Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 3 The Number One Public Enemy Of 4S Stores

The steel birch gene chain Liu Chuhe had seen before was not expensive. The price of one gene chain was only fifty-six thousand yuan, which was very cheap among the two-star alien beast gene chains.

The Cangyuan white rhinoceros gene chain is cheaper than the steel birch gene chain, costing 10,000 yuan. No one has bought it yet, mainly because its link is too confusing.

Cang Yuan White Rhino's chain skill is heavy and can resist it. The problem is that this chain skill also has the negative effect of slowness!

As for rock piercing, you can't turn corners when using it!

These two chain skills are more pitiful than the other.

Basically, no one can't think of absorbing Cang Yuan White Rhino's chain skills.

Some 4S stores do not carry the Cangyuan White Rhino gene chain.

The key is that he doesn't even have the money to buy the cheapest gene chain like this.

Liu Chuhe sighed and could only comfort himself in his heart. Anyway, the genetic chain of the Cangyuan white rhinoceros was enough that no one would buy it, so he could only keep it as a spare tire.

He continued to watch the gene chain, but after looking around, in the entire 4S store, he only saw this gene chain containing the hidden chain technology.

There are too few recessive chain skills. In the past two months, he visited 4S stores in Huangsang City and only saw three gene chains with recessive chain skills. The other one was from the guard opposite. What I saw in the store was a genetic chain of the six-star alien beast Moon-Picking Ape, priced at 8,888,888.

He could only look at the price.

People also grade alien beasts based on their chain skill quality.

One-star and two-star alien beasts have bronze-quality chain skills all over their bodies.

A three-star beast with silver-quality and bronze-quality chain skills.

A four-star alien beast with silver-quality chain skills all over its body.

Five-star exotic beasts with silver-quality and gold-quality chain skills.

The six-star alien beast has gold-quality chain skills all over its body.

And so on.

"Forget it, let's eat first."

Liu Chuhe turned around and his eyes fell on a relatively unfamiliar face.

Yao Leilei had just sent the customer to the door, turned around, and saw Liu Chuhe, who was famous throughout the Huangsang City 4S store, and suddenly panicked.

It’s over, I was just busy sending customers off, and I didn’t notice this little black fat guy. What a misfortune.

Suddenly, she was so blessed that she had an idea. She pointed to the other side of the road and said: "The fresh pepper chicken cooked by the Shouyu shop across the street for lunch today, go to his house quickly."

As she said this, she secretly clenched her little fists, "I just diverted the trouble away from you. I'm so smart. Let's see who else says I'm stupid!"

Liu Chuhe nodded seriously and said: "Yes, I want to see the gene chain, the Xianjiao gene chain." Are you kidding? The first store he went to yesterday was the Shouyu 4S store. The fresh pepper chicken there Didn't he count whether it was delicious or not?


Yao Leilei was stunned for a moment and corrected herself repeatedly: "No, I'm talking about fresh pepper chicken, not the Xianjiao gene chain. There is no such gene chain. What I'm talking about is that their fresh pepper chicken is really delicious. ." As she spoke, she even stuck out her tongue and licked her lips lightly.

Why didn't Liu Chu give Yao Leilei time to react and continued to ask: "Have you eaten it?"

"Of course, when I went to apply for the job, what to eat..." Yao Leilei's face suddenly became very exciting, as if she had accidentally exposed something.

When Liu Chuhe heard the word "eat", he immediately became happy: "Do you want to take me to eat? That's fine. Let's eat first before reading."

"No, what I'm talking about is..." Yao Leilei was stunned. She seemed to be talking about food.

"Yes, that's right, it's food. Let's go. Sister Yao, you must be hungry too."

"I...I'll take you there." Yao Leilei was helpless. I just said a word and was caught. Sure enough, the seniors were right. When you see this fat little black man, you cannot say a word to him.

In the distance, each salesperson shook his head slightly.

"Still too young."

"When you meet a fat little black guy, you can't talk to him. Whatever you say will be ignored by him."

"The main reason is that he is so shameless."

Liu Chuhe followed Yao Leilei happily to the dining spot. Not to mention, the food at the Gene Chain 4S shop was really good. Mainly, many of the chefs in this world also have chain skills. What are the essence chaining techniques, taste bud chaining techniques, sweetness chaining techniques... the dishes made are really delicious.

It is said that the brother of the chef of Yingwei 4S store is the chef of Dingxiang Pavilion, the top restaurant in Huangsang City. With his fine chain skills and spicy chain skills, a piece of fish can be divided into ten layers. The first layer Slightly spicy, the second layer is slightly spicy...layer by layer, each layer has a flavor, and the taste directly explodes.

He had never eaten such delicious food in his original world.

Liu Chuhe kept chatting with Yao Leilei while eating.

"Sister Yao, do you want to eat?"

“This fish is really well done.”


"I'm full...eat quickly." Yao Leilei looked at Liu Chuhe with a helpless look at Liu Chuhe who was still stuffing food into his mouth even though he couldn't eat any more. Finally, he couldn't help but asked curiously, "Let me ask you a question. You eat and drink here at noon. What will you do at night? Are you hungry?"

Liu Chuhe took a sip of the soup, swallowed the rice in his mouth, raised his round face, and said disdainfully: "Who are you looking down on?"

"What do you mean?" Yao Leilei became more and more curious, "There are no 4S stores that provide dinner at night."

"But he can go to other places." On the side, a male salesman wearing glasses suddenly interjected, "He can go to various wedding banquets, birthday banquets, and college entrance banquets to eat and drink.

In some places, it is popular to have running water banquets. If you get married tomorrow, you will start setting them up tonight. Some second weddings also have banquets in the evening. Now is the summer vacation, and there are many banquets for entering higher education. Also, don’t forget that there is a barbecue festival. There is really no way for him to pretend to be an outsider and go to the barbecue festival to eat and drink..."

Yao Leilei immediately turned around, looked at the male salesman in surprise, and asked curiously: "Brother Zhang, how come you know so well?"

"Because he was eating and drinking, and ended up at my grandma's 80th birthday party."

"..." Yao Leilei gave a thumbs up with a look of admiration, high, really high.

While Liu Chuhe was chewing, he said vaguely: "Hey... Isn't this just because I know you? I went over to give you a compliment..."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Liu Chuhe waved his hand nonchalantly.

Yao Leilei was lost in thought. After a long time, she raised her head and looked at Liu Chuhe seriously and said, "You have somewhere to eat at noon and evening, but what about in the morning?"

She thought about it seriously for a long time, but she didn't find any place where she could have free breakfast in the morning.

"He can pack it after eating at night and save it for the next morning."



Thumbs up from everyone throughout the dining area.

An hour later, Liu Chuhe touched his round belly, stood up with difficulty, drank a bottle of mineral water, and quickly stood up and walked out.

He was in a hurry and had to go to the next 4S store.

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