Liu Chuhe looked at the sensible Wu Xiaoxiao and nodded crazily in his heart. Look, two sisters who are also living together, why are they so enlightened?

Shen Dayong looked at your sister, and then at you. You are too small, and you need to be broad-minded.

Shen Zhaodi was so angry, sister, do you know why the fat man stayed? He was not pure in mind. I was worried about you. It would be better for you to keep him.

What else could she do? She was also very desperate. It was her sister who had the final say in this family.

She now understands why Liu Chuhe left his address just now, so why did he leave it at her home?

"Since sister said it, you can stay." Shen Zhaodi pointed at the sofa angrily and said, "You sleep on the sofa."

"Sofa?" Liu Chuhe pointed at himself: "With my figure, you let me sleep on the sofa? Do you have a grudge against your sofa?"

"What? You still want to sleep in there?" Shen Zhaodi pointed to her room and said with a strange smile, "How about we sleep in there?"

As she said that, she accidentally revealed the dagger she had hidden somewhere, and added: "However, I want to remind you, do you know that in ancient China, there was a famous person named Cao Cao?

Forget it, you didn't ask any questions, it's weird that you knew about him, search it on your phone, he and I have one thing in common. "

"Like wives?" Liu Chuhe's eyes lit up instantly. If you talk to me about this, I'll be very energetic.

"I love killing people in my dreams!" Shen Zhaodi clenched her hands and made a loud clicking sound.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Wu Xiaoxiao patted Shen Zhaodi dissatisfied, turned to look at Liu Chuhe, and said gently, "Master Liu, if you don't mind, you can sleep in my room."

"No!" Shen Zhaodi grabbed her own, raised her hand and pointed to her room and said, "Let him sleep in my place. I will sleep with my sister."

"Are you guys together?" Liu Chuhe said with a worried look, "Aren't you killing people in your dreams? This is not okay, or..."

"You, go take a shower!" Shen Zhaodi kicked Liu Chuhe towards the bathroom.

Liu Chuhe slept soundly that night.

The only pity is that he deliberately left a door open, so no one attacked him at night.

Early the next morning, the courier arrived on time and took away more than 600 orchids.

Today is the last day of the city entrance competition, and he has to participate no matter what.

I was unlucky enough not to make headlines or trending searches before, but today the champion team of each city's college entrance competition will be decided.

He didn't believe it. He finally became the champion team in Huangsang City, but could he still make the headlines in Qilu Province?

Originally, he was still thinking about how to get to the martial arts competition hall.

Their only means of transportation was the motorcycle Shen Zhaodi borrowed the night the Zhulong River space was opened.

The problem is that after adding Wu Xiaoxiao, the three of them can't even ride a motorcycle.

As a result, Ding Zizi called and said that she would take Shen Zhaodi to the martial arts competition hall.

In the Dongcheng District where Jingtai Garden is located, not to mention luxury cars, even a lot of vehicles are rarely seen at the entrance of the community.

Today, many office workers were surprised to find two luxury cars parked at the gate of the community.

"That's the latest Yanhuang I commercial vehicle. The price of this car is tens of millions."

“And two cars came at once!”

"The license plate number is six in a row. Whose car is this?"

"Two cars are parked here, waiting for someone? Since when did our community have such a big shot?"

"That kind of big shot wouldn't live in our community."

"Not necessarily. Shen Zhaodi, the most popular person in Huangsang City, is said to live in our community. Do you think you are here to pick her up?"

"Can't? She is a genius, but she is still just a student."

"Here, over there, that girl who came over, isn't that Shen Zhaodi?"

"The car door opened, and we really came to pick her up."

Liu Chuhe was sandwiched between the two women. The three of them walked out of the gate of the community together. From a distance, he saw Ding Zhengcheng coming out of the car.

He couldn't help but shook his head gently, "You old man, I always thought that as the second richest man in Huangsang City, you were quite low-key, but I didn't expect that I was wrong."

I'm just here to pick someone up. Do you need to make such a big fuss? We also arranged two cars at once. Is it necessary?

Okay, it seems necessary. There are a lot of people here. Who are they? Especially that middle-aged man, why did he feel that Old Ding was still very polite to him?

Ding Zhengcheng was originally standing by the car door. When he saw the middle-aged man walking towards Shen Zhaodi and the others, he quickly walked over. As he walked, he looked at Liu who was walking between the two women with a surprised look on his face. What's the beginning?

No, I'm here to pick up Shen Zhaodi today. Why are you here too?

You walked out of their community this early in the morning. You wouldn't have stayed here last night.

Today's young people, hey...

How enviable!

On the side, Ding Liyue looked at the three people walking together, and couldn't help but cursed in her heart, "You two men and women."

She had seen the news yesterday. Shen Zhaodi was leaving in a hurry. It was not because of something urgent at all, but because she was going on a date with this fat man!

Our teacher is here, but you are missing. Go date this pig! We were scolded by the teacher!

There was only a few dozen meters between them, walking towards the same goal, and they met soon after.

Ding Zhengcheng took the initiative and said, "Classmate Liu is here too.

Come, let me introduce to you. This person is Mr. Zhang Zhengye from Yuzhou Wuhan University, a top-notch martial arts university. This time, Mr. Zhang is responsible for the enrollment of Yuzhou Wuhan University in our Qilu Province. "

He was very polite, and all along the way, he always put the other person first.

Although he is the second richest man in Huangsang City, no matter how rich he is, he is just an ordinary person. However, the other party is a teacher at a martial arts university and a first-class martial arts university. When it comes to social status, he cannot Compared with the other party.

So yesterday, after his niece brought Zhang Zhengye to him and asked him to help meet Shen Zhaodi alone, he couldn't refuse.

Although Zhang Zhengye is a teacher at a first-class martial arts university, there is no arrogance on his face at all. He looked at Liu Chuhe very kindly and said: "This is the captain of the Justice Division, right?" , Not bad, I’m looking forward to your performance today.”

After saying that, he looked at Shen Zhaodi and took the initiative to apologize: "Student Shen, I want to apologize to you for what happened yesterday.

After I saw Student Shen's competition yesterday, I told my students that I admired Student Shen very much and wanted to meet Classmate Shen. Maybe there was a problem with their understanding, which caused problems to Student Shen.

No matter what, everything is my problem and my fault in teaching. "

As soon as he finished speaking, behind him, Ding Liyue and three others quickly stepped forward.

"Classmate Shen, I'm sorry. We were impulsive yesterday. Today, we apologize to you."

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