing, I'm strong... I'll strengthen my hammer!

Liu Chuhe looked at the introduction sent by Wu Yuya and cursed directly.

Qi Zhisi!

It turned out to be this guy who wanted to strengthen his chain skills.

This guy is quite insidious. He will fight me tomorrow. Why don't you strengthen your chain skills today? Or strengthen a chain skill that increases vitality.

You're an assassin, what do you do with this kind of chain skill?

Boom is the chain skill of the sprinting mantis.

The three chain skills of the Running Mantis are all of bronze quality. Two of them are chain skills suitable for assassins, one increases agility, one is a sharp chain skill, and the other chain skill is not suitable for assassins.

There must have been a mistake when absorbing it. I absorbed a chain skill that increased blood.

You haven't strengthened it yet. Now you're going to fight me. If you're worried, come and strengthen it quickly, right?

Strengthen it for you?

What's going on?

I'll give you enhanced chain skills and ask you to hit me tomorrow. Am I stupid?

Directly reject...

That's not right. I refused. He can find someone else.

Running mantises can be found in many places, such as Beihe Province, Qilu Province, Zhongyuan Province, Sujiang Province, Hedong Province...

This kind of gene chain is easy to obtain, has good chain skills, and is very suitable for assassins. Therefore, many ordinary people's children will choose to use the Running Mantis gene chain for their first chain skill.

As for when it is absorbed, is it absorbed by the eruption?

That's easy, just go tank style.

I didn’t know that Qi Zhisi was a weirdo. His first chain skill was Boom. Instead of becoming a tank, he became an assassin.

There are many people who have absorbed the gene chain of the Running Mantis, so there are also many people who can strengthen the booming chain technique.

Hold him back first.

Liu Chuhe thought for a while and replied to Wu Yuya: "Tell him that he is a step too late. I want to strengthen one person first. After strengthening the other person, I will strengthen him again. You let him wait. ."

In fact, I didn't lie to him. I just wanted to strengthen someone, so there was nothing wrong with it.

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