Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe as if he was a fool and shouted: "Equal share? How to divide it equally? Can you still break this space ring apart? If you can't break it apart, of course I will keep it. You can keep it, but I don't trust you."

"You can keep it, but at least take my fingerprints and let me open it." Liu Chuhe did not give in.

"Record it."

Shen Zhaodi entered her fingerprint, and a projection suddenly appeared above the space ring. It raised its hand and clicked on it a few times, then pointed to a blank space and said, "Record it."

Liu Chuhe recorded his fingerprints and tried it again. He was sure that his fingerprints could open the space ring, and then he felt relieved.

"The division of the spoils is over for now, let's go and find the Golden Platypus."

When they were chatting before, they specifically asked if there was a golden platypus here. Andrut's answer was that there was, but it was far away.

It doesn't matter whether it's far or not.

As long as there is.

Before Liu Chuhe left, he glanced at the lake, as if he was waiting for something.

Shen Zhaodi also looked at the lake curiously, but found nothing.

"What are you looking for?"

"Looking for fish."

Liu Chuhe said very seriously: "Do you think there are any strange beasts in this lake? If there are strange beasts, will there be an overrun of strange beasts here next year? I don't know if those medicines will be useful against these strange beasts."

"You can go in and try it yourself." Shen Zhaodi turned around and left.

Liu Chuhe quickly chased after them, and the direction they were walking in was exactly where Andrewt had said before.

I don't know whether it was because there were really few people in the trial, or because the location they were walking in was too remote. The two of them had been walking for almost half an hour, and they didn't see a single person, but they saw a lot of strange beasts.

Some violent beasts attacked them directly when they saw them, and some beasts either did not see them from a distance, or were relatively docile and ignored them at all.

Liu Chuhe looked at a group of three-star exotic beasts, hornless electric sheep, that ignored them and rushed towards the distance. He looked at Shen Zhaodi strangely and said, "Why do you feel that those alien beasts are all going in the same direction. "

"It's a little weird, go check it out."

Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chuhe have developed a habit, a very bad habit, of going where there is excitement. Anyway, every time they joined in the fun before, the final result was quite good.

Fortunately, these hornless electric sheep are not particularly fast. Although Liu Chuhe does not have the agility chain skill, he is still at the fifth level of Juyuan, so he can still keep up.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the two of them saw a lake, a lake far larger than any lake they had seen here before, and the lake was surrounded by towering trees. Tree.

This is a grassland with trees, but not many. Only here, there are so many trees.

There are almost as many animals as there are trees.

The densely packed strange beasts, at a glance, there are four to five hundred of them, and there may be even more.

Liu Chuhe was stunned: "Why are there so many strange beasts gathered here?

It is the most basic common sense that alien beasts have fixed territories. What is going on with them? Drink water here? Is the water here particularly sweet? "

As for the alien beasts, there are only a handful of them that are docile, and most of them are very violent. Now these alien beasts actually get along with each other peacefully, and it's so peaceful that people can't understand.

Shen Zhaodi did not answer Liu Chuhe's words, but kept looking around: "Don't you think this is an opportunity?"

"Opportunity?" Liu Chuhe was stunned. He pointed at the groups of strange beasts in the distance and said, "You don't want to kill these strange beasts, do you? You are crazy!"

Shen Zhaodi snapped her fingers and gave a rare compliment: "You have been following me for so long, and you have finally made some progress."

"No, it's because you brought my IQ down to your level."

Liu Chuhe looked at Shen Zhaodi as if he were a madman and said: "You are going to carry so many strange beasts? No matter how good I am, I can't carry them."

"Do I need you to carry it?" Shen Zhaodi sneered. Among these alien beasts, the strongest ones are only two five-star alien beasts. Most of them are four-star alien beasts. She is a galaxy-level master with hidden chain skills and can make these alien beasts touch her. she?

"What you said makes sense. Since you are so powerful, then go ahead. If there is nothing wrong with me, I will retreat first."

Liu Chuhe stepped back as he spoke. He only took two steps back when a hand had already grabbed his collar.

Liu Chuhe is so angry. I am a big man, a super soldier who can fight and carry, but I am not as powerful as you, a little assassin. This is so insulting.

Just wait, wait until I reach the Galaxy level, wait until I absorb another chain skill that increases my strength, and you will see how I will ravage you!

"If you want to run, run again later."

Shen Zhaodi held Liu Chuhe with one hand, stretched out the other hand, and pointed at a group of sturdy bears in the distance. They looked like bears, but were smaller than the common bears, only about one meter long. , the whole body is covered with black hair, and it looks like a naive alien beast.

"The four-star alien beasts are flying water wombats. They are covered by two flying bags that control chain skills, and they are also entangled by water. You can help them. They don't attack chain skills."

What she just observed was not just with her eyes, they were all the strange beasts of Olia country. How many strange beasts could she recognize? The data of most of the strange beasts was scanned with her mobile phone.

"I can't bear it, I won't." Liu Chuhe refused directly. I said it was so easy as you said before. It took me a long time, but the co-author is waiting for me here!

Am I not the one who takes the blame in the end? Can you not speak easily?

"Why can't I bear it?"

Shen Zhaodi pointed at the alien beasts around and began to analyze: "Look, among these alien beasts, the weakest are the two-star alien beasts and the three-star alien beasts. There are not many alien beasts that truly have long-range attack capabilities.

You can definitely find these water wombats and let them surround you, and then actively lure some two-star and three-star alien beasts to surround you. Those powerful alien beasts will never be able to touch you outside. "

Liu Chuhe shouted with a look of displeasure: "You put it simply, what if a group of strange beasts with strong attacks surround me? Haven't you heard of it? There are so many ants that kill an elephant! There are so many strange beasts, how can I take advantage of them?" You can also be beaten to death!"

"I don't have any flesh for you." Shen Zhaodi gritted her teeth, "Do you want to do it or not?"

"Do it!" Liu Chuhe gritted his teeth. He felt that after having too much contact with Shen Zhaodi, he was also led into a lunatic. With so many strange beasts, he actually agreed.

Mainly, he was too short of money.

From a distance, he found the route closest to the flying water wombat. After taking a sharp breath, he kicked his legs hard on the ground and suddenly jumped out, heading straight towards the flying water wombat.

Fortunately, this group of flying water wombats were drinking water alone. There were not many other strange animals nearby. In the blink of an eye, he had rushed behind them.

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