The flying water wombat also turned his head when he heard the noise. Alien beasts may live in peace with each other, but humans...

Only fight to the death!

Flying water wombats look silly, but if their name has the word bear in it, these guys have bad tempers.

After seeing humans, a flying water wombat's back suddenly surged, and then, in Liu Chuhe's sight, a huge black bag suddenly flew over.

They were close to each other, and the black bag was flying so fast. He felt that the vision in front of him suddenly turned black, and the next moment, his whole person was shrouded in black.

What the hell!

This flying bag is really a cloth bag!

Liu Chuhe raised the long stick in his hand and stabbed it upwards. The bag shattered and opened a hole, but the next moment, flying bags fell one after another.

Here, all nine flying water wombats took action. After releasing their flying bags, they even shouted and flew towards the sudden appearance of humans.

Liu Chuhe was hit by flying bags one after another. He really couldn't see anything. He could only wave his long stick, trying to break these flying bags as soon as possible.

At the same time, there were countless attacks falling on him.

I was beaten, and I didn’t even know who was beaten or how.

He finally understood why so many people liked to put a bag on someone in the dark and then beat them.

When he finally broke free, he found that he had been surrounded by flying water wombats.

According to human classification, flying water wombats should belong to mages. Unlike human mages, they also have sharp teeth and sharp claws!

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, bursts of sound came out. In the distance, Shen Zhaodi quickly took action at the edge. After killing several strange beasts, she finally attracted the attention of all the strange beasts.

All the strange beasts in this area fell into riots.

How does it feel to have hundreds of strange beasts chasing one person at the same time?

But there was no trace of panic on Shen Zhaodi's face. She used her speed and body skills to constantly shuttle among the groups of alien beasts. Wherever she passed, the alien beasts either fell down or were injured.

"My chain skill is my chain skill. If I absorb the colorful phoenix and the crow, I can be so elegant! At the Galaxy level, I must absorb a hidden chain skill that increases agility!"

Liu Chuhe no longer looked at Shen Zhaodi, but turned to stare at the flying water wombats in front of him, holding a long stick in both hands and sweeping forward vigorously.

The long stick swept across, like an extremely powerful ferocious tiger beast, waving its long tail and sweeping forward.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and the weeds on the ground were blown in one direction by the strong wind. The stems and leaves of some grasses were even swept away by the strong wind and flew up with the wind.

The blow of the stick was so powerful that it was like a mace, sweeping across thousands of armies.

The fifth form of the Winged Tiger Stick Technique—sweeping thousands of armies!

The stick swept across and hit the first flying water wombat heavily. The strong impact hit the flying water wombat and instantly knocked the flying water wombat back a step. The long stick weakened slightly and continued to move towards The next flying water wombat hit him.

The Winged Tiger Stick Technique is not just as simple as a stick technique, it also has to be combined with a specific source of energy movement method to exert its power.

In fact, the earliest ancient martial arts, the earliest national martial arts, and those boxing techniques also had to be coordinated with the breathing method. Now that there is Origin Qi in this era of big genes, it is equivalent to the Origin Qi replacing the breathing method.

If in the past, he attacked randomly, although the attack contained Origin Qi, it was running randomly and the power was definitely not as strong as it is now.

With one sweep of the stick, three flying water wombats were directly hit.

Liu Chuhe twisted his waist back to his hips and took advantage of the situation to withdraw his long stick.

Although most of the alien beasts chased Shen Zhaodi, there were still many alien beasts surrounding him. They were blocked by a few flying water wombats and could not attack Liu Chuhe at all. He could only roar outside. With.

Looking at the dark beasts in front of him, he thought of a poem.

Who dares to stand upright with a sword, but me, Liu Dachu!

In the outermost direction, Shen Zhaodi showed her powerful harvesting ability, constantly harvesting strange beasts one after another.

Those four-star and three-star beasts really had no resistance in front of her.

The number of alien beasts in the periphery continued to decrease. The alien beasts that besieged Liu Chuhe found that they could not reach this human being. Many alien beasts also left one after another to besiege Shen Zhaodi.

The circle around Liu Chuhe continued to shrink, but there were also some ferocious beasts that kept pushing forward. Liu Chuhe saw a lot of new faces.

That frivolous thing, what are you looking at? You want to be cheated, right?

Liu Chuhe raised his hand and waved, and a green light fell on a two-meter-long lizard beast in the periphery, with its body covered with spikes.

This strange beast was hit by Bai Zhe's poison, but it happened to be unable to touch the human who attacked it. It suddenly became furious, roaring and swishing its tail wildly.

Although many of the strange beasts here have left, their numbers are still very considerable.

As it swung its tail from side to side, it immediately hit the strange beasts on the left and right sides.

Its whole body is covered with spikes, especially the spikes on its head and tail. Being hit by these spikes is not an ordinary pain.

But none of the strange beasts that were hit twice attacked it, and one even gave way to it.

"Is this thing so impressive?"

Liu Chuhe looked at this lizard.

Armored Spiny Lizard (Six-Star Alien Beast)

Chain skill:

Thorny Heavy Armor (gold quality): The outer armor is covered with thorns, giving it strong defense and a small increase in defense. When attacked, a counter-shock force will be formed, causing negligible counter-shock damage.

Invulnerable (gold quality): Under its outer armor, there is a stronger inner shell, which increases the defense by a small amount (-).

Copper Skin and Iron Bone (gold quality): The skin under its carapace is equally tough, and its bones are also tough, increasing its defense by a small amount (-).

Six-star alien beast!

The point is, this thing is just a giant turtle shell. Who can impress it?

Shen Zhaodi, even if this girl kills all the strange beasts, she might not be able to kill them in a duel.

Other strange beasts are called polygons, multi-tailed beasts, etc. Good guy, you just call them Duo Jia. All three chain skills increase defense. This is nothing more than Duo Jia!

What did your ancestors think? With such a defensive chain skill, I, Liu Chuhe, have never seen such a weird beast like you in the past six months of my travels!

However, you showed up just in time, and I just used you as a test subject to test the power of the sky-shattering strike.

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