Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 188 You Are Not Doing It For School

Principal Ding turned to look at Jia Taiping.

As soon as Jia Taiping arrived, he found that the two sluts in his class had not appeared again. He quickly walked up to Ding Zizi and the three girls and asked: "Where are Shen Zhaodi and Liu Chu? They don't know that they will be gathering at school today. ?"

"I don't know." Sun Shengnan shook his head gently.

"What? They don't even know this?"

Jia Taiping was really tired. He thought that the promotion competition had already started and those two guys were going to the Martial Arts University. He could finally relax. Who knew that these two guys were not even worried about participating in the promotion competition, especially It's that bastard Liu Chuhe. He didn't participate in yesterday's game.

He really wanted to drag Liu Chuhe to his face and ask him if he was used to skipping classes and skipping the entrance exams!

Seeing Teacher Jia's expression, Sun Shengnan quickly said, "I don't know if they know they are coming to gather."

As she was talking, Ding Zizi suddenly looked at her phone and said, "Shen Zhaodi responded to the message. She said she didn't have time to come over. She went directly to the competition hall to find us."

"Those two guys have absolutely no discipline."

Jia Taiping gritted his teeth, and when they met, he must teach Liu Chuhe well. No need to ask, the two of them must have gone out together again last night, and they had just returned from the overlapping space.

"Okay, if you don't come, you don't come. It's not mandatory to come and gather." Principal Ding interrupted Jia Taiping with a smile. Is it okay not to interrupt? Let him go on, he won't finish in half an hour.


Principal Ding coughed, and after everyone's attention fell on him, he said: "Everyone has already entered the top sixty-four. I asked everyone to come, not to tell everyone, but to perform well for everyone. Things like bringing glory to the school.

School is a place for teaching and educating people. Seeing you grow is our greatest achievement. "

Principal Ding paused slightly before continuing: "The reason why everyone is gathering today is because according to past practice, during the top 32 competition, some teachers from Wuhan University will return to various cities to watch. Entrance competition to select students.

I know that many of you students will be particularly concerned about your performance today. Because this is related to whether you can enter Wuhan University, and some students may even take risks during the competition to do things that they usually dare not do.

In fact, there is no need to take it so seriously. Everyone should calm down and just treat it as an intra-school competition.

As long as you perform normally and show your due strength, you will be the best self-expression.

Don't think that this is not conspicuous enough. Many students want to show their best during the top 32 competition, but they will perform abnormally and make mistakes.

Such a comparison naturally shows how outstanding you are when you perform normally.

Your old principal has been a principal for many years and has sent away countless batches of students. Apart from other things, don’t you still trust your principal in terms of experience? Just function normally.

Don’t be so serious..."

Principal Ding constantly relieves everyone's stress. The reason why he made this rule and asked everyone to gather has only one purpose, which is to relieve everyone's stress.

As for the two guys who didn't arrive, they don't need to decompress.

Especially Liu Chuhe, who is not participating in the competition, needs to reduce some pressure.

Principal Ding didn't say too much. Talking too much would put pressure on the students, and soon everyone set off.

All students are on the same school bus, and there is no teacher on the bus, giving the students maximum freedom.

As soon as they got into the car, the conversation among the students naturally turned to the college entrance examination.

In the car, a girl holding two long swords said worriedly: "I don't know which school's team we will encounter in the 64-32 match."

"The rules of the promotion competition are to avoid the principle of being in the same school, so there is a high probability that you will meet someone from Yunhai Middle School." A man from another team on the side said, "It would be okay if we meet a weaker team, but if we meet someone A strong team will be miserable.”

"Actually, being eliminated is not the end of the world." Song Xingyou analyzed, "As Principal Ding said, we have a total of forty-four places in Huangsang City to participate in the provincial entrance competition.

The top 32 teams can directly qualify for the provincial college entrance examination. The remaining 12 places are competed by the 32 eliminated teams from the top 64 teams. If you are lucky, you can qualify in one more round. If you are not lucky, Okay, two more rounds. "

"We can only think this way, but Song Xingyou, you don't have to worry about this problem at all. There are three Galaxy-level players in your team. There is no way they will be eliminated now."

Song Xingyou waved his hand and said, "Don't be careless. There are many masters hiding in the entrance competition. When it comes to stability, Ding Zizi and her team are the most stable."

As he said that, he turned to look at Ding Zizi and the others.

He really envied Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan.

Although their team had three Galaxy-level players, he felt that their combat power was far inferior to Ding Zizi's team. Shen Zhaodi was really too strong.

He participated in the promotion competition himself, so he would naturally watch the competitions in the promotion competition. Among them, he was defeated in the Master of Justice competition.

In the promotion competition, there were still some assassins who broke through to the Galaxy level, but Shen Zhaodi was obviously better than the other assassins. When he watched Shen Zhaodi's competition, he even had the illusion that Shen Zhaodi was already in the middle of the Galaxy level.

Also on the road to the martial arts competition hall, Shen Zhaodi was driving the borrowed motorcycle speeding all the way.

Suddenly, when the motorcycle passed by a 4S store, the motorcycle paused, and Shen Zhaodi turned her head to look at the 4S store on the side.

"Forget it, let's wait until the fat man comes back before choosing the gene chain."

She broke through!

After fighting all night last night, she finally broke through to the mid-Galaxy level this morning.

In the middle stage of the galaxy, her carrying capacity has increased again, and she can absorb another gene chain. Just thinking about Liu Chuhe's incredible luck, she thought it would be better to wait until the fat man helped her choose the gene chain.

As for the next game? It's just that one chain skill is missing. Will there be any impact?

She quickly found a place to park her motorcycle and walked quickly to the entrance to the participating students. Ding Zizi and others were already waiting here. Not only them, but also several other teams from the No. 2 Middle School, as well as Principal Ding Jia Peace awaits here.

"Where is Liu Chu?" Jia Taiping couldn't help asking when he saw Shen Zhaodi alone.

"I don't know." Shen Zhaodi became angry when she heard the words Liu Chuhe. You are looking for him, but I still want to look for him.

"You don't know either? Aren't you two always together?" Jia Taiping didn't believe it. Who are you fooling here? Don't you know where the fat man is?

Shen Zhaodi turned her head and ignored Jia Taiping. If she couldn't beat him, she would definitely beat him to the ground. What do you mean by this? Will you force me to form a CP?

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