Fu Jianwei immediately walked to the side of the fallen skeleton leader and started groping for it.

"What did you touch there!" Liu Chuhe suddenly became anxious. You know nothing, what did you touch? You destroyed the gene chain, can you afford the compensation?

Fu Jianwei said without looking back: "What does random touching mean? I'm studying whether its gene chain can be extracted."

Liu Chuhe spoke louder: "Do you understand?"

Fu Jianwei finally turned around after hearing Liu Chuhe's doubts: "Why don't I understand? Let me tell you, I am really proficient in extracting the gene chain of alien beasts.

The last time, the color-changing cockroach gene chain was an accident. I have not extracted it, but if you give me the opportunity and let me do more research, I will definitely be able to extract it successfully. "

"Have you seen this strange beast before?" Liu Chuhe saw that Fu Jianwei was still groping, struggling with his hands and slowly crawling towards the dead skeleton leader.

Fu Jianwei said matter-of-factly: "This is the first time I've seen it, but can I study it? After we kill this strange beast, we have to extract the gene chain."

"Who said you can't extract it? You can't extract it, can't you wait for me?" Liu Chuhe climbed to the side of the skeleton leader as he spoke.

"You? You can even extract the gene chain of this strange beast?" Fu Jianwei looked at Liu Chuhe in astonishment.

Liu Chuhe didn't pay attention to Fu Jianwei, but stretched out his hand to check with difficulty.

Can be extracted!

Liu Chuhe's eyes suddenly shone with joy. His luck was really good this time. The genetic chains of the seven-star alien beasts were well preserved. Or was it because of the sky-shattering blow?

Fu Jianwei looked at Liu Chu with surprise and asked confidently: "Can you really extract its gene chain?

This is a strange beast that has never appeared before. How did you extract it? Have you experienced it yourself, have you studied and extracted it before?

No, this is a seven-star alien beast. How could you defeat a seven-star alien beast? Then how did you extract it? "

"Nonsense, how long have I been here? I can't defeat the seven-star skeletons, nor can I defeat the one-star, two-star, and three-star ones? They are all skeleton beasts, and the extraction methods are similar. Just stay still and watch carefully while I extract them. ”

"You really know how to do that?"

Fu Jianwei finally withdrew his groping hand, looked at Liu Chuhe with a serious look on his face and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I'm telling you, this skeleton has a hidden chain skill. If you are not sure, don't Random extraction.

I have done a lot of research on extracting the gene chains of alien beasts. "

Come on, everyone knows that this strange beast has a hidden chain skill.

Girl Shen could see it before, but Fu Jianwei, a fool, could also see it. Okay, let's just call him a second fool.

Now the problem comes, the alien beast was killed by two of them.

So how to separate the gene chain after it is extracted?

This is a hidden chain skill.

If it was just him and Shen Zhaodi, everything would be easy, but what about Fu Jianwei?

They are not that familiar. Yes, Fu Jianwei helped him when he escaped before, but that cannot prove that Fu Jianwei will not have any thoughts. After all, money is attractive, especially since Shen Zhaodi has almost no fighting ability now. , he also performed two sky-shattering strikes in succession.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm not that shameless to do things like attack my teammates."

Fu Jianwei pointed at the skeleton at his feet and said, "Junior, do you particularly want this chain skill? After all, you are a meat, and this chain skill is the most suitable for you.

But, this chain skill is also suitable for me. I mainly compete in individual competitions, and the anti-injury chain skill is also suitable for me. "

To be honest, chain skills that can counter damage are very rare, let alone hidden chain skills that can counter damage, but he really doesn't particularly want it.

Hidden chain skills are indeed precious, extremely precious. The problem is that this gene chain is really not very suitable for him.

He's not a human shield or a tank. He has a hidden chain skill, so that depends on what kind of chain skill he is.

He is a warrior, what is the use of absorbing this chain skill? Want to convert into a tank? He doesn't want to be a tank, he wants to be the best warrior in the world.

Besides, Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi actually brought him here, so he won't fight for this chain skill, but he still has to get the benefits.

As soon as Liu Chuhe saw Fu Jianwei's wretched look, he knew what this kid was thinking. He said directly: "Just tell me what the conditions are."

“How about five credits?

Junior, don’t think that the senior wants more. The senior only cut it off because he saw that this chain skill is suitable for you.

To be honest, five credits are really not much. You are a loser and you have two chain skills that increase your vitality. This chain skill is perfect for you. You don’t have the defensive chain skill yet, so…”

The more Fu Jianwei talked, the more he felt that something was wrong. He originally found a random reason to prove that five credits were not enough, but the more he talked, the more he felt that this chain skill was suitable for Liu Chuhe.

Five credits, he seems to be short!

Liu Chuhe was speechless, this senior was just doing it with credits.

"Okay, five credits. But senior, we can't transfer them to you here. When we go back, you can teach me how to transfer the credits."

"No need to worry, no need to worry." Fu Jian was the only one who opened his mouth and smiled so much that his ears almost burst. Is it easy for him? He was here to protect Liu Chuhe. He had been protecting Liu Chuhe for more than two months until the beginning of school, and the teacher only gave him two credits. , there are still many people vying for scalps on this kind of thing.

As a result, five credits were obtained in the blink of an eye. Is there anything more satisfying than this?


If you can get five credits every time you encounter danger, please come to such danger every day.

He practiced, practiced, practiced first, and after a battle with the seven-star alien beasts, he felt that he was really going to break through, and he was just a little short of it!

After Liu Chuhe almost recovered, he began to carefully extract the gene chain.

After a short time, the gene chain was extracted.

Skeleton Leader Gene Chain (Seven Star Alien Beasts)

Strong Bones (Platinum quality): Increases vitality by a small amount (+).

Shield (Platinum quality): Wield a bone shield to resist small (+) damage.

Bone Spur (Gold Quality): Dash forward quickly, causing a small amount of (+) damage to the enemy.

Bone Toughness (Gold Quality): Your own strength and agility gain a small (-) increase.

Hidden chain skills:

Countershock (gold quality): After being attacked, the surrounding air will automatically vibrate, forming a countershock force, causing the enemy to suffer a certain (-) countershock damage.

[Countershock damage is related to the damage caused by the enemy to oneself. The greater the damage caused by the enemy, the stronger the force of the countershock. 】

Liu Chuhe looked back and saw Fu Jianwei who had already begun to practice. He couldn't help but complained: "No, you started practicing here. You are working too hard, but I suggest you practice somewhere else." , we just had a fight here, with such a big movement, who knows if there will be skeletons running over."

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