Liu Chuhe was so happy that he flew up.

There were so many alien beasts fighting, and among the alien beasts, he specially selected those that were about to die and used crazy finishing blows.

Anyway, these beasts are busy attacking each other and don't care about him at all. He has thick blood, so it doesn't matter if he gets hit a few times.

The only troublesome thing is that his attack power is too weak, even if he uses the newly learned mysteries, he has to make up for it several times. Once he fails to repair it, the attacked beast will immediately attack him like crazy.

While he was enjoying himself, four soldiers in military uniforms suddenly appeared in his sight.


Liu Chuhe was stunned. How could there be soldiers coming?

The four soldiers were obviously stunned when they saw the densely packed strange beasts in front of them. This student must have learned a taunting chain skill to attract so many strange beasts.

"Do it." Gu Qian, who was leading the team, roared, and the other three soldiers took out the long knives from their waists and rushed straight into the group of alien beasts.

For a moment, the light of the sword shone brightly, reflecting the sky, and each of the strange beasts was killed neatly and cleanly.

"You actually stole the child's blame, how shameless!"

Liu Chu was in a hurry. He was just finishing his wounds, but suddenly a group of soldiers appeared and killed him without saying a word. Who could bear this?

The four soldiers were obviously stunned for a moment. This was not the first time they had helped in a trial. This was the first time they had encountered such a student who blamed them for taking action!

Gu Qian, who had dark skin and a rather sharp-looking eyebrows, ignored the fat man and swung down the long stick in his hand.

In an instant, a golden shadow of a huge horn appeared on the long stick. Covered by golden light, the long stick fell down, killing the three mountain-moving ants in front of him in an instant.

The golden chain skill is at least a galaxy-level power!

After the fifth level of gathering source, the source energy in the body will change greatly. It was like a small stream before, but after the breakthrough, it will run like a river, and the gene nodes in the gene chain will be like stars, so it is called Galaxy level.

At this moment, he fired three sticks!

With the death of these three mountain-moving ants, all the strange beasts in the mountain col were also killed.

From the time these four soldiers appeared to the death of all the strange beasts, it was only about two minutes. It was like chopping melons and vegetables. The gap was huge.

Gu Qian killed all the strange beasts, then looked back at Liu Chuhe and said, "Don't wander around and lure too many strange beasts. That will affect other students' trials and be dangerous to yourself. "

"I don't want to either, they insist on following..."

Liu Chuhe suddenly realized after saying a few words, and quickly changed his words: "I knew it. I deliberately lured them into here, and then used the Chaos Chain Skill to make them kill each other without distinction between the enemy and ourselves, so that I could take advantage of it." The benefit is.

You guys, you came here and snatched my monsters without saying anything. You have to pay for my monsters... Do you know how difficult it is for me to lure these monsters? "

A vein on Gu Qian's forehead twitched slightly. This student was insulting his IQ! You can use the chain skills of so many strange beasts in chaos, I can call you grandpa!

If this was a soldier under his command, he had to let them know the consequences of lying.

However, since he was a student, he could only keep a cold face and said sternly: "The six-legged lizard was attracted by another classmate. Take part in the trial well."

"I know he caused it. I figured he would attract monsters. Sooner or later, I will kill these strange beasts one by one. When you show up, you will kill them directly. What does it count? This way I will lose a lot of points. ."

Liu Chuhe said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Forget it, you have already done it, it is useless to say it again, be careful next time. Let's do this, you have a gene bottle, give me some gene bottles, and this matter will be over. ."

The extracted gene chain is usually packaged in gene bottles. The school will provide ten gene bottles for free to all students entering the trial site.

What? You killed too many alien beasts and not enough gene bottles? This is for you to come for a trial, not for you to kill strange beasts and extract gene chains to make money. Besides, you can’t prepare in advance yourself?

He has ten bottles in total. How can there be enough with so many strange beast corpses now? If not asking these people for them, who will ask for them?

Gu Qian laughed angrily. After participating in the protection work of so many student trials, this was the first time he encountered a student who dared to come to them for trouble.

In the command hall, Principal Ding nodded seriously and said: "My student is right. With his chain skill, he can suck the four-star evil mosquitoes to death. These alien beasts are fighting indiscriminately. He was in no danger at all.

Now, for him, it is an opportunity. This is stealing my student's points. This can't be the case. "

As he spoke, he cursed Jia Taiping in his heart.

Look, what a promising student this is, but it's a pity that it was given to that coward Jia Taiping.

Look, Jia Taiping was affected. Although he knew the benefits, he only got a few gene bottles. Can't you ask for more benefits?

Everyone around looked at Principal Ding speechlessly. Before you speak, please touch your conscience. Do you really think that these strange beasts will continue to kill each other and let him finish the damage one by one?

When all the six-legged lizards were dead, it was time for all the strange beasts to attack him. With your student's attack power, no matter how much he hits, the ones who kill the six-legged lizard will be other beasts, and he won't even get any points.

But I can see that he is your student. He is a student, and you are also a student.

The lieutenant colonel looked at the projection in front of him with great interest and chuckled: "It's interesting. What he said makes some sense. He still has a chance to really kill one or two weak six-legged lizards." .

Giving him a gene bottle and letting him extract two or three gene chains would be considered compensation. "

As he spoke, he said into the headset: "Promise him that I will give him as many gene bottles as he can extract. How many gene chains he can get depends on his own ability."

The first thing Gu Qian learned from the first day he entered the army was two words: obedience.

He didn't have any questions and directly answered Liu Chuhe: "We can promise you that we will provide you with as many gene bottles as you can extract the gene chains of alien beasts."

As soon as Liu Chuhe heard what the other party said, he immediately squatted down and began to extract the gene chain from the nearest alien beast.

Except for the six-legged lizards that were burned badly and then bitten badly by other strange beasts, most of the strange beasts he attracted were killed by these four soldiers.

This is a dimensionality reduction strike. Under such a huge gap, as long as the four soldiers deliberately control it, they can still rarely preserve the genetic chain of the alien beast from being destroyed.

Obviously these four soldiers did this, after all, this is the property of the country!

Gu Qian chuckled lightly when he saw the movements of the student named Liu Chuhe. His reaction was quick, but it was of no use.

There are a lot of strange beasts here, hundreds of them, but with them here, extracting gene chains with this student, how many strange beasts can this student extract?

There are four of them, not to mention that they are not new recruits. They have also participated in various tasks in the army. The speed of extracting gene chains cannot be said to be very fast, but they can be regarded as proficient.

At their speed, they extracted ten gene chains, and this student could only extract one at most.

He squatted down unhurriedly and began to extract the genetic chain of the alien beast in front of him, but not long after he squatted down, in his sight, Liu Chuhe had already stood up and walked towards another alien beast. .

Gu Qian glanced at the corpse of the mountain-moving ant with some surprise. If the corpse of the alien beast was severely damaged, it would be impossible to extract the gene chain. But these strange beasts were basically killed by them, so naturally they would not destroy the bodies.

This student can't even extract the gene chain from such a complete corpse? Today's students are really inferior to each other.

Gu Qian shook his head slightly while thinking.

In his sight, Liu Chuhe moved a few times on a carrion fly, then quickly turned around and walked towards another mountain-moving ant. He continued to repeat the previous actions, fiddled with it a few times, and then went to Then mess with another strange beast.

Gu Qian frowned as he looked at it. No matter how bad a student he is, it's impossible that he can't extract even one gene chain. What does he mean by always switching to exotic beasts?

Finally, he couldn't help but shouted to Liu Chuhe: "If the gene chain cannot be extracted, then don't extract it, and don't destroy the body. These are the country's resources."

"Who are you looking down on?" Liu Chuhe replied without raising his head, and continued to work on the corpse of the next strange beast.

"Boy, don't destroy the corpses of the alien beasts."

Before Gu Qian had finished extracting the genetic chain of the alien beast in front of him, he stood up and walked to the body of the mountain-moving ant that Liu Chuhe had just touched to observe.

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