Listening to the words of the parents of her daughter's teammates, Ding's mother sighed softly and said, "I am from Yuzhou Wuhan University."

"Yuzhou Wuhan University."

"Good school."

Everyone couldn't help but praise when they heard this, but they felt disappointed in their hearts. Their children were going to be admitted to the martial arts university, so they naturally wanted to learn about each martial arts university.

Looking at all the martial arts universities in the country, which martial arts university belongs to which class, and which martial arts university is good at training what kind of students, they, the parents, know better than their own children.

Although Yuzhou Wuhan University's performance has been declining over the years, it can still be called a first-class Wuhan University.

Among the five students of the Teacher of Justice, I am afraid that only Shen Zhaodi can be said to be fully confident of being admitted to Yuzhou Wuhan University. It is too difficult for their children to enter a first-class martial arts university.

It didn't take long for Ding Zhengcheng to leave. After about ten minutes, the door of the room was opened again, and Ding Zhengcheng walked into the room with three people, a woman and two men.

This girl could be considered beautiful outside, but in this room...

Whether it is Ding Zizi or Han Xinnian, their looks are inherited from their mothers, especially Wu Xiaoxiao, but in terms of looks, she is immediately not enough to look at here.

As for the two men at the back, one is good-looking but a little short, and the other is tall but has a relatively ordinary appearance.

Ding Zhengcheng introduced to the crowd: "This is Zizi's cousin, Ding Liyue. These two are her teammates. They are the proud sons of the Chongqing Wuhan University."

"Uncle, you are not the proud son of heaven. We are not among them." Ding Liyue smiled and greeted everyone. Although she said so, there was a look of pride on her face that could not be concealed.

Yes, she is the pride of heaven!

Her eyes passed over everyone one by one, lingered on Wu Xiaoxiao, and finally fell on Ding Zizi's mother. She smiled and said: "Auntie, you are beautiful again. Let me introduce you to auntie."

As she spoke, she pulled the handsome man to her side and said sweetly: "This is my teammate and my boyfriend Li Jiangge."

As she said that, she pointed to the tall man beside her and said: "This Hu Chengxiao, he is also our teammate. By the way, he is also from our Qilu Province."

Hu Chengxiao smiled slightly awkwardly at Ding Zizi's mother. He promised to give S-level auxiliary potions, but in the end he failed to deliver. How could he not be embarrassed.

Ding Liyue looked at Hu Chengxiao and knew why her boyfriend's good friend was embarrassed. She quickly changed the subject and said: "Aunt, I heard from uncle that Zizi's team has advanced, right? The next one is sixteen Strong competition?”

"It's the top 16 competition. You guys are here just in time. The competition is about to begin." Ding's mother was talking, and the four figures of the Justice Master appeared on the projection screen in front of them.

Suddenly, an uproar came from outside the VIP room.

"There are still four of them!"

"Their fifth team member hasn't shown up yet!"

"This is the top 16, and you still want to rely on Shen Zhaodi alone?"

"Their fifth team member is crazy. Isn't this cheating on his teammates?"

"Something must have happened, otherwise it would be impossible not to show up at this time."

"Shen Zhaodi was deceived, otherwise with her strength, she would have been able to continue on."

"Who knows what she is thinking, she obviously has a stronger team in her ears."

"You are talking about the other team from No. 2 Middle School that entered the top 16. Unfortunately, that team met the second-seeded team from Yunhai Middle School and was eliminated."

"Actually, Shen Zhaodi should join Song Xingyou's team. There are three Galaxy-level players in that team. She and Han Xinian from their team will join that team. All five of them are Galaxy-level players. They are definitely capable of taking the first place!"

"The No. 2 Middle School is a traditional strong school. If the Justice Division is also eliminated, then no team from the No. 2 Middle School will be able to enter the quarterfinals this year."

Not only the audience at the scene, but also the viewers watching the live broadcast were either criticizing the fifth team member who did not come, or feeling sorry for Shen Zhaodi.

"The title has been decided. Zhaodi tried her best, but her teammates couldn't help her."

"The Master of Justice lost, but Zhao Di did not lose!"

"Speaking of which, the Justice Division is also unlucky. Their opponent, the All-Conquering Team, originally only had three Galaxy-level players. But yesterday, their team's assassin Wen Le'an broke through, and now they have four Galaxy-level masters."

"The opponent has four galactic levels, and Shen Zhaodi only has two. They are still missing one person, how can they fight like this!"

"If the opponent only has three Galaxy-level masters, that's one more person. With Shen Zhaodi here, I feel that the Master of Justice can fight, but the opponent has four Galaxy-level experts and there is no way to fight."

"It's a pity that there won't be any pretty girls to see in the future."

"The most cheating teammate in history has been born, that fat guy!"

At this time, no one in the audience or watching the live broadcast was optimistic about the Master of Justice. Others had more Galaxy levels and one less Master of Justice. There was no need to compare in this competition.

Fanfan looked at the data analysis in his hand and sighed: "Among the top 16 teams, the Justice Division has the fewest Galaxy Levels. They are the only team with only two Galaxy Levels, and the other teams have at least three Galaxy Levels.

Now they face four Galaxy-level opponents, and they still have one member missing. Director Zhang, what do you think of this game? "

Although she was asking Director Zhang, she also knew that the Master of Justice was about to be eliminated.

As a woman, she has been commentating on the Justice Division's games recently, and she also has feelings for the Justice Division. Deep down, she hopes that this team, which is almost all girls, can advance.

But she knew that this possibility was too low.

This time, Zhang Hehe rarely did not say hey, but said seriously: "The righteous master will win, Shen Zhaodi is invincible!"

What else could he say? Shen Zhaodi has been bragging for so many days, and even he thinks that the righteous master will lose, so he has to brag!

In the VIP room, Ding Liyue stretched out her fingers and counted them again and again: ", yes, there are four people. Why do they only have four people in their team? Where is the other person?"

Ding Zhengcheng replied in a relatively calm tone: "Their other teammate may have something to do and didn't come today."

"Is something wrong? They are participating in the promotion competition. What could be more important than the promotion competition?"

Ding Liyue heard the sound and immediately shouted with dissatisfaction: "What kind of teammate did sister Zizi find? It's outrageous not to participate in the college entrance examination!"

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