While Fu Jianwei was fighting the discolored cockroach in front of him, he secretly glanced at Liu Chuhe. The fat man's chain skills for absorbing healing were abnormal.

His chain skill can only heal himself, but now, he feels that his chain skill vaguely makes him want to fly out and heal the fat man.

What kind of chain skill did that fat man have?

Soon, Liu Chuhe discovered that Fu Jianwei was really a chatterbox, or a very nervous chatterbox. They were currently fighting two seven-star beasts, and that guy kept talking.

"I said, Fatty, do you really have no defensive chain skills? Aren't you a waste of treatment?"

"Fat man, why don't you step away, let me carry two of them by myself, and let your teammates heal me!"

"Beauty, stop helping that fat man. Help me first. Let's kill this discolored cockroach first."

"Fat man, you'd better stop attacking. Just defend."

"Fat man, your scraping doesn't even count. What you do is acupuncture at best, and you can't break through its defenses."

Liu Chuhe listened to Fu Jianwei's voice buzzing in his ears like a fly, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Try calling me Fatty again, believe it or not, I will knock you to death with a stick!"

"Haha..." Fu Jianwei sneered, "You are an acupuncture master. Is that a stick? Is that an embroidery needle? Knock me to death? Just give it a try..."

As he was speaking, Liu Chuhe's figure suddenly flashed to the side and appeared behind the discolored cockroach that was dyed green, and the long stick slammed down.

In an instant, the air around him seemed to be torn apart instantly.

He even had the illusion that when a stick fell, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the mountains and rivers trembled.

The speed of this stick was even more astonishing. One moment he saw Liu Chuhe take out the stick, and the next moment, the stick was already hitting the body of the discolored cockroach.

The color-changing cockroach flying in mid-air was bombarded by this stick and slapped heavily on the ground, stirring up countless grass clippings. The green light on its body also disappeared at this moment, revealing its milky white body. Look. He looked even more sluggish, with a pair of jagged mouths open, protruding from piles of green liquid.

That's its blood!


This is the normal color of a color-changing cockroach, which only appears after it is seriously injured or dead.

That fat man, with just one stick, knocked it to the point where it showed its original color!

Although the fat man had been attacking it before, the little damage he did was really not even scratching.

As for the poisonous chain skill, that's it.

The main thing is that Shen Zhaodi keeps attacking, but Shen Zhaodi is just an assassin. Facing a color-changing cockroach with life chain skills and defense chain skills, how much can she hurt it?

This stick is too scary!

Fu Jianwei was stunned.

This is still a silver-quality chain skill. If it is a gold-quality chain skill, then... wouldn't it be able to kill this discolored cockroach directly?

A color-changing cockroach, it is a seven-star alien beast, and it also has a platinum-quality life chain skill!

What kind of chain skill did this fat man perform?

The color-changing cockroaches were smashed like this by him. If he had hit himself with the stick just now, then... he might have died just from trying.

Hidden chain skill, this is definitely a hidden chain skill!

No, hidden chain skills shouldn't be so scary! This is the hidden chain skill among hidden chain skills!

Behind him, Han Xinian's cute little mouth opened wide, almost able to put her little fist inside. His eyes looked at Liu Chuhe in disbelief.

Is this Liu Chuhe?

What kind of chain skill is this?

Before, she, Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan had been curious about what kind of chain skills Liu Chuhe had obtained, but Liu Chuhe never said anything.

The current chain skill is the one obtained by Liu Chuhe when he broke through to the fifth level of Juyuan?

How can this chain skill be so strong?

No wonder they felt relieved to let Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan practice it. It turned out that Liu Chuhe had hidden such terrifying chain skills.

Liu Chuhe used the sky-shattering strike, and his whole body was extremely weak. He sat down on the ground. The original wounds on his body also cracked even wider. It means that the duration of Baizhe's poison has ended, and he He didn't have the strength to replenish the hundred-fold poison, so he could only sit on the ground and gasp for air.

On the other hand, Shen Zhaodi reacted very quickly and quickly stepped forward to stab the discolored cockroach that was also extremely weak after being bombarded with a stick.

The color-changing cockroach became timid and wanted to escape, but the human in front of it was too fast and gave it no chance to escape.

Shen Zhaodi struck one blow after another, finally killing the seriously injured discolored cockroach.

And this was already three minutes after Liu Chuhe struck the stick.

In three minutes, Liu Chuhe recovered a little. Although he had not yet broken through, he was stronger than when he had just received the sky-breaking blow, and he recovered quickly.

He raised his hand and directed another green light at another color-changing cockroach. He suddenly thought of a question.

He was so weak after using the Sky-breaking Blow, but if his body did not return to its optimal condition after causing an alien beast to be hurt three hundred times again, could he use the Sky-breaking Blow?

Fifteen minutes later, six minutes after he used the hundred-fold poison for the second time on the remaining color-changing cockroach, there was already an additional mark on the body of the remaining color-changing cockroach.

Liu Chuhe suddenly sprang out from behind and appeared in front of the color-changing cockroach. Although he had slowly recovered a bit since launching the sky-shattering strike, he did not step forward to participate in the battle but remained at the rear.

"A sky-shattering blow!"

Liu Chuhe smashed down the long stick in his hand, bringing up a gust of extremely cold wind. The wind was so strong that it blew on the ground and even plowed clear cracks on the ground.

With one blow of the stick, he felt that the blood and source energy in his body were boiling to a certain point, and all the blood vessels, muscles, and cells in his body seemed to explode completely at this moment.

This color-changing cockroach had been attacked by Shen Zhaodi and Fu Jianwei, and its injuries were already a bit serious. Then it was struck down by Po Tian with a stick, and was knocked to death with a stick.

And when Liu Chuhe dropped his stick, he fell directly to the ground. He only felt one thing now - pain!

It has been nearly a year since he came to this world. He has been practicing crazily for nearly a year, and he has no idea how many injuries he has suffered and how much pain he has experienced. He feels that he is somewhat immune to pain, but Now, he has a new understanding of the word pain.

He fell to the ground, his whole body even twitching uncontrollably due to the huge pain.

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