Ding Zizi was panicked when she heard that Liu Chuhe didn't come. She was not afraid that the team would not be able to enter the top 32. Just like what Zhang Hehe said, Shen Zhaodi was so powerful that she didn't need teammates. She could enter by herself. Thirty-two strong.

What she was afraid of was that she would be chased all over the place again.

Since Ding Zizi and the others came to the martial arts competition hall with the school, Ding Zhengcheng and other parents went directly into the VIP private room he booked.

In the private room, fruits and snacks are all available, and there are also three-dimensional projection screens for them to see some details through the screen projection. The private room can even automatically adjust the external volume. You can choose to watch the game more quietly, and You can choose to turn up a certain volume, listen to the shouts outside, and feel the atmosphere of the stadium.

Although not all of their parents had the eagle eye chain skill, they quickly locked the location of their children through the screen projection. At this sight, several people were startled.

"No, it's still four people?"

Mother Ding looked at the four girls gathered together and didn't know what to say. The first game today was the match between sixty-four and thirty-two. If she lost, she would not even be qualified to enter the provincial competition.

That Liu Chuhe hasn't shown up yet, can he be a little more unreliable!

And Shen Zhaodi, why do you look so tired? Today's game is completely counting on you. How can you be reassuring in this state?

At first, I thought that my precious daughter had joined a very powerful team, and I was very happy. However, after getting in touch with it, I realized that I was wrong.

Each of these teammates of my precious girl is more abnormal than the last.

How can a normal student go out for the first time and not go home until midnight?

Can a normal student not participate in the college entrance examination?

Today, the Master of Justice is the first to appear.

The live broadcast picture is still divided into two parts, one part is the righteous master with only four people, and the other part is the five people who are in high spirits.

"There are only four Masters of Justice?"

"Originally, we thought we would definitely lose when we met this team. But now, there are only four of them, and our chance has come! They have a Galaxy class, and we also have a Galaxy class."

"Captain, you are also at the Galaxy level. You are responsible for entangling Shen Zhaodi. As long as she is entangled for a while, the four of us will use our strength to kill the three crispy ones in seconds. In the end, the five of us are afraid that we can't beat Shen Zhaodi alone?"

"Our chance has come!"

They were all so excited that they could hardly close their mouths. This was simply a good thing, but soon they learned that pie would indeed fall from the sky, but this pie might be made of stone and could be made of stone. Knocking people unconscious.

They lost miserably, and were almost killed by Shen Zhaodi alone.

In Studio 1, today's guest Zhang Hehe, Director Zhang, was excited again: "What did I say? What did I say? Four people don't matter, one Shen Zhaodi can kill everything."

Today is another happy day doing Shenqiu.

In the VIP room, all the parents were relieved one by one. As long as they can enter the top 32, they will be qualified to enter the provincial competition. In the remaining games, it doesn't matter even if you lose, of course it would be better if you win.

And then, Wu Xiaoxiao became the most popular person in the private room.

A group of parents poured drinks and peeled oranges.

There is no way, who makes my sister so powerful? In the remaining thirty-two rounds, the Just Master won again, with Shen Zhaodi still leading the way.

Shen Zhaodi also relied on her performance to completely become the number one celebrity in Huangsang City!

The competition is still in progress, but Shen Zhaodi has been blasting the news in major portal news, forums where college students gather, and short videos.

"Blow it up!"

"What kind of magical teammate is this!"

"Give me four teammates like this, and my mother will no longer worry that I won't win first place!"

"Do you still have any questions about who is Huang Sang's number one high school student?"

"I'm at the scene. When today's competition just started, teachers from thirteen martial arts universities were here to watch the game. Now it has increased to twenty-four. Teachers from all the martial arts universities are asking for Shen Zhaodi's information."

"What do you mean by asking for information? Those teachers are crazy!"

"No matter how crazy they are, it's useless. These are some third-rate martial arts universities. How can Shen Zhaodi like them?"

The game goes on one by one.

Because the eliminated loser group match will be held in the afternoon to select the remaining twelve participating places, the top 16 matches will be completed this morning.

In the VIP room, Ding Zhengcheng put down the phone with a strange expression, looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry, Zizi's cousin and some of her classmates want to watch the game. I'll go out to pick them up."

"Ding Liyue is back? She didn't go home and came here directly?" Ding's mother paused while peeling oranges, with a strange look on her face.

Ding Zizi had previously asked her classmate to send a bottle of S-class auxiliary potion suitable for Juyuan class, but just after saying that, she called again and said that something had happened and the potion could not be delivered.

She didn't mean to treat a gentleman with a villain's heart, but could this be such a coincidence? They just said they were going to deliver it, and then the medicine they wanted to deliver was intercepted and couldn't be delivered?

She is not someone who takes advantage of others, and she doesn't like to owe favors. If it is something else, she will definitely not accept it.

After all, it was Ding Liyue's classmate who gave the gift, not Ding Liyue.

It's just that this time's thing was too important to her daughter, so she didn't refuse.

However, at the same time, she also thought about how to give the other person a gift in return. In order to get something of equal value, she spent a lot of effort and made a lot of favors.

As a result, I didn't say goodbye.

"From what she said, she and her classmates came back with her teacher. Her teacher is responsible for the enrollment in our Qilu Province. She and her classmates came to our Huangsang City to make a front stop to see if there are any good seeds."

Ding Zhengcheng explained, greeted everyone, and left in a hurry.

Mother Ding became even more puzzled: "That's not right. Her school recruits students directly from the provincial capital. There is no need to find students in Huangsang City."

On the side, Han Xinnian's mother heard the sound and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Which martial arts university is Ding Zizi's sister?"

Several other parents in the surrounding area also looked over. This was related to the future of their children. If one more martial arts university comes to inspect, maybe there will be one more choice.

Especially if Sister Ding Zizi's teacher comes to take charge of the inspection, she can also gain some connections.

Although the person responsible for the inspection is not the real decision-maker, after selecting the student, the student's information and battle records must be sent to the school.

Unless they are the top leaders of that school, who have the right to make direct decisions, the other inspection teachers are equivalent to scouts.

But in any case, this is also a relationship, and it is better to recommend it than not to recommend it at all.

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