On the other side, after the skeleton leader withstood the blow, it was directly blasted more than fifty meters away. The ground was smashed by it to form a big crater, and the bones under it were instantly crushed into pieces. powder.

Not far away, Fu Jianwei looked at Liu Chuhe and then at the skeleton, with a look of surprise on his face. What are these?

Didn't that skeleton attack Liu Chuhe at first? Why did it suddenly turn into attacking itself?

Is it Liu Chuhe's chain skill that can silence others? He remembered that during the provincial competition, Liu Chuhe used that chain skill. The first time he used it, he detonated other people's chain skills, and then he was able to silence the opponent with a chain skill.

Now, did Liu Chuhe's chain skill detonate the skeleton's chain skill again?

But the question is, why did Liu Chuhe display his terrifying chain skill so quickly?

After the provincial competition, many people were analyzing and saying that Liu Chuhe needed to accumulate energy to use his chain skills, which required great restrictions and could not be released quickly.

But now it was Liu Chuhe who had just met the skeleton and fired that terrifying stick.

Then, Liu Chuhe himself flew backwards and flew out. What was that air wave? Chain skill?

For a time, there were countless little question marks in his mind.

"Click, click..."

A crisp sound came from the pit, and the skeleton leader slowly stood up. One of its skeleton arms had been completely broken, and there was not even a complete skeleton on the body. It looked like it would fall apart at any time.

Fu Jianwei reacted quickly and rushed towards the skeleton. The skeleton was like this, how could he still be defeated?

He quickly rushed out of the pit, jumped with both feet, and jumped into the air. The big knife in his hand slashed hard from top to bottom towards the skull's head that was jumping out of the pit.

Under him, the shadow of an extremely huge giant salamander appeared, and the green blade light gathered on the long sword.

Gold-quality chain skill—Dragon-Slaying Technique!

The sword fell directly on the head of the skeleton leader. The skull with green light already had cracks. Under this blow, the cracks suddenly became thicker. It looked like this The skull head even feels like it is about to break into two pieces.

The skeleton leader just wanted to jump out of the pit, but fell back into the pit under this blow.

At the same time, a wave of air flew out and struck Fu Jianwei's body, instantly knocking Fu Jianwei's body away.

Fu Jianwei was completely confused. This skeleton had just released this chain skill to attack Liu Chuhe. How could it be released to attack him in the blink of an eye?

In the distance, Liu Chuhe saw Fu Jianwei's movements and shouted loudly: "Don't hit its head. Its head is very hard. The heads of these skeletons are their hardest parts. You You can hit it anywhere, but don’t hit the head.”

Liu Chuhe wanted to jump up and blow Fu Jianwei's head off.

What the hell.

Don’t I know how to start?

Why didn't I hit it on the head with the sky-shattering blow just now? I was afraid that it would blow its head open and it would be difficult to extract the gene chain.

This is a strange beast with hidden chain skills. If you blow its head off, you won't be able to extract the gene chain for a while. Will you compensate me for the gene chain?

He has beaten so many skeletons in this different dimension, and he has discovered a pattern. If the skulls' heads are not smashed, the gene chain may not be extracted, but if the skulls' heads are smashed, it is absolutely impossible to extract the genes. chain.

"I know, I know."

Fu Jianwei shouted loudly, looked at the skeleton that had jumped out of the pit, raised his hand and bombarded it with a fireball.

The huge fireball hit the skeleton leader heavily, and the huge impact caused the skeleton leader who had just escaped from the pit to fall into the pit again.

The moment the fireball hit the skeleton leader, the air wave flew out again and hit Fu Jianwei's body.

Fu Jianwei's eyes suddenly widened. How could he keep releasing this chain skill?

Something seems wrong.

This chain skill seems...

Fu Jianwei had a guess in his mind. He quickly rushed into the deep pit, wielding his long knife and slashing at the skeleton leader. In order to verify his idea, he did not even defend himself, and must let his attacks go. Hit the skeleton leader.

And every time his sword hits the skeleton leader, a wave of air will fly out from the skeleton leader and bombard him.

Rebound damage!

Moreover, the harder he attacks, the stronger the rebound damage will be. This is definitely the chain skill of this skeleton.

This skeleton actually possesses an extremely rare chain skill that can counter damage!

The degree of retaliation is so strong!

Hidden chain skills!

It's not like he has never fought against people or strange beasts with chain skills that can counter damage, but the degree of counter-injury is never this strong!

This is definitely a hidden chain skill!

I just complained in my heart that Liu Chuhe's lies were too low-end. There were so many strange beasts that had awakened the hidden chain skills. When I turned around, I met an alien beast that had already awakened the hidden chain skills!

Although this skeleton was a seven-star alien beast, it was too seriously injured and could not display its due strength. For a while, Fu Jianwei even had the upper hand.

Not far away, Shen Zhaodi rushed over worriedly even though she was seriously injured after hearing the noise outside.

"No, grandma, you're like this, why are you here? Just take a rest, take a rest."

When Liu Chuhe saw Shen Zhaodi approaching, he immediately rushed towards the deep pit. He was afraid that if Shen Zhaodi really went up and fought hard, the wound would open again. Furthermore, he was also really afraid that Fu Jianwei, that bastard, would lead the skeleton army. His head was shattered.

Fortunately, Fu Jianwei did not attack the skeleton leader's head again.

With the two men joining forces, the skeleton leader's injuries became more and more serious.

Liu Chuhe looked at the skeleton leader who was still covered in the poisonous green light, and saw the mark of the sky-shattering blow appearing on the skeleton leader's body. He suddenly gritted his teeth and blasted out with a stick.

A sky-shattering blow!

He found that the probability of extracting the gene chain of the alien beast by killing the alien beast with a sky-shattering strike was higher than using ordinary attacks to kill the alien beast.

Perhaps, the sky-shattering strike is too powerful and is considered a dimensionality reduction strike? Or maybe it's because the Sky-shattering Strike is a completely real injury, so the success rate is higher?

With a sudden blow, the skeleton leader finally fell to the ground, motionless.

It is finally dead!

Liu Chuhe was lying in the deep pit, breathing heavily. He wanted to see if the skeleton leader's gene chain could be extracted, but now he barely had the strength to move, and there was no pain all over his body. Where it hurts.

Everything about Breaking the Sky is good, but the aftereffects after releasing it are too severe, especially after releasing it twice in a row.

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