Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 187 Why Are There Two People Missing?

"What are these beads used for?"

Liu Chuhe raised the bead. There was a sun in this world, but the light was very dim. He had to lift the bead to look at the sun. But I can't see anything special.

"This thing is definitely not ordinary. Let's put it away first."

Liu Chuhe put the bone bead into his backpack and continued walking forward.

About half an hour later, he saw a hill again. At the bottom of the hill, a group of skeleton beasts gathered.

"It is also a combination of skeleton slaves, skeleton soldiers, skeleton shield soldiers, skeleton waiters and skeleton captains, but the weapon used by this skeleton captain is not a bone knife, but a huge bone sword.

And this quantity, why are there so many?

There were almost as many skeleton slaves as the previous teams encountered, but the number of skeleton soldiers and skeleton shield soldiers was significantly higher.

There are also these skeleton waiters, these are nineteen skeleton waiters.

Could it be that those skeletons that escaped before came here and took refuge with this skeleton captain? "

Although there were more skeletons here, there were also more skeleton waiters here. He quickly rushed forward and started fighting with these skeletons.

In order to prevent the skeleton centurion from escaping after a while, he kept the skeleton centurion alive and did not kill him.

This skeleton centurion uses a long stick. Although it is just a skeleton, the stick technique of this skeleton centurion is even more exquisite than his.

He was even immersed in the battle with this skeleton centurion.

He waited until he could hold on no longer, then killed the skeleton centurion, and the remaining skeletons fled away.

Liu Chuhe just kept killing him all the way.

He found that the number of skeletons gathered in every place was the same. There should be one hundred skeleton beasts at the beginning, but he kept killing like this because some of the beasts that had escaped before would find their way to the next place where the beasts gathered, so the result was As a result, there are more and more skeletons behind.

And everywhere, there will be a special bone bead. They are the same size, but have different degrees of transparency.


Since the Master of Justice arranged a match in Arena No. 1, all remaining matches were arranged in Arena No. 1.

The live broadcast of Arena No. 1 is still in charge of Director Zhang Hehe and Fan Fan. Director Zhang has now fully transformed into the No. 1 Shen Biao.

He blew it for a whole day.

That's right, even on one day, even if there was no match with Shen Zhaodi, he was playing Shen Zhaodi. However, the arena they were responsible for live broadcasting still had the highest ratings, and the audience liked to hear him play Shen Zhaodi.

"Four people? What's wrong with four people? With Shen Zhaodi here, five more people are needed? Let me tell you, her three teammates are all redundant."

"Shen Zhaodi was killed alone!"

"Let's look at this team, which is also from the city's No. 2 Middle School. They lost and stopped in the top 64.

Why did they lose? It's because their assassins are too weak. If it were Shen Zhaodi, he could kill everything by himself. "

Since the start of the promotion competition, Ding Zizi has developed a habit of watching the matches of their Justice Division alone when she gets home at night. She can be said to be the most laid-back person in the team.

No matter how unreliable the fat guy Liu Chuhe is, no one can deny that the fat guy is too fleshy, and the fat guy can still play a role at critical moments.

The weakest ones are her and Sun Shengnan, but Sun Shengnan's chain skills are all control chain skills. During the battle, she can also help Shen Sheng's thigh control.

What about her?

She is a violent mage, and her damage output is ruthless. The problem is, she is not needed to deal damage. Shen Zhaodi alone is enough.

She has always had the least presence in the team.

But when she compared it with the teams from other schools, she discovered that she was just as good.

When she came back this evening, she had to listen to the explanation and hear how others praised her, but after hearing this, she was completely depressed.

"What do you mean we are useless?"

"What do you mean by waiting for someone? I have a name too, right?"

"What's the crackdown on? This kind of person should be fired!"

"Is it so easy for me? I'm a mage, and I'm chased everywhere. In this cracking talk, I've become a mascot!"

After all, they were four people. In today's last game to advance to the top sixty-four, the opponent's team was actually pretty good. Shen Zhaodi went up to deal with the opponent's mage and assassin, but their assassins and warriors came over to hunt them down.

What can they do if there is one less person? We can only run!

Apart from anything else, Sun Shengnan's long legs would be a pity not to ride a tricycle. She was so fast when she ran, but she was so miserable when being chased.

"I shouldn't have watched the replay. I might as well learn from that guy Liu Chuhe and not even go there!" Ding Zizi shut her phone fiercely.

Not far from the Strengthening Masters Guild, Shen Zhaodi frantically dialed Liu Chuhe's phone number.

"Unable to connect! This bastard, he keeps saying that I eat alone, and now he has taken away the space ring and the key of space and ran to eat alone! You want to break through, I am about to break through!"

I have no choice but to wait. I don’t know how long it will take, so I can only find a place to practice by myself!

The night passed unconsciously.

Today, the promotion competition is on its fifth day.

Today, the promotion competition will include the top 64, the top 32, and the final top 16!

Due to the entrance competition, all major high schools in Huangsang City are on holiday.

At this time, the gate of Huangsang City No. 2 Middle School was open. Inside the school gate, several important teachers from the third grade of high school, including Principal Ding, gathered here. Opposite them, the No. 2 Middle School was participating in the entrance competition today. team.

There is a tradition in Huangsang No. 2 Middle School. Before every Sixty-four Tournament, the principal will gather the students together and then go to the martial arts competition hall together.

Last year, four teams from Huangsang No. 2 Middle School entered the top 64 in the city.

This year, there are still four teams.

The four teams are already among the top high schools in the city.

The main reason is that more than 20 of the 64 teams are from Yunhai Middle School. The remaining schools generally only have one or two teams that can enter the top 64. There are even some schools that have no team that can enter the top 64. .

Principal Ding looked at the students in front of him and felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

He no longer knows how many children he has sent away. Three years have passed in a blink of an eye. These children who were not even geneticists when they entered school have all become geneticists in the blink of an eye. They have even entered the Galaxy level and are about to enter the The gate of Wuhan University.

"Everyone..." Principal Ding spoke out of habit and wanted to say that everyone was here, but after only three words, his throat seemed to be stuck by something, and the rest of his words were stopped.

There were a total of four teams with twenty people. It could be seen at a glance that the number of people was wrong, because he did not see a particularly conspicuous fat man and a particularly conspicuous thin man.

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