Command room.

The military lieutenant colonel, who had been silent all the time, had a dignified look on his majestic face, and said in a deep voice into the headset: "There are students with a large number of strange beasts behind them. The location of the students has been sent. Gu Qian will deal with it as soon as possible." The beast behind him.”

You must intervene at this time, otherwise other students will be really in danger.

After his words fell, a 'received' response came from the earphones.

In a remote place, Qi Zhisi looked into the distance anxiously, murmuring to himself: "I asked, why hasn't that evil sucking mosquito come here yet?"

He paced back and forth anxiously. After a while, he turned back to look at Duan Yanchao and said, "Old Duan, go and see what's going on."

"Okay." Duan Yanchao left quickly, running in the direction where they attracted the sucking mosquitoes. About five minutes later, he stopped outside a dense forest.

On the ground not far away, lay the corpse of a sucking evil mosquito. The surroundings were filled with stench, and corpse flies were constantly devouring something on the corpse.

"The sucking evil mosquito is dead? How did it die? Is there anyone who can kill this four-star alien beast? What's the situation?" Duan Yanchao was completely confused. This was a four-star alien beast!

Are there any students among them who can kill four-star alien beasts alone?

In the distance, Liu Chuhe kept running and running, with more and more strange beasts following him.

In addition to the carrion flies, the most common is a kind of strange beast called the mountain ant. Now, all the ones flying in the sky and crawling on the ground are gone.

He originally wanted to go to the three-star alien beast area, but now he changed his route and ran towards the one-star alien beast area.

There were too many strange beasts behind him, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

In the Two-Star Alien Beast Zone, in a huge mountain col, flames shot into the sky. One head was four meters long, and the whole body was covered with thick carapace. The six-legged lizards were howling in the flames as they desperately climbed up. Go and want to climb out of the col.

But the surrounding mountains are extremely smooth. Although they have six legs, they can run extremely fast. Unfortunately, all six legs are small and short. In total, no one has a leg as long as others. They can't climb out at all and can only survive in the fierce fire. , an angry and painful howl.

On top of the mountain col, two students, one male and one female, stood here. Although the female students looked ordinary, their fair skin was quite eye-catching.

Under her feet, a silver drop-shaped shadow shone. As she waved her hands, a silver brilliance flew down to the wall of the mountain col. It was as if layers of oil had been poured on it, making the col. Incredibly smooth.

While she was performing the chain skill, she looked at the handsome man beside her with admiration and said: "Brother Xingyou, you are still the best.

I absorbed the smooth chain skill, but I was sad for a long time. I always thought that this chain skill was useless at all. Unexpectedly, this chain skill can be used like this. "

"There is no waste chain skill, just see how to use it. Although Smooth cannot attack directly, it is an excellent auxiliary chain skill." Song Xingyou's mouth slightly raised, showing a look of wisdom in his hands and said, "Three-star alien beasts, we also You can kill him, but why bother?

Going to kill a three-star alien beast, you may encounter various problems in the process, and you may attract other alien beasts if you are not careful. Instead of going to great lengths to kill three-star alien beasts, how could we kill these two-star six-legged lizards efficiently?

A three-star beast only costs 500 points. Killing a six-legged lizard will give you fifty points. There are twenty-two six-legged lizards down here. Killing them will earn you more points than killing two three-star exotic beasts. "

As Song Xingyou spoke, the silver flames underneath him shone, and balls of red flames flew out of his hands and fell into the mountain col, burning continuously.

Silver chain skill, fire wall!

Suddenly, there was a violent vibration on the ground beneath his feet, and smoke and dust billowed up in the distance.

what's the situation?

Song Xingyou raised his head and looked into the distance with confusion. Soon, a group of strange beasts appeared in his sight, some flying in the sky, some crawling on the ground, and some jumping forward.

These strange beasts all seem to be chasing one person?

This is not even dead, this is a human being!

No, this distance...

Song Xingyou suddenly panicked and shouted loudly in the distance: "Don't run towards me, change the direction quickly."

As he finished speaking, he heard an excited voice coming from a distance.

"Friend, do me a favor and record a video."

How could Liu Chu not be excited? After wandering around with a group of strange beasts for so long, he finally met someone. There are so many strange beasts chasing me behind me. This scene is so spectacular. Record it and add BGM to it, it will definitely be popular.

"I'll record you MMP." Song Xingyou looked at the army of alien beasts that were running faster and getting closer and closer to him. His handsome face was already livid, and he turned around and ran away, cursing in his heart!

I worked hard to build such a mountain col, where I can easily kill six-legged lizards. After killing this batch, I can attract another batch to kill. If I keep killing like this, I can hit the top ten. !

You, a fool from some stupid school, have attracted so many strange beasts, and all your plans have been in vain.

Video... I want to video, I want to see which bastard ruined my good deeds!

I don’t know what’s going on, but I still feel a little familiar with this fat man even though I don’t know him?

Song Xingyou and the female classmate beside him fled quickly while turning on the video recording function they carried with them.

Liu Chuhe ran and quickly saw a mountain col, and even six-legged lizards that were almost roasted on the outside and tender on the inside.

Each six-legged lizard's eyes turned red. Without the influence of the smooth chain technique, their six short legs kicked alternately, and they quickly crawled out and rushed towards Liu Chuhe angrily.

"Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, so why are you looking for me?"

Liu Chuhe looked at the large number of strange beasts coming towards him, quickly detoured, changed direction and continued running, but he only had two legs, while others had six.

After running a few steps, a six-legged lizard with a smell of barbecue rushed in front of him.

Liu Chuhe quickly squatted down in front of a boulder, bent his knees and held his head in his hands, with two shields in front of him.

This is a unique skill taught by Jia Taiping - when being beaten by a group, don't think about fighting back, protect your vital points first.

The two-star alien beast named Mountain Moving Ant, which was originally only behind Liu Chuhe, quickly bypassed Liu Chuhe and killed the six-legged lizards.

This alien beast has six short legs and feet, its body is black, and each foot has tiny spiny hairs. Their biggest feature is that they are extremely powerful, otherwise they would not be called mountain-moving ants.

Liu Chuhe hid behind the shield, exposed one eye, looked at the mountain ants and six-legged lizards biting together, and shouted ferociously.

"We have the same little short legs with six legs, so why bother to make things difficult for each other."

Not only the mountain-moving ants, but also the six-legged lizards seemed to be too fragrant after being burned by the fire. The strange beasts that were originally chasing behind Liu Chuhe all started to kill the six-legged lizards.

"It seems like my chance has come."

Liu Chuhe's heart moved. He squatted on the ground and moved forward cautiously to the back of a six-legged lizard that was scorched and had too much air coming out and little air coming in. He stretched out his shield and stabbed the opponent hard with the tip.

I don't know if it was luck, but this blow hit the vital point behind the opponent, and the last hit was successful.

Sure enough, we still have to rely on the new understanding of the secret - Thousand Years of Killing.

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