Liu Chuhe didn't know how long he had been rolling. He was already used to rolling. He kept rolling. Suddenly, he couldn't roll anymore.

Looking back, he saw a group of scarecrows and strange black sheep looking at him with angry expressions, but they did not dare to take another step forward.

"I have entered the area of ​​two-star alien beasts. These one-star alien beasts dare not enter here. These alien beasts have a strong sense of hierarchy."

Liu Chuhe patted the dirt on his body and walked forward. He was a little worried about entering the two-star alien beast area before, but now, with this small attack power?

Both are bronze-quality chain skills. How much better can a two-star alien beast be than a one-star one?

Let alone a two-star beast, even a three...four-star one!

There was a buzzing sound, and Liu Chuhe's eyes widened suddenly. In front of his eyes, a gray-brown mosquito appeared, but this mosquito was more than two meters long.

Sucker Mosquito (four stars)

Chain skill:

Suction cup (Silver quality): You can fix your own suction cup (sharpened +) on the opponent's body.

Sensation (Silver Quality): Perception of prey (sharpened +) improved.

Life Absorption (Silver Quality): When the suction cup attaches to the opponent, it will automatically absorb (diminished) the opponent's life force.

"Evil mosquito with a sucking cup! He's wearing a silver chain skill. What the hell... I'm just saying, why do some one-star alien beasts with no IQ have such a strong sense of hierarchy? They run away as soon as they enter the area of ​​two-star alien beasts, causing trouble for a long time. I sensed the scent of a four-star alien beast."

If a three-star alien beast crossed an area, it would be understandable to come here. How could a four-star alien beast end up in a two-star alien beast zone? This spans two areas!

Liu Chuhe turned around and ran away.


He didn't hit two, so why should he hit?

Killing a one-star alien beast alone can earn ten points, and killing a two-star alien beast alone can earn fifty points. However, if you kill a four-star alien beast alone, you can get at least two thousand points.

From the points, we can see how powerful the four-star alien beasts are. One-star alien beasts and two-star alien beasts only have bronze chain skills, while the four-star alien beasts have full-body silver chain skills.

As for how many points you can get by killing evil sucking mosquitoes?

This is, after seeing a terrifying existence that will be beaten to death if you don't run away, who cares about the points of that thing!

In the room, the principals and senior officials of the five schools reacted very quickly. Many people already knew the reason for the appearance of the sucking mosquitoes.

"Qi Zhisi!"

"Qi Zhisi and the others lured a two-star flaming ape around before. They actually wanted to use the flaming ape to lure the evil sucking mosquitoes. They wanted to design a plan to kill the evil sucking mosquitoes!"

Principal Ding immediately became furious and said: "What a nonsense! Luring a four-star alien beast to the area where two-star alien beasts and one-star alien beasts combine, isn't this harming people!"

All around, the other principals also had ugly expressions, but for a while no one said anything.

What Qi Zhisi and the others did can indeed be said to be bad.

Why did they develop a separate trial site and clean it regularly? The purpose is to provide a safe environment for students who are trying out for the first time.

After all, not all students are geniuses, and not all students have family backgrounds that allow them to be exposed to practice early and gain better chain skills.

But Qi Zhisi and the others lured an extremely ferocious evil sucker mosquito into the area where the two-star alien beast and the one-star alien beast combine, which will greatly threaten the safety of other students.

However, they did not break the rules.

The rules of the trial did not say that it was not allowed to lead strange beasts to other areas.

It can only be said that what Qi Zhisi and the others did was legal but unreasonable.

"When are you still talking nonsense? Why don't you send someone quickly to save this student!"

Principal Meng shouted loudly. He was not dealing with Principal Ding of No. 2 Middle School. Their No. 3 Middle School had always been competing with No. 2 Middle School, but this was a student after all, and he was a principal!

His first thought was the safety of the students, even if the student was not a student of their school!

"It's too late." Principal Zhao sighed. The sucker mosquito sucked out the life force too fast. It was too late for them to rescue now. This student...

Liu Chuhe turned around and had just taken two steps when the sucker mosquitoes flew in front of him. A pair of suckers fell down and sucked his left and right cheeks with a snap. He was covered in armor from top to bottom, with only his face unprotected.

He felt as if his cheek was being sucked by two powerful toilet plugs, and then he felt a stinging sensation.

There seemed to be countless sharp needles on the two suckers of the sucking mosquito, piercing directly into his face and rapidly sucking out the life force from his body.

Unlike ordinary mosquitoes, sucking mosquitoes do not suck blood, but life force!

At this time, Liu Chuhe had only one thought: Teacher Jia Taipingcheng, don’t bully me. The outside world is very dangerous, and you must be fully prepared when you go out.

If he is wearing a helmet and his whole body is protected, what does this sucker mosquito suck? Attract iron?

But he thought it was too hot, so he kept holding his helmet with his hands. When he was beaten and rolled by the group of scarecrows and strange black sheep, his helmet flew to nowhere.

The vitality sucked by the sucking mosquitoes cannot be directly converted. The vitality they suck is just their food, just like human beings eating.

As it rapidly absorbed life force, its abdomen grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, swelling like a balloon in the blink of an eye.

And it seemed to be full, and the suction force on the two suction cups began to decrease.

Liu Chuhe felt the two suction cups that were about to leave his face, and felt his current state, but suddenly found that he seemed to be fatter than he thought.

An idea suddenly came to his mind.

He has a hidden chain skill, a hidden chain skill that increases his vitality.

The vitality increased by his gift of life is equivalent to the vitality increased by gold-quality chain skills.

This sucker evil mosquito only has silver-quality chain skills, which are completely incomparable to him!

It seems that this sucking evil mosquito can be killed?

"You want to run away after you suck it. How can there be such a beautiful thing?"

Liu Chuhe suddenly raised his hands, grabbed the two palm-sized suction cups, and pressed them tightly on his fat face.

"Suck it, suck it for me, doesn't it feel good to you? I'll hold you to death."

So what if you are a four-star alien beast? Do you have my chain skills?

"What is this student doing?"

"He held down the sucker of the sucking mosquito?"

"Look at this, the sucker mosquito has had enough. It doesn't want to suck anymore and wants to leave. But this student won't let the sucker mosquito escape. Is he crazy?"

"It's full of food, why are you still holding it? Why don't you let go and let it go?"

All the teachers went crazy when they saw Liu Chuhe's operations in the projection in front of them.

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