Shen Zhaodi pointed at the orchids in front of her and said: "First of all, we have to sell all these orchids. With so many orchids, no one except the three major pharmaceutical companies will buy them.

We only have branches of three major pharmaceutical companies in Huangsang City. I think their store managers do not have such great rights to buy so many orchids.

I'm afraid we have to send someone from the head office, and wait until they arrive to check the Orchid Grass and pay, at least three days later. At that time, we had already participated in the provincial college entrance examination. "

"Three days? So long? What kind of efficiency is this?"

In this way, if I break through tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I still don’t have money to strengthen it?

There are three major pharmaceutical companies. The little blacksmith seems to know someone in Yuehua Pharmaceutical Company. He can easily get three bottles of S-level auxiliary pharmaceuticals. The relationship should be very strong. Ask him first.

Liu Chuhe took out his mobile phone and switched directly to his trumpet account to contact the little blacksmith in Milan.

Hexagon Warrior: "Call, call."

Just as the message was sent, the little blacksmith from Milan replied instantly: "Yes."

Hexagon Warrior: "Can we harvest the orchids that have been growing for more than two thousand years?"

Little blacksmith in Milan: "Take it, how much do you have?"

Liu Chuhe was stunned for a moment, so straightforward, why do I feel that you are not a blacksmith, but you are from Yuehua Company?

You also asked me how much I had and said as if you could take them all.

He quickly replied: "How much do you want?"

Little blacksmith in Milan: "I want as much as you have."

Liu Chuhe was immediately happy. How much more do you want? Believe it or not, I'll scare you to death by typing a number.

Hexagon Warrior: "I have six hundred and sixty-eight two-thousand-year-old orchids."


He had just finished typing when his cell phone rang.

"The little blacksmith in Milan transferred 20100000000 yuan, please check."

Liu Chuhe was dumbfounded. I was wrong. It wasn't me who scared you to death, but you who scared me to death. Brother, I just told you that I have so many orchids that are two thousand years old, and you just completed the transfer.

Aren't you afraid that I'll take the money and run away?

You are really rich, more than 20 billion, transfer it in seconds! What level are you at? Do you have no restrictions on transfers?

Big brother, you will be my big brother from now on.

Shen Zhaodi saw Liu Chuhe chatting on his mobile phone and immediately looked over. Just in time to see the long string of zeros, her small mouth suddenly opened wide: "What are you?"

"It's sold." Liu Chuhe stretched out his hand and touched his head, saying with a fake look on his face, "Isn't it just a small amount of more than 20 billion? Why is it so troublesome? I have already sold it."

"No, that person hasn't seen the goods yet. In such a short period of time, he didn't have time to draft a contract before signing it. He didn't have any guarantee, so he transferred more than 20 billion to you?"

Shen Zhaodi couldn't understand at all, who was this person? This was no longer a matter of a lack of strings in the brain, but a lack of strings in the brain!

Please introduce such people to me immediately!

Liu Chuyi waved his hands indifferently and said: "It's all fur. Oh, you sent me another message. Let me see..."

Little Blacksmith from Milan: "Give me an address and a time, and someone from our company will notify someone from Mission Express to pick up the goods."

Liu Chuhe quickly replied: "Tomorrow morning at seven o'clock, at the gate of Jingtai Garden."

Things still need to be given. If people trust us so much, we can’t fool people randomly, right?

A person must be honest. I am definitely not afraid that people will come to me through linked accounts if I don’t pay.

Liu Chuhe thought for a while and added another sentence: "With Orchid Grass, can I make an S-level auxiliary medicine for the Galaxy level?"

He is about to break through. After breaking through, he will have to use galaxy-level auxiliary medicine.

Blacksmith from Milan: "There is still a shortage of palm sap, but palm sap is not as rare as orchid. With orchid, our company will increase its efforts to purchase palm sap, and we should soon be able to produce S-level auxiliary medicine suitable for Galaxy level. I’ll give you a few bottles then.”

Hexagon Warrior: "Send a few more bottles."

Little blacksmith from Milan: "No problem."

Shen Zhaodi watched the conversation between the two people and felt that her three views were somewhat subverted.

That's an S-level auxiliary potion. You're talking about it like a fat house happy water. If it weren't for the conspicuous string of zeros and zeros, she would definitely call the two of them Huang Sang No. 1 Blower.


She lightly touched Liu Chuhe's arm and asked in a low voice, "Who is this little blacksmith?"

"The senior management of Yuehua Pharmaceutical Group, the highest one."

Liu Chuhe said and pointed to the roof. If you ask me who he is, I don't know who he is. Anyway, just blow hard.

Haven't you noticed that Shen Dayong's attitude has changed? In the past, could this girl touch herself so gently? Not shocked yet.

"The highest level? So, that potion is very reliable?"

Liu Chuhe lay back and leaned against Shen Zhaodi's bedside. He pointed his finger at the space ring with an extremely domineering tone and said, "There are several small medicine bottles inside. See what they are."

Shen Zhaodi quickly opened the space ring, and quickly dug out several small blue bottles from a pile of bread, ham, and drinks. On the bottles were written the words "S-level auxiliary medicine-Juyuan level", and Yuehua. Potion watermark.

"He gave it to me? Four bottles at a time!"

Shen Zhaodi looked back at Liu Chuhe, the smile on her face became even wider, and she said very gently: "Then, when the Galaxy-class S-class auxiliary potion comes, give me a bottle."

Liu Chuhe stretched out and shook his shoulders slightly: "Hey... you said I don't know what happened in the past two days. Maybe the other-dimensional space is too cold and cold, and my shoulders are a little painful."

Shen Zhaodi very wisely stretched out her little hand and kneaded Liu Chuhe's shoulder. Isn't it just a shoulder squeeze? I'll endure it, and when I get the S-level auxiliary potion, I'll let you pinch my feet!

Liu Chuhe closed his eyes and only enjoyed the massage for about ten minutes. It wasn't that Shen Zhaodi didn't massage him anymore, but Wu Xiaoxiao had already prepared the meal.

Not long after, several people were having dinner, but you were looking at me, and I was looking at you, without saying a word.

Shen Zhaodi finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "It's getting late. There is a game tomorrow. Can you go back and rest early?"

Liu Chuhe nodded: "Yes, it's getting late. There is a game tomorrow. I have been fighting for the past two days without rest. I am really sleepy and tired. I can't do it anymore. The more I talk, the more I feel sleepy."

As he said that, he yawned: "It's a long way back. Tomorrow is the quarter-finals. What if I oversleep? I'd better sleep here."

"What did you say!" Shen Zhaodi's eyes widened suddenly, staring at Liu Chuhe. Liu Chuhe felt that if this girl hadn't been begging him to get S-level auxiliary potions for the time being, it would definitely have been more than just staring. The dagger It's been taken out long ago.

"Keep your voice down." Wu Xiaoxiao glared at Shen Zhaodi. "Master Liu has been tired for so many days, and it's so late today. Don't let him bother you anymore. Just stay."

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