Liu Chuhe clearly felt that the suction on his face was getting smaller and smaller.

Although the power of the sucking evil mosquito is very small among the same-level alien beasts, it is still a four-star alien beast after all. He has just entered the Juyuan realm for the first time, but he is still far behind in terms of strength.

Seeing that the sucker of the evil sucker mosquito was about to leave his face, Liu Chuhe leaned forward with all his strength and pressed the evil mosquito under him. With his weight advantage, he firmly pressed the two sides of the evil sucker mosquito. A sucker.

"You still want to run? If you let your suction cup fall, it will automatically absorb it. If you don't want to suck it, you have to suck it for me."

The abdomen of the sucking mosquito continued to swell, and it seemed to be panicking. It opened its terrifying mouthparts and bit Liu Chuhe's shoulder hard.

There was no way around it, Liu Chuhe's head was covered with its own suction cup, and even if he wanted to bite, he had nowhere to bite.

At the same time, it waved its slender legs and kicked towards Liu Chuhe continuously.

There was a series of clicking sounds on the silver armor, and Liu Chuhe clearly felt waves of severe pain coming from his shoulders.

The abdomen of the sucking mosquito is still expanding. Its abdomen seems to be stretched into a thin layer, and it looks like it may burst at any time.

Liu Chuhe endured the severe pain in his shoulder, stretched out his legs and kicked the sucking mosquito. It was like kicking a balloon, and there was a huge rebound force.

He landed one kick after another, and under the continuous kicks, a loud bang sounded like a hot air balloon exploding in ancient times. Immediately, a stench rose into the sky, and countless filth flew into the sky, and then like It falls like a heavy rain.

The abdomen of the sucking evil mosquito finally exploded, and the sucking cup it had been forced to land on Liu Chuhe's face lost its suction power and fell down.

As its belly explodes, the sucker gnat dies.

"My last kick seemed to kill it for a thousand years? I know that three-star ones are easy to explode, but this is the first time I heard that four-star ones are also easy to explode."

Liu Chuhe endured the shocking stench in the air, resisted the urge to spit it out, and squatted down to look at the dead sucker mosquitoes.

Naturally, a piece of information popped up in his mind, about how to extract the memory of the gene chain of the sucking mosquito.

All students must learn how to extract gene chains, but different alien creatures have different methods of extracting gene chains.

Like them, they have learned the gene chain extraction methods of common alien beasts. However, learning is learning, and there are not many opportunities for actual extraction.

Like the genetic chain of a sucking mosquito, he knew how to extract it, but he had never extracted it.

However, the extraction method of the sucking mosquitoes in his memory chain technique is different from the one in the book. I feel that his extraction method should be more efficient and faster.

However, the genetic chain of the sucking evil mosquito in front of me could not be completely extracted.

The gene chain of any alien animal can be extracted, but you must pay attention to the technique when extracting it. If you make a mistake, the extraction may fail.

In addition, if the alien beast is seriously damaged and its genes are severely damaged when killing the alien beast, it will not be able to be completely extracted.

This sucking evil mosquito just exploded itself. How to extract it?

In front of the projection, all the principals, senior officials of the five schools, and even a few people from the military looked at the fat boy with blank expressions.

"He...he killed the sucking mosquito, a four-star alien beast!"

"It's not that he was beaten to death. He was forced to death by the sucker mosquito. Even if he didn't kick the last kick, the sucker mosquito would have been able to burst if he sucked it for a while longer."

"This is the scary part. This kid has just become a geneticist, and his chain skill is only a bronze chain skill. How can he kill the evil sucking mosquito?"

"Qi Zhisi and the others should have a similar plan, except that they prepared eight flaming apes for suckers to be sucked by evil mosquitoes.

But they didn't expect it. The evil sucking mosquitoes sucked eight fire apes and were strangled to death. They should have other means later.

But this kid, he actually choked the sucking mosquito to death. What kind of vitality is this? Why is the bronze chain skill so powerful? "

"Hidden chain skill!"

No one is stupid. The only chain skill that can have enough vitality to make a four-star alien beast like a sucker mosquito survive is a hidden chain skill that increases vitality.

Although there are few hidden chain skills, it is not that no one can obtain them. In addition, the Huaxia Kingdom has such a vast territory and a large population. Every year during the freshman trial, there will always be a few lucky ones with hidden chain skills.

"I understand. This must be the chain skill of the light-armored unicorn. It is very similar to the rhinoceros-like beast. It is also a hidden chain skill. It is normal to admit a mistake."

"No wonder he was so able to withstand this before, no matter how he was attacked, he was okay, and his vitality was so strong. It turned out that he had obtained the invisible chain skill of the light-armored unicorn."

In the trial field, Liu Chuhe was very happy. He killed a sucking evil mosquito and got at least two thousand points, which was equivalent to killing two hundred strange black sheep or scarecrows.

"I don't believe it. Is there anyone with higher points than me now?"

"Besides, I haven't been hollowed out yet. If I'm going to fight any two-star alien beast, it would be so easy to go directly to the sucking mosquito."

Liu Chuhe felt that he had opened the door to a new world and flew directly into the atmosphere, looking down at a group of guys who boasted that they were standing on the ceiling.

Now, he really wants to shout - this is the hidden chain skill!

Just as it was beautiful, a dense buzzing sound came from the distance.

However, within a moment, strange fly-like beasts, which were about the same length as sucker mosquitoes but much thicker, appeared in the field of vision.

Carrion Fly (two stars)

Chain skill:

Spiritual Eye (Bronze): The vision is keen, any moving objects in its eyes will be slowed down (very rarely +).

Agility (Bronze): Movement speed gains (minor -) increase.

Corrosion (Bronze): Can spray venom, causing (minimal +) corrosive damage.

At a glance, more than twenty carrion flies were flying towards me.

"Does this mean mosquitoes and flies don't separate from each other? What's so disgusting, what can you give me?"

Liu Chuhe turned around and ran away. He didn't want to fight these disgusting flies. His target was the sucking mosquitoes.

A few carrion flies quickly flew towards the body of the sucking evil mosquito, but more carrion flies chased Liu Chuhe. They were extremely fast and caught up with Liu Chuhe in the blink of an eye.

A stream of dark green liquid full of odor flew out from the mouths of these carrion flies and fell on Liu Chuhe's body, instantly dyeing his whole body green.

The green liquid continued to corrode Liu Chuhe's skin and the silver armor on his body.

Liu Chuhe initially ran towards the three-star alien beast area, but his speed was much slower than the carrion flies. A group of carrion flies followed behind him, flapping their wings, and the buzzing sound caused another Attention of other strange beasts.

The alien beasts in the two-star alien beast area are much more violent than the one-star alien beasts. Most of them will attack when they see humans or other alien beasts.

However, Liu Chuhe had strong vitality and could not be beaten to death.

Before long, more and more strange beasts were following him.

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