Liu Chuhe accidentally saw a gene chain on the side, and he was completely stunned as if someone had used a chain technique to immobilize him.

Cangyuan white rhinoceros gene chain (two-star alien beast)

Chain skill:

Thick (bronze quality): Has rock-like skin that can increase its own (very little +) defense.

Negative effects: Slowness: Left and right movement flexibility is affected (weakened).

Rock-piercing (bronze quality): Every time the Cangyuan white rhinoceros is excited, happy, or sad, it will run rampant and hit everything in sight with its rhino horn.

After years of impact, its rhinoceros horns have the power to penetrate rocks.

When it charges forward in a straight line and launches a strike, the attack can have incidental (very little) penetration effects.

Hidden chain skills:

Gift of Life (Bronze Quality): The Cangyuan White Rhinoceros possesses the bloodline of the Eternal Giant Rhinoceros. Although it is very thin, there are always one or two lucky ones who can inspire the bloodline of the Ancient Giant Rhinoceros in their bodies. It is a gift from God and their own vitality. Get a (small-) boost.

Comment: So meaty that he has no friends.

Liu Chuhe shook his head vigorously. Did I read that right? Cangyuan White Rhinoceros also has hidden chain skills?

Among the three main courses in high school, one course called "Foreign Objects" is dedicated to introducing various alien creatures. It also includes an introduction to the white rhinoceros. The problem is that the textbook does not say that the white rhinoceros has hidden powers. Sex chain technique.

On the other hand, the Yueyue Silver Rhinoceros, who has some blood relationship with the Cangyuan White Rhinoceros, was found to have a hidden chain skill, but it was not a gift of life, but a thick skin and thick flesh that increased defense power.

But these days, he has been looking at various gene chains and has long confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the content of his memory chain technique.

In other words, I discovered a hidden chain skill that the whole world didn't know about!

However, this hidden chain skill only increases vitality?

Hidden chain skills have very rare and special abilities.

There is nothing rare or special about this increase in vitality. There are many chain skills in the world that can increase vitality. The point is, this gift of life increases your vitality so much.

He looked at so many gene chains and discovered the patterns.

The description and wording of various chain skills in Memory Chain Skills are very different from those in the textbook. The descriptions of bronze-quality chain skills are generally very small, and some are followed by a (+) or a (-).

There are only a very few bronze chain skills that are described with the word "cut". As a man who has visited all the major gene chain 4S stores in Huangsang City, he has only seen three descriptions with "cut". Bronze quality chain skills.

On the contrary, most silver-quality chain skills are described as (cutting).

As for the word for the gift of life – a small amount.

He had never seen any silver-quality chain skills before.

A small amount of this vocabulary, memory chain skills are basically used in gold quality chain skills.

In the introduction of these chain skills, those that increase life and those that attack cannot be confused.

For example, the introduction of one chain skill is to increase a very small level of attack, and the introduction of another chain skill is to increase a very small amount of vitality. It does not mean that attacking the opponent with a chain skill that adds a small amount of attack will reduce the small amount of life added by the opponent's chain skill. All the hits were gone.

These introductions are compared in their respective fields and then given in terms of terms.

Therefore, this increase in vitality (a small amount) is really, really scary.

It is obviously a bronze-quality chain skill, but the increased vitality is equivalent to a gold-quality chain skill. How terrifying is the increased vitality of this gift of life!

He can't absorb gold-quality chain skills now.

He is not even a geneticist now.

Non-geneticists like him can only absorb bronze-quality chain skills.

Gold-quality chain skills can only be absorbed by becoming a geneticist and then breaking through to the next level of Galaxy level.

As for the Galaxy-level students - with the graduation of the senior high school students, there is not a single Galaxy-level high school student in the entire Huangsang City!

Liu Chuhe felt his heart beating wildly and uncontrollably. If he bought this gene chain, he would have a chance to obtain and absorb this hidden chain skill!

Or, give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle?

But if he misses, it will be tragic.

The main thing is poverty.

If the original owner of this body had not run away from home, he would not have fallen into this situation.

Running away from home was a stupid decision for scholars in ancient times. As for young people in today's era of big gene chains and the era of scientific explosion, this is a severe case of secondary disease.

I don’t want to run away from home for some reason. This second grade student is already qualified to enter the ICU.

When the boy entered the second grade of middle school, he gave up the ICU because his family background was very good and he had a genius fiancée since he was a child, and he himself...

People praise him and say that Chu He has been smart since he was a child and will definitely do very well in his studies in the future and become an outstanding scientific researcher.

If you don’t have the talent for cultivation, you can only become a scientific researcher.

In short, as a body owner who did not believe that he was the kind of person who would not bully young people into poverty, when the other party had no intention of breaking off the engagement, he actually left a letter of divorce and ran away from home...

What does this belong to?

Wang Bang starts the game!

But the Hanhan just used four twos and threw the two kings out, leaving only a three and a four in his hand.

Liu Chuhe was so angry after he just traveled through time and accepted this information.

Doesn’t he enjoy eating soft food?

Do you know how many people’s ultimate dream is to eat soft rice? You have hard bones, but I have soft bones. You want to eat hard rice, I want to eat soft rice, and I want to go home!

But the problem is that I can't go home now.

The second-rate host of this body said he had no ambitions and wanted to be an ordinary person, but deep down he still felt a little unwilling. After all, he was still a teenager.

This guy has some talent in knowledge. After running away from home, he has been studying how to increase the carrying capacity of his body and accommodate more chain skills.

In this world, theoretically, except for a very small number of unlucky people who are unable to absorb gene chains for unknown reasons, anyone can obtain chain skills by absorbing gene chains.

However, most people have limited carrying capacity and cannot hold more than five chain skills. Such people are considered unsuitable to be geneticists and can only be ordinary people or scientific researchers.

There has always been a group of people doing various research and wanting to change this situation.

The limit of that idiot's carrying capacity is six chain skills, and then he somehow joined it. What he joined was not an orthodox research forum, but a gathering place for lunatics, all of which were filled with various research lunatics. Anyway, They are just a group of guys who follow the evil path and do weird research.

He even joined the other party's chat group and became an active member.

Then, the biggest lunatic, the group leader claimed to have found a way to increase the carrying capacity, but he just lacked a test object, so the second-rate host volunteered.

Then, he came by himself.

Obviously, something went wrong in the experiment at that time. He was obviously killed by the experiment of the group leader. The group leader also disappeared, and then he traveled through time. After the experiment failed, he also obtained a memory chain technology. .

There are some special chain skills in this world, and there is no such thing as quality. For example, learning chain skills that increase people's cultural learning ability, such as memory chain skills for memory.

It was also because of this memory chain skill that I was able to see the hidden chain skill at a glance.

At the same time, due to the absorption of this memory chain technique, part of the host's original memory was missing. He could not remember where his home was, and he even forgot the information and appearance of his relatives, including his fiancée.

What's even more disgusting is that this guy didn't leave any clues about his family. Even his ID card was issued after he came to Huangsang City. It's impossible to check his previous information through the ID card, and we don't know how he got there. ID card issued.

After Liu Chuhe traveled through time, he posted his information on major family-seeking websites and child-seeking websites every day, hoping that relatives would see him and take him home. However, it has been two months now and no sign of his family has been seen. , leaving him speechless.

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