Han Xinnian exclaimed when he saw Liu Chuhe fall to the ground, and immediately released a healing chain skill.

Shen Zhaodi appeared next to Liu Chuhe in an instant, squatted down, and looked over with a worried look.

Soon, Han Xinian's healing chain skill came down, and the pain on Liu Chuhe's body suddenly eased a lot. He raised his hand with difficulty and gently wiped it on his forehead. The layer of sweat caused by the severe pain just now began to fade slightly. Shaked his head.

Now it is confirmed that the Sky-shattering Strike can be used continuously, but the cost of continuous use is too high.

Moreover, when it was used for the second time, the body was still as weak as after the first use, so the power of the sky-shattering strike used for the second time was far weaker than that of the first time.

Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe's weak look, stretched out her hand and tugged at the sleeve, pulled down a section of the sleeve, exposed the inner layer of the sleeve, placed it on Liu Chuhe's forehead, and wiped it gently twice.

Fu Jianwei looked at the fat man lying on the ground who was extremely weak, and then at the two women with concerned faces. He felt sour for a moment. I'm so handsome, why doesn't anyone care about me?

Why don't you heal my injuries?

"Well, you don't have to worry. He was obviously weak after using too much force. It's normal for him to be weak after using such a terrifying chain skill."

Fu Jianwei pointed at himself and said with an aggrieved look on his face: "It's me, why don't you treat my injury first?"

"You can treat it yourself." Han Xin said without thinking, but she lifted up the corner of her clothes with great concentration and used it as a fan to fan Liu Chuhe who was lying on the ground.

Liu Chuhe tried his best to raise his head, and then looked up at the sun. Well, it was Xiao He who showed the sharp corners at first, but now the sharp corners are bigger.


Shen Zhaodi, who had been wiping his sweat, suddenly clenched her fists, punched him hard on the arm and said coldly: "Okay, stop pretending."

"I'm really not feeling well now." Liu Chuhe groaned in pain.

Fu Jianwei is completely upset. Can you treat me as a human being? Why don't you find other places to flirt with me?

Forget it, out of sight, out of mind, I'll go study the gene chain.

He turned around and walked to the body of a discolored cockroach, squatted down, and groped while muttering to himself: "How should I extract the gene chain of this thing? There are too few of them, and I can't find it. How to extract the gene chain?" data of.

Let me think about it, it is a cockroach, and the gene chain extraction method should be similar to that of other cockroaches, I can..."

"No, you can't. You don't know how to extract gene chains. Don't mess with it." Liu Chuhe suddenly became anxious when he heard Fu Jianwei talking to himself. The enhancement of my two chain skills requires the genes of the color-changing cockroach. Chain, you destroyed the gene chain by random extraction, I will really knock you to death!

"I don't know how to extract it, can you? We don't know how to extract its gene chain, why not let me study it." Fu Jianwei didn't like the fat man. Do these little high school students understand why? I am an academic genius!

"How come I can't do it anymore?" Liu Chuhe looked to both sides and said, "Help me up."

Although Shen Zhaodi still had a cold face on the side, she still stepped forward to help him up and walked quickly to the body of the discolored cockroach that Fu Jianwei was studying.

With the help of Shen Zhaodi, Liu Chuhe squatted down and raised his hand to touch the discolored cockroach. The next moment, his face changed greatly and he shouted: "I told you not to touch, don't touch, but you didn't listen. This discolored cockroach The cockroach's genetic chain has been destroyed by you and cannot be extracted."

The genetic chain of the color-changing cockroach was indeed destroyed, but it was not destroyed by Fu Jianwei. It was destroyed during the previous battle.

Fu Jianwei was startled by the sudden shouting. He instinctively retracted his hand, then reacted and shouted: "What do you mean I destroyed it? I just put my hand on it. I haven't started researching yet, so why did I destroy it?" , don’t spit on people here.”

Liu Chuhe said seriously: "You know how to use a slingshot, but you can't even put your hand on it. The temperature of your palm does not match the temperature of the corpse. This genetic chain...

Forget it, tell you, you don’t understand either, let’s go see another one. "

With the help of Shen Zhaodi, Liu Chuhe quickly walked to the body of another discolored cockroach and squatted down to start inspecting it.


The gene of this color-changing cockroach has not been destroyed and can be extracted!

This is a seven-star alien beast. Logically speaking, they killed it with the help of several galaxy-level and Juyuan-level beasts. They should have destroyed the opponent's genes greatly during the battle, but the result was that they were able to extract it.

Thinking again about those spiny lizards back then, the chances of extracting gene chains were far higher than normal.

It seems that after using the Sky-breaking Strike to kill the alien beast, the chance of extracting the gene chain is higher than normal.

Liu Chuhe thought as he began to extract the gene chain of this color-changing cockroach.

Fu Jianwei felt that his IQ had been greatly insulted: "Do you think I am a fool? I have never heard of this saying that the temperature of the palm affects the extraction of the gene chain.

No, I said you don’t understand anything, so don’t move! If you ask me to do it, I might do some research and extract its gene chain. What if you destroy the gene? You... are quite presentable. "

Fu Jianwei was a little stunned as he spoke. The fat man in his sight had already begun to extract the gene chain. Although the technique was a bit unfamiliar, the step-by-step extraction seemed to be quite normal.

After a few minutes.

Liu Chuhe extracted the gene chain of the color-changing cockroach and put it into a gene bottle, then handed it to Shen Zhaodi and said, "Put it away. This gene chain should be quite expensive."

Fu Jianwei seemed to have been cast a restraining spell. He looked at Liu Chuhe dumbfounded: "You...you really know how to extract the gene chain of a color-changing cockroach. How could you do this? There are so few such strange beasts."

"You don't care why I do it, I just do it anyway." Liu Chuhe directly rewarded Fu Jian with the back of his head.

Fu Jianwei didn't look angry at all. He even showed a look of admiration on his face and praised: "Amazing, really amazing. Such a young man can extract the gene chain of a color-changing cockroach. What is the principle of its extraction?"

Liu Chuhe slowly turned his head: "Are you testing me or do you want to learn?"

Fu Jianwei quickly said: "I want to learn, I want to learn."

"Don't teach."

As Liu Chuhe said something, he suddenly thought of something. This Fu Jianwei should be "I am the Archmage". I remember that when he first joined the group, he was studying the problem of repairing the gene chain of alien beasts. This guy should be very interested in various technologies and experiments for extracting gene chains of alien beasts.

"No, classmate, you can't do this."

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